(Topic ID: 224963)

Joe Balcer confirms Oktoberfest as American Pinball's next pin.

By PismoArcade

5 years ago

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#1451 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Yup. I lived this 4 years back. That's why I've been so vocal about this game's art.
Pins are all about art now. It'll sell a theme nobody wanted (like Metallica) and it will sink a sure bet (like Beatles)
If yoy haven't noticed this trend you haven't been paying attention.

Why do you feel the need to be so vocal? Did a higher authority pronounce you the “god of pinball design and art”. It’s old man. Move on. Seriously, you are not going to buy one of these or any AP pin for that matter so take your negativity elsewhere. Go design something for Christ sake.

#1452 5 years ago

American Pinball has confirmed for us that Oktoberfest pricing will be $ 7,400 with Art Blades.

PinballSTAR is now open for orders. $ 250 refundable deposit can be sent to [email protected] to get in line.

Any questions - email Joe at [email protected]
Joe Newhart
PinballSTAR Amusements

#1453 5 years ago

I have a wife and young daughter at home so would prefer a family friendly but redone current artwork..... the girl is just freaky looking.

#1454 5 years ago
Quoted from Pinphila:

Why do you feel the need to be so vocal? Did a higher authority pronounce you the “god of pinball design and art”. It’s old man. Move on. Seriously, you are not going to buy one of these or any AP pin for that matter so take your negativity elsewhere. Go design something for Christ sake.

I don’t see any beating a dead horse here just throwing in opinions & observations. You’re reaction is overboard. Please remember to try & be nice. We are all pinheads let’s treat each other with some respect.

#1455 5 years ago
Quoted from The_Dude_Abides:

I don’t see any beating a dead horse here just throwing in opinions & observations. You’re reaction is overboard. Please remember to try & be nice. We are all pinheads let’s treat each other with some respect.

Go back and read the rest of his posts. He is beating a dead horse here. He clearly has an issue with AP and nothing to bring to this thread but pessimism and negativity....thats my opinion.

#1456 5 years ago
Quoted from Pinphila:

Why do you feel the need to be so vocal? Did a higher authority pronounce you the “god of pinball design and art”. It’s old man. Move on. Seriously, you are not going to buy one of these or any AP pin for that matter so take your negativity elsewhere. Go design something for Christ sake.

Critical opinion isn't negativity. It's part of an honest discussion of things.

#1457 5 years ago

AP is open to improving the art. I'm offering suggestions on how to do this as simply as possible (like removing the side characters)

If I really wanted to f**k AP I'd say "THIS IS FINE, GO FOR IT"

#1458 5 years ago
Quoted from PinballSTAR:

American Pinball has confirmed for us that Oktoberfest pricing will be $ 7,400 with Art Blades.
PinballSTAR is now open for orders. $ 250 refundable deposit can be sent to [email protected] to get in line.
Any questions - email Joe at [email protected]
Joe Newhart
PinballSTAR Amusements


#1459 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

AP is open to improving the art. I'm offering suggestions on how to do this as simply as possible (like removing the side characters)
If I really wanted to f**k AP I'd say "THIS IS FINE, GO FOR IT"

Hey Ben, I like you man and your experience and knowledge in pinball.
Never once did I go into the AMH thread and tell you how to improve the art package, that backglass, and gameplay.
Just saying.

#1460 5 years ago
Quoted from Ericpinballfan:

Hey Ben, I like you man and your experience and knowledge in pinball.
Never once did I go into the AMH thread and tell you how to improve the art package, that backglass, and gameplay.
Just saying.

Maybe you should have...

Just sayin'

#1461 5 years ago

i dont know if this was ever discussed. there should be a drinking game incorporated into this pin. one player makes shots or modes to make the other player(s) drink up. how funny would that be.

#1462 5 years ago
Quoted from robotron:

i dont know if this was ever discussed. there should be a drinking game incorporated into this pin. one player makes shots or modes to make the other player(s) drink up. how funny would that be.

It would be hilarious until the losing player spews all over the glass. Puke smell is impossible to get out of beer seal. You pretty much have to replace it. Don't ask how I know.

#1464 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

It would be hilarious until the losing player spews all over the glass. Puke smell is impossible to get out of beer seal. You pretty much have to replace it. Don't ask how I know.

I know we all try to save where we can, but I think I’d rather replace $.60 worth of beer seal than try to wash puke out of it.

#1465 5 years ago
Quoted from fosaisu:

I know we all try to save where we can, but I think I’d rather replace $.60 worth of beer seal than try to wash puke out of it.

