(Topic ID: 344436)

Am I the only one that is upset?

By WannabeWizard

8 months ago

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Topic poll

“Are you upset about the Stranger Things re release ”

  • Yes, I own the game 13 votes
  • No, I own the game 121 votes
  • Sort of 7 votes
  • Yes, I don’t own the game 17 votes
  • No, I don’t own the game 395 votes

(553 votes)

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#51 8 months ago

If your game is bolted and you have no plans of selling, then I have no idea why you'd be upset. Coming from someone who owns the game currently, I'm not annoyed or really care. The only people who I think should be annoyed or pissed are people who paid a premium for their games and as of yesterday will probably never get that dough back.

#52 8 months ago
Quoted from ImNotNorm:

Speaking of exclusive.....
I've been trying to get into this exclusive barber shop for months now. But I can never make the cut!

#53 8 months ago
Quoted from pinmister:

I am kinda surprised to see Stranger Things announcement so soon after Venom and JP 30th?

Season 5 (release dates) was recently announced I believe. Plus it’s not coming out for a couple years so stern has plenty of time. Though I don’t know when they were planning to run the game.

#54 8 months ago
Quoted from EJS:

Season 5 was recently announced I believe. Plus it’s not coming out for a couple years so stern has plenty of time. Though I don’t know when they were planning to run the game.

Planning on running starting in November and will not have any new content added from what I know unless future code updates incorporate but I doubt it. It feels like Stern's sales are slumping and distros are complaining that machines are not moving fast enough? What do you do when you want to sell 10,000 units a year? Add a ton of distributors and push out a ton of games anyway they can.

#55 8 months ago
Quoted from Doctor6:

People keep saying this in this thread, and while it is delightfully fun, nice ones are pretty rare. 99.9% of those games sold went on route and proceeded to get beat to smithereens by the public.

Pinsiders alone have 5300 of them in our collections; So probably not really that rare.

#56 8 months ago

In all seriousness, I'm sorry you felt this way.

Quoted from WannabeWizard:

Now it’s no longer rare or uncommon to own one.

Because...it was never rare or uncommon! Stranger Things is all over the place. Stern made a bunch of them. The machine was in-demand which caused the inflated prices. In-demand and rare are two different things.

Also, there is nothing about this hobby that screams "exclusive", unless you purchase only LE's and CE's (JJP). Otherwise, you are getting a dime a dozen pinball, that is fair game for production to run as long as it wants. They are pinball machines, expensive toys, mass produced in the 1000's+. These companies satisfy their collector's "obligation" when they make LE's and CE's. The rest are for general public/location play. Don't you want Stern to keep making money so they can make future pins!?

#57 8 months ago
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#58 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

It’s never leaving my basement so re sale is not part of the equation. I don’t care about re sale. If you read my post you would understand why. Just like my Addams and TZ. It’s not about the resale it’s about being exclusive.

He's not special anymore........

#59 8 months ago

If you think that is upsetting, just image how I felt when Ty announced they were re-making several Beanie Babies that had clearly been retired years before! I spent every bit of my 401K to buy three Beanie Babies of which they only made 42 thousand (each) only to have Ty produce another 42 thousand of each. I cried for three days and needed a dozen cucumber facials before I could even think about leaving my parents' basement.

#60 8 months ago

Topic is only an hour old and already a contender for the "Best of" thread.

#61 8 months ago

Just keep in mind, anything you buy in this hobby, errr... lifestyle, can be reproduced. Except for Tron apparently.

#62 8 months ago

I played mine yesterday and had a blast, so that's like you know just your opinion man.

#63 8 months ago

"Collectors" tend to ruin every hobby.

#64 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

So my question is…am I the only one that feels this way?

I'm gonna go with....yeah; pretty much.

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#65 8 months ago

You are the only one who is upset, except for the “stern should give thousands of people free parts” guys.

The rest of us are laughing.

#66 8 months ago

A reskinned AFM with an 80's sense of nostalgia & a shrieking vagina that gobbles up pinballs should not be exclusive.

That shit should be shared with the world!!

#67 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

I was referring to never leaving my basement not how many they made. SMH

If you make a post talking about how all the exclusivity is gone, and thats why you're mad, but then a few posts later you clarify what you mean by exclusivity IE: Its not leaving your basement, then whats the problem? Sounds like Stranger Things is still pretty exclusive. Sounds like a lot of cope and seethe here.

