(Topic ID: 246046)

STTNG: Overrated or Undervalued

By Blitzburgh99

4 years ago

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“STTNG: Overrated or Undervalued”

  • Overrated 89 votes
  • Undervalued 112 votes

(201 votes)

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#1 4 years ago

STTNG is currently ranked #13 on Pinside and is #3 on IPBD. It is widely hailed as one of the best games ever and Steve Ritchie’s finest moment.

Pinside average value is $4500. There are many STTNGs that sit in the lower 4K range for weeks without selling.

Is STTNG the best bargain in pinball and totally undervalued? Or is it simply overrated? What gives?

#2 4 years ago

The top 10 of IPDB hasn't changed in years. I really dont care what they or Pinside says.

#3 4 years ago

Amazing game, but mechanically complex and hard to keep going. Look at the for sale adds on TNG vs Addams and see what has been done to keep them going.

#4 4 years ago

One of the best games ever made.

#5 4 years ago

Too hard to work on for the average pinhead. The game will do all kinds of funky stuff when the Optos aren't working just right. It keeps the price down.

#6 4 years ago

If you loved the show like I did, it’s a top 5 pin.

#7 4 years ago

I think it's overrated every time I see one it looks like it's having problems. Also not a big fan of gameplay my biggest beef with this game is the rules though.

#8 4 years ago


#9 4 years ago

It’s my favorite pinball of all time so my opinion is going to be obvious. Played the crap out of it in the arcades back in the day and still love it.

#10 4 years ago

Awesome game! The flow is awesome! It definitely deserves #3 ranking. The Picard maneuver is very satisfying. It is never leaving my house.

Honestly, I have never had any mechanical problems that people complain of.

#11 4 years ago

You just asked for it.

#12 4 years ago

Where are these nice examples sitting in the low $4k range?

#13 4 years ago

Owned it for over 4 years. Loved it and the show. Thought I’d never get rid of it, but eventually did to afford a new pin. Luckily never had too many issues. Flipper, coil, and optos... have to keep the optos clean. $5k with a ColorDMD, worth every penny.

#14 4 years ago

Well I'd go for "C. Just right" but I'm more on the undervalued side. It's an all timer for many a reason. Now, I don;t need to own one or anything but it's a great game.

Quoted from kermit24:

Where are these nice examples sitting in the low $4k range?

North of Georgia.

#15 4 years ago


#16 4 years ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

Well I'd go for "C. Just right" but I'm more on the undervalued side. It's an all timer for many a reason. Now, I don;t need to own one or anything but it's a great game.

North of Georgia.

Ah yes. Those two are both either on route or fresh off route. But decent deals for sure.

#17 4 years ago

Its a solid game but I don't miss the outlanes or the maintenance/ random opto issues that always seemed to creep up.

#18 4 years ago
Quoted from kermit24:

Where are these nice examples sitting in the low $4k range?

There are 8 for sale ads on pinside right now. Two in the low 4s. All sitting ... lonely looking for new owners. Overrated or Undervalued?

A loaded one in Utah listed at $4600 pending. Described as “ An overall nice example for age. Working 100%. ColorDMD, full LED’s, laser cannons mod, new black legs, cabinet protectors, Flipper Fidelity sub & speakers, Neutral zone Cliffy, & more I’m sure I’m forgetting. “

#19 4 years ago

I'm a big fan of pinball, Star Trek, and Steve Ritchie games.
Put all three together and you have one of the greatest games of all time.
I've had mine for 4 years and had no problems or breakdowns. Maybe I just got lucky with my copy of the game.

#20 4 years ago

I don't like the way it looks...but MAN OH MAN...the way it shoots is unbelievable! Smooth shooter, great shots! Fantastic sound with the original cast. Fun, straight-forward modes.

IMO it's a fine, clear example of early 90's BW goodness. Up there with Shadow and AFM. I prefer it to the newer Stern.

#21 4 years ago

I have had mine for a couple years with little to no problems. I really enjoy it but I think it is probably valued correctly. $4500-$5500 depending on condition seems reasonable. Under $4500 would be a great deal.

I am more of a Star Wars fan than a Star Trek fan but enjoy both STTNG and Stern ST more than any SW I have played.

#22 4 years ago

Ive worked on a couple dozen in the cities. New trough opto bds, replace other emiitters if yellowed, new gun looms.ribbon cables. After this they are very reliable and a blast to play.

#23 4 years ago

Given the choice between a “like new” STTNG and any recent Stern Pro NIB, I’d probably go with STTNG.

#24 4 years ago

Very over rated. Out dated TV show...somewhat lame play. I would go new Stern pro

#25 4 years ago

It’s a fun game, but if you are looking at the Top 100 there are so many better games latter in the list. With that being said, if you can find a nice example on the low $4Ks, that’s a great value.

#26 4 years ago

I think in addition to the "hard to keep running" stigma the game has, there are a lot of people that generally just don't like wide body games for whatever reason (heavier, perceived to (or just do) play slower, etc.). There are a few wide bodies I like - JD which I own, Batman Forever, which I'd like to own just because I think it shoots super fun, but beyond those I generally don't love the way they play so that could deter people. I don't think it's a bad game at all, just not one I'd spend 4K on since there are games I like more in that range. It's probably valued about right I'd guess?

#27 4 years ago

They made a shit ton of them and the theme does not resonate for some people. The layout and rule set is one of the best-if not the best in pinball. Super under-rated and huge bang for your buck. It is one of the most complex machines to work on and if I had a nickel for every thread made about the cannons not working properly I could buy a really nice Baywatch.

