(Topic ID: 192072)

Attack From Mars Remake (AFMr) Owners Club

By Pin_Guy

6 years ago

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26 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #1 PinGuy's links to unboxing and SOL potential issue. Posted by Pin_Guy (6 years ago)

Post #5 SOL protector issue Posted by Pin_Guy (6 years ago)

Post #73 LED info Posted by stpcore (6 years ago)

Post #145 Cliffy install info Posted by evh347 (6 years ago)

Post #149 Firmware 1.0.0 Posted by Pin_Guy (6 years ago)

Post #189 info on using AFM cliffys Posted by GorillaBiscuits (6 years ago)

Post #357 Topper connector issue Posted by LTG (6 years ago)

Post #366 Image of Cliffy addition to scoop. Posted by sparechange1974 (6 years ago)

Post #368 Cliffy install info Posted by sparechange1974 (6 years ago)

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#1 6 years ago

I created this forum to discuss anything and everything related to CGCs second release now that games are rolling out the door.

I had made several posts of items I've found in AFMR unboxing forum that I have linked below.

Unboxing pics/commentary

Backglass LEDs and CGC custom menus

SOL hole protector - POTENTIAL DAMAGE - make sure to look at this one

Additional links added added Sep 5, 2017:

Firmware updates:

Loose/Rattling playfield glass

Cosmetic cracks artwork on playfield plastics - open a ticket with CGC

#2 6 years ago

thanks PinGuy- good to keep the details of issues and knowledge here.

#3 6 years ago

Thanks. Just got mine this weekend. Nice to see this thread.

#4 6 years ago

I am disappointed about the lack of adequate protectors for sol and mothership, etc. For 20 years we all knew those areas would wear and need protection. Why send any games out of the factory without those mandatory procectors? Why should we have to drop more $ for a known problem?

#5 6 years ago
Quoted from Pin_Guy:

SOL hole protector - POTENTIAL DAMAGE - make sure to look at this one

UPDATE: I decided to open a ticket with CGC over the weekend for the SOL hole protector, if for no other reason as to make sure they are aware of the problem, and they called me this morning to discuss the issue. What I was told is that one of their engineers had already identified this as a potential problem when the first playfields were being assembled and they have already taken action to correct the issue. As for my machine, they are sending me a new hole protector that should be tall enough to provide the proper protection for this area.

If you find that you have a gap larger than 1/64" between the top of the protector and top of the playfield, you may want to consider opening a support ticket in order to receive a replacement.

#6 6 years ago

Good info!! When do the LE machines hit the streets? I ordered one at the Dallas show. I will text the distributor tomorrow to see if they know. The machine looks great from what I see. Quality looks good overall!!

#7 6 years ago

The altered production plan was to produce 100 SE machines while they were waiting on parts to finish the LE toppers. With the production estimate being 60 machines per week they had anticipated rolling out the LE's around two weeks after the first SE machines, so if they are on track with the production estimates, the first LE's should be going out the door next week.

#8 6 years ago

Have an LE on order....anxious to be a part of this club!!!

#9 6 years ago

Was told they will start on the mmr matching serial number machines next week. Paid my distributor today. Can't wait!

#10 6 years ago
Quoted from bdaley6509:

Was told they will start on the mmr matching serial number machines next week. Paid my distributor today. Can't wait!

I wonder have many MMR LE owners are also getting AFMR LE? I like the LE loyalty program if you can call it that.
Paid for mine. Right now it's like being a kid waiting for Christmas and it's December 3rd.

#11 6 years ago

Preordered my AFMLE at launch but had never had a chance to play it. Well that changed tonight after playing at Logan Hardware in Chicago. WOW!!! Everything about AFMLE is impressive! I've NEVER been more excited to receive a pin up to now. I almost wish I didn't play it because now I simply can't wait to have it in my home. It's just AWESOME!

#12 6 years ago

Its crazy how many havent played afm after being in the hobby for 3,4 and 5 years. Such a great game that everyone sld own at least once.

#13 6 years ago

I have an LE on order, and I am VERY excited! Seriously hoping to be in the first batch.

I commissioned a local artist to whip this little guy up. He's keeping things under control on my couch!

