(Topic ID: 23632)

Latest update from Jack on WOZ........

By iceman44

11 years ago

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#251 11 years ago

I dont understand first buyers are getting moaned to.

I am greatfull you guys take the risc. I just cant afford it, and when some lads dont take riscs, pinball is all over. For them, but for me too. For every body.

Every NIB buyer should get at least a nice pint of beer from ''on route'' players like me when they meet, .

#252 11 years ago
Quoted from spfxted:

Some people have nothing better to do than bitch.
If a buyer is not happy he can get a refund or sell his spot. I know people who are waiting.
A bunch of us will be seeing Jack in a few weeks and play the game.

Yep, you guys are lucky Ted! That should be great....are you going before PPE?...

#253 11 years ago
Quoted from Tommi_Gunn:

To those that paid, and are complaining about "where's my game?" you have no right. You ran on hype and blind faith. Buying into a preacher asking for donations.
Really dumb move giving someone that kind of money upfront on a startup.
This whole thing is such a mess. It's like watching a train wreck. What a way to run a business.

Quoted from riggy469:

So, when the game comes out, and it's incredible, are people prepared to eat crow? Just wondering.

Those people will turn into f'ing crickets.

#254 11 years ago

Jack just stated on the WOZ newsgroup:

"We are going to get some decent video this week for sure!"
"I don't know if anything is ever 100% with our team- LOL - they will never be "happy"."

#255 11 years ago
Quoted from gambit3113:

Dude. You paid like a month ago, right? When did you learn WOZ was even being made into a pin? You aren't exactly the skin on the wall that the "cool with waiting crowd" needs.

I made my down payment in March 2012. What is with the attitude? All I have ever done to you is to invite you to play my WOZ when it arrived.

#256 11 years ago
Quoted from TaylorVA:

Those people will turn into f'ing crickets.

Actually, even if the game is a homerun, I think they will likely pick apart the game like accident lawyers because that is what they do

#257 11 years ago

Pintucky and I are being very patient like you stargazer, he invited me to come up and play his. Complaining about the wait isn't going to pass the time any quicker. To me pinball must be done right. I welcome the wait if it means refining the end product to push it beyond "unbelievable" in the end. I'm freaking stoked.

#258 11 years ago
Quoted from DCFAN:

Actually, even if the game is a homerun, I think they will likely pick apart the game like accident lawyers because that is what they do

I doubt it. These asshats just have nothing else to do. People with over 10 games in their collections bitching about a game they won't own says a lot about what they do own. Zzzzzzzz.

#259 11 years ago
Quoted from Tommi_Gunn:

To those that paid, and are complaining about "where's my game?" you have no right. You ran on hype and blind faith. Buying into a preacher asking for donations.
Really dumb move giving someone that kind of money upfront on a startup.
This whole thing is such a mess. It's like watching a train wreck. What a way to run a business.

Wow. I may not be in the WOZ fanboy club, but I have to throw the BS flag on posts like this. To call it a train wreck is crazy talk. There is no way the people who bought in are not going to get the great quality machines they are expecting. Sure the WoZ project has been a little mismanaged and is long over due, but people like EZ E who think it is a scam and the people aren't going to get their games are just haters plain and simple.

#260 11 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

Yep, you guys are lucky Ted! That should be great....are you going before PPE?...

I don't know what PPE is....but we're planning on something around middle of the month. Wanna come?)

#261 11 years ago

+1 what he said

Quoted from PinCrush:

Wow. If only we were all as smart as you. There would be no JJP, no BHZA... we'd all be wishing for some competitor to enter the market to push Stern. Pinball would not be better off than it is now... but we could all sit around and talk about how smart we are.
I was in day 1. Low invoice number. I won't lie... the wait is frustrating at times, but that doesn't make it train wreck. I have no regrets and strongly believe we have something special coming. If not, then well... that will be disappointing for sure, but I'd still rather be in the game than tossing tomatoes from the peanut gallery.

#262 11 years ago
Quoted from John_I:

Wow. I may not be in the WOZ fanboy club, but I have to throw the BS flag on posts like this.

Want BS. Go watch Jack's videos on youtube.

#263 11 years ago
Quoted from Tommi_Gunn:

Want BS. Go watch Jack's videos on youtube.

Want BS, go watch the TF Gomez pitch trailer.

#264 11 years ago

Want BS. Go watch Jack's videos on youtube.

Want BS, go watch the TF Gomez pitch trailer.

From where I'm sitting, you are both right.

Please continue.


#265 11 years ago
Quoted from TaylorVA:

Want BS, go watch the TF Gomez pitch trailer.

True, the game doesn't transform like they showed it.

#266 11 years ago

There is a TF game to play, at least. If that kind of thing matters to you.

