(Topic ID: 257088)

Rick & Morty Fan Demographic

By ausretrogamer

4 years ago

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    Topic poll

    “R&M fan age group”

    • Under 30 42 votes
    • 31 to 39 75 votes
    • 40 to 49 89 votes
    • 50 to 59 43 votes
    • 60 to 69 3 votes
    • 70+ 12 votes

    (264 votes)

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    #1 4 years ago

    Sick and tired of hearing misinformed folks write off R&M as a youngsters (under 30) theme. I’m in my mid 40s and love watching Rick & Morty (as does my wife).

    So, once and for all, if you are into R&M, please cast your vote for the age group you belong in. If you aren’t into R&M then this isn’t for you.

    #2 4 years ago

    No need for this poll..we already know the majority of pinside have greying or totally grey hair.

    #3 4 years ago
    Quoted from Zablon:

    No need for this poll..we already know the majority of pinside have greying or totally grey hair.

    Shows what you know. I’m totally bald.

    I’m 53 and love the factual humor of the show. Science has never been funnier.

    #4 4 years ago

    I'm 54 and have never even heard of Rick and Morty. I'm not even joking.

    #5 4 years ago

    40, love Rick and Morty

    #6 4 years ago

    You should have put in an option that says they do not know or like R&M as the majority of members here are over 40 so your poll will show the 40+ categories higher as others.

    I am 49 and really like R&M after some time getting into it. It is an aquired taste for sure. Of all the Pinball people I know in person, I am the only one that likes R&M, most do not even know the show.

    #7 4 years ago

    bit of a skewed poll as most ppl on this site are old men so results will just be 40+ lol

    #8 4 years ago
    Quoted from russdx:

    bit of a skewed poll as most ppl on this site are old men so results will just be 40+ lol

    As a non-conformist Mummy I take offense to that.

    #9 4 years ago
    Quoted from underlord:

    As a non-conformist Mummy I take offense to that.

    And old women

    #10 4 years ago
    Quoted from russdx:

    And old women

    True. And they take offense to everything. Old battleaxes!

    #11 4 years ago
    Quoted from Who-Dey:

    I'm 54 and have never even heard of Rick and Morty. I'm not even joking.

    Same here.

    #12 4 years ago

    Never heard of them until yesterday. 50-59 age group.

    Ditto Who-Dey and Rai.

    #13 4 years ago

    Think it’s on Hulu and I’ll give it a try.

    #14 4 years ago

    You can see some shorter clips of parts of episodes on Youtube if you want to get a quick look.

    #15 4 years ago

    55 and love the show.

    #16 4 years ago

    I'm 29, I enjoy the show well enough and really want to see what Spooky does with it. Very cool to see a theme from a recent property.

    #17 4 years ago

    49 and I prefer "old man" themes but R&M is a fun show worthy of it's own machine.

    #18 4 years ago

    39. Never watched the show until recently. Hilarious.

    I'm on season 2 now.

    #19 4 years ago

    44 here. I have heard of the show, but have not watched an episode until the Spooky teaser. I am about 5-6 episodes in from various seasons. Some of the episodes are very good, others are not as great. Inconsistent.

    #20 4 years ago

    Bump,who-day,and rai.I'm 69 and never heard of R&M,however I never heard of "Deadpool"either and its one of my favorite pins,so I'' wait and see on this one!

    #21 4 years ago

    fantasy football players (with some grey hair and old) demo

    pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
    #22 4 years ago
    Quoted from Who-Dey:

    I'm 54 and have never even heard of Rick and Morty. I'm not even joking.

    I have seen short clips, still not interested in the least but as the sales guys would say in the automotive world there is an ass for every seat. And I'm not being derogatory in any way, people just have different tastes.

    Good on Spooky for doing something different, if I see it at a show I'll give it a spin. Be nice to see other small runs of different pins done on other themes too, healthy for the hobby IMHO. And I'm not talking about recycling/small runs like Woah Nellie, Can Crusher, Primus.

    #23 4 years ago

    42 and love it. Don’t get thrown that it is animated. Animation is just the medium that it is delivered in. It is a very funny, very smart sci-fi comedy.

    #24 4 years ago

    I'm 17 and enjoy watching Rick And Morty need to catch up on the new season.

    #25 4 years ago

    49 and never watched it once, but know what it is.

    #26 4 years ago
    Quoted from Coolpinballdino:

    I'm 17 and enjoy watching Rick And Morty need to catch up on the new season.

    17 yr old owning 83 pinball machines? Clearly I am doing something wrong.

    #27 4 years ago

    I'm 45, and have been a fan of both of the creators of the show for far longer than most. I have followed Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland's careers since around 2005 when I was turned on to Channel 101.

