(Topic ID: 208341)

Alice Cooper's Nightmare Castle Club: Enter at own risk!

By Sarge

6 years ago

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#3851 4 years ago
Quoted from zacaj:

You should always be able to go up in version fine I think. Downgrading may be an issue though

Spooky's system is set up to wher eyou can go up OR down without any issue.

Quoted from manadams:

Downloaded without opening in a program, has the correct name and still not working. I will try a different usb when I find one. I have beta code installed, does it matter what previous code is installed?

Something wrong with your stick then, yes.

#3852 4 years ago

manadams I had the same issue and was doing everything right as suggested here. I ended up trying different USB ports in the game and the only USB port that would let me update my pin was the closest one on the right. All other USB ports work with my topper, etc... but I could not update with either of the left USB ports.

It was strange, but maybe try that and see if that works for you.

#3853 4 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

Spooky's system is set up to wher eyou can go up OR down without any issue.

Even with the new video system? How do you know?

#3854 4 years ago
Quoted from zacaj:

Even with the new video system? How do you know?

Because I installed, and then realized I wanted to check something, and went back to (which is what I had originally). Then went back to

#3855 4 years ago
Quoted from netman63129:

A few more games and confirmed..
1) My (lit) right ramp is only advancing to the next room less than 50% of the time. It worked perfectly before the update. The ball goes all the way around and the sound is triggered so it doesn't seem to be the switch.
2) During Werewolf, I can load the gun, shoot werewolf, get points, but his health bar no longer changes.
3) What is the EOB Alice Bonus? Mine starts at 13K and I can add another 13K to it but I am not sure how?
4) Mystery is often flashing on the scoop but only sometimes gives an award. This was the case before the update.
5) No guillotine action on second chop, which was the case before the update.

I have experienced your issue #1 on right ramp since upgrade. Only played 5 games since updating but I will keep an eye on it also. Thought maybe it was the switch/sensor but now I will be watching.

#3856 4 years ago
Quoted from FYMF:

I have experienced your issue #1 on right ramp since upgrade. Only played 5 games since updating but I will keep an eye on it also. Thought maybe it was the switch/sensor but now I will be watching.

Ramp? Are you sure you don’t mean orbit?

#3857 4 years ago

Tried a different usb stick for the update and success!!! Thanks to all who offered advice.

#3858 4 years ago
Quoted from 27dnast:

Ramp? Are you sure you don’t mean orbit?

Yes, meant orbit. I had this problem consistently since the upgrade. Did a power-cycle and it worked fine again until the next power-cycle and now the same issue. Since the update, I am also having the issue where I get a ball search/launch when pressing Start button. The ball loops around and drains and I have to push Start again. Before this issue, I never once had this problem....strange.

#3859 4 years ago
Quoted from netman63129:

Yes, meant orbit. I had this problem consistently since the upgrade. Did a power-cycle and it worked fine again until the next power-cycle and now the same issue. Since the update, I am also having the issue where I get a ball search/launch when pressing Start button. The ball loops around and drains and I have to push Start again. Before this issue, I never once had this problem....strange.

I believe that ball search at start means that the game thinks it only has 3 balls in the trough. Perhaps you have one stuck in Frank or somewhere else in the game? The few times it's happened to me, a ball was stuck in Frank.

#3860 4 years ago
Quoted from superhawk2300:

Yes, there seems to be giant streaks of cheap outlane drains that are unavoidable. On a hard machine like this those are spirit breakers. And yes, this just isn't a machine at all for anyone casual.
If you find some thicker rubbers that at least eases up on the outlane drains that works without totally nerfing them, please! let me know what you find!

I ended up swapping out the stock 3/16" post rubbers for 3/8", which is more the standard size I see on most machines anyway. This seems to help with some of the cheap drains. As other have mentioned, increasing the playfield pitch would also help but I think that mine is high enough already

Pinball Life:
PerfectPlay­ 3/8" OD Silicone Mini Post Rubber
Choose A Color: Translucent

#3861 4 years ago
Quoted from 27dnast:

I believe that ball search at start means that the game thinks it only has 3 balls in the trough. Perhaps you have one stuck in Frank or somewhere else in the game? The few times it's happened to me, a ball was stuck in Frank.

