(Topic ID: 284929)

Pinsound Twilight Zone worth it?

By TigerLaw

3 years ago

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“Pinsound Twilight Zone worth it? ”

  • Get Pinsound for Twilight Zone 19 votes
  • The game will be less fun without original track 27 votes
  • I don’t know about this Pinsound stuff, but I like to vote in polls 24 votes

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#51 3 years ago
Quoted from dsauter:

jedimastermatt over on the TZ owners forum rdoyle1978 has a living list of the call outs. Kitzrow hasn't responded (reached out 3 days ago) but if he surfaces I will ask that as well. BTW, I reached out to the Pinsound guys to see if they wanted to contribute in some way based on the post earlier that they did something with an Arnold voice over for the T2 pin.

D’oh. Wish I’d seen that :/ Despite being a big fan of their first PinSound release, I am not interested in doing anything with those guys. They know what they did.

#52 3 years ago
Quoted from jedimastermatt:

I’d be interested contributing towards Mark. If we did move forward, we would need to get all of the call outs documented and provide examples of each so he could try to match the cadence of the originals.

Me as well. This could be great.

#53 3 years ago

Oh sorry - I’ve gotten about 10 responses, which I think is enough. I haven’t talked to Mark yet, I wanted to get all the callouts together but I think I have that now. I’m going to move this over to the TZ thread so we can keep this thread on topic.

#54 3 years ago

also. I really want to make this clear:

You don’t ask for a specific way to read lines. I am not going to ask Mark to listen to the Kitzrow callouts and try to copy them. That is super rude to a performer.

Now i know doing that would make sense in the context of the game and what we are doing, but Mark is an actor not a CNC machinist - he’s going to do his best to play it how Rod would have played it. I have no doubts whatsoever in his ability, and I guarantee everybody will be amazed.

That said, we do somewhat have to make sure the callouts still in the right timing for the game. I will negotiate with him some retakes so we have a few different inflections to choose. If the takes are good (they will be) but they aren’t timed right, I can slow them down/speed up without affecting the performance too much.

I’ll set up a session on ipDTL or Source Connect (those are like super high quality Skype connections) so we can go over the list together and he can just zip through them. Probably 2 hours tops.

#55 3 years ago
Quoted from mystman12:

Okay now that simply isn't true. The technology may not have always been top of the line but the amount of passion and detail put into the soundtracks and sound packages of classic Williams games was above and beyond what they needed to do considering that yes, most of the games ended up in noisy arcades. If you put on some headphones and listen to just about any soundtrack by one of Williams' sound designers I guarantee you'll hear details you've never noticed before.

Well, I respectfully disagree. I'm not saying all pins of all times, but the early Williams DMD games (e.g. my Getaway) where wired for mono sound, had a tiny tweeter for one of the backbox speakers, and I can only the sound files were recorded at a very low bit rate. In the 1991 I was rocking Sound Blaster 2.0 technology in my PC with 44 kHz playback, an 8-bit DAC, full-duplex MIDI, and other factors that lead to far superior sound quality than was in contemporary Williams pins (and I assume others).

#56 3 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

No please do not do that, they can’t be involved because of the PPS situation

What does PPS have to do with this? Williams' copyright is for the original recordings. I wouldn't think they would be able to claim ownership over new recordings even if the lines are the same. Unless you're referring to some other potential legal issue I'm not aware of.

#57 3 years ago
Quoted from mystman12:

What does PPS have to do with this? Williams' copyright is for the original recordings. I wouldn't think they would be able to claim ownership over new recordings even if the lines are the same. Unless you're referring to some other potential legal issue I'm not aware of.

Rick will allege it is a derivative work. Whether correct or not the mere allegation of that would lead many to seek a legal opinion and those are expensive to acquire. I really have no idea where that would end up on a property licensed by WMS like TZ...there is a reason the remakes have all been unlicensed themes that PPS has more control over rather than TAF, IJ and TZ.

