(Topic ID: 258427)

Best pinball of the decade 2010-2019 (Poll Added)

By rai

4 years ago

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    Topic poll

    “Pin of the Decade (this can be what you think is best or most important or influential pin).”

    • Wizard Of Oz 114 votes
    • Dialed In! 40 votes
    • JJP PotC 57 votes
    • MMR 7 votes
    • AFMR 10 votes
    • MBR 1 vote
    • Alien 7 votes
    • Houdini 5 votes
    • Octoberfest 5 votes
    • Wonka 3 votes
    • The Hobbit 3 votes
    • Iron Man 1 vote
    • Tron 9 votes
    • AcDc 24 votes
    • Metallica 45 votes
    • Star Trek 5 votes
    • TWD 19 votes
    • GoT 5 votes
    • Batman 66 9 votes
    • Star Wars 4 votes
    • Deadpool 12 votes
    • The Beatles 2 votes
    • Ghostbusters 9 votes
    • Jurassic Park 30 votes
    • Iron Maiden 41 votes
    • Elvira 6 votes
    • Stranger Things 0 votes
    • AMH 0 votes
    • TNA 22 votes
    • RZ 0 votes
    • Alice Cooper 2 votes
    • Whoa Nelly! 3 votes
    • The Munsters 2 votes
    • Avatar 1 vote
    • BBH 0 votes
    • Mustang 1 vote
    • Rolling Stones 1 vote
    • Kiss 1 vote
    • X-Men 5 votes
    • Transformers 0 votes
    • WrestleMania 3 votes
    • Black Knight 5 votes
    • MultiMorphic P3 games 10 votes

    (529 votes)

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    #1 4 years ago

    Pick the best or most influential pin of the decade

    I wanted to post a thread of retrospective of the last 10 years which have been incredible *to say the least.*

    I started collecting 15 years ago and there was one manufacturer making something like 3 pins a year. No doubt that the decade in 2000-10 was a dark time for pinball, there were some great pins like SM, LotR, Tspp to name a few and some other notable pins like PotC, FG, TDK (ok I'm reaching).

    It's always darkest before the dawn: Starting 2010 didn't seem like the start of a new era in pinball with (if I am correct) one pinball designer working John Borg who opened the decade with BBH, Iron Man and Avatar (good pins but not the stuff we'd associate as renaissance of pinball).

    There's something happening here what it is ain't exactly clear: Anyway something happened (I am pointing to JJP and specifically Woz 2013) I don't know when it began but I am going to say it hit the ground in this decade. WoZ pinball the first new widebody in a long time, 5 flippers, many magnets 2 upper PF, toys such as melting witch, orb, flying monkey, color changing LEDs it was like a pinball from the past and the future at the same time.

    Top dog shows its still got bite: I will also point to Stern with Tron (and with the LE narrative) although there have been LE pins before like Avatar, SM, LotR and what not to me it seems like Tron LE 2011 was the start of premium and followed by AcDc (first color changing LEDs) with the LE along with Tron gaining value and the flood gaits were open. Money going into Stern and Stern beginning to make more and better games year after year. Hiring more and more designers and programmers up to I don't know who many name designers are there at Stern.

    Who are these guys? some really high and some really low point with boutique and startups. TBL, Predator, MG, Alien (boo) and some high lights Spooky, AP.

    What is old is new again: lest we not forget the top3 games of all time. Let's not forget CGC who bring us MM, AFM and MB remake this decade.

    New kids on the block in an industry filled with Boomers and old guys we have guys who come out of nowhere Scott Danesi and Keith Elwin, Zombie Yetti to name a few.

    #3 4 years ago

    I am going to name my picks for Pinball of the decade.

    Most influential game of the decade:
    Woz a widebody, full color changing lights, LCD display, several toys, 5 flippers multiple magnets, deep rules, solid construction. it was a combination of past and future all in one.

    Most influential company of the decade:
    Stern. I know this is not something most people would say but Stern is making more games than all the other companies combined, has hired tons of new talent and brought back old talent to pinball.
    Runner ups JJP and CGC both have made some unbelievably great pins (CGC true was standing on the shoulders of giants but they managed to improve on the best) and JJP ahs pushed the pinball into the 21st century kicking and screaming.

    Most influential boutique pinball Spooky and specifically TNA. I can't say because I have not played ACNC but to me TNA is the stuff with Scott on the design, code and music he's renaissance man and maybe will lead to others to follow in his footsteps.