No balls are stuck. This happens every time I start a new game. I push the Start button, the ball ejects into the shooting lane, it is auto-launched, the flippers are disabled so it just drains. Then another ball is ejected into the lane and I can play as normal. When my game is over, I push Start and the cycle repeats.

I've noticed that if I power-cycle the machine, often the problem goes away until the next power-cycle. Oh yeah, I never once had this issue until after the update.

#3862 4 years ago

So lets talk secret tunnel. Its no secret that you need to sink the shots pretty deep to trigger the secret tunnel and lots of shot seem deep enough but are not. I ma guessing there is two relays in there. one more near the front and one deeper in because some sounds and effects happen on very shallow shots but that advance to monster isn't gonna happen unless the shot is pretty good.

Now, after 3 months I am starting to get some balls stuck in there pretty good. Always needed the deeper shots to trigger the advance to monster but I never had a problem with balls getting stuck and now some are *really* getting stuck - to the point the ball search rattling the machine won't lodge them loose and even me slapping the side of the cabinet takes some time before they come out.

What could have happened over 3 months where this would start to be a problem and it wasn't before?

What are you guys using to grease your balls?

#3863 4 years ago
Quoted from superhawk2300:

So lets talk secret tunnel. Its no secret that you need to sink the shots pretty deep to trigger the secret tunnel and lots of shot seem deep enough but are not. I ma guessing there is two relays in there. one more near the front and one deeper in because some sounds and effects happen on very shallow shots but that advance to monster isn't gonna happen unless the shot is pretty good.
Now, after 3 months I am starting to get some balls stuck in there pretty good. Always needed the deeper shots to trigger the advance to monster but I never had a problem with balls getting stuck and now some are *really* getting stuck - to the point the ball search rattling the machine won't lodge them loose and even me slapping the side of the cabinet takes some time before they come out.
What could have happened over 3 months where this would start to be a problem and it wasn't before?
What are you guys using to grease your balls?

Before rattlying them to get them loose, do you know what they're getting stuck *on*? I have no issues with the secret passage - I can reliably back-flip a ball up there and have it start a monster.

#3864 4 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

Before rattlying them to get them loose, do you know what they're getting stuck *on*? I have no issues with the secret passage - I can reliably back-flip a ball up there and have it start a monster.

Oh hell no on the back flip! I get some really strong direct shots that are hard core rattlers that don't trigger the monster mode. Its always been that way. For me to back flip one from the left flipper it'd have to be a 100% prefect shot that doesn't even touch the sides the tunnel and I've only done it once or twice.

Good to know about your situation, that means there is something "wrong" with mine that I can correct (though I have heard others complain about this too.)

My usual situation is about a 50-50 change that the result of a good shot up there is the ball coming back out the tunnel the same way it went in. How do you rate your odds?

And odd that it would just start really getting stuck after 3 months of not getting stuck tho.

And sometimes it gets "stuck not stuck" for a handful of seconds - sometimes 4 or 6 before dropping back out the way it came. In fact, when trying to defeat the pit creature I always go for the tunnel as its an easy way to eat up that clock!

#3865 4 years ago
Quoted from 27dnast:

I believe that ball search at start means that the game thinks it only has 3 balls in the trough.

Could this be caused by magnetized balls?

#3866 4 years ago
Quoted from netman63129:

I ended up swapping out the stock 3/16" post rubbers for 3/8", which is more the standard size I see on most machines anyway. This seems to help with some of the cheap drains. As other have mentioned, increasing the playfield pitch would also help but I think that mine is high enough already
Pinball Life:
PerfectPlay­ 3/8" OD Silicone Mini Post Rubber
Choose A Color: Translucent

Does this reduce the width of the inlanes as well?

#3867 4 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

Before rattlying them to get them loose, do you know what they're getting stuck *on*? I have no issues with the secret passage - I can reliably back-flip a ball up there and have it start a monster.

I often fail at back flipping this shot. It just rolls back out. It takes quite a powerful shot to register and start a mode. I would say about a 70% failure rate at triggering a mode.

#3868 4 years ago

May have to take the upper playfield off and run a few test balls through the lane guides.

#3869 4 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Outlane:

I usually fail at back flipping this shot. It takes quit a powerful shot to register and start a mode.

Quoted from superhawk2300:

My usual situation is about a 50-50 change that the result of a good shot up there is the ball coming back out the tunnel the same way it went in. How do you rate your odds?