    #28 4 years ago

    I just watched it for the first time. Season 4 episode 1. It didn't really do much for me. I am happy though to hear that Spooky is making a machine for those would want one and hope that it shoots great.

    #29 4 years ago

    I've heard of them, but haven't checked EM out, until now.
    I'm 53.

    Have been looking and I'm currently at season 2.
    It gets better and better, even though i still prefer family guy and early season of southpark.

    My kids watch gumball, which is still a mystery to me.

    #30 4 years ago

    Just watched the first 2 episodes, the pilot was not for me but the second episode was a bit better.

    #31 4 years ago
    Quoted from Who-Dey:

    I'm 54 and have never even heard of Rick and Morty. I'm not even joking.

    In this same boat...

    #32 4 years ago
    Quoted from rai:

    Think it’s on Hulu and I’ll give it a try.

    It is on Hulu. I’m 50 and think the show is awesome.

    #33 4 years ago

    I will be 54 in one week.
    I’m loving the show.
    My 2 oldest kids love it too.

    #34 4 years ago

    41 and have been watching since season 1 started. Great show.

    #35 4 years ago

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to pose this question on a Rick and morty forum if you really want the “once and for all” answer?

    It’s like me asking what the demographic is here for people who likes Dora the Explorer.

    It’s still gonna skew old and white.

    #36 4 years ago

    My son loves it (under 30), I love it (30-39), and my dad loves it (60-69)

    #37 4 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to pose this question on a Rick and morty forum if you really want the “once and for all” answer?
    It’s like me asking what the demographic is here for people who likes Dora the Explorer.
    It’s still gonna skew old and white.

    Wait...is there a DtE pin coming?!? What have you heard, its my dream theme...

    #38 4 years ago

    I'll be 45 this coming week and really enjoy the show.
    In the mid 90's my dad and I would stay up and watch Beavis and Butthead together on a regular basis.
    He was in his mid-late 50s then and thought it was the funniest things.
    I'm not sure there is a set age group among fans when it comes to cartoons with adult humor.
    Seems like this genera of animation appeals to all age groups (less small children) as long as they enjoy a certain sense of humor.

    #39 4 years ago
    Quoted from Coindork:

    I'm not sure there is a set age group among fans when it comes to cartoons with adult humor.

    Archer causes me to laugh like hell.

    #40 4 years ago

    Welp, this thread settles it, “once and for all.”

    The average age of a Rick and Mort fan is aged 40-49. Shocker!

    In an unrelated data point, the average age of a pinsider is between 40-49.

    #41 4 years ago

    It shows that a lot of pinheads 40 and over love this show!

    #42 4 years ago
    Quoted from gdonovan:

    Archer causes me to laugh like hell.

    Archer is fantastic !! My favorite. I'm 52

    #43 4 years ago

    59 in one month from today. Love the show, best thing in years if not ever.

    17 year old daughter loves it too.

    I realize that there are plenty of uptight codgers my age who probably think "Last Man Standing" is the height of comedy, but can't wrap their heads around R&M. Why they feel the need to announce their inadequacy here is beyond me.

    As a lifelong learner (seriously, for example I read books about advanced physics for fun), I refuse to age gracefully!

    #44 4 years ago
    Quoted from kermit24:

    44 here. I have heard of the show, but have not watched an episode until the Spooky teaser. I am about 5-6 episodes in from various seasons. Some of the episodes are very good, others are not as great. Inconsistent.

    47 here, and exactly what I think of it. Loved a few episodes, liked some others. It's okay. I find the sci-fi adventures and general bizarre humor to be the best parts, but the family drama/humor is usually cringy and irritating.

    #45 4 years ago
    Quoted from VALIS666:

    but the family drama/humor is usually cringy and irritating.

    yep same here.

    #46 4 years ago
    Quoted from kermit24:

    17 yr old owning 83 pinball machines? Clearly I am doing something wrong.

    I think that’s his family’s pins, AKA Dad’s

    #47 4 years ago

    There’s no single age demo that likes R&M. It crosses them all. I’m 43 & love it. My wife is 34 & loves it. My cousin’s kids are 6 & 9 and love it, even tho they’re not supposed to watch it lol.

    #48 4 years ago
    Quoted from Coindork:

    I'll be 45 this coming week and really enjoy the show.
    In the mid 90's my dad and I would stay up and watch Beavis and Butthead together on a regular basis.
    He was in his mid-late 50s then and thought it was the funniest things.
    I'm not sure there is a set age group among fans when it comes to cartoons with adult humor.
    Seems like this genera of animation appeals to all age groups (less small children) as long as they enjoy a certain sense of humor.

    Happy Birthday!

    #50 4 years ago

    I'm 30 and love the show.
    And there is no answer for me to vote on.

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