
Data East


Pinside Rating

This game received 75 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 6.839 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #272 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 6.35

Artwork: 7.509

Sounds/Music: 6.569

Other Aspects: 6.913

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This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) staff & moderators rate this game. 6 of us have rated this game.


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Found 45 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 45 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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36 days ago
I had the pleasure of putting several plays on this game today. It's not a common game, and it was a good player. The middle ramp shot is right up front, but it is easy to make. The game is well decorated by Data East and hast decent shots. The art is hand drawn and looks really good. It's a cool game, but not the best.
50 days ago
I currently own the game, and live to look at it. The art is beautiful, especially the backglass. I wish I enjoyed playing it as much as I do looking at it. It's just OK. It's kinda fun, easy to explain to guests...but I don't think it's gonna last long here.
3 months ago
For me, Batman is all about the theme and artwork. I do enjoy many Data East games, but they don't seem to be as well built as the Bally or Williams of the same period. The layout is ok; it would be better without that huge batcave center ramp blocking a huge chunk of playfield. I also wish this game had a larger DMD with better animations. The artwork is beautiful. The original music and callouts are not great. I really prefer having a pinsound board with original soundtrack music and callouts (which brings the game to another level). I will admit, most of my kids friends gravitate towards this game since it's simpler in terms of shots and rules. Also, it's Batman!
1 year ago
An unever package. Not much to the game itself, and a skillshot that is pretty much random. Also not a fan of the big batcave in the center which limits the shot paths, it's just kind of intrusive ramp that's covered with a bunch of plastic that takes up even more play field real estate. Not much variety to the sound and clips
2 years ago
Simple, easy, and fun. Great music and art. Unique ramps and decent rules.
2 years ago
Beautiful pin, great theme. A true product of its era. The art package is lovely, and the sounds/music are passable. The limited number of dmd animations are disappointing, as is the size of the dmd itself. The batcave shot is fast and fluid. The other shots are easily hit, as well, with a decent flow. The games biggest shortcoming is the rules/code. Basically you can catch and shoot from the right flipper, repeatedly hitting the museum door with ease to setup multiball. Hitting the batcomputer to light the batcave ramp for a bonus is also very easy, and very exploitable. And that's why you shouldn't add this game to your collection unless you're looking for a showpiece (good luck finding one with the always trashed "stealth coat" playfields). Being able to take advantage of the rule set this way kills replayability, as you're only going to shoot 2 or 3 areas repeatedly. In this machines defense, there is a great skill shot, that grants an excellent reward for completing it (opens the museum door without spelling BATMAN). Play a game on location, as the shots can be fun, but dont expect it to ever have a place in your home unless you find one at an exceptionally low price. I'd pass on this one.
2 years ago
Totally underrated. This flipper is fun and the theme is nice.
2 years ago
This was my first pinball and I would classify it as entry level pinball for it's easy rules, game play, and the subject matter being very likeable.
I've read all the other reviews and some points are true such as the audio can get repetitive (Vicky "Shoot the batcave), not a whole lot of shots, and there are some parts that could have been designed better. Then there were some other points such as the skill shot is just dumb just requires SKILL with the plunger and is very obtainable and another thing people like to harp on is the batcave that they say takes up the whole upper playing field, which I would say it more divides it between Flugelheim/back shots to the bumpers (to the right) and joker/game modes to the left. The game modes mostly just require you to shoot the batcave for a chance at a million, mega millions (a multiplier based on how many times you can hit the batcave ramp in a set time but a diverter will come in to play to make it slightly more challenging), instant two ball, instant 10x multiplier, super bumpers, or extra ball (extra round).
Just to wrap this up the game is easy to understand, fun for all ages, has great art/backglass, and has some great callouts from the classic movie. I think it's a little underrated, but with all the innovations being thrown into machines these days this one will continue to slip down the list.
2 years ago
Thats the least fun game that i ever played yet...
3 years ago
I got this game about a week ago and really gave it some time before rating it.first off I love the Playfield art and backglass truly top notch for the era.gameplay is quite fast if set up properly.i could see it getting repetitive in a small collection but all early data east are like my opinion this is very underrated and worth every penny I spent on this game.i dont see it leaving my collection for a very long time. Hopefully cpr will make a Playfield for it bc I will buy it day 1.
4 years ago
Beautiful artwork very fun game fast paced great sounds and lighting.. good transition from the movie which is my favorite from the Batman series.
5 years ago
I realize that this game really is a product of its time and not that much better than Back to the Future, but I actually enjoy playing it a lot despite its short-comings. My buddy had a very nice one that I was sorry to learn he sold before I could afford to acquire it myself. This game would be on another level if they could have really had the actors voices included, but not having them doesn't detract too much from the experience. I think I would get a little bored with this game if I did own it given the other pins in my collection, but perhaps someday I'll find one to my liking (I can't go with Batman 66 because Michael Keaton is by far my favorite Batman).
5 years ago
I owned this pin for about a year, I got it for a good price and moved it on after becoming bored with it. The game play is good and the shots are mostly easy to achieve. there were three ot four shots required to keep the flow going and after this was mastered it became repetitive and no longer a challenge and whilst it was still fun I found I started playing it less and less. Definately worth playing if you get the chance but not a good first pin to buy and not a keeper. The Batman theme will always be popular though I would suggest the Sega or Stern options if you have to have a Batman.......
5 years ago
Data East Batman is literally a one-shot game for the most part -- Shoot the Flugelheim. The "Flugelheim" is like the visor on Pinbot, and opens after hitting it 6 times, or completing the skill shot. Once it opens, hit the ball in there to start a 2 ball multi ball. Lock both of those, and start a 3 ball multiball, where you (again) shoot for the flugelheim to open it up again, and get a jackpot. The more Jackpots you earn during multiball, the bigger the value (5 million, 10 million, then 15 million).