2017-05-02 20.03.06 (resized).jpg2017-05-02 20.03.06 (resized).jpg

#14 6 years ago
Quoted from Zennmaster:

I have an LE on order, and I am VERY excited! Seriously hoping to be in the first batch.
I commissioned a local artist to whip this little guy up. He's keeping things under control on my couch!

There will only be one batch of LEs now, so you are in luck. They are going to run all of them starting next week (or maybe this week? The extra week of producing SEs may be done now). If the production stays at 60/week, that will give us all 1000 LEs in 17 weeks.

#15 6 years ago
Quoted from Nexyss:

There will only be one batch of LEs now, so you are in luck. They are going to run all of them starting next week (or maybe this week? The extra week of producing SEs may be done now). If the production stays at 60/week, that will give us all 1000 LEs in 17 weeks.

That is the best news I've heard all week!

Last i heard they had shuffled things around a bit, but it was still going to be a two-part run. Your version is much better!

#16 6 years ago
Quoted from Zennmaster:

That is the best news I've heard all week!
Last i heard they had shuffled things around a bit, but it was still going to be a two-part run. Your version is much better!

I am just using Doug's post as a guide. It also sounds like they may ramp up to more than 60 per week during this time based on him saying that it should take 3-4 weeks to build 250 MMRs. Counting back from mid November (late estimate to start second round of MMR), we have many weeks of AFMR (guessing minimum 4 since 3 would have probably been written as few instead of many), which would get us back to mid October, then 3-4 weeks for initial MMR batch, would take us back to mid to late September for conclusion of AFMRLE batch. If LEs start next week, that would leave 12-13 weeks for the run of 1000 LEs, which would mean they will be at better than 60 per week. Check my math, but I think that time frame describes Doug's post pretty well. The one variable I don't know yet is where I am on the list. lol

#17 6 years ago

Delivery of my SE tomorrow. Can't wait. Will post pics etc

#18 6 years ago

While I'm waiting for my LE ( Green trim of course! ) I got great unexpected news last week, My MMR was picked up from CGC! They ran some and I was one of the lucky ones, with the holiday and my schedule I cant take delivery until July 7th. My Color DMD, under cabinet lighting, Speaker Upgrade, Topper and BriteButtons are ready to go! I'm hearing late summer before I get my Le, I hope its sooner. Now I'm really excited about what the ReMake for 2018 will be, Crossing fingers for MB or CC

#19 6 years ago

Don't know where I am on the list either, but glad they decided to pump out all 1000 before moving on. Haven't been this excited about a machine in quite a while. Looking forward to more innovations they plan on bringing to future titles.

#20 6 years ago

If they are just finishing up the SEs I thought he said that they were going to take 3-4 weeks to do 250 MM while basically building 1000 toppers. I think LE production is still few weeks out.

#21 6 years ago
Quoted from spazzman90:

If they are just finishing up the SEs I thought he said that they were going to take 3-4 weeks to do 250 MM while basically building 1000 toppers. I think LE production is still few weeks out.

That was the older update.
The latest stated LE's would be done before next MM run.

#22 6 years ago
Quoted from Nexyss:

I am just using Doug's post as a guide. It also sounds like they may ramp up to more than 60 per week during this time based on him saying that it should take 3-4 weeks to build 250 MMRs. Counting back from mid November (late estimate to start second round of MMR), we have many weeks of AFMR (guessing minimum 4 since 3 would have probably been written as few instead of many), which would get us back to mid October, then 3-4 weeks for initial MMR batch, would take us back to mid to late September for conclusion of AFMRLE batch. If LEs start next week, that would leave 12-13 weeks for the run of 1000 LEs, which would mean they will be at better than 60 per week. Check my math, but I think that time frame describes Doug's post pretty well. The one variable I don't know yet is where I am on the list. lol

I read that post a little differently. I read it as 150 SEs, then 1000 LEs, but he also refers to a second batch of 1000 games after a first batch of 500. He also refers to taking a break from AFMr to build MMR. I don't necessarily see that as meaning the break will or won't happen "between batches" (IE: 150 SEs and 350 LEs in "Batch 1", then MMR, then 650 LEs and 350 SEs/Standards in "Batch 2". It could just mean that no SEs or Standards will be built until all the LEs are done, and 250 MMRs get built in there somewhere.

Like I said, I like your reading better. That's what I get for doing psycholinguistics in graduate school! lol!