Before I switched to RUBBER flipper rubbers - with what shipped with the game, it was maybe 60% shots made. With rubber flipper rubbers, it's easily 90%. When in my game it doesn't make it, it's because it hits the right wall a little too direct, and bounces against the left wall, and comes right now. No going up, vanishing, and then rolling back down.

#3870 4 years ago

Not sure if this was posted already but Going through the settings you might want to have a set number decimal places for the next update. Same for font on difficulty setting but that you can still make out for the most part

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#3871 4 years ago

Bit of shameless self promotion, we streamed ACNC yesterday and had a pretty cool thing happen. One of our viewers challenged us to a game. So we played 3 player, two of us on one machine and the third on anther. The multiplayer fun begins about an hour and nine minutes in.

We had too much fun with this. I hope some others enjoy it as well.

#3872 4 years ago

Honest question....So...if my Alice is running bulletproof on 1.07 (i think) should i just let it be??

#3873 4 years ago
Quoted from tbutler6:

Honest question....So...if my Alice is running bulletproof on 1.07 (i think) should i just let it be??

Personally I always update to the newest code.

#3874 4 years ago
Quoted from tbutler6:

Honest question....So...if my Alice is running bulletproof on 1.07 (i think) should i just let it be??

New code is better than .07 mine has been rock solid. You can go back if you dont like it.

#3875 4 years ago
Quoted from Coyote:

Before I switched to RUBBER flipper rubbers - with what shipped with the game, it was maybe 60% shots made. With rubber flipper rubbers, it's easily 90%. When in my game it doesn't make it, it's because it hits the right wall a little too direct, and bounces against the left wall, and comes right now. No going up, vanishing, and then rolling back down.

Did you switch out all rubber including rings etc...? This game seems to have serious left to right gameplay and I’m trying to figure out if it’s me or the machine. I feel as though I’m nudging the outlanes non-stop.

#3876 4 years ago
Quoted from Chisox:

I feel as though I’m nudging the outlanes non-stop.

It certainly improved my nudging skills!!
Also, my dead flipping skill. Alice requires both.

#3877 4 years ago
Quoted from Chisox:

Did you switch out all rubber including rings etc...? This game seems to have serious left to right gameplay and I’m trying to figure out if it’s me or the machine. I feel as though I’m nudging the outlanes non-stop.

I ONLY did flippers. And yes, I get a LOT of side to side as well. I may try more experiments with changing out sling rubbers, just to see how the difference feels.

#3878 4 years ago

Any advice on how to resolve the issue of ball bouncing back down right ramp after a really solid shot up there? I don't see any way to adjust the gate at upper playfield to stop this from happening. It only happens with a powerful fast shot. It's like the gate can't shut fast enough??

#3879 4 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Outlane:

Any advise on how to resolve the issue of ball bouncing back down right ramp after a really solid shot up there? I don't see any way to adjust the gate at upper playfield to stop this from happening. It only happens with a powerful fast shot. It's like the gate can't shut fast enough.??

I believe that gate is just gravity. Might want to take the glass off and make sure it isn't binding somehow.

#3880 4 years ago
Quoted from tbutler6:

Honest question....So...if my Alice is running bulletproof on 1.07 (i think) should i just let it be??

I think I’m going to hold off as well. My
Game plays really well and I’m nervous of the “muted” excitement from others in the thread.

#3881 4 years ago
Quoted from scruffypinball:

I think I’m going to hold off as well. My
Game plays really well and I’m nervous of the “muted” excitement from others in the thread.

I don't know what you mean, the new code is fantastic.

#3882 4 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Outlane:

Any advise on how to resolve the issue of ball bouncing back down right ramp after a really solid shot up there? I don't see any way to adjust the gate at upper playfield to stop this from happening. It only happens with a powerful fast shot. It's like the gate can't shut fast enough.??

Take out the pinball life silicon band and replace with black rubber. Less bounce.

#3883 4 years ago
Quoted from Chisox:

Did you switch out all rubber including rings etc...? This game seems to have serious left to right gameplay and I’m trying to figure out if it’s me or the machine. I feel as though I’m nudging the outlanes non-stop.

