(Topic ID: 192072)

Attack From Mars Remake (AFMr) Owners Club

By Pin_Guy

6 years ago

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26 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #1 PinGuy's links to unboxing and SOL potential issue. Posted by Pin_Guy (6 years ago)

Post #5 SOL protector issue Posted by Pin_Guy (6 years ago)

Post #73 LED info Posted by stpcore (6 years ago)

Post #145 Cliffy install info Posted by evh347 (6 years ago)

Post #149 Firmware 1.0.0 Posted by Pin_Guy (6 years ago)

Post #189 info on using AFM cliffys Posted by GorillaBiscuits (6 years ago)

Post #357 Topper connector issue Posted by LTG (6 years ago)

Post #366 Image of Cliffy addition to scoop. Posted by sparechange1974 (6 years ago)

Post #368 Cliffy install info Posted by sparechange1974 (6 years ago)

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#5332 5 years ago
Quoted from Damien:

Thanks for checking

This problem has already been correctly solved, see the following post.


#5334 5 years ago

Lol, good point, I hadn't noticed that.

I just loved his solution to the problem, though!

10 months later
#6703 5 years ago

I have finally joined the AFMr owners club, and am very excited.

This has led to all of the following problems:

-Greatly increased level of shouting swear words.

-Fairly certain the game will give me a heart attack.

-Nonstop urge to press the start button.

Love it!

#6713 5 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

I feel that a supply of black post sleeves should come with the game.
Evidently its my favorite shot, I can believe they haven't split off each post yet !

Haha! Yeah, I'm really good at the post shots too!

#6714 5 years ago
Quoted from joseph5185:

I get mine tomorrow!
I'm hoping for good things!!!
Just wanna make sure my flippers are tight and then hit the start button! Anything outside of the obvious that I should "absolutely" take a look at before hitting that start button?

Definitely do all the things pinballinreno mentioned, and look at the posts he linked to.

Having just set mine up, I can say that physically, everything was pretty good right out of the box. I have changed a lot of settings, as was mentioned. Mostly making everything weaker.

#6715 5 years ago
Quoted from joseph5185:

Wow! Purposely lower flipper power. Is that a first? I assume not.
Why 6.3 and not 6.5? I know you have a reason.
Oh yea...the SOL 2.0 thing. I really hope it is. Is the game unplayable if it's not?
Thanks pinballinreno!

Mine came with the SOL 2.0, so hopefully yours will as well.

Don't lower the flipper power if your game doesn't have it.

#6716 5 years ago

What is everyone using for the Martian strength setting?

It seems ok on medium, but really gets your attention when set to "strong".

I'm debating which way I prefer it.

#6727 5 years ago
Quoted from JeffF:

Personally I really like the strong setting but I'm too worried about everything shaking itself loose. I leave it on medium 90% of the time... usually once I've had a few adult beverages I turn it up to strong.

I like your plan.

#6846 5 years ago
Quoted from homegameroom:

Our pins are brothers from the same mother. Lowering the plunge setting to minimum worked well for me. Mine was flying up and occasionally hitting something (the wiring maybe?) and not going up to the pop bumpers or going around the orbit.
My Plan B would have been to loosen the screws that hold the stainless launch ramp a bit to (maybe) not make it literally a LAUNCH ramp. But lowering the plunger seemed to work.

I have also lowered the plunge strength and the ball makes it all the way around, like 90 percent of the time.

Is this about normal, or should it be 100 percent?

I'm thinking it's normal but just wondering what others are experiencing.

#6850 5 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

Wall power variations affect it a bit, so 90-95% seems about right


#6907 5 years ago

This game has taught me something:

Man, I suck at pinball.

Thanks for listening.

#6910 5 years ago
Quoted from DudeRegular:

I know the feeling man! Don't feel bad about closing your outlanes as much as possible. You can bring the front leg levelers up a tad too. It is your game. Don't be afraid to tweak things!

Haha, yeah I already closed the outlanes a bunch, but not all the way. I may be moving them all the way, soon.

This game is awesome, though. It's killing me, but in a fun way, and I just want to keep playing it.