#28 4 years ago

My machine has had
so little issues of the years, yes, I changed an switch or two. Just rebuilt the flippers for the first time. Changed the canon looms... I have owned it for 20 years. Its truly one of the best games of all time IMHO.. Wont ever be leaving my collection.

#29 4 years ago

It's a great pin but I disliked getting annihilated in video mode every time. I should try harder to master that.

#30 4 years ago

Undervalued because it *can* be a maintenance nightmare. It's a fun game with nice flow.

It's the only game I own that my brother owns. I told myself I wouldn't get a game he owns because I could play it anytime, but I have enjoyed STTNG for a long time so I grabbed one for myself.

#31 4 years ago

It's a really cool game to play...but I'm surprised it's that high up on the rank list (which really isn't all that reliable though). For that I will say it's overrated, but I would be stoked to own one still.

#32 4 years ago
Quoted from Azmodeus:

It's a great pin but I disliked getting annihilated in video mode every time. I should try harder to master that.

There is a tournament Rom that disables holodeck. I have it on mine. Balances the game

#33 4 years ago

And while on the subject of “maintenance nightmare” TZ can be just as fickle. Replace optos, reflow solder, and you’ll have a tank. Mines on route and after a couple of hours of pre-maintenance before the location, she’s going strong

#34 4 years ago

Every single pinball machine ever made is underpriced and overpriced while also being underrated and overrated at the same time.

ALong with the impending bubble burst this is what I have learned here.

Quoted from DK:

There is a tournament Rom that disables holodeck. I have it on mine. Balances the game

Tournament ROM?

It's in the stock settings. You can simply turn off video mode.

#35 4 years ago

Those who own it now undervalued. Those who have owned it overated.

#36 4 years ago

Either way, it's heavy as shit.

#37 4 years ago
Quoted from Wickerman2:

Either way, it's heavy as shit.

Finally something everyone can agree on.

#38 4 years ago

Great game and well deserved of its ranking.

#39 4 years ago

One of the best games ever made - but they made a ton & the theme is niche. When I started collecting, they were around $2k-ish all day long, so if they’re 4 or 5 now, that seems like the right price for pinflation.

Quoted from HarryReimer:

Wont ever be leaving my collection.

De-purplebomb it and you’ll love it even more!

#40 4 years ago

Let's see...a top 10 game from the greatest pinball company ever (Williams) and the greatest pinball year ever (1993) for $1000 less than a Stern "Pro". Yeah, I'd say it's undervalued in this scenario.

#41 4 years ago

STTNG has always been alot of game for the buck... but it seems to finally be catching up.

#42 4 years ago
Quoted from Orko:

It’s my favorite pinball of all time so my opinion is going to be obvious. Played the crap out of it in the arcades back in the day and still love it.

I agree, it's my favorite game of all time too, although Ripley's is a close second. I played STTNG a ton back in the day, we used to play it for hours when it was 5 plays for $2 with all the high scores, replays and matches we could get. Love the theme, even though I'm not a super Trekkie. The game has quite possibly the best theme integration in pinball. Custom call outs by the actors, fantastic light show and dots, varied layout with challenging shots, varied modes with challenging rules...it really does have it all. I only traded mine for a restored Lord of the Rings, because that was the only way I was ever going to get an LOTR. If there was a nice shape, working low $4000's STTNG near me, I'd buy it again in a heartbeat.

#43 4 years ago

I loved ST TNG on television, and add Steve Richie and you can’t lose. But did they go with too “niche” of a theme? I’m more of a trek fan than SW, but that seems to be the opposite of most. I wonder what people would have said If this would have been a Star Wars pin instead.

#44 4 years ago

I've never seen a single episode of Star Trek.

I like the pin, though.

#45 4 years ago

I sold my loaded version last year for 4400. It has some shield insert wear, but aside from that it was a nice example.

I think the price was about right, since buyers weren't exactly pounding down my doors and it took over a month to sell. That generally gives me the feeling that I didn't have it over priced, but also didn't leave a bunch of cash on the table.

#46 4 years ago
Quoted from Orko:

I loved ST TNG on television, and add Steve Richie and you can’t lose. But did they go with too “niche” of a theme? I

It's the last pinball machine to sell over 10,000 units so I'd say no, not too much of a "niche" theme. They used to call Star Trek "The Franchise" over at Paramount.

#47 4 years ago

There are a ton of STTNGs, I see this pin pop up for sale constantly on pinside, facebook and craigslist. As a huge star trek fan, it is my favorite theme. Just my opinion but the game was not very fun to play. Even with the extenders the outlanes are very frustrating.

#48 4 years ago

I think it’s just right at about 4K. It’s a good game, but if I’m spending much more I’d rather have a newer stern pro

#49 4 years ago
Quoted from gliebig:

I've never seen a single episode of Star Trek.
I like the pin, though.

To all those here, if you want a brief encounter with the best of Star Trek: The Next Generation, I would highly recommend the movie Star Trek: First Contact. It is arguably the best of the bunch and a great stand alone movie.

#50 4 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

It's the last pinball machine to sell over 10,000 units so I'd say no, not too much of a "niche" theme. They used to call Star Trek "The Franchise" over at Paramount.

Context is important. It came out in the 90s, when it was a hit syndicated show, arcades were hot, and pinball was in its B/W Lawlor/Ritchie prime. Of course it sold that many.

However, for home ownership, it skews more niche. The hardcore Trekkies that had to have one generally have one. That leaves casual fans & people who might actually be turned off by Star Trek....or people who like OG Star Trek & not TNG. I think its value is respectable considering what a great game & license it is.

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