    Toy if the decade (for me) I am going all in on Hyper loop on SW. I know this was a rehash of an old toy but I am going with this as my killer app and the main reason I bought SW premium.

    Theme of the decade (so many to pick GB, TWD, WoZ, AcDc can go on) but I am going with the mother of all themes: SW

    Unlicensed theme (game) would go with TNA (could go with others but this game just has a special quality that is hard to ignore).

    #4 4 years ago

    PotC JJP.

    #5 4 years ago

    Jurassic Park is the best game created this decade.

    #7 4 years ago

    What, no mention of American Pinball? Houdini and Oktoberfest are great games and they have a new one coming up soon. People have been clamoring for ages about getting away from licensed themes so here you go.

    I agree too that WOZ was a big sea change in pinball. I personally didn't like it enough to drop the cash down on it but it really woke Stern up and that was good for everyone.

    #8 4 years ago
    Quoted from GSones:

    What, no mention of American Pinball?

    No, no mention of American pinball.

    I’m not a big decade list guy but I’d say Dialed in, Walking dead, iron man, Iron Maiden....

    Fuck it. Too many good games this decade.

    #9 4 years ago
    Quoted from GSones:

    What, no mention of American Pinball? Houdini and Oktoberfest are great games and they have a new one coming up soon. People have been clamoring for ages about getting away from licensed themes so here you go.
    I agree too that WOZ was a big sea change in pinball. I personally didn't like it enough to drop the cash down on it but it really woke Stern up and that was good for everyone.

    I certainly think WOZ has been the biggest game changer. JJP games are just so deep. I don't think most people can fully appreciate them unless they are in their home. On location pins don't allow players enough time to explore.

    #10 4 years ago

    Best pinball of the decade, hmmm. It's not JP3, imo. Iron Maiden? Metallica? I love those, and a Pro for both makes up my current lineup - they'd probably get my vote, but music pins and those themes in particular aren't for everyone...

    JJP games are nice, but honestly I don't really care at all for WOZ. It's certainly a beautiful pin with a lot of substance packed in though.

    I don't think you can crown a single pin. Can't be all things to all people...

    #11 4 years ago
    Quoted from PinKopf:

    I don't think you can crown a single pin.


    Not Thunderbirds??

    #12 4 years ago

    I don't think woz would be the best game of any decade. Well...ma6be the 50s

    #13 4 years ago
    Quoted from TheLaw:

    I don't think woz would be the best game of any decade. Well...ma6be the 50s

    I have to ask...what specifically do you not like about it?

    #15 4 years ago
    Quoted from Daditude:

    I have to ask...what specifically do you not like about it?

    The fact alone it lead to the arms race of pin pricing would be enough to knock it down. Add on to that the skittling color nightmare and those are the biggest 2 issues with the decade.
    Other than that the way it looks, feels, sounds, & plays round out the things I hate about it.

    #16 4 years ago

    Interesting to see that so far there are multiple mentions of games designed by Keith Elwin, Scott Danesi, and Eric Meunier. The next decade should be great.

    Also, Joe Balcer has had several pins mentioned.

    #17 4 years ago
    Quoted from Daditude:

    JJP games are just so deep. I don't think most people can fully appreciate them unless they are in their home. On location pins don't allow players enough time to explore.

    THIS! Maybe I'm getting too old but I don't want to have to go to school for a semester to learn a rule set. Hit this, then that, then those four targets when lit that light the ultimate goal.... great! Hit this, that, then this but only if it's Wednesday, then four of those,(or only three if your wife is on the rag), then 8 more of those but only if they're red not green at the time...... No thanks. I don't like EM's because they are not deep enough but I've been to college years ago. Not looking to go back.

    #18 4 years ago

    We talked about this on the latest the spinner is lit podcast on Friday.

    Hands down woz was number 1

    Others mentioned were Metallica, it helped bring back good art to pinball.
    Ac/dc, a great theme, rules, features, lights, music, etc.
    Tron le. Pretty much started the fomo thing.
    Dialed in, original ip, pat lawlor returns to pinball.
    Tna, a home brew turned into a game of the year.

    #19 4 years ago

    Dialed In very well could be the winner.

    For me, the games I played the most from this decade are Aerosmith and Star Trek - two games I very much enjoy.

    Iron Maiden is exceptional. The Chicago Coin Remakes deserve recognition.