#23 6 years ago
Quoted from Zennmaster:

I read that post a little differently. I read it as 150 SEs, then 1000 LEs, but he also refers to a second batch of 1000 games after a first batch of 500. He also refers to taking a break from AFMr to build MMR. I don't necessarily see that as meaning the break will or won't happen "between batches" (IE: 150 SEs and 350 LEs in "Batch 1", then MMR, then 650 LEs and 350 SEs/Standards in "Batch 2". It could just mean that no SEs or Standards will be built until all the LEs are done, and 250 MMRs get built in there somewhere.
Like I said, I like your reading better. That's what I get for doing psycholinguistics in graduate school! lol!

I can see it being read both ways. I don't see the need to break LE production for MMR unless they need time to do all of the assemblies of the second batch of parts. If those parts arrive in July, I am guessing the assemblies could be finished before the first 500 LEs are built. I couldn't see them building less than 500 LEs before breaking in any case since they already have the parts to build them.

I think the big question is how many LEs have been ordered. I still haven't heard of any of the distributors being sold out. I hear some distributors saying they have a few left, but I have no idea how many they were originally allotted.

#24 6 years ago

I joined the club yesterday! AFMrSE. Only had 3 minor adjustments to make. Played great out of the box. My wife and I are really happy with this machine. The LED lighting and the sound package is awesome. The bass and the shaker motor really get your heart racing.

MMR and AFMrSE delivered the same day, and I can tell a difference in the fit and finish. The AFMrSE feels way more solid. Better CGC menu, more adjustments and less problems out of the box. Maybe there is really a positive to CGC bringing the production inhouse.

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#25 6 years ago

Man this game is high quality!!!!! I'm loving it as well

#26 6 years ago

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#27 6 years ago

I saw one of the SE machines on location yesterday and it had visible clear coat chipping in the area I identified in my earlier post; that machine was just setup a week ago, which should be further incentive to correct the SoL hole protector as early as possible. I got my Mantis protector on Friday but I haven't installed it yet since I should be getting a new one from CGC and my test fitting on the edge of the playfield is indicating that I would have to shim it for it to be flush with the playfield.

#28 6 years ago
Quoted from Pin_Guy:

I saw one of the SE machines on location yesterday and it had visible clear coat chipping in the area I identified in my earlier post; that machine was just setup a week ago, which should be further incentive to correct the SoL hole protector as early as possible. I got my Mantis protector on Friday but I haven't installed it yet since I should be getting a new one from CGC and my test fitting on the edge of the playfield is indicating that I would have to shim it for it to be flush with the playfield.

Going to swap mine out for the Cliffy protectors today. Was debating but hearing that there's clear chipping I'm just going to pull the trigger to be safe.

#29 6 years ago

...and done. The original AFM Cliffy's mostly work. I did need to take a piece off of the saucer protector since there was a difference in the right screw alignment on the AFMr.

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#30 6 years ago

So you need cliffy's and mirror blades to get this finished. Or are there gameblades or so included/option.
I see the back has a decal on it. Any other adjustments needed?

#31 6 years ago

Need some help wondering if anyone knows how to disable the knocker which fuse? Don't see it in settings?

#32 6 years ago

The balance of my bill was sent to Larry at Flip-N-Out Pinball last week.

AFM LE #34 is soon to be on it's way.

Vacillated quite a bit on whether to go thru with the purchase or not...but in the end I decided to go ahead and take the plunge.

The waiting is the worst part, I keep thinking of some clown with a forklift punching a hole in the box & game.

Pic of my X-Men LE box.


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#33 6 years ago

You won't regret it I got my Se set up today it is fantastic. Plays identical to the original but with better lighting and sound. The XL DMD is beautiful. Got to say Chicago gaming has it together great communication great product and the warranties are longer than any other maker. Awesome game I am loving it.

#34 6 years ago
Quoted from venom112:

Need some help wondering if anyone knows how to disable the knocker which fuse?

Two wire connector on bottom of driver board in the head.

LTG : )

#35 6 years ago
Quoted from venom112:

You won't regret it I got my Se set up today it is fantastic. Plays identical to the original but with better lighting and sound. The XL DMD is beautiful. Got to say Chicago gaming has it together great communication great product and the warranties are longer than any other maker. Awesome game I am loving it.

