(Topic ID: 237930)

X-Men Sound Replacement Package

By FatPanda

5 years ago

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#1 5 years ago

I've been working on a sound package for X-Men. I first started off just working on Beast and Storm, but it then soon moved to several of the other characters and some of the mode music. I thought I'd share what I've been working on, if anyone wanted to try it out. The main source voices are from The Animated Series (TAS) from the 90s, as well as some voice clips from video games (MvC3 and some others). If you'd like to try it out shoot me a PM. I will likely still be adding/adjusting things in the future, but it's pretty good as is. When there's a final version, I'll update this thread.


Here is the final version of the sound package that I've been working on:

PRO Version:

LE version:

Let me know if you have any issues. Hope you all like it.

Side note - Sounds best with a subwoofer if you have one that you can hook up. Especially with the new tracks that have some good bass notes to them.

#2 5 years ago

Link doesn't work?

#3 5 years ago

Love the X-Men cartoon theme song as the main music. I may have to try this when I finish shopping my LE.

#4 5 years ago

Very nice. Great update.

#5 5 years ago
Quoted from Venom_249:

Link doesn't work?

Worked on both my phone and laptop.

#6 5 years ago

Wow, great work! People have been talking about this for a long time. While I was not one who had a problem with the voices a lot of others did. This is one of my stern's I wish I had back. This could help the value on resales .

#7 5 years ago

After watching the video it made me think of a suggestion.

Give us a woman's voice that says "Shoot again" when you get the Dazzler shoot again animation. It makes no sense that she skates by...shows up with mic in hand and we get gruff Wolvie growling "Shoot Again!". I still shake my head wondering what they were thinking when making this game. I remember going through other SAM games for awhile and looking for a female "Shoot Again" and all I found was Chole on 24 and a female voice on TRON (which sounded to processed / computerized). Really, almost any female voice (that is supposed to sound like Dazzler) saying "shoot again" should be an improvement.

#8 5 years ago
Quoted from DugFreez:

After watching the video it made me think of a suggestion.
Give us a woman's voice that says "Shoot again" when you get the Dazzler shoot again animation. It makes no sense that she skates by...shows up with mic in hand and we get gruff Wolvie growling "Shoot Again!". I still shake my head wondering what they were thinking when making this game. I remember going through other SAM games for awhile and looking for a female "Shoot Again" and all I found was Chole on 24 and a female voice on TRON (which sounded to processed / computerized). Really, almost any female voice (that is supposed to sound like Dazzler) saying "shoot again" should be an improvement.

I could do that. Just need to find one that says it. If you have any places where I can find a sound clip let me know. I think there are 3 different clips loaded for variety, but I'm sure just one will be fine.

#9 5 years ago

Love the classical, such an unused form of music in pinball and it works perfectly. OG Xmen cartoon main track is great, Sounds good.

#10 5 years ago
Quoted from DugFreez:

After watching the video it made me think of a suggestion.
Give us a woman's voice that says "Shoot again" when you get the Dazzler shoot again animation. It makes no sense that she skates by...shows up with mic in hand and we get gruff Wolvie growling "Shoot Again!". I still shake my head wondering what they were thinking when making this game. I remember going through other SAM games for awhile and looking for a female "Shoot Again" and all I found was Chole on 24 and a female voice on TRON (which sounded to processed / computerized). Really, almost any female voice (that is supposed to sound like Dazzler) saying "shoot again" should be an improvement.

The code I did has this

#11 5 years ago

Excellent work so far! I wasn't able to hear the BEAST callouts clearly like the others. Maybe it was just the recording or my phone, but the others stood out more prominently.

+1 vote for DAZZLER replacement on the SHOOT AGAIN. That's the one callout that actually bothers me. You could grab a TRON ROM or 24 ROM and extract the sound byte with pinball browser (older version) and it would be easy to insert in your XMEN.

#12 5 years ago

Nice job and super cool of you to offer it up! Having done this a few times, I know how much work it can be. Kudos!