    It’s too hard to narrow it down to one. So many great things happened for us pinheads.

    #20 4 years ago
    Quoted from Pinbub:

    THIS! Maybe I'm getting too old but I don't want to have to go to school for a semester to learn a rule set. Hit this, then that, then those four targets when lit that light the ultimate goal.... great! Hit this, that, then this but only if it's Wednesday, then four of those,(or only three if your wife is on the rag), then 8 more of those but only if they're red not green at the time...... No thanks. I don't like EM's because they are not deep enough but I've been to college years ago. Not looking to go back.

    If my wife and my kids can figure it out, so can you.

    #21 4 years ago

    WoZ was certainly the most influential, and I don't see how anything else is even close.

    But for best of the decade, or my favorites, anyway... PotC then Maiden for the top 2, some order of Dialed In, Deadpool, Wonka for the next 3. Need more time on JP3, but it's up there.

    #23 4 years ago


    #24 4 years ago
    Quoted from mrgone:

    We talked about this on the latest the spinner is lit podcast on Friday.
    Hands down woz was number 1
    Others mentioned were Metallica, it helped bring back good art to pinball.
    Ac/dc, a great theme, rules, features, lights, music, etc.
    Tron le. Pretty much started the fomo thing.
    Dialed in, original ip, pat lawlor returns to pinball.
    Tna, a home brew turned into a game of the year.

    Sorry I'll try to give that a listen, didn't know.

    AcDc has 11 (?) color changing inserts so it might be the first game with color changing inserts. I really love that like on AcDc there will be pink for Rosie etc.. It just brings something to pinball that was not seen before. Woz might be the first with full color changing inserts.

    TNA is just something special especially since it was done almost as a one man show.

    #25 4 years ago
    Quoted from SilverballSleuth:

    Dialed In very well could be the winner.
    For me, the games I played the most from this decade are Aerosmith and Star Trek - two games I very much enjoy.
    Iron Maiden is exceptional. The Chicago Coin Remakes deserve recognition.
    It’s too hard to narrow it down to one. So many great things happened for us pinheads.

    Look at 2000-2009 you might have 30 pins (?) that were like RBION, CSI, Sopranos, FG, Shrek, T3 whatever but aside from LotR and Tspp (SM?) they weren't really that great. But this decade we've IDK 60+ pins of sometimes great quality.

    #28 4 years ago

    My personal favorite game of the decade is TNA, but that is too divisive to say it's the game of the decade. In regards to wide appeal I'd say Iron Maiden.

    #29 4 years ago

    WOZ was incredibly influential, but Dialed In put it all together for a killer experience. However, I'd be tempted to go with JP2 because it has an intensity and playfield-design excellence that so many machines aimed for but never achieved. It simply feels like a high-stakes dinosaur survival adventure under glass.

    #30 4 years ago

    Acdc Premium
    Maybe Jurassic? It's pretty f'n fun.

    #31 4 years ago

    Best: jjp potc

    #32 4 years ago

    and I need some time with it but JP is surely getting a lot of buzz!

    Tron LE for sure

    #33 4 years ago

    In order:

    Iron Maiden
    Walking Dead Premium
    Tron LE
    Dialed In

    After playing JP and Maiden hundreds of times each, I don’t see how people think that JP is better than Maiden. JP doesn’t feel special at all to me.

    #34 4 years ago
    Quoted from snyper2099:

    , I don’t see how people think that JP is better than Maiden. JP doesn’t feel special at all to me.

    Yeah the Dino map/rescue/capture thing just isn't that interesting to me.

    #35 4 years ago

    This is tough however overall winner would be Metallica.
    Great art, music and coding all in one package!!!

    #36 4 years ago

    JJP POTC. If you ever get to play one in a home environment that's working correctly, you will understand why I picked this game and why so many others have also.

    #37 4 years ago


    It's like taking acid and boarding a 17th century galleon...