Quoted from pinmister:

The only thing I find odd is the timing. I am kinda surprised to see Stranger Things announcement so soon after Venom and JP 30th? I thought they would at least give it a month or so to try and capitalize on Venom and JP 30th sales? I think Stern's goal is to try and sell 10,000 units a year no matter what it takes and they will pull straws to try and get there? Got to keep the new factory and five lines churning-choo choo

Stern has a huge new factory with a very hungry line that must keep moving. This will probably become pretty normal.

#68 8 months ago

I don't think these will sell like people think.

#69 8 months ago
Quoted from wisefwumyogwave:

I don't think these will sell like people think.

So, you're saying it will STILL be rare! Problem solved!

#70 8 months ago

For those who are confused by the poll.

There were originally 3 options, then the first two applied to people who didn’t own the game, the last two applied to people who did own the game.


#71 8 months ago
Quoted from Doctor6:

Collect stamps, then. Your reasons for buying are weird and selfish.

Weird and selfish lol

#72 8 months ago

Its a money grab. Can't blame Stern they are laughing all the way to the bank and we pinsiders can't send them money quick enough.

#73 8 months ago

Dear Wizard,

Being upset in this situation is normal. Who wouldn’t feel a tinge of emotion when something they own has lost value and exclusivity? That is human nature.

Expressing your emotions in this fashion and, particularly, directing anger toward Stern and suggesting they should not have done this to keep your game exclusive is not normal. It shows immaturity and irrational thought.

Consider alternate coping mechanisms such as screaming into a pillow, discussing your feelings with a trusted loved one, or muttering profanity to yourself. With work, we can all learn to express our feelings in healthy ways.

And that’s one to grow on.

#74 8 months ago

All I will say is that If I ever found myself upset that a pinball machine is being re-ran so others can enjoy, I'd take a step back and reset the my priorities in my life.

#75 8 months ago

Can you show us on this doll where Stern hurt you?

#76 8 months ago

I can't knock someone's reason for buying a pin, but there are many cautionary tales in the past that pins can be re-made or re-released/vaulted. The cautionary tale of changing re-sale value if you bought a pin at an elevated price on the secondary market. I have been hoping for an IJ TPA remake for years. I see that original IJ TPAs are being offered for silly money. That may be a cautionary tale in the making. I would not bite at those prices. What if JJP decides to re-make POTC? Or Stern re-making Ghostbusters? Same thing for secondary market buyers, because those machine prices are so elevated above potential MSRP new. Not sure if the OP here bought Stranger Things NIB or on the secondary market. if bought at NIB, then the cautionary tale would not apply and as he stated, it's just an exclusivity stranger thing for him.

#78 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

Why? Why would stern re release a game again? It kinda torques me up. When I buy a machine I do it for certain reasons. One..the thrill of the find and want. Second…rarity, pride in owning something that not many people have. When stern re released Stranger Things it took the fun out of owning one. Now it’s no longer rare or uncommon to own one. I feel it’s a big money grab for stern. They can’t even finish the games they have on the production lines as it is. I have been waiting for over a year to get accessories from them that have been on back order. So my question is…am I the only one that feels this way?

Rest assured, you are not the only that has no clue on this site. Stranger Things is not “rare or uncommon”. I can go play one at 3 different places near my town. Besides that, in 10 years when everyone still wants a Stranger Things, it will not matter that they made 500 more of them at the end of 2023. In 2033 it will still be a hard game to track down. So if you keep it forever, who cares? Pinball is niche and it will always be niche.

You might be buying games for the wrong reasons if you are actually upset. You actually may not last long in this hobby. When you are done, maybe go play with coins or firearms?

#79 8 months ago

I think the days of flipping pins are gone. I got a buddy that just rented a storage unit to put in his extra Godfather CE, Venom LE, JP30th, and a few others until the market "comes back around".

I think we see lightly used Pros for MSRP-$1000 and Premiums for MSRP-$2000 as a matter of course from now on.

Temporary trades are the way to go if you want to change up your lineup.

Still... if you are buying a new pro every year and losing $1,000 on it... are you getting $1,000 worth of enjoyment out of it? I do!