It really is pinball perfection.

1 month later
#7069 4 years ago
Quoted from johnnypinball:

Question, I picked up a CE this week and installed the HD color DMD upgrade chip and noticed that the main saucer has the red green blue tri color led's. Is that part of the effect of the upgrade or is something else going on here? I am new to this game but thought that all the CE's had only red led's on the main saucer?

Yes, the CE has the tri-colored lights on the main saucer. They can be enabled if you add the color chip. (Maybe even without the color chip?)

You can disable this in the CGC menu, if you just want one color. I think you can even chose which single color to use, if I remember correctly.

I've got mine set to use all the colors and it's a nice effect.

#7072 4 years ago
Quoted from pinnyheadhead:

Interesting?! I just stare at the PF when I play and don’t know about this but will check this out and see.

Yep, give it a shot. I just looked at the menu to verify. It is in the CGC menu on the "lighting" screen. You can set Big Saucer to red, green, blue, or Interactive. With the latter meaning that it will use all the colors during the game.

Hopefully this is what you guys were referring to and I am not misunderstanding.

I know this works if you have the color chip. Not sure if it works without it. According to the manual, the color chip is required. But I could swear this was working this way before I installed it. But I'm probably wrong about that.

#7078 4 years ago
Quoted from joseph5185:

Four comments:
4) Sometimes when playing pinball things just don’t go your way. I played for around an hour or so last night and I COULD NOT for the life of me destroy just two countries. So disheartening.

Well, technically, you are SAVING the countries.

But I know what you mean. That saucer is harder to hit than it would seem. Especially from the right flipper. I was starting to wonder if it was just my game.

#7127 4 years ago
Quoted from dugmar:

I have a CE and I was blown away by the sound. At max, I keep it at 3 and it is very, very loud and clear with tons of bass. Very happy with the standard CE speakers.

I agree with this, I was surprised at how good the sound is on my CE. And how loud it is.

Normally when I am just playing by myself in an otherwise quiet room, I have it set at 1. When I really want to go crazy and let it all hang out, I crank that baby up to 2.

That said, I don't have an SE to compare with it. I've only played the SE at shows, where you certainly can't judge the sound.

#7142 4 years ago
Quoted from jarozi:

Mine was a show deal game so was played for 3 days and about a total of 540 games. It still looked brand new at the end of the show.
I did buy the cliffy set but I see no need to install at the moment, after 1200 games still looks perfect. Will keep the cliffys for insurance.

Looked brand new, with no dimples? I ask because mine has a lot of dimples with fewer games than that.

#7151 4 years ago
Quoted from maffewl:

Does the DMD color upgrade on the CE also allow the main saucer to have red, blue, and green lights instead of just red?


#7157 4 years ago
Quoted from maffewl:

Lol. This is why I'm asking. I've seen on some threads that people have mentioned that it does change the main saucer led output. I have not been able to find any videos or images to confirm.
I'm getting the color upgrade, and was even more excited if it changed these as well.

I promise you... If you have the color chip, you can set the main saucer LEDs to "interactive" and it uses all the colors.

Also, this is not just something that some people (like myself) have reported. It's in the manual.

#7159 4 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

Wondering if people are happy with their Classic after owning awhile or do you wish you spent the extra money on a LE or SE? Need help deciding... but if I’m getting the full gameplay experience I might just stay with CE.

I love the CE and do not wish I bought the SE or LE. But it was a decision I made, already knowing the differences between the models. It really comes down to personal preference.

The gameplay is awesome on the CE.

#7160 4 years ago

Also, just wanted to add, many, many people love the LE topper and say that it adds to the gameplay experience, because it bounces up and down and shakes the game.

So, the gameplay on the playfield is the same on the CE but without that topper. It's up to you if you think the topper adds to the experience or not.

Personally I really like the looks of the topper but would turn off the shaking if I had it. But I'm probably in the minority on that.

#7161 4 years ago
Quoted from maffewl:

Excellent! I'm not picking my game up until next weekend (color upgrade included). This is very exciting.

Congrats on the game! I got mine a couple months ago and I'm still excited!