#58 3 years ago

I installed a version one of a Pinsound in my TZ years ago. For the video and install I used a mix that was on the Pinsound website to download. I changed the file to a version that is a higher quality of what is in the game when Williams released it. I like the regular mix better than what is in the video.

Blog Post :

YouTube Video:

#59 3 years ago

No movement yet folks, I've been inundated with work. But things are going to happen quickly soon!

1 month later
#60 3 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

No movement yet folks, I've been inundated with work. But things are going to happen quickly soon!

Any update on this matter?

I still need to but my first pin sound. It just dropped off my radar. They have so many options for sound for a game like Doctor Who it is almost overwhelming.

#61 3 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

Any update on this matter?
I still need to but my first pin sound. It just dropped off my radar. They have so many options for sound for a game like Doctor Who it is almost overwhelming.

The 2 pins with the biggest bang for the Pinsound buck are Data East Star Wars & Williams Indiana Jones. Both have a full John Williams soundtrack that makes the games night & day. You can always pop in the old one. Somebody even did a Star Wars disco mix which is fun to play. A good third pin in Data East GNR. To be able to play any/all GNR tracks make it a sure shot for that pin

#62 3 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

Any update on this matter?
I still need to but my first pin sound. It just dropped off my radar. They have so many options for sound for a game like Doctor Who it is almost overwhelming.

Not yet, soon. Suddenly when there’s actual progress there’s been a lot of posturing of position. I just want to get this done; very appreciative of a certain actor who’s kinda putting his neck on the line.

#63 3 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

Not yet, soon. Suddenly when there’s actual progress there’s been a lot of posturing of position. I just want to get this done; very appreciative of a certain actor who’s kinda putting his neck on the line.

This guy?

ED5C5C3A-1BA9-4E6C-94E2-D798EB94685E (resized).pngED5C5C3A-1BA9-4E6C-94E2-D798EB94685E (resized).png
#64 3 years ago
Quoted from thechakapakuni:

This guy?
[quoted image]

LOL if only!

#65 3 years ago

Rudy be hatin

1 month later
#66 3 years ago

Hey Rdoyle1978 are you moving on this?

#67 3 years ago

I am just seeing this now and from day 1 of having Pinsound in my TZ I have said I wish the voice actor from Tower of Terror could do it! You could add me into your list as well!

#68 3 years ago

tagging along. I have pinsound in my Indiana Jones and love it so far!

#69 3 years ago

Following and willing to donate
Love my TZ!

1 week later
#70 3 years ago

Hey Rdoyle1978 are you still planning on heading this up?

#71 3 years ago

Made my first Pinsound purchase today, had a failure on my TAF’s sound board. Ended up buying two, one for Doctor Who as well.

I still haven’t made the plunge for either my TZ or BSD.

#72 3 years ago

My first post here as I am about to get my very first pin which happens to be a TZ. Happy to donate as I already said to Rdoyle1978 in a private message before.

I really hope this is happening.

3 weeks later
#73 3 years ago

I'm happy to chip in as well.

I have pinsound in all my games and have gone through the process of paying a voice actor (whitwater) and appreciated it when a couple of guys chipped in.

The TZ mixes need a lot of work imo, level issues across the board.

So Mr Doyle I'm in!

6 months later
#74 2 years ago

Rdoyle1978 is this still going to happen?

#75 2 years ago

Still my intention

#76 2 years ago

Well, the product doesn’t sound good on my Doctor Who - the original board was more crisp and louder - so I’m done with this product absent an absolute need like I had on TAF…which also doesn’t sound great but is better than nothing. Disappointed with this product to be honest…I expected it to be better than the 25 year old boards, not worse.

#77 2 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

Well, the product doesn’t sound good on my Doctor Who - the original board was more crisp and louder - so I’m done with this product absent an absolute need like I had on TAF…which also doesn’t sound great but is better than nothing. Disappointed with this product to be honest…I expected it to be better than the 25 year old boards, not worse.

Pinsound 1 or Pinsound Plus?