The playfield is pretty basic. From the left, you have a scoop that lights something that is earned by hitting the batcave ramp (1 million points, instant multi ball, 10x bonus, etc). The Joker Ramp, the batcave ramp (and 3 pop bumpers under it), then on the right is the Flugelheim. There are also 3 stand up targets on both sides "old jack" and "new jack".

The soundtrack is pretty good in this game, as with most DE games in my opinion. The call outs can get a little annoying, but aren't as bad as some other games.

If you can find a Batman on location, definitely try it out! You don't see them often. It's a great theme, and not a bad game... but wouldn't last in a small collection in my opinion.
5 years ago
Not a bad data east game just gets old quick. Centre ramp dominates the playfield and is kind of useless. Lighting and multiball are ok.
Bought and sold within 6months.
5 years ago
Love the theme , sounds, and the artwork but thats where it ends. The game plays very clunky and not much fun. The middle ramp takes up to much of the playfield.
6 years ago
The theme is this game's strongest attribute. It is a decent game that is initially fun to play. But the playfield and game design seem a little lacking. More plays might better determine the true quality of this title.
6 years ago
This machine is a classic. Looks great and plays fast. However to really experience the best with this machine you must have the pinsound board installed. All original sounds from the movie with the Prince and Tim Burton soundtrack. Absolutely elevates this game to the next level and makes it a keeper. My kids love this one and after playing the other three Batman tables, I have to say this one is the funnest!
6 years ago
The artwork on this machine is one of the best of all time! I'm a Batman fan going back to my childhood with the comic books but still! Call out are fantastic especially the Joker! If you like Batman or a fan of the original movie you'll like this game! The only negative is that its not a longtime keeper. It is very fun for a little while then starts to get a little repetitive. I would give it a 7.5/10. Its a better game than it gets credit for. The sound is great and was ahead of its time! In 1991 this game would have been in the top 10. I personally wouldn't go over $2,000 for one even though I paid $2,300 for mine. They don't come up very often especially in good shape.
6 years ago
Batman is a fun game rules are decent it has some cool features but my favorite part is the artwork I just think the game is beautiful looking.
6 years ago
This game hasn't really stood the test of time. It feels very cheesy and dated. The worst thing about it is probably the layout, which is a shambles as the Joker mech takes up the entire left corner, the batcave blocks everything and the museam takes up everything on the right, so there's no flow aside from hitting the ramp over and over (though i do like the way ramp shots aren't indefinite because the game flicks the ball off the ramp after a few, that's good). The themeing is decent, suitably quirky for the original film, but there are so many instances of Batman in Pinball, and this is definitely the weakest of the bunch.
6 years ago
Unusal layout for me with an easy to shoot at central ramp. Had a lot of fun on this one recently with plenty of free plays at the end.
7 years ago
One of my favourite DE games, awesome theme with superb artwork and I just love the way this game plays!
7 years ago
Excellent artwork and sound... Decent de pin has solid backglass and playfield art. Better then some worse then most. Gets a bad rep but for the price you can't go wrong.
7 years ago
Def underrated. This pin is funny and has an amazing playfield and backglass
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