The lighting is basically the same if the original has been upgraded with leds (most have) . Only real difference is the strobe between them which in case the original is much brighter . I love the upgraded graphics tho and they did a good job on the remake for sure. Enjoy it as its a great game....

#36 6 years ago

Only reached out to my vendor about 2 weeks ago to ask about the AFMr, got my deposit in for the LE shortly after. Sounds like I'll be one of the last to the party in terms of receiving it, can't wait.

#37 6 years ago
Quoted from abagwell:

Only reached out to my vendor about 2 weeks ago to ask about the AFMr, got my deposit in for the LE shortly after. Sounds like I'll be one of the last to the party in terms of receiving it, can't wait.

Congrats on your purchase.
It will be worth the wait.

#38 6 years ago

Any reports of sharp edges along the side rails / lock down bar?

#39 6 years ago

I have had my AFMr for a week now and have found the following issues.

After 152 games the left flipper return spring broke and the flipper coil bracket came loose. The SOL popper ejects the ball into the left ball return. The left ball return is lower than the flipper rubber so the ball hops.

There is no adjustment on the ball guide. Any suggestions on adjustment besides dremeling the hole in the ball guide to allow some wiggle room?

I turned the power down on the right popper and now the ball ejects to the left flipper.

So really just little things that are not a big deal.

#40 6 years ago

BR, came over today and set mine up . I had a total right knee replacement 2 1/2 weeks ago so big shout out for BR for his help . This is a fantastic example of a new game , and I prefer this addition to the original .

#41 6 years ago

I just noticed last night that there are hairline cracks in the coloration in the return lane covers. Anyone else seeing this? I didn't notice it on any of the other plastics, but these you see all the time... I haven't touched these at all, so it isn't from me overtightening the nuts or something screwy like that.

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#42 6 years ago
Quoted from ZenTron:

Any reports of sharp edges along the side rails / lock down bar?

this is sorted.

#43 6 years ago

The long wait is real. I'm more excited about my AFMRLE than my Star Wars LE.
I really hope Chicago Coin rocks this one! If so I'm all over the next game.

#44 6 years ago
Quoted from mjannusch:

I just noticed last night that there are hairline cracks in the coloration in the return lane covers. Anyone else seeing this? I didn't notice it on any of the other plastics, but these you see all the time... I haven't touched these at all, so it isn't from me overtightening the nuts or something screwy like that.

I would send a ticket to CGC and have them send out replacement plastics for those.

#45 6 years ago
Quoted from mjannusch:

I just noticed last night that there are hairline cracks in the coloration in the return lane covers. Anyone else seeing this? I didn't notice it on any of the other plastics, but these you see all the time... I haven't touched these at all, so it isn't from me overtightening the nuts or something screwy like that.

Mine look exactly like that. I didn't think they were supposed to look like that but wasn't sure.

#46 6 years ago

AFMr SE #1092 lives w/ me now...

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#47 6 years ago
Quoted from mjannusch:

I just noticed last night that there are hairline cracks in the coloration in the return lane covers. Anyone else seeing this?

Nope, this is not normal. I could be wrong, but it looks to me like there is some type of tint overlay on them...perhaps to color them?

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upon closer inspection...
If I zoom in really close I can see the beginnings of tiny cracks forming, hope these don't become an issue
cracks (resized).jpgcracks (resized).jpg

#48 6 years ago

AFMR 1091 was delivered here today, I absolutely love it. The only issue I had was that the screws for the A/C cord retainer were too short but I had 2 in the garage so no big deal. It is amazing to watch the color display and the sound is great.

#49 6 years ago
Quoted from Banker:

BR, came over today and set mine up . I had a total right knee replacement 2 1/2 weeks ago so big shout out for BR for his help . This is a fantastic example of a new game , and I prefer this addition to the original .

10-4 0n that ,,,, was a Pleasure Banker .. I gOtta say this ,,, a Brand NIB Bally Sure is a BEAUTY !!! PutZ the Original to Shame w/ All of the New Technology ( WoW ) ... The flipper bats were a bit low , they were adjusted , Here's a Few Pict's I tOOk tOday .....

Be cOOl ,, B_R

AFM , Tanglewood etc ,, 003 (resized).jpgAFM , Tanglewood etc ,, 003 (resized).jpg

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#50 6 years ago

Will be joining down the line a bit, can you guys confirm the SE is an indefinite run?

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