#80 2 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

Well, the product doesn’t sound good on my Doctor Who - the original board was more crisp and louder - so I’m done with this product absent an absolute need like I had on TAF…which also doesn’t sound great but is better than nothing. Disappointed with this product to be honest…I expected it to be better than the 25 year old boards, not worse.

I had the same experience on DR Who. I do like the Pinsound on TZ, IJ, BSD and most recently WW. To me it seems there must be some technique in preparing the new mixes that some are better than others.

I do have it also on LOTR and it is ok but there are some breaks.

#81 2 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

Well, the product doesn’t sound good on my Doctor Who - the original board was more crisp and louder - so I’m done with this product absent an absolute need like I had on TAF…which also doesn’t sound great but is better than nothing. Disappointed with this product to be honest…I expected it to be better than the 25 year old boards, not worse.

PinSound plus kind of sucks. Part of it is how they completely hobbled the ability to dial in treble and bass in any intuitive way. I also suspect the amplifier was swapped out with a cheaper, lower quality one. I'm not sure about that though, and I don't know what else may have been screwed it up but it absolutely does sound worse. Mine is also installed in a Doctor Who, and I can confirm it does suck. I worked on the music and 12/13 doctors mix and pulled a lot of high fidelity clips from the show, plus the music which was sourced from CDs. It sounds like ass. On my previous install on a different Doctor Who, I had an original Pinsound board and upgraded Kevlar speakers. That game sung like a bird. I'm going to upgrade the backbox speakers next time I work on that game, and we'll see - but since I'm working with a Pinsound Plus board, I don't have high expectations.

#82 2 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

PinSound plus kind of sucks. Part of it is how they completely hobbled the ability to dial in treble and bass in any intuitive way. I also suspect the amplifier was swapped out with a cheaper, lower quality one. I'm not sure about that though, and I don't know what else may have been screwed it up but it absolutely does sound worse. Mine is also installed in a Doctor Who, and I can confirm it does suck. I worked on the music and 12/13 doctors mix and pulled a lot of high fidelity clips from the show, plus the music which was sourced from CDs. It sounds like ass. On my previous install on a different Doctor Who, I had an original Pinsound board and upgraded Kevlar speakers. That game sung like a bird. I'm going to upgrade the backbox speakers next time I work on that game, and we'll see - but since I'm working with a Pinsound Plus board, I don't have high expectations.

That's why I exchanged the Plus to an original.

#83 2 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

On my previous install on a different Doctor Who, I had an original Pinsound board and upgraded Kevlar speakers. That game sung like a bird.

I should have done more research before spending on that money on two sets. Really bummed out this product isn’t what it was held out to be and actually a down step from the original boards.

#84 2 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:I should have done more research before spending on that money on two sets. Really bummed out this product isn’t what it was held out to be and actually a down step from the original boards.

Don’t beat yourself up too bad - I did the same thing. Good thing I kept my original board in my TZ, but DW (which to be fair, has some REALLY poor audio to start from) is a goner

#85 2 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

Don’t beat yourself up too bad - I did the same thing. Good thing I kept my original board in my TZ, but DW (which to be fair, has some REALLY poor audio to start from) is a goner

Yea, thanks and good point. I still have my old Doctor Who sound board but my TAF board is a goner (which is why I started down this path).

3 months later
#86 2 years ago

After being thoroughly impressed by my pinsound boards on LOTR and IJ TPA I went ahead and grabbed one for twilight zone. So far it’s a big improvement in sound quality however I am a little disappointed there aren’t more mixes with more modern sounds and callouts. Anyone aware of any that aren’t posted on pinsound website?

1 month later
#87 2 years ago


I just installed pinsound on my TZ. I thought I would be able to switch back to the original soundtrack but appears that file does not exist. Did it ever exist? I am not happy with what is available for TZ. Also appears to have been more versions of TZ mixes but can't seem to locate.

Thanks Martin

#88 2 years ago

The original can be downloaded from the pinsound website. Look under machines.