#80 8 months ago

These arent limited edition collectible comic books or baseball cards. They are amusement machines. If your ego is so fragile that you are upset by other people also owning something you own you have far greater problems than a pinball machine being rereleased. Go play the damn thing and relax.

#81 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

It’s never leaving my basement so re sale is not part of the equation. I don’t care about re sale. If you read my post you would understand why. Just like my Addams and TZ. It’s not about the resale it’s about being exclusive.

Quoted from WannabeWizard:

It’s never leaving my basement so re sale is not part of the equation. I don’t care about re sale. If you read my post you would understand why. Just like my Addams and TZ. It’s not about the resale it’s about being exclusive.

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#82 8 months ago

LOLZ... OP changed the poll so now our answers are about whether we own stranger things... not whether we are upset about this.

#83 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

Why? Why would stern re release a game again? It kinda torques me up. When I buy a machine I do it for certain reasons. One..the thrill of the find and want. Second…rarity, pride in owning something that not many people have.

If these are two main reasons why you buy a pinball machine, then why don't you have a Thunderbirds? That machine is much more rare and difficult to find, and not many people currently have one. And right now there aren't even any ads for any for sale on Pinside. So you'd get the thrill of the find and the rarity of ownership if you pick one up.

Stranger Things is a machine released only a few years ago by the biggest mass producer of pinball machines in the world.

Why you'd think owning one would put you into some rare, exclusive club is beyond me. Even before this new run there were probably WAY more Stranger Things in the world than even Oktoberfest.

So I'd say that, more than anything, you just aimed wrong if you thought that by getting Stranger Things you were getting a "rare" title.

#84 8 months ago
Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

LOLZ... OP changed the poll so now our answers are about whether we own stranger things... not whether we are upset about this.

Where is the option of OP is simply yet another whiner

#85 8 months ago
Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

I think the days of flipping pins are gone. I got a buddy that just rented a storage unit to put in his extra Godfather CE, Venom LE, JP30th, and a few others until the market "comes back around".
I think we see lightly used Pros for MSRP-$1000 and Premiums for MSRP-$2000 as a matter of course from now on.
Temporary trades are the way to go if you want to change up your lineup.
Still... if you are buying a new pro every year and losing $1,000 on it... are you getting $1,000 worth of enjoyment out of it? I do!

I've sold all my games for a " loss"? If that's what everyone wants to call it, if I want them gone I make sure they are priced to go. I had my fun with it, time for something else!

#86 8 months ago

Geez I kinda feel like Cliff Albert right now with all the comments. Im guessing the people that are saying No, either don’t own the game or don’t like the game. I’m glad I didn’t pay the high dollar when I bought the game originally since I don’t plan to sell it. As far as being selfish, I don’t look at it that way. I’m just saying that having something that is a “one off” or “in demand” is kinda cool. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong and for that I apologize. I just wonder if the story was…hey I just bought this 1968 Eleanor Shelby Mustang and you’re proud of it. Then a month later your next door neighbor pulls up with the exact car. Kinda takes the fun out of it and the enjoyment. I wouldn’t be mad at Ford, my neighbor or the guy before me that has the same car. It would just take the wind out of the sail. I’m not mad at stern, I understand it’s a business. I’m not mad at the people buying the new machines it’s awesome. What I’m getting at is when people come over to play pinball now it’s just another machine in the lineup that more people have. It’s no longer whoa you have a Stranger Things machine let’s play that one. I’m sorry if I offended anyone that wasn’t my intention. I just was asking a question. I guess I’m just a outsider on the subject.

#87 8 months ago
Quoted from SantaEatsCheese:

LOLZ... OP changed the poll so now our answers are about whether we own stranger things... not whether we are upset about this.

It’s still the original question but there are two sets for if you own the game or not. The yes or no part is for if you are upset or not.

#88 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

I just wonder if the story was…hey I just bought this 1968 Eleanor Shelby Mustang and you’re proud of it. Then a month later your next door neighbor pulls up with the exact car. Kinda takes the fun out of it and the enjoyment. I wouldn’t be mad at Ford, my neighbor or the guy before me that has the same car.

Carguments are always popular around here.

No worries...you asked a question and people responded. Don't take it personal.

