Guns N' Roses

Data East

Guns N' Roses

Pinside Rating

This game received 322 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.974 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #90 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.875

Artwork: 7.825

Sounds/Music: 7.967

Other Aspects: 8.007

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This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 7 of us have rated this game.


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Found 157 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 157 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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11 years ago
I've played this at the Pinball Hall of Fame (Vegas) and the National Pinball Museum (Baltimore). Maybe these machines weren't set up right or I just needed more plays, but I just never got into the groove. Some of the best artwork for a DE pin. Update: After playing many games at Cactus Jack's in Oklahoma City this pin has grown on me. Changing ratings to reflect.

Some of the DMD graphics (which is somewhat appropriate to the band's hard rocking image) and playfield images may not be appreciated by all audiences. Appropriate to the band though and not too risqué.

Update: After having this on my wish list for several years, I bought a beautiful example from a friend. A common problem with GnR, it had some initial problems with balls occasionally stacking up in the shooter lane. But after rebuilding the auto launcher, it seems to be working. Although most of my older games are still incandescent, this game looks great with LEDs.
11 years ago
Different themes for different folks, this however has always been my favourite. Two ramps, 3 magnets, 3 flippers, great music/audio and plenty of multiball. All pinball machines are fun but only a few that have a cool factor, this has the cool factor.
11 years ago
Guns and Roses has quite a bit going for it, but it never pulls it together like it should.

The Pros: Slash added his hand into the design and production of this game. That guy rules! This game steals so many good ideas from so many other games and even makes a few new angles on them. The snake pit is a prime example. Funhouse double plungers with the GnR theme really show you that DE went all out with this deck. GnR ramps, the jackpot skillshot from the left plunger. The list keeps going on. TAF mags are another great addition, hey... steal from the best... right?

The Cons: Axl Rose is a epitomizes the word felchmonkey. That zero ruins the table for me on soooo many levels. Performance wise, unless EVERYTHING on this game is tip-top, the game falters of major shots or even just getting the ball to the PF. The music is a good cue for some of the modes... but then you hear it again, and again, and again... Why bother for a jackpot when your pops score 2-3 million each. Just shoot the ball up the orbits to the pops during multiball, and then do it again and again and again and again... One of the most complex designs from DE becomes a 1 shot game (backhand to add band member) to get your multiball prepped.

The Takeaway: The potential for this game was incredible. Tales from the Crypt is a billion times better. Tommy, even though it's multiball heavy with scoring, is a far superior player compared to this table. Now, for GnR fans...It'll go great in the corner of the double wide. Otherwise... it's just very meh. Personally, I would have to deface Axl on the BG if this was in my collection. Why do you ask...? because he's a complete f'n waste of oxygen. I did say Axl was a felchmonkey didn't I?

After getting a chance to play this deck properly tuned, I have to say that this game plays better the more you get to know it. I really like the difficulty of the upper loop shot and that you can double your mode's score when the ball feeds out of it. Getting the super jack is a real challenge during multiball and it makes the whole left side of the PF worth shooting for. Modes are still unbalanced and I still believe that the super pops/multiball strategy is the way to go, but heck if you can gits Duff for 100 mil and double it off the upper loop, why not? Is it a better game than I originally thought, yes. It's is the best game DE has ever made, no. That and there are many other, much better rock and roll pinball games out there to be played.

Update #2:
Playing this game more with other players who really know it, has opened up the backhand to the mode saucer shot option to me. I still usually just super-pop multiball my way into millions (it's safer and the super jack is a hoot), but this game is a bit better in gameplay than what I credited it for, for a long time. Not by much, but a bit better. Score adjusted ever so slightly to the positive. I'm off to play some AC/DC Premium now.