#13 5 years ago
Quoted from mcuzz:

The code I did has this

If you can send me the file, I can throw it in

#14 5 years ago
Quoted from luvthatapex2:

Excellent work so far! I wasn't able to hear the BEAST callouts clearly like the others. Maybe it was just the recording or my phone, but the others stood out more prominently.
+1 vote for DAZZLER replacement on the SHOOT AGAIN. That's the one callout that actually bothers me. You could grab a TRON ROM or 24 ROM and extract the sound byte with pinball browser (older version) and it would be easy to insert in your XMEN.

I'll try this out later today. I'm also looking at Text-to-Speech options as well.

#15 5 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

If you can send me the file, I can throw it in

When I get home from work today

#16 5 years ago
Quoted from luvthatapex2:

Excellent work so far! I wasn't able to hear the BEAST callouts clearly like the others. Maybe it was just the recording or my phone, but the others stood out more prominently.
+1 vote for DAZZLER replacement on the SHOOT AGAIN. That's the one callout that actually bothers me. You could grab a TRON ROM or 24 ROM and extract the sound byte with pinball browser (older version) and it would be easy to insert in your XMEN.

The Beast call outs weren't the best quality. That's one of the voices that I'll have to go back in to boost. His voice is generally "soft" and has a deeper tone to it, so it won't stand out as prominently as something that is more high pitched.

#17 5 years ago

Nice job! I'd be interested in a pro version. You should consider a color dmd for your LE - dots turned out good for this one...

#18 5 years ago
Quoted from tslayer71:

Nice job! I'd be interested in a pro version. You should consider a color dmd for your LE - dots turned out good for this one...

Sounds good. I have a few games I want ColorDMD for. This will be the first when I can get the funds for them.

#19 5 years ago

Color DMD looks best on cartoon games imo. Looks perfect for XMen.

#21 5 years ago
Quoted from luvthatapex2:

+1 vote for DAZZLER replacement on the SHOOT AGAIN. That's the one callout that actually bothers me. You could grab a TRON ROM or 24 ROM and extract the sound byte with pinball browser (older version) and it would be easy to insert in your XMEN.

Quoted from FatPanda:

I'll try this out later today. I'm also looking at Text-to-Speech options as well.

Chloe...it sounds better than I remember it being when I tried it in my game. It makes way more sense than Wolvie saying it, but I would think another choice would be better (which is why I didn't add the Chloe back in my later tries of tinkering with the sounds)....text to speech possible or even asking someone you know to do it.

....or a voice actress on fiver:


#22 5 years ago

This is some great work! So many of the original voices and music felt meh from the start...

#23 5 years ago

As mentioned in the other post I did this a year or so ago but my rip volume was too low. If there's anything I can help with let me know.

I changed the Wolverine multiball to Powergloves version of the X-Men theme. That probably wouldn't work since you have the animated theme in the game.
For ice man I used a karaoke version of ice ice baby. It's fantastic.

#24 5 years ago

Send me your code, I can take a look.
Any option is better than the original.

#25 5 years ago

Hope the people that have it are enjoying it. There's still some sound balancing to do, plus I want to change out Gambit and his music along with Iceman, (though I do like the original). I'll grab that Shoot Again clip, or maybe get a friend to do it for me.

#26 5 years ago

This seems like an awesome project (and really makes me put getting an LE to the top of my list). Can't wait to play the final product sometime.

#27 5 years ago

FatPanda ,I would love to try this out, can you send me the file? Thanks In advance!

#28 5 years ago
Quoted from artymech2131:

FatPanda ,I would love to try this out, can you send me the file? Thanks In advance!

PM sent

#29 5 years ago

Just a slight update, I think I've replaced all of the callouts and music that I wanted to. Shout out to acaciolo for letting me use his "shoot again" sound bite for the game. Once I've played it enough and get a really good feel of sound balance, I'll throw it out there for people that want to use it.

#30 5 years ago

I think my neighbors are as excited as I am to get the new callouts, thanks FP!

#31 5 years ago

Hey all. Thanks for all the requests for the sound package. I will be putting up a link for the finished version some time later this week. I want to make sure it all sounds good before I send out another revision. I'll update the initial first post when it's ready.

