(Topic ID: 267940)

Murder Hornets?

By Photopin

4 years ago

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    There are 109 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 3.
    #1 4 years ago

    For those of you who asked what's next after all the COVID-19 issues disappear, apparently it's Murder Hornets.
    I thought this was a joke when I saw a meme on Facebook featuring Dr. Evil saying 'Release the Murder Hornets!', but apparently it's not. According to an article I read, gigantic (2-inch long) yellow Murder Hornets have made their way into the US from Asia and have the potential to kill humans.

    #2 4 years ago

    “Murder hornets” will be the name of countless high school garage bands next year.

    Or it would if high schoolers actually still formed garage bands.

    #3 4 years ago

    At least being that big we can use tennis rackets to fight them.

    #4 4 years ago

    I've seen a show years ago about them. They are very aggressive.

    #6 4 years ago

    At least you can see a murder Hornet coming after you compared to the virus.

    #7 4 years ago

    Seems like I have seen this movie before...


    Killer bees in 2013

    #8 4 years ago

    These are about as scary as those "africanized killer bees" that were supposed to take us out years ago.
    All hype

    #9 4 years ago
    Quoted from no-extra-balls:

    These are about as scary as those "africanized killer bees" that were supposed to take us out years ago.
    All hype

    It’s a murder hornet hoax !!

    #10 4 years ago

    They can grow up to 2 inches, and definitely look like they’re the muscle for some major bee monster. Not sure how common they are but I’m not trying to piss them off! Lol

    I like how a common (just not common in the US) animal that’s been studied for decades is a “hoax”.

    Getting stung:

    #11 4 years ago
    Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

    They can grow up to 2 inches, and definitely look like they’re the muscle for some major bee monster. Not sure how common they are but I’m not trying to piss them off! Lol
    I like how a common (just not common in the US) animal that’s been studied for decades is a “hoax”.
    Getting stung:

    Everything is a hoax now. The media are the real murder hornets!!!!!


    Also tornados are fake.

    #12 4 years ago

    Can't wait for the murder hornet pin!

    #13 4 years ago

    I'm old, the media was flogging African killer bees back in the late 70's

    Still waiting for them to show.


    #14 4 years ago

    The scary name comes from them taking out bees, not people. They aren't generally hostile to people any more than regular wasps are if you piss them off.

    #15 4 years ago
    #17 4 years ago
    Quoted from yzfguy:

    Can't wait for the murder hornet pin!

    Oh, the possibilities....But I’m afraid Hollywood would have to make the movie first. And what if not enough film assets were used in the pin? Or maybe we’ll only have to wait for one of the afore mentioned garage bands to make it big.

    #19 4 years ago

    Murder hornet moonshine ....
    I think I’ll pass on that !

    #20 4 years ago

    They have actually killed people, but they mostly destroy bee colonies and that is a real problem.

    #21 4 years ago

    I think they are actually the Zanti Misfits from the Outer Limits - they look a lot like 'em!

    OuterLimitsZantiMisfits (resized).jpgOuterLimitsZantiMisfits (resized).jpg
    #22 4 years ago

    That was always my fav episode.

    #23 4 years ago

    Better start panic buying this! Or is this a toilet paper crisis too?

    pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
    #24 4 years ago
    Quoted from henrydwh:

    Better start panic buying this! Or is this a toilet paper crisis too?

    I hear that stuff just makes 'em mad.

    #25 4 years ago
    Quoted from fosaisu:

    I hear that stuff just makes 'em mad.

    Probably immune to it!

    #26 4 years ago

    80 people a year die from regular hornet stings each year and we don't shut down the country!

    #27 4 years ago
    Quoted from BobSacamano:

    80 people a year die from regular hornet stings each year and we don't shut down the country!

    They do occasionally shut down my patio though, which is bad enough.

    #28 4 years ago

    My wife is allergic to bee and wasp stings, we keep a can of raid around in case they show up on our patio.

    #29 4 years ago

    Are they shutting down the county?

    #30 4 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    “Murder hornets” will be the name of countless high school garage bands next year.
    Or it would if high schoolers actually still formed garage bands.

    They will, remember good music is not dead it's just not on the radio.


    #32 4 years ago

    First the plague, now the locusts....

    #33 4 years ago
    Quoted from epthegeek:

    The scary name comes from them taking out bees, not people. They aren't generally hostile to people any more than regular wasps are if you piss them off.

    right, people think some human killer bug is flying around now. so stupid.

    #35 4 years ago

    As long as those who are vulnerable stay inside (mice, toy poodles, small children and infants, honey bee colonies) I don't see any reason why the rest of us can't carry on as before.

    We can't allow the cure to be worse than the hornets!!!

    Also, we should look into injecting RAID right into the bloodstream, or perhaps somehow introducing low-level flame into the body - it'll wipe them out in a minute!

    #36 4 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    As long as those who are vulnerable stay inside (mice, toy poodles, small children and infants, honey bee colonies) I don't see any reason why the rest of us can't carry on as before.

    Just stay 6 ft away from them and your good.

    #37 4 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    As long as those who are vulnerable stay inside (mice, toy poodles, small children and infants, honey bee colonies) I don't see any reason why the rest of us can't carry on as before.
    We can't allow the cure to be worse than the hornets!!!
    Also, we should look into injecting RAID right into the bloodstream, or perhaps somehow introducing low-level flame into the body - it'll wipe them out in a minute!

    Press briefing at 6PM

    #38 4 years ago
    Quoted from poppapin:

    Press briefing at 6PM

    It will include a presentation on what do to if stung, provided by Dr. Ouchie.

    #39 4 years ago
    Quoted from wolverinetuner:

    It will include a presentation on what do to if stung, provided by Dr. Ouchie.

    I just busted out laughing at Dr. Ouchie

    #40 4 years ago

    Giant Hornet Larva is a delicacy in Japan, it's aboot time it made it's way over here. Remember when sushi was a joke in the Midwest?

    #41 4 years ago
    Quoted from poppapin:

    Press briefing at 6PM

    and 11, 5, noon, 6, 11, noon, 5...

    ... Created in a lab!

    #42 4 years ago
    Quoted from henrydwh:

    I just busted out laughing at Dr. Ouchie

    Please, don’t laugh at Dr. Ouchie, the most renowned epistingyologist in the itwontabiteus task force!

    #43 4 years ago
    Bee (resized).jpgBee (resized).jpg
    #44 4 years ago
    hornet (resized).jpghornet (resized).jpg
    #45 4 years ago

    These guys are power houses against other hives.

    #46 4 years ago
    Quoted from Grizlyrig:

    These guys are power houses against other hives.

    Total decimation.....

    #47 4 years ago

    I call for a “supernatural heat wave”. Burn, burn this thing!

    C01918DC-9261-4F86-B188-535487DC6B80 (resized).jpegC01918DC-9261-4F86-B188-535487DC6B80 (resized).jpeg
    #48 4 years ago
    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    Also, we should look into injecting RAID right into the bloodstream, or perhaps somehow introducing low-level flame into the body - it'll wipe them out in a minute!

    Are you being sarcastic?!?! I can't tell. You sound serious, but how are we to know. Please clarify your comment in tomorrow's posting!

    #49 4 years ago
    Quoted from sethi_i:

    Are you being sarcastic?!?! I can't tell. You sound serious, but how are we to know. Please clarify your comment in tomorrow's posting!

    Nobody gets sarcasm any more!!!!

    Anyway whomever takes care of these killer cricket things deserves a Noble prize.

    #50 4 years ago

    What the hell, is someone in the middle of a game of Jumanji?

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