(Topic ID: 20151)

What pin has the most different shots?

By Bartzenegger

11 years ago

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    #1 11 years ago

    Hi, im wondering what pin has the most different shots
    Not the same over and over with each different mode.
    I looked in seaches but didnt really find
    This info. Its one of my ways of picking a new pin.
    Thx everyone! I love site and think its the
    Best informitive pin site on earth!
    Peace out!

    #2 11 years ago

    Wow, that's a subjective topic, Bartz.

    I believe it's entirely up to the individual. Some games flow very well like Steve Ritchie games. Other games are very stop and go, which is not always a bad thing. Some get a bad reputation because of the bad shots (i.e. X-Files).

    You could say that heavy A-list titles like Monster Bash, Twilight Zone, and Medieval Madness all give a good amount of replay in the modes and whatnot, but, most of the time, you hit the same ramp to start a new mode. Others would think that the hard to make ramps in The X-Files make it all the more satisfying when they are hit successfully.

    All in all, with taking into consideration the ruleset for activating certain features in a game, I guess you have to decide this for yourself.

    #3 11 years ago
    #4 11 years ago

    I thought about posting this question myself a while ago.

    TSPP is a good choice. I thought it could be TZ with the most shots.

    Anyone have definitive info ?

    #5 11 years ago

    I tell you TZ must be up there!

    Maybe WOZ will soon

    #7 11 years ago

    I was playing a Swords of Fury recently and was surprised how many shots there were for a pre DMD game.

    #8 11 years ago

    Anything with extra flippers is going to be up there. He's already got a TZ, so he's got that covered. TSPP is a great one, but probably not "the most".

    #9 11 years ago

    I always felt Corvette has a decent variety of shots. Don't know why, but that one came to mind first when reading your question.

    But I think it's not just the number of different shots but also the placement that is important to consider. A game like T3 has plenty of shots but is not vary varied as its basically all fan layout (you can't beat it for speed though). A game like TSPP has a much more diverse gameplay (but it tends to be a lot slower).

    #10 11 years ago

    The Shadow has 27 different shots that you have to hit during final battle. That's got to be up there!

    #11 11 years ago

    Thx soooo much everyone.
    Tz and lah seemed to have a lot when i counted.
    Tspp does but as i remember it was the same shots with different modes but lllooovvveee the gm.
    I figure if theres 27 different places
    To hit some have to hard to.
    I kinda tries to do find out in the rule sets
    Of pins it has the layout which should give the different
    Shots. But it would take forever
    To go through.
    Thx again everyone

    #12 11 years ago

    What- is this a trick question ? Is it Who Dunnit ?

    #13 11 years ago

    TZ, RS, and TSPP would all be in the running.

    #14 11 years ago

    Solar City, Target Alpha, and El Dorado.

    #15 11 years ago

    I was thinking TZ and RS too

    #16 11 years ago

    Spiderman has a good number. I believe its around 20.

    #17 11 years ago

    there is quite a few on stargate

    #18 11 years ago

    Road Show first came to mind for me

    #19 11 years ago

    thinking TZ, Road show, Demo man, TSPP

    #20 11 years ago

    no fear

    #21 11 years ago

    We'd have to lay some ground rules...what counts as a shot? Only things you can make cleanly (ramps, scoops, orbits, loops, saucers) or all potential scoring targets (standups, drops, bash toys, magnets, optos)? If a target can be hit by three different flippers, does it count as three different shots?

    Depending on your definition, you'll end up with very different results when you go a-counting.

    #22 11 years ago

    DM and JD both have a lot of shots.

    #23 11 years ago

    LOTR does a pretty good job of mixing up the shots during all the modes. But I think you are talking about the physical lanes, ramps, targets, etc... You already have a TZ. STNNG and Batman Forever come to mind.

    #24 11 years ago

    It'd be interesting to count on two metrics: quantity and variety.

    For example, three ramps would count as three shots for quantity but only one shot for variety. Likewise with scoops or sinkholes. Jurassic Park, for example (only because I just bought one) has 14 shots for quantity (clockwise: drops, scoop, orbit, scoop, standups, pops, loop, saucer, captive ball, kicker, ramp, scoop, saucer, standups) and 10 for variety.

    Interesting metrics for comparison purposes.

    #25 11 years ago

    TSPP hands down. I miss mine, a lot.

    #26 11 years ago

    WPT might qualify here. It has 2 far ramps and 2 spinner orbits, a backwall doorway, a long scoop, a lock standup, plus 16 drops on the main pf. (Each drop is a separate shot!) Plus a feature relight doorway, standups (all 3 are equivalent), an ace-in-the-hole chamber, and a hurry-up exit on the mini-pf.

    Or, for what you're suggesting re "not the same shot over and over," then LW might be one of the most balanced pins shotwise. There are 5 main modes, and no pf shot is used to finish more than one mode. Scoring is balanced too, with most points being scored by finishing a mode (1M plus whatever you get during the mode). Because each mode uses completely different shots, and starting/finishing a mode is harder if you fail to finish it the first time, you really need to hit all shots to do well.

    LW has an AFM-like layout. One mode is just ramp shots: hit each one 3 times to activate, a ramp to start, then 4 ramps in 20 seconds to complete. Another mode: hit 5 small standups (at entrances to ramps/orbits) to activate and flash them all, hit any one to start, then hit the lit standup 3 times in 30 seconds to finish--BUT: the l/r flipper buttons cycle the lit standup l/r. Another mode: Hit the scoop 3 times to activate, hit again to stop a hurry-up countdown that sets the scoop bonus, then 3 more scoops in 30 seconds to finish. Mode 4: light 2 inlanes and 2 outlanes to activate (left side and right side are independent); hit single flashing lane to start. This is a 2-ball mode: get 15 spinner spins (orbits) to add a ball, then 20 more spins to add another ball, then 25 more spins to finish. Draining to 1 ball ends the mode. Final mode: hit 6 standups (3 on each side above slings) to activate, then hit any 1 side standup to start. This is a 2-ball mode: hit the inner orbit for a jackpot, then a side standup to relight inner orbit, then get a 2nd jackpot to finish. Inner orbit will time out, mode ends when you drain to 1 ball. (#s of shots required may vary with difficulty settings, and tend to increase if you start but fail to finish a mode.)