Switch to Titans. I cannot say enough how much this improved the gameplay for me. The pinball life rubbers are absurdly bouncy in my opinion.

#3884 4 years ago

Notes on code 1.1 after playing it more:
1) I'm getting a lot of call outs cut off.
2) My magna save was working every time on .7 code, but after 1.1 install it stopped working. I switched it to pattern 1 and it seems to be working about 70% of the time.
3) I'm so happy to finally see the guillotine in action! I don't think I ever saw it when I was on .7 code, but now I'm seeing it almost every game. It's such a cool mech.
4) Are the two inlane switches supposed to kill the skill shot? I don't think they were on .7. Now I'm struggling to hit a skill shot (other than just immediately flipping and hitting the right orbit). I use to deadflip off the plunge and it would normally return to the left flipper for a backhand up the left ramp. Now when I catch it's rolling up enough to hit that left inlane switch and killing the skill shot.

#3885 4 years ago
Quoted from 27dnast:

Take out the pinball life silicon band and replace with black rubber. Less bounce.

I will try this..Thanks

Or maybe I'll try rotordaves idea and install a string.

#3886 4 years ago
Quoted from thirdedition:

I believe that gate is just gravity. Might want to take the glass off and make sure it isn't binding somehow.

Did this. No binding.

#3887 4 years ago
Quoted from 27dnast:

Ramp? Are you sure you don’t mean orbit?

Thank you. Yes. Right orbit.never right ramp. Right orbit

#3888 4 years ago

On our first attempt at co op mode our last 2 balls drained as the flippers stopped working, they worked fine before plunging the ball and died once the ball was in play . We did fail at all the monster modes, is i possible that the balls were supposed to drain?

#3889 4 years ago
Quoted from ghostbc:

On our first attempt at co op mode our last 2 balls drained as the flippers stopped working, they worked fine before plunging the ball and died once the ball was in play . We did fail at all the monster modes, is i possible that the balls were supposed to drain?

Flippers go dead for all players when you win or lose BDB.

#3890 4 years ago
Quoted from scruffypinball:

I think I’m going to hold off as well. My
Game plays really well and I’m nervous of the “muted” excitement from others in the thread.

No, the new code is so much better than the last. Do not fear the upgrade!

#3891 4 years ago

One possible glitch in the new code; I've notices a couple times now that the ball save did not work right from the serve. Since the ball was barely in play I am not sure about being able to replicate the cause.

Anyone else notice this?

#3892 4 years ago

Just dreaming out loud here....but the main rap on this game is how hard it is. And it is very hard. I don't mind as an owner because I can hammer enough time on it to get to play through all the features but my casual friends are less enthused.

Easy mode should turn on the secret passage as one of the orbits. As in when you hit the secret passage when its not active as "the secret passage" it counts as whatever orbit moves you toward the monster. Having three ways to walk through the castle to get to monsters would make manipulating the game much easier.

Of course lit the secret passage and going directly to monster through it should still work.

Cutting game content to make the game easier equals less fun, for sure.

I just think there are ways to take the hardness edge off the game so casual players can still enjoy it and still be able to experience all the different rooms, etc

With something like this (casual mode) you can still require all 5 rooms to get to a monster so no content is lost but its still a challenge.

#3893 4 years ago

I’m still learning this game. I did put it on easy mode and was able to get to (and defeat) 3 monsters. Definitely adds a level of fun. Sadly, I missed all the hurry ups. If I start getting really deep in game I’ll move it back to the normal setting. I might try changing out rubbers too as these are really bouncy. Much more so than any of my other games.

CC66C569-7833-496A-8A55-5F085675B172 (resized).jpegCC66C569-7833-496A-8A55-5F085675B172 (resized).jpeg
#3894 4 years ago
Quoted from ghostbc:

On our first attempt at co op mode our last 2 balls drained as the flippers stopped working, they worked fine before plunging the ball and died once the ball was in play . We did fail at all the monster modes, is i possible that the balls were supposed to drain?

I've only had this happen once and it was on last code version. I havent tested it on the new version but I found that when I started Billion Dollar Babies by hitting the Danesi lock (while it held a captured ball...) it seemed like the machine didnt know whether to do ghost multiball or start wizard mode. - It released both balls while killing the flippers. Then it queued the wizard mode theme/music, launched ball and flippers were immediately dead again. End of game.