#7164 4 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

I have an LE and the topper is still in the wooden box lol.
I never installed it.
I may some day, but for now I dont need it.

Lol, that is hilarious. I know I just said I love my CE. But if I actually HAD the topper I'd definitely install it!

It's an awesome topper, no doubt.

#7177 4 years ago

So what does everyone feel is a good score on this game?

My highest so far is 11.4 billion. But for the most part, I'm feeling like anything over 4 billion is a pretty solid game. And anything over 2 billion is at least decent. What do you guys think?

I also have lots of games well under a billion.

I haven't ruled the universe yet, or even conquered mars. So I have a long way to go to beat this game.

But I'm just talking about in general, games where you don't rule the universe, what's a solid score in your opinion?

#7180 4 years ago
Quoted from Zennmaster:

I managed to light RTU, then got so excited and distracted by that blue insert next to the SOL scoop that I promptly drained my last ball after horribly misreading a dead bounce, so TEX is still The Man on my machine.

Ouch, that hurts!

It sounds like you are a bit ahead of me, but at least I'm in the same ballpark. I love how this game always makes me feel like all of the goals are within reach. But then pulls it right out from me.

1 week later
#7211 4 years ago
Quoted from maffewl:

Just received my AFMr CE. Awesome game and am having a ton of fun playing it.
Quick question, are the flippers designed to feel a bit weaker? I have mine set at the default setting, but they feel very weak. A controlled shot will make the ramps, saucer, etc., but it is not zooming by any means. For instance, a controlled shot to the saucer will "roll into" the hole. It's not like I'd ever be worried about any damage there. I've turned the power level up to +1 on the flippers, but it didn't seem to make a ton of difference. Just curious if I'm over-analyzing this.

I felt the same way about the flippers at first. But I think they just take some getting used to.

I think one of the big contributors to this feeling, for me, is that the saucer shot is actually in a bit of a weak spot on the flipper. Especially the right flipper.

All the other shots are much stronger than the saucer shot. Well at least for me, but then again, I suck at pinball.

#7214 4 years ago
Quoted from maffewl:

What setting do most use?

Well that depends . I've got my flippers set at -13. That setting allows me to make all the ramp and orbit shots pretty solidly without flying off the ramps.

As I mentioned before, the saucer shots feel weaker in comparison, due to the shot location. But still totally fine once you get used to it.

But the flipper power setting may be much different on your game due to different input voltage, different pitch of the game etc. Also just personal preference. I don't like flippers which are way over powered.

2 weeks later
#7252 4 years ago

Well, there's always Dirty Pool!

AFM's ruleset is genius. Lots of different layers of strategy.

#7254 4 years ago
Quoted from Only_Pinball:

Good point! I just wish I could get it more.


#7259 4 years ago
Quoted from maffewl:

Dirty pool is such an exciting bonus. I also like trying to have a ball trapped behind the shield (ready for dirty pool) when in Martian Attack or Total Annihilation. Then I try to avoid getting dirty pool.

Is this simply to hold one ball out of the way during multiball? Or is there something else to this?

#7264 4 years ago
Quoted from KozMckPinball:

Do you think Lyman planned for this or is that just a smart workaround the rules?

It's called Dirty Pool, as we've just been discussing above. It's in the ruleset. Not just a workaround.

#7272 4 years ago
Quoted from atrainn:

Joined the club yesterday![quoted image]

Sweeeeet! Now go kick their Martian butts to the Moon.

1 month later
#7311 4 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Get super pops (count down the pop count to 0) then the next stroke of luck you get will be the video mode. You can use saved martian bombs (like smart bombs that wipe out everything) with the ball launch button in the video mode.

Wow that is cool. I have played the video mode many times, but never realized it was related in any way to super Jets.

1 week later
#7349 4 years ago
Quoted from Chosen_S:

Just Joined the club! #45LE

Congrats on the new game!

2 weeks later
#7454 4 years ago

I love conversations like this. It gives me another excuse to use when my AFMr is kicking my ass. Which is every day.

#7473 4 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

( bottom one is memory protect )
LTG : )

Just curious, what does the memory protect switch do?

