(Topic ID: 31302)

Demolition Man Owners Club.... Members Only!

By Rascal_H

11 years ago

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#2117 2 years ago

Joined this fine establishment over the weekend and I am STOKED! Game is filthy (just the way I like em'!) had a ground row short (found the source), ultimately needed a new U20 (thankfully socketed), multiple broken connections and well - the usual. I've taken care of all the operational issues except one...

The cryoclaw *was* working fine initially, then developed a magnet broken error. Basically everything checks out in test, except the magnet fails both at start up and in test. I suspect another continuity fault but want to better understand how to troubleshoot this.

I'm getting what looks to be no power at the coil lugs when in test - something like .431 vdc. From what I can tell the magnet is driven off the Fliptronics II board so my next step is to look for any connection breaks between the board and the magnet. Voltages seem to be correct coming off the fliptronics II as I get 60.2 vdc @ J907-6.

I disconnected the terminals from the coil magnet and buzzed the resistance and it checked out at 92 ohms; 20+ years I have yet to run across a bad magnet so that streak continues..

Question, because I don't have the Cryo assy apart and can't really tell: Is there a stop between the Fliptronics board and the magnet?

Any of you run ever run into this? westcoastbrian are you in the Seattle area?

Sorry in advance if I am missing the obvious, really appreciate any insights or at least if I am on the right track.

Pete Hoerber - Seattle

#2119 2 years ago
Quoted from Phoerber:

Joined this fine establishment over the weekend and I am STOKED! Game is filthy (just the way I like em'!) had a ground row short (found the source), ultimately needed a new U20 (thankfully socketed), multiple broken connections and well - the usual. I've taken care of all the operational issues except one...
The cryoclaw *was* working fine initially, then developed a magnet broken error. Basically everything checks out in test, except the magnet fails both at start up and in test. I suspect another continuity fault but want to better understand how to troubleshoot this.
I'm getting what looks to be no power at the coil lugs when in test - something like .431 vdc. From what I can tell the magnet is driven off the Fliptronics II board so my next step is to look for any connection breaks between the board and the magnet. Voltages seem to be correct coming off the fliptronics II as I get 60.2 vdc @ J907-6.
I disconnected the terminals from the coil magnet and buzzed the resistance and it checked out at 92 ohms; 20+ years I have yet to run across a bad magnet so that streak continues..
Question, because I don't have the Cryo assy apart and can't really tell: Is there a stop between the Fliptronics board and the magnet?
Any of you run ever run into this? westcoastbrian are you in the Seattle area?
Sorry in advance if I am missing the obvious, really appreciate any insights or at least if I am on the right track.
Pete Hoerber - Seattle

UPDATE: So the after checking continuity being good from the board to the magnet, for gits and shiggles I decided to throw a ball in the elevator cradle and fire the game back up. On the second pass, the magnet picked the ball up and dropped it at the completion of the left arm swing. The claw kept going though and after 6 passes, called it quits and threw the magnet broken dot. So, obviously whatever indicates the magnet is good isn't registering. I'll update more as I eliminate possibilities. Any advice on taking the Cryo assy off the PF or has anyone had this issue?

#2121 2 years ago
Quoted from Phoerber:

UPDATE: So the after checking continuity being good from the board to the magnet, for gits and shiggles I decided to throw a ball in the elevator cradle and fire the game back up. On the second pass, the magnet picked the ball up and dropped it at the completion of the left arm swing. The claw kept going though and after 6 passes, called it quits and threw the magnet broken dot. So, obviously whatever indicates the magnet is good isn't registering. I'll update more as I eliminate possibilities. Any advice on taking the Cryo assy off the PF or has anyone had this issue?


Ok, the ultimate culprit was the Elevator Hold opto pair. I did take the elevator assy off (piece of cake/4 screws), with the hardest thing being getting the opto pair connector back through the playfield. What made this quite bizarre was that particular switch was error'ing intermittently, and not knowing the logic of how this mech worked made it less obvious than someone who owned the game previously. Bottom line, if you have a bad opto at SW. 74 (ELEVATOR HOLD) the game will throw a Magnet Broken error. Bottom line the magnet was fine, and now everything works as it should. I also highly recommend reflowing all the connections on the board at the bottom of the Elevator assembly. And while your at it, get rid of the Z connector.