That was the conclusion I reached in the "what am I doing?" moment that came pretty quickly.

#1466 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Yup. I lived this 4 years back. That's why I've been so vocal about this game's art.
Pins are all about art now. It'll sell a theme nobody wanted (like Metallica) and it will sink a sure bet (like Beatles)
If yoy haven't noticed this trend you haven't been paying attention.

I do not agree with you.
About Oktoberfest, I like the artwork. It is decent to me but not at the same degree as ACNC. What is important is the artwork match the theme at least and feels decent to my tastes, what it is for OKF. AP does not have to sign Picasso to make me buy it. I buy a pin machine to play not to display.
Why I have purchased Metallica unless I do dislike the band? 2 reasons, first I could replace the songs and secondly Lyman on board for an amazing gameplay. Great artwork was a plus but not determining so far.

#1467 5 years ago

Did you play it before or not? Just for my information as I’m afraid to not have the availability to play it before taking a decision.

#1468 5 years ago
Quoted from colonel_caverne:

I do not agree with you.
About Oktoberfest, I like the artwork. It is decent to me but not at the same degree as ACNC. What is important is the artwork match the theme at least and feels decent to my tastes, what it is for OKF. AP does not have to sign Picasso to make me buy it. I buy a pin machine to play not to display.
Why I have purchased Metallica unless I do dislike the band? 2 reasons, first I could replace the songs and secondly Lyman on board for an amazing gameplay. Great artwork was a plus but not determining so far.

This is an unlicensed theme, the artwork and music should have been AMAZING and the general consensus is that it is not. At the pricing just published I don’t see this outselling Houdini, and this theme could have been amazing, not a photoshop chop job with metal music.

#1469 5 years ago
Quoted from tacshose:

This is an unlicensed theme, the artwork and music should have been AMAZING and the general consensus is that it is not. At the pricing just published I don’t see this outselling Houdini, and this theme could have been amazing, not a photoshop chop job with metal music.

I agree for metal music, I dislike, Rosh already knows it!
But I think the artwork is decent even if I think It could be improved. As many of you, the part of the artwork I dislike the more is the center of the playfield and this green texture that I don’t understand the relation with the theme. Maybe the team can explain me.
But if many people do not like this girl with the moustache I really like it and would like them to keep her. Maybe it is cultural difference.

#1470 5 years ago
Quoted from tacshose:

This is an unlicensed theme, the artwork and music should have been AMAZING and the general consensus is that it is not. At the pricing just published I don’t see this outselling Houdini, and this theme could have been amazing, not a photoshop chop job with metal music.

I have confidence AP will work to make the package as attractive as possible. I *hope* that means much more refined cab/backglass/pf art (and later, in-game art and animation). They did and continue to do an amazing job on Houdini, despite the steep learning curve and some issues here and there, and I would think that Oktoberfest will build on that foundation.

#1471 5 years ago

We are now taking deposits for Oktoberfest. All deposits will reside with Great American Pinball. We are asking for $250.00 down and balance 15 days before shipment.

Check out our feedback rating. We would like to earn your business!


PLACE ORDER HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Great American Pinball

oktoberfest-pinball-machine (resized).pngoktoberfest-pinball-machine (resized).png
#1472 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Yup. I lived this 4 years back. That's why I've been so vocal about this game's art.
Pins are all about art now. It'll sell a theme nobody wanted (like Metallica) and it will sink a sure bet (like Beatles)
If yoy haven't noticed this trend you haven't been paying attention.

When I step up to play Metallica I'm happy because I know it's a great playing game, not because off the music or the art. Unless it has an ugly big face in the middle of the playfield or something equally hideous it doesn't matter that much to me as long as the game plays great and has great rules that make it fun. I don't like 95% of Metallica's music but the game is fun and that's what matters the most.

#1473 5 years ago

I think the art is important to pinball because that is generally the only metric we online people can analyze for a long time. Most people in this thread were not at Expo and did not play it. So what can we do? Look at it. If its not connecting on that level out of the gate it just makes it a bigger uphill climb for the title.

#1474 5 years ago
Quoted from frolic:

I think the art is important to pinball because that is generally the only metric we online people can analyze for a long time. Most people in this thread were not at Expo and did not play it. So what can we do? Look at it. If its not connecting on that level out of the gate it just makes it a bigger uphill climb for the title.