#89 8 months ago

I have updated the poll. Wanted to see who actually owns the game and who doesn’t.

#90 8 months ago

Oh no, you are not special anymore. I am sorry. Will say a prayer for you tonight.

#91 8 months ago

Free beer to the person who gets downvote #69. Must come to me for pickup.

#92 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

I’m just saying that having something that is a “one off” or “in demand” is kinda cool. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong and for that I apologize. I just wonder if the story was…hey I just bought this 1968 Eleanor Shelby Mustang and you’re proud of it. Then a month later your next door neighbor pulls up with the exact car. Kinda takes the fun out of it and the enjoyment

wow .... you seem to care more about what other people have that you have it takes the fun out of it for you feel sorry for you !

lamest apology ever !

#93 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

I have updated the poll. Wanted to see who actually owns the game and who doesn’t.

think your the only one that cares !

never wanted one , wasn't going to buy one ... thinking now I should !

#94 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

Geez I kinda feel like Cliff Albert right now with all the comments. Im guessing the people that are saying No, either don’t own the game or don’t like the game. I’m glad I didn’t pay the high dollar when I bought the game originally since I don’t plan to sell it. As far as being selfish, I don’t look at it that way. I’m just saying that having something that is a “one off” or “in demand” is kinda cool. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong and for that I apologize. I just wonder if the story was…hey I just bought this 1968 Eleanor Shelby Mustang and you’re proud of it. Then a month later your next door neighbor pulls up with the exact car. Kinda takes the fun out of it and the enjoyment. I wouldn’t be mad at Ford, my neighbor or the guy before me that has the same car. It would just take the wind out of the sail. I’m not mad at stern, I understand it’s a business. I’m not mad at the people buying the new machines it’s awesome. What I’m getting at is when people come over to play pinball now it’s just another machine in the lineup that more people have. It’s no longer whoa you have a Stranger Things machine let’s play that one. I’m sorry if I offended anyone that wasn’t my intention. I just was asking a question. I guess I’m just a outsider on the subject.

Maybe look at it this way: How many people in the world (or even just in the US) have a pinball machine at home? Not too many at all by percentage. I’d guess not too many of your neighbors have a machine at home.

So it really doesn’t matter what machine it is. Just owning a machine at home is still a pretty rare and cool thing.

#95 8 months ago

I mean, on the bright side, you can now say that you have an *original run* STh, if that helps...?

#97 8 months ago

My question is what game are rare or exclusive.Haggis is only making 50 of the "Centaur Revisited – Orblivion Edition ".
How about POTC. Will Jersey Jack make more? My guess is yes, but if they don't then the game will hold current values.
Another great game that will probably never get remade is Lord of the rings.

The thing about Stranger things is we knew it was probably coming.George Gomez said a number of times he wanted to remake it.A certain vendor who said they would never sell theirs sold it a few months ago. It does great on location and Stren has a new factory that can pump games out almost as fast as Tesla can pump out cars. People been wanting more and they need to pump out games that people want.

#98 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

It’s never leaving my basement so re sale is not part of the equation. I don’t care about re sale. If you read my post you would understand why. Just like my Addams and TZ. It’s not about the resale it’s about being exclusive.

"Exclusive" ...bwhahahahah. God, I love seeing poo-poo platter posts like this. Makes me so happy to see someone lose that "my special snowflake machine" status. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

You know how I felt after paying $8250 for an original AFM in 2016 only to see the remakes come out 2 years later? HAPPY FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO OWN ONE vs throwing a personal temper tantrum.

I own an TAF, and I hope they remake THAT TOO, and I can't wait to see you cry about it.

#99 8 months ago

Stern is a business. If they see the market will bear the release of a title, why wouldn't they re-release a game and make the profits vs. home buyers jacking the price up to no end? It's just looking at the market and making a good business decision.

#100 8 months ago
Quoted from WannabeWizard:

I just wonder if the story was…hey I just bought this 1968 Eleanor Shelby Mustang and you’re proud of it. Then a month later your next door neighbor pulls up with the exact car.

There are only so many things in the world to buy. If you buy a new stove and then your neighbor gets a new stove do you get pissed? I wish I had as much time and energy as the people that spend their days worrying about shit like this.

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