2 months later
#2196 2 years ago
Quoted from Gorgar666:

ColorDMD & Profanity ROMS

I have a set of profanity roms as well as the home U6 CPU rom, not my cup o' tea.

$50 shipped. PM me. 9 chips total. 10% to pinside.

dm (resized).jpgdm (resized).jpg
#2198 2 years ago
Quoted from Gorgar666:

I already have them, can’t the profanity be switched off in settings?

Yes, that is true. I just went back to bone stock as a personal preference. My set is spoken for, thanks to all who responded.

3 weeks later
#2231 2 years ago

No buy-in's, 3 ball, factory settings, LX-4. Ima go take a nap now.... Sorry for the crap photo, btw.

demohs (resized).jpgdemohs (resized).jpg
#2232 2 years ago

Sensei : I never was able to find a way to use the profanity option on anything but the home free-play ROM. LX-4 does not have the vulgarity setting...

2 weeks later
#2270 2 years ago

@gorgar666, you inspired me homie to emphasize the ramp entrances - love this. Added my Pin2DMD and I swear it improved my play because I wanted to see all the animations. Aside from a tiny transition glitch in attract mode, the Pin2DMD is MONEY. trueno92 has inspired me to lite my upkickers next! Only a few more adds to the DemoMan, still waiting for my lighted buttons for the handles... A better pic for my new all-time high - 3 ball, factory settings, HOME-6 rom, no buy-in's and standard pitch. A little under an hour, with only a short break to hydrate!

dmhs (resized).jpgdmhs (resized).jpg

#2271 2 years ago
Quoted from Jkaping:

Are the profanity Roms compatible with a color dmd? I’m not sure how the color dmd gets it’s images, is it from the CPU, or pre loaded code? I noticed my profanity Roms change the danger/tilt animations… still intend to do color dmd.

Jkaping - Yes, totally compatible. Did you turn Vulgarity to "ON" in ADJ menu #2? It's the last setting.

It's actually U6 that controls game features etc.. AFAIK - The sound roms only house the code for sound and music - no effect on DMD animations.

Also, let me know if you want to go the Pin2DMD route, I may have an extra build left over that will save $$$ over color DMD. Still waiting on parts and will be on vaca until 3/11, so no rush get back to me whenever... Since you're local to me, you're welcome to check it out in person before pulling the trigger.

2 weeks later
#2310 2 years ago

Gor! What is this? 7.0???

#2312 2 years ago
Quoted from trueno92:

Sorens ver7.
As far as i know, ver2 was released then quickly pulled, ver3-6 were probably closed betas.

Thanks dude, I was on what I thought was the last page then saw the Soren post.

3 weeks later
#2369 2 years ago
Quoted from Tuxedomask23:

I just got the 7.0 ROMs and also the profanity sound. Do you need to go into the menus to activate it? I've noticed some call outs but not a lot.

Yes you have to turn "Vulgarity" ON in the Adjustments Menu.

#2377 2 years ago
Quoted from superjet:

What's your preference for the cryo-claw? I usually go capture Simon first then acmag, then freezelock, though 3 cryo-claws in a game is rare for me...

ACMAG, SIMON, LOCK, SUPER JETS, THEN Prison Break for the double AND Demo Time!

#2390 2 years ago
Quoted from allsportdvd:

Sets up a double what? I'm confused here sorry

Upon dropping the ball from the cryo-claw into the Prison Break mode start, if you shoot the ball directly from the upper flipper into the hole just above the u-turn ramp entrance: You double the mode value! "You really licked his ass!!!" ...gotta love Sandy. Hit me up if you need a set of profanity chips!

1 week later
#2416 2 years ago

Yep, that clip is L1 sound for sure. L2 adds "Don't move Phoenix" and "Ive been waiting to kill you for 40 years", and "Keep waiting..."

The other video examples are proto roms, interesting also in the pic that U6 is in the U9 socket with nothing in U8. Kind of bizarre.

#2417 2 years ago

Dantesmark -

Nice topper bro!!!

Also, what is the deal with your translite? I really dig the broken glass effect.

1 month later
#2503 1 year ago

Anybody need Profanity/GAME ROM 7.0 update chips? PM me, I have one set left.