#267 11 years ago
Quoted from iceman44:

Sounds like you are talking about Obama

More like that tripe carnival down in Tampa.

#268 11 years ago
Quoted from spfxted:

I don't know what PPE is....but we're planning on something around middle of the month. Wanna come?)

I do!

#269 11 years ago

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"

#270 11 years ago

PM me Family. We have a small group going.

#271 11 years ago
Quoted from spfxted:

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"

As John Mellancamp said: "You make it hurt so good."

#272 11 years ago

Hah!...that's the way this thread is starting to sound....bla bla bla...

#273 11 years ago

PT please don't put words in my mouth. I've pointed out when it's just pure BS. See the photo of the game with drywall screws? That was nothing, you should see the other pics! That game was a Prop. I was told I'd have my game last march. Told the test game would be out last DEC 2011. Then when I ask for a refund the guy "claims" I'm the only one. $hit he didn't know I knew 2 others canceled! Per the Ohio show jjp claimed the test game was coming may and shipping games by June. Then 13 in June and 50 in Aug. Remember? Then a few guys think a game is showing up Sept 1st. Wonder why? Don't worry you'll have the test game next week. right? The track record says it all. If JJP has over come the clear coat and playfield issue great, I wouldn't bet on it. Now the claim is the Seattle game isn't what's coming. It better not be. The Seattle playfield was JUNK if you knew what to look for. BTW JJP knows it! The guy will say ANYTHING! Pure and simple the Cult members don't like the fact for whatever reason Stern is selling better games now and JJP is stuck in Neutral!

#275 11 years ago
Quoted from Exejet:

The guy will say ANYTHING! Pure and simple the Cult members don't like the fact for whatever reason Stern is selling better games now and JJP is stuck in Neutral!

So, are you saying that the highly respected people who work for JJP, that have done amazing work in the pinball industry, are all idiots? Because if this is just some big shell game, like you are implying, and JJP is going to ship a highly inferior product, then they must be, right?

Seriously, how do you manage to wake up and look at yourself in the mirror every day?

#276 11 years ago
Quoted from Exejet:

PT please don't put words in my mouth. I've pointed out when it's just pure BS. See the photo of the game with drywall screws? That was nothing, you should see the other pics! That game was a Prop. I was told I'd have my game last march. Told the test game would be out last DEC 2011. Then when I ask for a refund the guy "claims" I'm the only one. $hit he didn't know I knew 2 others canceled! Per the Ohio show jjp claimed the test game was coming may and shipping games by June. Then 13 in June and 50 in Aug. Remember? Then a few guys think a game is showing up Sept 1st. Wonder why? Don't worry you'll have the test game next week. right? The track record says it all. If JJP has over come the clear coat and playfield issue great, I wouldn't bet on it. Now the claim is the Seattle game isn't what's coming. It better not be. The Seattle playfield was JUNK if you knew what to look for. BTW JJP knows it! The guy will say ANYTHING! Pure and simple the Cult members don't like the fact for whatever reason Stern is selling better games now and JJP is stuck in Neutral!

I'm sorry but.......
PLEASE SHUT UP ALREADY.. Get a refund and move on! This topic is so damn old. X is good. ACDC is good. WOZ is good. Pinball as whole is FANTASTIC compared to a couple years ago.

#277 11 years ago

#278 11 years ago
Quoted from RobT:

From where I'm sitting, you are both right.
Please continue.

Pass the corn...

#279 11 years ago
Quoted from coasterguy:

I'm sorry but.......
PLEASE SHUT UP ALREADY.. Get a refund and move on! This topic is so damn old. X is good. ACDC is good. WOZ is good. Pinball as whole is FANTASTIC compared to a couple years ago.

CG, what i really love is making the pissant diatribe, then signing back in as Mrbally to give it a thumbs up. Twit (darned "A" button stuck) goes to ezsleeze

#280 11 years ago
Quoted from jbrady65tv:

CG, what i really love is making the pissant diatribe, then signing back in as Mrbally to give it a thumbs up. Twit (darned "A" button stuck) goes to ezsleeze

I thought it was typically against forum rules to have more than one account.

#281 11 years ago

From the forum rules and guidelines:

"Only one registration is allowed per person, dual identities are not allowed. Adopting an inappropriate user id is also not allowed, and if you do pick a user id that we feel isn't acceptable, it will simply be changed to something else."

#282 11 years ago
Quoted from Tommi_Gunn:

To those that paid, and are complaining about "where's my game?" you have no right. You ran on hype and blind faith. Buying into a preacher asking for donations.
Really dumb move giving someone that kind of money upfront on a startup.
This whole thing is such a mess. It's like watching a train wreck. What a way to run a business.