#7475 4 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

Protects memory.
HaHa. I kill me.
It only allows changes in the Williams settings, adjustments, etc. when the coin door is open, so you know what you are doing. If you had the game on, coin door closed, and were messing around under the playfield, you could accidentally make changes you didn't realize.
LTG : )

Lol, I was thinking "protects memory" when I wrote the question.

Thanks for the answer, it makes s lot of sense!

1 week later
#7561 4 years ago

Eat at Eddy's is on the back glass, so Eddy's is definitely a restaurant. I'd stick with that. Though, I do agree that it should not look like an office building.

#7564 4 years ago

Personally I don't think any building really fits. Everything else in the game, you are attacking Martians, gathering weapons etc. And saving cities.

Why would you shoot one of our own buildings?

That lock shot is for gathering the troops and getting the missiles locked on. So I'm not sure how a building, restaurant or otherwise, fits this?

Although I do agree the eat at Eddy's mod looks awesome.

#7568 4 years ago
Quoted from GamerRick:

I think you guys are reading too much into it. They wanted to come up with a mod that would cover the VUK. The building is in the perfect shape of the upside down J of the VUK and covers it perfectly, with the cut out section looking like a blown away piece of the building from the Martian Attack. The billboard adds to the theme. Then the light adds a cool effect. What else would you want to put there?

Well, in everyone else's defense, I think I was the only one whining about it.

I think you are all probably correct, I'm over thinking it. Covering up the vuk with an awesome looking building is a win.

#7575 4 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Tantrum:

So here is my first prototype. I still need to put burn marks on it, but overall I think it came out pretty good.

Looks great!

#7585 4 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

Basically you never know if you will RTU or be kicked in the nuts...

Oh, I know. I ALWAYS know. And my nuts ain't happy.

I do love this game though!

1 week later
#7643 4 years ago
Quoted from pninja005:

So apparently goodie bag and user manual only comes with SE and LE, not CE. Lame.

Not true. My CE came with a manual.

And a small goodie bag, I think it only included a key fob and maybe a flipper spacer tool.

1 week later
#7691 4 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

Glad to finally join the club.[quoted image]

Welcome to the club! Congrats! It's a great game!

4 weeks later
#7863 4 years ago
Quoted from Lethal_Inc:

I’m in the club! Purchased it today and just waiting for shipment. Got the color upgrade chip too. This game is gonna be a blast to play. I’m exited as all heck. The location games I’ve played all played like shit so being at home is gonna be epic! Time to rule the universe I hope.

Congrats! It's a great game!

2 months later
#8199 4 years ago
Quoted from gjm:

Received my AFMre Special Edition today. First ever NIB purchase. I also have my "Eat at Eddy's " mod ready to go.[quoted image][quoted image]

Welcome to the club. Great choice!

#8202 4 years ago
Quoted from Da-Shaker:

I've had my AFM SE for 6 months and there is hardly any dimpling at all. Did I get lucky? I'm just curious if this is the norm. My new Sterns are just the opposite.

I think you got lucky. My game dimpled a lot.

1 week later
#8247 4 years ago
Quoted from Rascal_H:

Whoa, I don’t know if you inspired me or what but just had my best game! *disclaimer: I’m not that good either.
New GC score. Mars defeated. Only a Super Jackpot away from Rule the Universe.[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Nice!! You are way ahead of me.

1 month later
#8453 4 years ago
Quoted from tgomer:

I have a MB SE and an AFM CE. The sound on the MB is superior to the AFM. I looked at the schematics for both games and do not see a difference in the audio section. What can I do to improve the sound quality of my AFM?

I have an AFMr CE, and personally I think it sounds pretty damn good.

The SE and LE do have an upgraded sound package/ speakers as I recall.

Are you saying that your AFMr CE sounds bad? Or, just that you can notice the upgraded sound package on your SE?

#8460 4 years ago
Quoted from zaki:

but i was surprised at just how much i had to lower the volume on this when setting up the game.

This! I have a CE as well and the game is really loud.