1 week later
#2526 1 year ago

Hi Mark,

I am somewhat local to you (Port Orchard) and likewise would be happy help with anything.


Quoted from Freeplay40:

Honestly, I will not know how it looks in a game most likely until someone purchases it and installs it. What I do know is that the application of colored pieces in conjunction with incredible LED lighting affects generally makes them very attractive.
I have three friends here locally....Two are regularly here on Pinside. fanofpinball and DumbAss. Both fanofpinball and my other friend have always been willing to loan to me anything I want regardless of how long I will have them waiting to reproduce...In some cases up to a year! I have yet to get anything from DumbAss, but every time I see him he reiterates that what ever he has, I am welcome to. DumbAss is another individual that is truly in this for the good of the community.
The friend who loaned me multiple examples of the Demo Man pieces just has his machine sitting in his shop waiting to do a complete restoration but honestly will not be anytime soon. He was also the donor for the Comet pieces and has yet to install!...but he will.
fanofpinball was the donor for the Radical ramps. I got to see his machine at the NW Pinball show last week. It was in the Tournament lineup. Found out during the show that his machine was dropped on delivery to the show, basically doing a somersault, landing upside-down, resting on the backbox, destroying both the back glass, the playfield glass and damaging the lower cabinet side rails...YIKES! Locals quickly got together and located a back glass and new playfield glass so the game would be ready for the show...Fortunately no damage to my ramps!
I've said this before, but these guys and the Pinball Community in general are why I keep making ramps.

1 month later
#2586 1 year ago
Quoted from allsportdvd:

Just added a pin2dmd in my demo man, for this game I thought there weren’t enough animations to warrant the extra cost of a colordmd and this is a well priced alternative
[quoted image][quoted image]

Totally agree, in fact, I think Slippi's colorization for Demo Man is superior to the ColorDMD anyway.

Also, I have a one last brand new activated pin2dmd set up for DemoMan that includes SD card, and cables from a recent build. PM me if interested.

#2588 1 year ago
Quoted from Phoerber:

Totally agree, in fact, I think Slippi's colorization for Demo Man is superior to the ColorDMD anyway.
Also, I have one last brand new activated pin2dmd set up for DemoMan that includes SD card, and cables from a recent build. PM me if interested.

dmd1 (resized).jpgdmd1 (resized).jpgdmd2 (resized).jpgdmd2 (resized).jpg
8 months later
#2799 1 year ago

I have a couple of DemoMan goodies for sale:

Activated Pin2DMD NEW with Demolition Man colorization files and power cable: Plug and Play! $315 shipped
Vulgarity ROMs and 7.0 CPU Combo Set - $75 shipped (only one set left, 9 chips total)

PM me if interested, thanks!

8 months later
#3024 4 months ago

Happy New Year all -

I have a few odds and ends that I am selling from my DemoMan parts stash.

- 1 Set of upgrade chips Soren 7.0 and profanity, 9 ROMs total: $59 shipped.
- 1 Pin2DMD, activated and completely plug and play: $275

for demo.
- 1 Alt translite as pictured below, brand new: $50 plus actual shipping.

Thanks in advance for looking, and please PM if interested.

PS: Glenn, if you're still having issues with your game: PM me. glpinball

PPS: Welcome back LUKE!!! Luke_Nukem (Used your pic since the translite is still in shipping the tube!)

2024-01-04_11-30-43 (resized).jpg2024-01-04_11-30-43 (resized).jpg
3 weeks later
#3035 3 months ago

I have one more brand new Pin2DMD for DemoMan, licensed and activated completely plug and play. $275 shipping included, also comes with power cables and z-connector. Sorry for the crappy pics, I will do a game play video, if desired, as the pics don't do it justice. Thanks for looking!

dm (resized).jpgdm (resized).jpgdm2 (resized).jpgdm2 (resized).jpgdm3 (resized).jpgdm3 (resized).jpgp1 (resized).jpgp1 (resized).jpgp2 (resized).jpgp2 (resized).jpg

2 months later
#3095 43 days ago
Quoted from Steveboos:

Any difference between your Pin2DMD and the ones i see listed that are "Fully activated plug and play?" Is it a different code or anything?

PM Sent

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