Just what we needed, an E Sleeze/Exejet wanna be, pathetic on so many levels

#283 11 years ago

Every other post in this thread makes me think of...


#284 11 years ago

Your story has become tiresome und now is the time on Pinside vere ve daunce.


#285 11 years ago

I think the bla...bla...bla...factor is at about 97%....

#286 11 years ago
Quoted from Exejet:

See the photo of the game with drywall screws? That was nothing, you should see the other pics! That game was a Prop.

Pure and simple the Cult members don't like the fact for whatever reason Stern is selling better games now and JJP is stuck in Neutral!

I saw the photos of that game. Buy calling it a game you yourself acknowledge it is an actual game.

Second, I would not call that game a prop. I would call it a prototype. For a prototype I would expect to see stuff like drywall screws, duct tape, superglue, epoxy, and just about anything else it would take to get a PF made/ moved around until they like it.

I am glad to see Stern making good games. I am glad to see JJP promise to make more games. Excited to see pinball move forward.

#287 11 years ago

PT please don't put words in my mouth. I've pointed out when it's just pure BS. See the photo of the game with drywall screws? That was nothing, you should see the other pics! That game was a Prop. I was told I'd have my game last march. Told the test game would be out last DEC 2011. (yawn....)


#288 11 years ago



#289 11 years ago
Quoted from Exejet:

PT please don't put words in my mouth. I've pointed out when it's just pure BS. See the photo of the game with drywall screws? That was nothing, you should see the other pics! That game was a Prop. ... bla bla bla

Djeez, quit the whining. Enough with the drywall screws. Who cares? It was a damn prototype. I've seen worse. Playfields that had holes drilled in them because the designers moved parts around. Can you believe that? It's called a prototype, for crying out loud. If you have credible "Evidence" that this game is far from finished, which I highly doubt, please proof it - show us your irrefutable evidence. I'm tired of all the insinuation. Jack has shown more evidence of the game progressing then you have shown of the opposite being true.

Quoted from Pinchroma:

That playfield is different than what is final. Again not going into details but it's missing a lot and components have changed/been upgraded.
So what you saw was nothing more than a teaser. So to your point "I saw that in June". No you didn't . You saw something in june.

I knew it! Leave the biggest bang for the finale. I'm still hoping the "sphere" in the middle of the playfield has some kind of LCD screen under it, that would be awesome (yeah I know, keep dreaming).


Edit: just to be clear, the above picture is just my wishful thinking!

#290 11 years ago

Very very interesting. Thanks Alex and Robin. The excitement is definitely growing. Patience will pay off.


#291 11 years ago

Does anyone have any info on JJ's 'OP profit sharing' idea?

I had heard that he was thinking of doing a profit sharing thing with OPS, and that they could get the game at a discounted rate. Anyone have any more info on this?

#292 11 years ago
Quoted from jbrady65tv:

CG, what i really love is making the pissant diatribe, then signing back in as Mrbally to give it a thumbs up. Twit (darned "A" button stuck) goes to ezsleeze

Not sure what all of that stuff above means, I only have one ID on Pinside as well as RGP.

#293 11 years ago

Contact jack directly and ask him

Quoted from smokedog:

Does anyone have any info on JJ's 'OP profit sharing' idea?
I had heard that he was thinking of doing a profit sharing thing with OPS, and that they could get the game at a discounted rate. Anyone have any more info on this?

#294 11 years ago

So do you guys recommend not putting down a deposit on this one?

#295 11 years ago
Quoted from pinballpaully:

So do you guys recommend not putting down a deposit on this one?

If the deposit was $100, I'd say go for it - but the "deposit" Jack took from everybody was 100% of the price of the game.

At this point, I'd wait and see if it comes out, and how good of a game it is.

#296 11 years ago
Quoted from pinballpaully:

So do you guys recommend not putting down a deposit on this one?

If I recall correctly, Jack said he'll keep making WoZs as long as there's orders. That's a win-win for everybody. Unless you have to have it now, before it's out I would say wait. Everything I see says this is a winner in quality and design. The gameplay and staying power is the wildcard. Nobody knows. And unless Jack is planning to raise prices, there's little motivation (for me at least) to lock in now.

I want to support Jack and the pinball community by giving this company and first pin a fair chance. Patience is the key. They've done so much in so little time. Let the delivery date slide. We all know what delivering crap in the name of deadlines does. Patience.

#297 11 years ago

I'm with vid, I'm not buying games on spec.

#298 11 years ago

Well I was thinking about waiting for this one, but I was able to get a MM instead. I think I will have time to save up for this if it ever comes out. I think everyone is right though....after you've waited this long why rush it if it will really be one of the best games ever.

#299 11 years ago

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."

-Shigeru Miyamoto

#300 11 years ago

"I like your style Jackie."

The Dude

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