#32 5 years ago

I'm in for the PRO Version as well - if it will be created

#33 5 years ago

I will be glad to install the Pro version too

#34 5 years ago

Very cool, HUGE fan of the animated series. I don't have an X-men LE (would like to) but if I did I would put this in the game ASAP.

Nice work sir.

#35 5 years ago

I can work on a PRO version once the LE version is ready. It shouldn't be too bad to replace the sound files on it once I get the LE version finalized.

#36 5 years ago

It's time consuming i know, i worked on IM, TWD and Met codes and it's a lot of time but this pin deserves it, the code is great. I sold mine because of callouts that takes on my nerve, but i would like to buy one now.
If you are interested by my TWD code (Pro), send me a pm. I changed some musics with Stoner/Rock and added Negan callouts only, it changes the mood of the game. I was proud of it i think you will like it.
I enjoy music you put on your code it fits very well.

#37 5 years ago

Is the link above the updated one? I'm gonna give it a go

#38 5 years ago
Quoted from ryandimx:

Is the link above the updated one? I'm gonna give it a go

No it isnt. I'll update the first post when it's ready.

#39 5 years ago

This is awesome, I'd love to put this on my Pro.

#40 5 years ago

Final versions of the sound package are linked in the original post. I did both the PRO and LE.

#41 5 years ago

Cool, thanks. I will buy for the second time an Xmen soon. Can you explain what changes you made?

#42 5 years ago
Quoted from Shadrac:

Cool, thanks. I will buy for the second time an Xmen soon. Can you explain what changes you made?

I changed the X-Men callouts to callouts from the 90s animated series (and some from video games) including Beast, Storm, Rogue, Cyclops, Phoenix and Gambit. Also changed out most of the X-Men mode music, and music for Brotherhood, Hellfire MB, and Sabertooth, Juggernaut, Omega Red modes.

#43 5 years ago

Excellent! Newb question here, but I've never replaced a sound package before, can someone point me in the right direction for instructions?

#44 5 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

I changed some of the X-Men callouts to callouts from the 90s animated series (and some from video games) including Beast, Storm, Rogue, Cyclops, Phoenix and Gambit. Also changed out most of the X-Men mode music, and music for Brotherhood, Hellfire MB, and Sabertooth, Juggernaut, Omega Red modes.

Now i just need to find an X-Men LE Magneto for my collection!!!

#45 5 years ago
Quoted from Parzival:

Excellent! Newb question here, but I've never replaced a sound package before, can someone point me in the right direction for instructions?

You download the code and reinstall it as if you were updating the code.

Download the code (XXXXX.bin)
copy it to a USB flash drive (make sure it's the only file on the drive)
Game should be off
Switch dipswitch #8 to ON (top dipswitch, left position)
Insert flash drive (upper right hand corner on the board)
Turn on game
Using the menu buttons inside the coin door, select the code to be installed (you don't need to verify the image)

Once the code has been uploaded, turn off the machine, remove the flash drive, switch dipswitch #8 back to OFF (right position), then turn the game back on

#46 5 years ago
Quoted from Pinzap:

Now i just need to find an X-Men LE Magneto for my collection!!!

If you see one, you need to jump on it ASAP! Or come and play mine

#47 5 years ago

Does the download link work? I tried and get an unreachable message. Maybe its my connection......

#48 5 years ago
Quoted from luvthatapex2:

Does the download link work? I tried and get an unreachable message. Maybe its my connection......

It should? I'll PM you the links

EDIT: I just realized you the link that I PMd you are the same as the ones posted above lol

Maybe try a different computer or a different connection?

#49 5 years ago

If someone can do a video with the code installed it would be very nice

#50 5 years ago

ok, the link works. It was my connection on the other computer. Thanks, will give the PRO a try!

Quoted from FatPanda:

It should? I'll PM you the links
EDIT: I just realized you the link that I PMd you are the same as the ones posted above lol
Maybe try a different computer or a different connection?

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