    There's also a MB: hit the single Snagger drop target to eventually flash the 3 orbits (2 outers and left inner), then hit each flashing orbit to lock a ball. 4-ball MB: hit each ramp once for a jackpot; after 2 ramps, hit each outer orbit once for a jackpot; then hit the inner orbit for a final jackpot--final jp value is a timed shot, varying from 1M to 5M on the DMD. So even the MB jackpots require 5 different shots!

    #28 11 years ago

    Maybe one of those Bingo machines?

    #29 11 years ago
    Quoted from copperpot:

    TSPP hands down. I miss mine, a lot.

    I think as far as variety, it has to be TSPP.

    Just take the upper right flipper for example. Most games with upper flippers have 1-2 shots with that flipper, but on TSPP the available shots include:

    1. comic book guy
    2. extra time target
    3. quickie-mart
    4. left ramp to upper playfield
    5. bullies
    6. pop bumpers
    7. nuclear plant

    And that doesn't count bank shots that can be done to the garage and other bully targets.

    #30 11 years ago

    RCT is way up there with the total number of shots available and also the ability to hit many shots from both of the lower flippers (i.e back hand and fore hand shots).

    Toss on top the multitude of shots avalable from both of the upper flippers and the fact that there are 4 distinct plunger pulls (i.e, sshot, opto handyman back side, center orbit, and rollovers).

    I no longer own the machine but it has lots of variety. It is a great shot training game with some odd angles and a wide variety of both easy and tough shots.

    #31 11 years ago

    I interpreted " most different" as in "unusual or abnormal" as opposed to shear volume. I like games that have weird shots but you couldn't tell with my cookie cutter collection.

    #32 11 years ago

    Twilight Zone and The Simpsons Pinball Party stand out to me. There might be some other games that have a higher number of shots, but these two games seem to have the most number of meaningful shots.

    #33 11 years ago

    Family Guy/Shrek has got to be in the team photo when you consider the upper playfield as well.
    30+ shots on the game.

    #34 11 years ago

    Batman Forever has about 30. STTNG has a similar amount. TZ and RBION are both way up there too. TSPP has about 32. The low 30s seems to be the max.

    #35 11 years ago

    BK2K has 25. that was just a little curiosity I figured for a game that is often maligned as having 2 shots.

    I think the biggest thing is how they are used in the rules.

    #36 11 years ago

    I have to side with Black Hole, and Haunted House, that many flippers and playfields, it has to have a lot of shots right?

    #37 11 years ago

    How about Blackwater 100, 5 flippers, 3 playfields and shots all over the place!

    #38 11 years ago

    TZ and IJ for sure

    #41 11 years ago

    ummm, no. So far, it has zero shots. And when released, it looks to have an average number.

    #42 11 years ago

    Capcom Airborne, is in the running there as well....and the shots are tight and hard...

    some so hard they are ALMOST unfair....

    7 years later
    #43 4 years ago

    Reviving this old thread because a lot of games have come out in the last 7 years. I was wondering if there's a new "King of the Hill" as far as shots are concerned.

    Of all the games I own, TSPP has the most shots at 22:
    1. Light Otto 2. Cletus Loop 3. Adv. Pops 4. More time target 5. Comic book guy 6. Left ramp 8. Quicky mart loop 9. Quicky mart stand-up 10. Garage 11. Otto's bus tour 12. Bully targets 13. Right Ramp 14. Captive Ball 15. Krusty Loop 16. Drops 17. Itchy scratchy hole 18. Shooter lane 19. Lock targets 20. Couch ramp 21. Light mystery 22. Mode lock loop

    I'm sure there are games with more. Deadpool comes to mind as seeming to have a lot of shots, but I don't own it (wish I did)

    So, which of your games have the most shots, and how many?

    #44 4 years ago

    I'm counting 18 on my TZ (6 from each lower flipper, 3 from each upper flipper) _without_ counting GREED target shots.

    Realistically, I count 11 of those, making 29 total.

    #45 4 years ago

    Oktoberfest has a ton of shots, i never counted how many

    #46 4 years ago

    Hobbit, clear winner for me. 31 shots. Over 30 different modes.

    #47 4 years ago

    Gotta be JJP POTC now

    #48 4 years ago

    Yeah, all three of their widebodies are packed with shots. Come to think of it the other two are packed as well.

    For modern Stern, Iron Maiden and Ghosbusters have a ton, Iron Maiden's are far more varied in comparison. Deadpool has interesting travel paths but I don't think the number of shots is higher than average.

    #49 4 years ago
    Quoted from VALIS666:

    Yeah, all three of their widebodies are packed with shots. Come to think of it the other two are packed as well.
    For modern Stern, Iron Maiden and Ghosbusters have a ton, Iron Maiden's are far more varied in comparison. Deadpool has interesting travel paths but I don't think the number of shots is higher than average.

    JJP games have to be up there. WOZ, DI, Hobbit, POTC, and Wonka all have a ton.

    I would be very interested to know how many shots each had.

    #50 4 years ago

    Baywatch has a lot of fun shots 4 flippers 4 ramps. This pin is one of the best I have had in 100 pins owned. I think a lot of people have not played it.

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