Agreed but I will never buy a game I haven't been able to play, I don't buy games to "collect" or look at them, I buy them to play the hell out of them. I agree there are some weird parts of the art on OKF but I disagree with Ben's statement that "Pins are all about art now", if the game plays really well and is a lot of fun I can get past some questionable art very quickly and I think most others would as well.

#1475 5 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

Maybe I missed it ? I don't believe they said anything about a price difference if you can choose between family friendly or more adult themed art.
I'd wait until we know more about final art work and pricing.
LTG : )

Yeah, we can hope I guess. To me it seemed pretty obvious that it was inferred by being called an "add-on": I don't think that term is ever used as a cost-free option. But maybe they'll reconsider that.

#1476 5 years ago

It seems the term "adult" has been thrown around pretty loosely. This came up with regard to BreakShot in another thread ( https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/too-unpolitically-correct-for-public ). See links to BreakShot translites below: I'd only categorize one as "adult". That term's more common connotation is as in "adult movie". Is that what some want or the option AP are talking about?

I just want something that's attractive, reflects Oktoberfest realistically, and doesn't seem censored. That doesn't mean adult to me. More accurate to call the art packages rated (G)eneral and rated (M)ature, or maybe censored and normal is also fitting. Normal art package should be standard, and people can pay for the censored add-on, kind of like the 3rd BreakShot translit.

Or how about we just have the "Prude" add-on: overlay stickers to anesthetize the artwork.





#1477 5 years ago

I'm sure APs adult version will be PG-13 at best. No worries, they are not going for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY.

Quoted from HighVoltage:

It seems the term "adult" has been thrown around pretty loosely. This came up with regard to BreakShot in another thread ( https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/too-unpolitically-correct-for-public ). There's links to BreakShot translites below: I'd only categorize one as "adult". That term's more common connotation is as in "adult movie". Is that what some want or the option AP are talking about?
I just want something that's attractive, reflects Oktoberfest realistically, and doesn't seem censored. That doesn't mean adult to me. More accurate to call the art packages rated (G)eneral and rated (M)ature, or maybe censored and normal is also fitting. Normal art package should be standard, and people can pay for the censored add-on, kind of like the 3rd BreakShot translit.
Or how about we just have the "Prude" add-on: overlay stickers to anesthetize the artwork.

#1478 5 years ago
Quoted from luvthatapex2:

I'm sure APs adult version will be PG-13 at best.

Kind of my point, we're calling "PG-13" artwork "Adult"...

#1479 5 years ago

I was wondering if it was possible to lit the arrow inserts with a « running » led light in the way of the arrow.
I think it could be a cool effect. I don’t know if I make myself clear.

#1480 5 years ago
Quoted from colonel_caverne:

I was wondering if it was possible to lit the arrow inserts with a « running » led light in the way of the arrow.
I think it could be a cool effect. I don’t know if I make myself clear.

You mean like the one on The Last Starfighter homebrew?

#1481 5 years ago

No in this style but for a pinball and in particular for the arrow insert that are in four parts
I don’t know if it could make a cool effect or not.

#1482 5 years ago
Quoted from colonel_caverne:

No in this style but for a pinball and in particular for the arrow insert that are in four parts
I don’t know if it could make a cool effect or not.

Same idea. Microcontroller and multiple LEDs. They COULD do it, but I don't know if they WILL. It could be added as a mod, though.

#1483 5 years ago

It would be really cool if small LCD's could be used in place of insert lights.

Could update the player not just what shot to hit (because it's flashing) but what it does.

Almost like an old EM with the scores printed right on the board

#1484 5 years ago
Quoted from Pinphila:

Go back and read the rest of his posts. He is beating a dead horse here. He clearly has an issue with AP and nothing to bring to this thread but pessimism and negativity....thats my opinion.

I did go back and read his posts before commenting on the issue. In my view it was not beating a dead horse rather joining in on the discussion. It’s ok to disagree. I just feel like you could of expressed your frustration in a better way.

Nothing he said throughout the thread warranted such a reaction in my view. Either way, my main point is we all are here because we love pinball let’s treat each other with some respect.

#1485 5 years ago

I was also wondering if it could’ve an Oktoberfest by night mode?

#1486 5 years ago
Quoted from The_Dude_Abides:

I did go back and read his posts before commenting on the issue. In my view it was not beating a dead horse rather joining in on the discussion. It’s ok to disagree. I just feel like you could of expressed your frustration in a better way.
Nothing he said throughout the thread warranted such a reaction in my view. Either way, my main point is we all are here because we love pinball let’s treat each other with some respect.

Ok sure.