    #38 4 years ago

    So much love for jjp potc which I understand somewhat but man I don't think it's all that. Its has lots of neat toys/mechs and lots of characters to choose from with different powers . However the code just isn't varied enough and modes all feel the same and I swear I'm always in mb lol. Also I don't think its shoots that amazing and isnt as flowy as I like in a pin. I much perfer dile and wonka le for the way they shoot and especially the code and one of those wld be my pick for best pin in past 10 years. Also met from stern is really good and a honorable mention for me. Maybe I need a jjp potc professional to come teach/ show me some things I may be missing. It's a good pin that I like to play and better than many other offerings but it's just missing something for me to keep hitting the start button over and over

    #39 4 years ago

    Intense: Stern Star Trek
    Influential: Wizard of Oz
    Unique: Iron Maiden
    Razzie: Thunderbirds
    Infamous: The Big Lebowski

    #40 4 years ago

    JJ POTC, hands down. And not getting the best music award at the TWIPYs was a crime. No other pin was even in the same league, but not enough voters EXPERIENCED the music before the voting. There's a reason NIB CEs are changing hands over $20k now and used LEs are going for at or above original CE retail. It's a FANTASTIC experience, the word is out and the pool of pins is very small.

    Honorable mentions, no specific order:
    Deadpool Prem/LE
    Iron Maiden, any flavor
    Walking Dead
    Wizard of Oz
    AfMr LE (if enhanced remakes are allowed)

    #41 4 years ago

    Surprised at all the Walking Dead Votes.

    That game is one I would never drop another quarter in.

    #42 4 years ago
    Quoted from guitarded:

    Surprised at all the Walking Dead Votes.
    That game is one I would never drop another quarter in.

    Depends on when you played it. Started off very rough, ended a masterpiece, but it took a couple years.

    #43 4 years ago

    I find it difficult to put any game on top with so many great releases over the last decade. Of course I feel the ones I have are the best. Few Sterns, Spooky’s, Woz. All fun to play.

    What is not difficult is the standout donkey TAG waited 6 years for the POS, code still at beta at best. Still waiting for topper! Best thing for it is to turn it into a coffee table if I don’t burn it first.

    #44 4 years ago

    Iron Maiden!

    #45 4 years ago
    Quoted from rai:

    Sorry I'll try to give that a listen, didn't know.
    AcDc has 11 (?) color changing inserts so it might be the first game with color changing inserts. I really love that like on AcDc there will be pink for Rosie etc.. It just brings something to pinball that was not seen before. Woz might be the first with full color changing inserts.
    TNA is just something special especially since it was done almost as a one man show.

    Great minds think alike sir.

    #46 4 years ago

    from an overall aspect, seems DI should top of the list...
    i could understand the guys who dont like it about the theme/name, BUT the pinball itself, how it plays, the design, toys, rules...

    #47 4 years ago
    Quoted from RipleYYY:

    from an overall aspect, seems DI should top of the list...
    i could understand the guys who dont like it about the theme/name, BUT the pinball itself, how it plays, the design, toys, rules...

    Great points. But I gave the prize to woz.
    It raised the bar with the amount of toys and mechs, color changing leds, 1st game with an lcd, and raised the bar and forced stern to dramatically up their game.
    Also the first company out of the gate was n the new pinball renaissance to compete with stern.

    #48 4 years ago
    Quoted from rai:

    I wanted to post a thread of retrospective of the last 10 years which have been incredible *to say the least.*

    So, though not machines, two of the biggest developments in Pinball the past decade easily were:

    1) the pinball arcade mobile application. This app and some other pinball apps reminded many how great Pinball was and led many back to physical pinball.

    2) the rise of Pinside. Pinside was around before 2010, sure, but it was nothing like it is today. The message board had just launched and it would take months to drop off the front page. Pinside, as it has grown and been constantly refined by Robin, has provided a great environment to discuss pinball and a great market to not get ripped off in if you are a newbie buyer.

    These two things combined grew the player and collector market, which allowed all the advancement in machines we are enjoying now.

    #49 4 years ago
    Quoted from TigerLaw:

    So, though not machines, two of the biggest developments in Pinball the past decade easily were:
    1) the pinball arcade mobile application. This app and some other pinball apps reminded many how great Pinball was and led many back to physical pinball.
    2) the rise of Pinside. Pinside was around before 2010, sure, but it was nothing like it is today. The message board had just launched and it would take months to drop off the front page. Pinside, as it has grown and been constantly refined by Robin, has provided a great environment to discuss pinball and a great market to not get ripped off in if you are a newbie buyer.
    These two things combined grew the player and collector market, which allowed all the advancement in machines we are enjoying now.

    EXACTLY how i was reminded of pinball, mobile app. Then found PinSide while on quest to buy my first pin in 2012

    #50 4 years ago

    Immersion, lighting effects
    Music/ sound , video ...


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