Did you by chance start BDB with Crypt/Danesi lock while it held a captured ball?

#3895 4 years ago
Quoted from Mr_Outlane:

Does this reduce the width of the inlanes as well?

Yes but it is insignificant IMO. If anything, the game is more fun to nudge with the thicker rubbers

#3896 4 years ago
Quoted from netman63129:

Yes but it is insignificant IMO. If anything, the game is more fun to nudge with the thicker rubbers

I'll give this a try!

#3897 4 years ago
Quoted from Zukram:

Well traced it back, fuse that was linked to the servo board is blown.. Is a 3A fuse, hope I have one..

Just so you know it's a 3amp fast blow. I went through a 6 pack when I was dealing with my servo troubles. Order heavy.

#3898 4 years ago

Here’s a trick that might help someone out ...

Yesterday I had to crack the machine open to adjust the subway switch - sometimes Mystery wasn’t triggering. Just a bend of the switch - back in business.

While I was there, I decided to sort out the ball launch issue I know some have had. Sometimes when you launch the ball, it chatters up the right orbit, and comes back down that side. I knew it’d be pretty simple - just hadn’t had the glass off for a while.

So - diagnosed the issue as the ball occasionally hitting this piece of the orbit rail.

B171732B-780F-47C8-95DE-723FFE1A91BC (resized).jpegB171732B-780F-47C8-95DE-723FFE1A91BC (resized).jpeg

This was because the left black shooter lane timber rail was a few mm away from the metal launch ramp. Sorry I didn’t take a “before” photo of this ... but it was pretty obvious. There was a gap running up the left side of the launch ramp, between the metal and the timber.

So if the ball launched to the left, the timber rail wouldn’t direct it back to the centre. And it would tag the orbit rail edge on the way past, causing it to lose momentum and go off track — all over, red rover.

So ... I removed the rail (held by 5 wood screws underneath) and repositioned it right next to the launch ramp. Moved it forward just a little, so the screws would have new timber to bite into.

48931950-2DE4-4733-85A3-AC5C5F17513C (resized).jpeg48931950-2DE4-4733-85A3-AC5C5F17513C (resized).jpeg

Problem is solved. Ball flies around the orbit every time.

This might not be the issue with all games, but if you do have this issue, check it out!


PS - check out the playfield! Just like new after hundreds of games.

C709348F-F2C9-4FD8-9473-9A09042F7AE8 (resized).jpegC709348F-F2C9-4FD8-9473-9A09042F7AE8 (resized).jpeg
#3899 4 years ago
Quoted from Zukram:

Also for the upper magnet, there is a setting for normal and 'Spooky', anyone know what the difference is ? I do not think I have seen a difference here..

Did anyone have an answer to this? Maybe I'm imagining it but when set to Spooky it doesn't seem to catch the ball half as much as Normal setting.

#3900 4 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

Here’s a trick that might help someone out ...
Yesterday I had to crack the machine open to adjust the subway switch - sometimes Mystery wasn’t triggering. Just a bend of the switch - back in business.
While I was there, I decided to sort out the ball launch issue I know some have had. Sometimes when you launch the ball, it chatters up the right orbit, and comes back down that side. I knew it’d be pretty simple - just hadn’t had the glass off for a while.
So - diagnosed the issue as the ball occasionally hitting this piece of the orbit rail.
[quoted image]
This was because the left black shooter lane timber rail was a few mm away from the metal launch ramp. Sorry I didn’t take a “before” photo of this ... but it was pretty obvious. There was a gap running up the left side of the launch ramp, between the metal and the timber.
So if the ball launched to the left, the timber rail wouldn’t direct it back to the centre. And it would tag the orbit rail edge on the way past, causing it to lose momentum and go off track — all over, red rover.
So ... I removed the rail (held by 5 wood screws underneath) and repositioned it right next to the launch ramp. Moved it forward just a little, so the screws would have new timber to bite into.
[quoted image]
Problem is solved. Ball flies around the orbit every time.
This might not be the issue with all games, but if you do have this issue, check it out!
PS - check out the playfield! Just like new after hundreds of games. [quoted image]

Thanks for this, i noticed the gap on my machine and was wondering how to tackle it. It is the last bug bear for me on this pin. Will tackle this tomorrow.

Good work, cheers.

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