#1487 5 years ago

After a busy week last week I managed to fall 8 pages behind. I have gone from being uninterested in the game from the rumours of the theme to super excited by this game and I am now looking at possibly buying one as my next purchase, the adult art package will tip it into a definite buy, I’ve heen dying to get a adult game with beer and boobs all over it, WNBJM didn’t tick the gameplay box for me.

#1488 5 years ago
Quoted from GAP:

We are now taking deposits for Oktoberfest. All deposits will reside with Great American Pinball. We are asking for $250.00 down and balance 15 days before shipment.
Check out our feedback rating. We would like to earn your business!
PLACE ORDER HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great American Pinball[quoted image]

Is it just me, or do these constant Buy From Us posts from distributors feel like spam? I'm really surprised the pinside mod teams allows this junk to constantly appear in threads.

#1489 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

It would be really cool if small LCD's could be used in place of insert lights.
Could update the player not just what shot to hit (because it's flashing) but what it does.
Almost like an old EM with the scores printed right on the board

There's the benheck we like

Yes small lcd's in the playfield is the best place for them. I thought i saw a homebrew recently that placed 2 or 3 small lcds in the playfield. I recently acquired a Full Throttle and the LCD in the middle of the playfield is awesome i'm sure its the same in Aliens. Seems like the best place for a small lcd, easy on the eyes for quick updates.

#1490 5 years ago

One issue you'd have with small LCDs as target inserts is the shallow viewing angle. Anything cheap probably wouldn't look very good.

I never found myself looking at the PF LCD in Alien or Full Throttle. Strange.

I think AP should run a contest. Any dude who thinks the twisted waist woman looks OK, snap a photo of their wife attempting that same pose and it it matches you get a free game!

#1491 5 years ago

We all remember KISS's impossible art right? And it was done by KConner...

Pinball art is full of distortions and things that just don't quite fit.

#1492 5 years ago

Not a theme I would bring into the house but damn it looks fun. Looking forward to playing this especially after finally getting to try a Houdini which was great.

#1493 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

I think AP should run a contest. Any dude who thinks the twisted waist woman looks OK, snap a photo of their wife attempting that same pose and it it matches you get a free game!

If she's a Cirque do Soleil performer you're getting a free game!!

#1494 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

You mean like the one on The Last Starfighter homebrew?

Brian Cox’s Jupiter Crush has a variety of multi-led insert lights, too. Makes for a some cool directional effects. Circles, directional lines.

FAST Pinball

#1495 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

One issue you'd have with small LCDs as target inserts is the shallow viewing angle. Anything cheap probably wouldn't look very good.
I never found myself looking at the PF LCD in Alien or Full Throttle. Strange.
I think AP should run a contest. Any dude who thinks the twisted waist woman looks OK, snap a photo of their wife attempting that same pose and it it matches you get a free game!

The "Airplane" homebrew game has a bunch of small LCDs.


#1497 5 years ago

Hey - there's an Oktoberfest game coming out that's kind of similar to this!

#1498 5 years ago

I’m hoping the new art package has more monkeys.

#1499 5 years ago
Quoted from benheck:

Yup. I lived this 4 years back. That's why I've been so vocal about this game's art.
Pins are all about art now. It'll sell a theme nobody wanted (like Metallica) and it will sink a sure bet (like Beatles)
If yoy haven't noticed this trend you haven't been paying attention.

Art didnt save Metallica. Most buyers were disappointed in the "Cartoony aspect" in relation to a band who has an album titled Kill Em all. The fact that the art was hand drawn and awesome, if not metal, kept the initial disappointment down to a low roar.

#1500 5 years ago
Quoted from HighVoltage:

It seems the term "adult" has been thrown around pretty loosely. This came up with regard to BreakShot in another thread ( https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/too-unpolitically-correct-for-public ). See links to BreakShot translites below: I'd only categorize one as "adult". That term's more common connotation is as in "adult movie". Is that what some want or the option AP are talking about?
I just want something that's attractive, reflects Oktoberfest realistically, and doesn't seem censored. That doesn't mean adult to me. More accurate to call the art packages rated (G)eneral and rated (M)ature, or maybe censored and normal is also fitting. Normal art package should be standard, and people can pay for the censored add-on, kind of like the 3rd BreakShot translit.
Or how about we just have the "Prude" add-on: overlay stickers to anesthetize the artwork.

Adults today are pussies and generally look forward to being offended, then rushing out to their fave SM platform to find fellow "Offendees" to commiserate with. Pinside is not different.

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