#8462 4 years ago
Quoted from zaki:

did you get a buzz sound? i got one from the speakers. a hmmm when the game was idle. when i lowered or increased the backlight, the hmmm noise stopped. i call chicago gaming and it's a known issue. they tried to tell me it could line noise in my electric, but no other game does it.

Yep. Well I'm not sure I'd call it a buzz, it isn't so bad. With the backing light at full brightness I really don't hear anything, except when the backbox lights do their flashing effect in attract mode.

1 month later
#8532 3 years ago
Quoted from Glangas:

I just got my first pin - AFMR. I got it set up, but I'm having a problem with the backbox. I can't get the glass to come out. I unlock the box and go to slide the glass up, but it won't go high enough to get past the display. It seems really stupid, but I can't figure out how to get it up and out. Any thoughts???

Also, make sure that you have unlocked it and that you rotated the lock all the way so that it's fully out of the way.

2 months later
#8692 3 years ago
Quoted from Pin_Guy:

Truth be told I don't know is I've seen any of them as I'm the only pinball player in my home and while playing my focus is elsewhere

That's so true! The animations on this game are awesome. But whenever people talk about them, it becomes apparent to me that I haven't even seen most of them.

1 week later
#8739 3 years ago

Right at the beginning he hit the force field and drained sdtm, while ball saver was still active. Just like me! I stopped watching immediately so now I can feel good about myself.

#8747 3 years ago

If the ball is flying off the wireform, the first thing I'd try is reducing the flipper strength.

Edit: You can do this in the CGC menu. Open the coin door and hold down the enter button until it enters this menu.

#8765 3 years ago
Quoted from nicoy3k:

hi me, again.
Does the color chip upgrade for classic also enable green/blue in the main saucer?

The CE has the tri-colored lights on the main saucer. They can be enabled if you add the color chip.

You can disable this in the CGC menu, if you just want one color. I think you can even chose which single color to use, if I remember correctly.

I've got mine set to use all the colors and it's a nice effect.

#8773 3 years ago

Any edition of this game is great. I have a CE and I love it.

#8788 3 years ago

I'm seeing all this talk of high scores and average scores, and making a mental note to never play pinball for money with any of you

#8803 3 years ago
Quoted from NeilMcRae:

they are bluffers, they all play with 5 balls and extras turn on and a tilt as loose as a ....

You know, it's funny. I know you are kidding around. But in the past I've been reading threads about gameplay strategies, etc, and been shocked to find out how many people set their games to 5 balls.

#8826 3 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

The real mind game is getting Tex off the screen.
People kept asking me who Tex was....lol.

Must suck for anyone whose initials are actually TEX. You finally beat that jerk, but he still haunts you because you put his name right back in there.

Tex still rules the universe in my household.

1 month later
#8959 3 years ago
Quoted from Doctor6:

So with all this hubbub of gnr coming out, I decided to contact my distributor and order myself....
An afm remake. Lol.
Got the CE with a color chip. I debated between that and the SE, but dammit it I couldnt justify the price. I dont care about the color speakers and didnt really want the huge screen (yet oddly enough like the huge screen on mb). The chip gets me the triple colored space ship and if I want to add a shaker later I can.
I've only kicked this idea around for literally years. Hell.... I posted in this very thread debating on getting one and finally got off my ass and did it.
When I told my wife, I came into the room and said, "so, my son finished the lawn. Here is your mail.... and... Imighthaveorderedapinballmachine. Okay goodbye!"

Congrats! You're going to love it. It's a great game. I also opted for the CE with a color chip, and I'm really happy with it.

2 months later
#9138 3 years ago
Quoted from RTS:

On my LE, the mini saucer led's only flash red, not red and green. The game is new to me and I just realized this isn't right.
In the diagnostics test, there is a setting to check the saucer led's (although this might just be for the main saucer). When I checked it during test, none of the pf saucer led's are illuminated or flashing, but the display shows which LED should be flashing on a corresponding screen image.
During gameplay, the main saucer looks good with all colors, while the mini saucers are only showing red.
Anybody familiar with this?

I have a CE and not an LE. So, I may be wrong on this. But, in the CGC menu, under Lighting Menu, there is a setting named MINI-SAUCERS. That can be set to red, green or interactive. If yours is set to red, try changing it to interactive.