#89 2 years ago

OK, installed original TZ sound. Didn't have to wait for it to install like other packs, seemed to work instantly. Pretty much sounded fine but has hiccups. Sometimes every sound is where it's supposed to be and other times there is a delay or even no sound. Timing is off here and there. Can this be fixed?

So should it be flawless like the original sound board or is what I'm experiencing typical for a pinsound 1 board. Also seemed to have hiccups with Granner mix.

I've owned my game since 1997 and know every sound precisely and when it's supposed to happen. Don't really care about sound quality if the board can't keep up with with the game.

At this time I can hear the better quality people talk about but I can't see keeping it. When a sound doesn't happen when it should it's a total distraction. This product has been around long enough where there should be some decent mixes out there to try for TZ but at this time the original is still the best!

#92 2 years ago
Quoted from marspinball:

OK, installed original TZ sound. Didn't have to wait for it to install like other packs, seemed to work instantly. Pretty much sounded fine but has hiccups. Sometimes every sound is where it's supposed to be and other times there is a delay or even no sound. Timing is off here and there. Can this be fixed?
So should it be flawless like the original sound board or is what I'm experiencing typical for a pinsound 1 board. Also seemed to have hiccups with Granner mix.
I've owned my game since 1997 and know every sound precisely and when it's supposed to happen. Don't really care about sound quality if the board can't keep up with with the game.
At this time I can hear the better quality people talk about but I can't see keeping it. When a sound doesn't happen when it should it's a total distraction. This product has been around long enough where there should be some decent mixes out there to try for TZ but at this time the original is still the best!

What you’re experiencing sounds like a lag issue with the USB drive you used. This started appearing with the HQ mixes that use very large files such as the one for IJ, but I suppose it could be an issue for TZ as well. Highly recommend you buy a USB 2.0 drive which explicitly states it has fast data transfer.

Not all USB drives are the same. Should run you $20 or less. Even if a drive is marked USB 3.0 that doesn’t necessarily mean it is faster - the PinSound board uses a 2.0 bus so a USB 3 drive needs to explicitly support fast 2.0 which is not a guarantee. Thus my recommendation to specifically buy a fast USB 2.0 drive. Can you see why this stuff is confusing ? Lol

Also, if you don’t like the DCS mix itself, just go back to the original sound board. The other mixes are ok, but have been surpassed by other games. The TZ DCS mix is the best of the bunch but it’s not perfect

#93 2 years ago
Quoted from marspinball:

OK, installed original TZ sound. Didn't have to wait for it to install like other packs, seemed to work instantly. Pretty much sounded fine but has hiccups. Sometimes every sound is where it's supposed to be and other times there is a delay or even no sound. Timing is off here and there. Can this be fixed?
So should it be flawless like the original sound board or is what I'm experiencing typical for a pinsound 1 board. Also seemed to have hiccups with Granner mix.
I've owned my game since 1997 and know every sound precisely and when it's supposed to happen. Don't really care about sound quality if the board can't keep up with with the game.
At this time I can hear the better quality people talk about but I can't see keeping it. When a sound doesn't happen when it should it's a total distraction. This product has been around long enough where there should be some decent mixes out there to try for TZ but at this time the original is still the best!

Some of those problems are probably due to the way they ripped the sounds for the original mix. It would be great if you could contact pinsound and let them know the problems so they could fix the incorrect timing or missing sounds.

#94 2 years ago

I was using a name brand usb 3.0 drive. I can try the original USB stick the pinsound board came with. I have a drawer full of USB sticks. I will move the files over and see if it helps out of curiosity. Could not really find a well rated usb 2 stick available for sale now.

I'm leaning on going back to the original board.

Sounds like the best sound mix for any game is for IJ? If that's the case I may move it over to my IJ next for a spin but if it lags in TZ I expect similar if IJ is more complex.

1 week later
#95 1 year ago
Quoted from marspinball:

I was using a name brand usb 3.0 drive. I can try the original USB stick the pinsound board came with. I have a drawer full of USB sticks. I will move the files over and see if it helps out of curiosity. Could not really find a well rated usb 2 stick available for sale now.
I'm leaning on going back to the original board.
Sounds like the best sound mix for any game is for IJ? If that's the case I may move it over to my IJ next for a spin but if it lags in TZ I expect similar if IJ is more complex.

