


Pinside Rating

This game received 252 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.814 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #119 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.775

Artwork: 8.158

Sounds/Music: 6.937

Other Aspects: 8.01

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) Pinside.com staff & moderators rate this game. 6 of us have rated this game.


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Found 107 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 107 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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7 months ago
Diner is a gorgeous machine and the theme is beautifully integrated. The call outs are great, even if they aren't politically correct by today's standards. The machine has some fantastic features, like the saucer and the clock on the backglass, especially considering when it was made. There is enough to shoot for to make for a very fun game with solid lastability, and I love hitting Dine Time when it's fully maxed out. It took me a long time to add this machine to my collection and it won't be leaving any time soon.
8 months ago
I hate to say anything bad about Diner. I suppose the worst thing I could say is when this first came out, I misread the title. I thought it said dinner and I shouted “Dinner?! What kind of stupid game is that?” Mind you I was a teenager. Very young, naïve, and quite a loudmouth. You’ll also note that my older sister wasn’t the only one laughing at my stupidity.
The guy who owned the arcade was called Whitey, for reasons unknown to me except maybe because of his white hair.
He was really cool. After he had a good laugh of course, he opened the coin door, hit the credit switch about thirty times, and let me play it for free for a while.
I played games for free a lot in that place while he taught my seventeen year old sister how to be a pool hustler.
Not long afterwards, Whitey suddenly disappeared and was later featured on the hit tv show Americas Most Wanted.
True story.
I know that has nothing to do with Diner, or dinner for that matter, especially since we usually ate at Butch and Carol’s bar and grill across the street from Whitey’s arcade and pool hall, but regardless, that’s where I first got familiar with the game.
In the years that followed, I suppose that those “fond” memories stuck with me. It was an interesting time to be alive, and that’s what comes up first whenever I see Diner.
The game, not a diner in general.
The shots and flow are good, the lighting and playfield design is nice, and the toys and gimmicks are all about right, but what lets it down for me is the art, which feels a bit depressing. Furthermore, the sounds and music are somewhat forgettable as compared to othe Williams games at the time.
These negative points don’t in anyway ruin the game or take away from the fun factor. In fact, I think it’s the other “lesser Ritchie’s” best game.
I remember what I first saw and played as a stupid teenager, and regardless of if it was Dinner or Diner, the art and sounds don’t really attract new players in like so many other games.
I’m definitely wrong about this and I know it. I’ve seen what Diner sells for today and lots of people want one, so I’d rather not be too critical or negative about it.
I actually like playing Diner a lot, but it isn’t one I would own. It sits on my list of Williams system 11 games above Big Guns and Fire, but far below weirdo favorites like Bad Cats or Jokerz!, or the ever popular ones like Whirlwind, or The Machine: Bride of Pin•Bot.
It sits nicely next to Taxi, somewhere in the middle of an ever changing top ten Williams System 11 games.
With Williams pumping out so many great machines at the time, it’s hard to rank them. They’re all good and I would play every single one, but for a home collection you have limited space and funds, so you have to choose your favorites.
I have limited space and funds anyway. Some of you are rich and have an extra indoor swimming pool you can drain and fill with pinball machines if it comes to it.
Lucky $&*@!!!
I think the main selling factor for Diner is nostalgia, coupled with some really good gameplay.
I love the gameplay but my nostalgia is sadly tainted by America’s Most Wanted.
11 months ago
When I want to just play a pleasant game of pinball where the game doesn't make me feel like a loser, Diner is it. It just oozes charm. The theme isn't cool or exciting and would never be done after System 11. It's pure, classic pinball. It has just enough depth to make you want to keep coming back for more. Some easy shots like the left ramp and some harder shots like the spinner. Hitting the right ramp and then smacking the ball right back up into the cup and getting 2.5M or more...SO SATISFYING.

If room wasn't an issue, this game would have stayed with me forever. I'm glad I owned it and got some good hours enjoying the game play. Diner is truly one of the System 11 greats. Taxi is Diner's more adrenaline-filled big bro, but Diner is a class act that makes you feel good. If you see a Diner in the wild, throw some quarters in and have a blast, b-b-b-baby!
1 year ago
Was lucky enough to grab one of these finally! Always loved playing it at the bar.
1 year ago
Reviewed on 29th April 2023 at The Pinball Office.

I played this a whole load of times at The Pinball Office as I know it’s a classic pin and a well-regarded System 11. I also, initially, struggled to make the ramp shots and to identify the skillshot, so wanted to get in some practice.