Again, not sure exactly how this setting works on LE but it can't hurt to check it.

#9140 3 years ago

Not sure what you are referring to? If you are talking about my post regarding the mini sauce lights, then yes I agree it's only for LE. I personally don't have an LE, but the person who posted the question does. So I was just telling him to check that setting. The LE should have red and green on the mini saucers.

#9167 3 years ago

I have invisiglass on my WOZ and regular glass on my AFM. You know, it's funny, until you guys started talking about it, I never even thought about buying a sheet for AFM. I do really like it on my WOZ, but apparently I have just realized that it's not a must-have for me.

As you said, the invisiglass does look super clear, I find this especially true near the flippers. As you get higher, it's less noticable due to the glare of the backbox.

I also find that it seems to be a bit harder to get clean, especially around the edges. At least for me it always seems like I can see smudges at the edges. They will go away by cleaning very carefully and then being sure not to touch it when putting the glass back in.

1 week later
#9191 3 years ago
Quoted from maffewl:

Lol. Well maybe I have sensitive hearing. Either way. I want mine at 1.5. Is there something I can do/install?

For what it's worth, I agree with you - my AFMR ce is super loud and I have it set on 1.

Unfortunately I have no advice on how to get 1.5.

3 weeks later
#9251 3 years ago
Quoted from kms_pinball:

Can't believe the last of the classics are going for $8,999! Guess i should have picked one up by now

Hey does this mean my classic just skyrocketed in value?

5 months later
#9558 2 years ago
Quoted from TheMickster:

Mickspinball.com is now offering a limited edition Topper Kit for both the Classic or Special Edition CGC AFMr remakes. The Topper is a Big O Jiggly Martian with Red LED eyes flying his own flying saucer. The saucer has multi-colored flashing porthole lighting on both the top and bottom. It comes fully assembled, is plug & play and installs in just a couple of minutes.
Details can be found on my website at: https://www.mickspinball.com/afm-saucer-topper-kit
[quoted image]
The Kit size is 4" by 4" by 4" (H/W/D). This topper is perfect for those that have a low ceiling.
If you are interested in installing the Kit on the Original Bally AFM or another machine, contact me for special instructions on how to install.
As mentioned, this is a limited edition Kit and will be discontinued once it is sold out.

It looks nice. Are the flashing porthole lights sync'd to the gameplay at all, or do they flash all the time when the game is powered up?

#9560 2 years ago
Quoted from TheMickster:

It is just a constant flashing display, not tied to the game play...


2 months later
#9636 2 years ago
Quoted from wtatumjr:

Anything using a row and column system uses diodes.

But the AFMR manual clearly states that the game does NOT use a switch matrix. So, I don't think your statement would apply here, right?

Please note:. Not trying to argue. Just want to make sure I understand correctly.

#9637 2 years ago
Quoted from wtatumjr:

Anything using a row and column system uses diodes.

But the AFMR manual clearly states that the game does NOT use a switch matrix. So, I don't think your statement would apply here, right?

Please note:. Not trying to argue. Just want to make sure I understand correctly.

2 years later
#10509 67 days ago
Quoted from Thorn-in-pinball:

We are gauging interest in MMR RGB kits and XL Display kits. XL display kits will be available for all models with the small display. feel free to email [email protected] to get on a list. We are ordering parts now and since these have not been offered in quite some time, we want to make sure all who want them can get them.

I'm interested in the XL display kit, but do you have any info on the price?

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Playfield - Other
Nezzy's Pinball Prints
$ 15.00
Playfield - Protection
Pinhead mods
$ 35.00
Cabinet - Other
Rocket City Pinball
$ 399.00
Cabinet - Decals
$ 16.95
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Machine - For Sale
San Diego, CA
$ 39.50
Cabinet - Sound/Speakers
Pinball Haus
From: $ 20.00
Various Novelties
Pinball Photos LLC
$ 12.00
Playfield - Decals
11,500 (OBO)
Machine - For Sale
Eugene, OR
$ 15.00
Cabinet Parts
Mödley Crüe

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