DO. NOT. USE. USB 3.0 drives. Find a USB 2 drive with the fastest read speed. Do not use USB 3 drives, they are not faster in a PinSound. Do not use a USB 3 drive.

#96 1 year ago

Here is my pinsound TZ

#97 1 year ago


I personally think it’s a great mod for this pin

1 month later
#98 1 year ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

The default mix is on the PinSound Community site. Yes, to quote your own phrasing: "[If] the source audio is of low-res in the first place the only way to get higher res is to find a remastering of the audio."
There's a pinsider who created absolutely THE end-all-be-all IJ mix. His name escapes me right now but it's basically the only mix you'd want, and it is ABSOLUTELY a game-changer. He painstakingly took the music from all 3 films, found the identical callouts from the films, and a bunch of other easter egg type things, and put them all into a (huge!) sound mix. He asks for a minimal donation, which is absolutely deserved given the huge amount of work (seriously, I bet it took him 200 hours). The only thing to be aware of is that because there are so many files, and in such high res, they are big, and they require a very very fast USB drive. The sounds will lag if you have just a run of the mill one. I'll try to think of his name. Perhaps somebody else can chime in with it -
EDIT: Here's a Youtube of a really really really early version.
The pinsider's name is Endprodukt. Wonderful guy -


4 months later
#99 1 year ago

I recently picked up a TZ, and considering buying a pinsouhd board. Seems like mixed reviews of a pinsound board in TZ. It looks like the Neo sound board is their latest release. Anyone have recent experience with the Neo board or pinsouhd plus.

I’m still a little confused on whether it is worth it and how much effort it will take. Do the sound packages for TZ posted still require a lot of tweaking? I’m hoping I can just install and play, don’t want to spend days tweaking the files.

I see above where marspinball wasn’t happy with the timing and delay in sounds did you ever get that resolved? Do you still have pinsouhd in your TZ or did you take it out?

I have never played with pinsouhd before so any advice for a newbie is appreciated.

Also are there any US distributors or you just buy direct?


#100 1 year ago
Quoted from kevmad:

I recently picked up a TZ, and considering buying a pinsouhd board. Seems like mixed reviews of a pinsound board in TZ. It looks like the Neo sound board is their latest release. Anyone have recent experience with the Neo board or pinsound plus.
I’m still a little confused on whether it is worth it and how much effort it will take. Do the sound packages for TZ posted still require a lot of tweaking? I’m hoping I can just install and play, don’t want to spend days tweaking the files.
I see above where marspinball wasn’t happy with the timing and delay in sounds did you ever get that resolved? Do you still have pinsouhd in your TZ or did you take it out?
I have never played with pinsouhd before so any advice for a newbie is appreciated.
Also are there any US distributors or you just buy direct?

I bought the pinsound plus kit, mainly because I was having intermittent problems with my audio suddenly blasting or not working at all. Its pretty cool, and you can make it sound just like the original. I tried out some of the pre built sound packages, but the only one that was kind of fun and different was the funky version. Fun to switch it up a little bit. The others didnt really do anything for me and some audio balance issues were there.

I had some hopes to make my own sound package with some bands I enjoyed, but I found out I dont really have the time or patience to do it to a good enough standard. It got tricky matching up audio levels or putting the right sounds in front of each other that switch out at different times in the game.

I did end up going for pinsounds upgraded speakers and shaker kit though. The speakers are great with the funk sound profile, but im not sure would add toooo much to the original sound pack. The shaker is fun and customizable but not quite as impactful on a shaker on a modern game.

I ordered everything direct. All said and done it was a pretty pricey upgrade, but theres a lot of potential there if you have the time and knowhow to tweak it out. I installed mine maybe 2 years ago and havent really checked for new sound packages lately, so cant really speak on anything that may have been added recently if there is anything.

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