For era, it has fun gimmicks (the coffee mug), solid sound effects, an interesting back-glass with cutouts, and some great lighting effects on the jukebox/back-glass. The rules could be clearer as it took me ages to work out how to serve the customers. Once I did, I got to Dine-Time (the mode) where, again, I wasn’t entirely sure what to do. The shots, however, were relatively satisfying with some good flow, and the theme is somewhat charming.
1 year ago
uno de mis backglass preferido, me gusta la tematica , me parece que esta muy bien integrada , simple y divertida
1 year ago
This game is deceptively fun.
the concept seems simple, to fulfil the diners orders. however those shots are not safe shots to make, so what seems like the easiest objective quickly turns challenging. playing for the additional modes like multiball and dine time is really what you play for, and boy howdy when you play for that it becomes a challenging yet manageable game. the theme and characters are great. the game is a little simple but honestly its easy to keep track of what's going on because of it so i feel like i have time to plan out shots or figure out what i want to do next ( a little breathing room is nice from time to time).

the music can be a little repetitive but i always seem to forget about that while playing a new game. overall its a very fun game and I wish i saw this game out in more arcades as it deserves to be played more.
2 years ago
I bought this game as a project and had never played it before, when I finally finished the game I realized how pretty it was and fun to play definitely one of my favorites.
2 years ago
Good game
2 years ago
Overall a fun game. I really appreciate it nowadays since everything is rock and roll theme it's nice to have something cute and fun like this. If I found one for sale I would scoop it up in a heartbeat because it's not your typical run-of-the-mill pinball anymore
2 years ago
Above average pin, and unique theme. Kind of like Taxi, but with food. I tend to gravitate towards other System 11 machines like Taxi, Pinbot, and Whirlwind that flow better for me without the playfield clutter, but this is fun for something different. It's more challenging than Taxi as I struggle with just serving one customer. The playfield toys and artwork tie the diner theme together nicely. In the political correct world we live in, this could never be remade without alterations to the customers.
2 years ago
Diner is a classic Williams pin that has a lot of fans. I think the game is fun, with collecting the diner guests and going for the multiball jackpots. It's not my favorite from the time, but it's solid and the art and sounds are nice. It's a solid pin for the time.
2 years ago
How can this not be rated higher? Maybe not top 20 but on the outside looking in in the top 100 is crazy…

Game is super approachable with easy to understand rules. The play field is bright and fun with some easy flowing and satisfying shots. Cabinet is pretty basic but what do you except, it’s a Diner.

Not a complex or deep rule set like today’s games but an enjoyable game for all ages when looking for a quick feel good play.
2 years ago
Diner is one of my favorite pins in my collection. It is less intense than Taxi which is good or bad depending on your mood. The callouts are amazing and my family quotes them all the time in our daily lives. The art/theme is one of the best in any pinball machine and the little diner-related touches hidden throughout the art are incredible. This is my favorite System11 pin as well.
2 years ago
This is a really fun game. Never thought serving customers food could be so much fun.
3 years ago
Diner is a great game, and probably the best system 11. It’s a theme that almost everyone can relate to and just a fabulous overall design and integration. From the music to game rules, to playfield layout it’s just fun and challenging all the way around.
3 years ago
Ok I have owned both TAXI & DINER. I prefer DINER over the 2 as I find it more difficult and the game is a absolute feast for the eyes. Just a great theme that is super fun and will certainly outlast most of the competition in desirability. That being said TAXI is great 2 I just prefer DINER.
3 years ago
The gameplay is standard.

The call-outs are extremely repetitive in this game. Biggest flaw of the game.

The artwork & theme is fantastic.
3 years ago
Will always be one of the greats!
3 years ago
A real looker. For system 11 games this is a nice addition.
Strange I enjoy Rollergames more?
2nd tie buying Diner and I'm guessing I won't have it for to many years.
Shots are easy and callouts are fun yet repetitive.
If the playfield didn't look so darn nice I wouldn't have this in my collection.
4 years ago
I owned this game. It has decent flow, and good left ramp shot. Right spinner can be brutal if you miss right. Cup shot is rewarding. Call outs are a bit dated.
4 years ago
I admit that I am a little biased since I have wanted this one for my basement for years. I still tried to be fair. I love the commentary from the characters in Diner.
4 years ago
A different type of game for sure. I really like the art work and the toys on the field especially the bowl.
4 years ago
This game could not be made today, due to some politically incorrect characters/customers. Hitting a great coffee cup shot when Diner is lit is one of the most satisfying experiences in pinball. Ball can get out of control in a hurry. I’m always craving root beer after a game.
4 years ago
Diner has a lot of nostalgia for me. It is such a unique theme...i love it. It is one of the best system 11 games.
There are 107 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 5.

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