I REALLY like the multiball rules/progression. Ramps, multiball start vuk, ramps inner loop for a sooper jack. The whole time, the lower PF magnets are pulsing. Very well done. If the rest of this game's rules were as good as that... this game would be a keeper.
11 years ago
This game is SUPER overrated.
11 years ago
GnR is easily my favourite Data East machine ever made. Great theme and great music. I am a fan of the band and grew up with their music. With that out of the way, my bias declared, here's what I think of how it plays... The easiest way to describe the gameplay is to say that it is exactly what I want from a pin like this. It isn't pretentious and it doesn't try to be too clever. It's easy to pick up and understand, and starting a game doesn't feel like a big commitment. That might sound odd but I feel some of the bigger name games are so deep that I have had times where I thought, "I can't be bothered with all that right now". I'm always up for a quick game of GnR. It is varied and suitably challenging. It contains enough to do for it to stay fun for proper sessions as well as quick games while the kettle boils. I shan't be getting rid of mine any time soon.
11 years ago
Top end DE game. TFTC is probably better.. widebody factor may be skewing the opinion of some.
11 years ago
Wasn't even aware there was a pin done with a GNR theme.. I have no idea how I never saw this one over the years.
I got to play it this year at Caextreme and a friend and I both thought it it was a pretty cool game. Well done for a rock band themed game. Still mystified how I have never seen this before LOL.
11 years ago
Typical Data East 90's spin on what otherwise would have been a fantastic band pin. Loved the group growing up, hated the pin...too repetitive and shallow, shots are uninspiring, even with the G and R ramps.
11 years ago
one of the best rock themed pins. Has tons of stuff going for it. Awesome game all around.
11 years ago
Decent Pin for the price, if your a Guns n Roses fan this pin is for you!!!
11 years ago
If your a fan of the band or like music pins this is for you. Welcome to the jungle baby time to die.
12 years ago
Love GNR and Love Pinball. What a great combo! slower paced widebody game that will scratch your GNR itch. This game is just cool. Riot multiball is insane. Welcome to the Jungle baby.. you gonna die ;)
12 years ago
Guns N' Roses rules! Both their music and the Data East GNR pinball machine. Good multi-ball game. Artwork all great to me. 2 ramps: check, 3 flippers: check, good gameplay for a widebody machine: check. Would I like to have one in my home collection? ...yes I would.
12 years ago
GNR has a lot of cool stuff but if you pay any attention to PAPA videos its quite easy to beat on location. Its got great artwork and sound if you love GNR then I think you will really enjoy this pin. Starting Multiball is very very easy on this game and in combination with selecting super pops at the beginning of each ball makes for some relatively easy high scores, so in that respect its kind of is a one trick pony but theres still a bunch of modes and a wizard mode. I haven't got an incredible score 2.6bill but I don't think I have played a game and not gotten a replay. I was not concentrating on modes so there is definitely more than one way to play thing widebody beast. I really enjoy this pin though!
12 years ago
GnR is a pretty wicked pin. The music is a few GnR tunes that changes frequently during play. The shots are pretty challenging at times, but the pay off is sweet. Great pin.
12 years ago
GNR is a decent game with a creative playfield layout featuring many satisfying shots, cool G & R shaped ramps, and dual plunger lanes. A handful of fitting callouts, playfield art illustrations, and music selections welcome you to the mother f'in pinball jungle. Trapping the ball on the right flipper & backhanding to collect band members & start multiball is fairly easy to do & can become tiresome. The giant black wireform launch ramp can cause ball hang up problems especially during multiball. Also, it can be a struggle to get the ball to make the steep G ramp despite hitting it dead-on. The video mode is awkward & is definitely one of my least favorites of this era.
12 years ago
i played this at a fellow collectors home. its a fun game. there is a lot going on in the game and if you are a gnr fan this is a must have. im not into the band so much so its just ok for me. i still enjoy playing it and will play it when i have an opportunity.
12 years ago
Best music theme pin out there....If you can find one grab it. Best Data east pin Made. Shots are fun, music is great. Good in a small or large collection
12 years ago
GnR , awesome game, prices are getting up there in the $3,500 or plus range as of Jan 2012.... great game play, and loads of fun especially for the GnR fans
12 years ago
Never could get into this one, may need to own it to get a better feel for it. Every time I play it I just feel like something is missing....
12 years ago
You have the like the band somewhat to like the game otherwise it could get real old real soon. A fun game with lots of cool ramps shots, although the spiral ramp always looks grotty on everyone I have ever played. Not sure I would pay the $4k+ some ask, but would love to have in my collection one day.
12 years ago
This has to be the best Data East pin ever made
12 years ago
It's Guns 'n Roses nough said!
12 years ago
A PinHead friend of mine has a GRN.. I go over to Play it from time to time.. I've made it to Paradise City 1-time.. I like the Wide body data east . There's Alot of Killer Steep ramp shot's to make , the Left ramp is the best, If yr Lucky you will make the snake Pit and drop the ball to the Rose plunger.. I would buy GNR if " The Price Is Right "
12 years ago
I like the whole, "get on stage" challenge and the drop hole between the girls' legs. So rock 'n roll! Tends to get a little repetitive with the music and some of the shots, but overall, it's a great play!
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