Star Trip

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This game has received 6 approved Pinsider ratings. 44 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside Pinball Top 100 ranking.

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There are 4 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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7 years ago
I picked up a Star Trip on a whim. I had never played it before, or any cocktail pin for that matter, and I bought it mainly for the novelty of owning a cocktail pin for awhile. It was cheap, I could use it as an end table; I figured why not.

I have been very pleasantly surprised to learn the game is actually really fun!

The layout is good. Star Trip has 6 direct shots (from left to right: spinner, hole, B, C, 3 drops), 8 if you want to include the 2 rollovers. So there is plenty to shoot for and there are 2 pop bumpers and 3 slingshots to keep the ball moving and add some randomness. There are a bunch of lanes at the top and the bottom which I'll explain.

The rules make the game play like a bonus heavy EM. Lit lanes and certain rollovers add to your bonus and once you have a specific combination of lanes lit (no lane switching) you can get bonus multipliers. Bonuses go up to 19K before multiplier and multipliers go up to 5X. There are is a collect bonus shot which gives you your multiplied bonus immediately and leaves the multiplier lit. There are a few shots worth 5K but the game really seems to be about chasing big bonuses.

Here is where we get what makes this game really fun and is also probably its biggest flaw: it is really hard to nudge a cocktail pin! Getting certain lanes lit is very important but without nudging you don't have much control over lanes. Combined with the fact that there is no lane switching means you are forced to give up a bit of control and let randomness do its thing. It makes the game more exciting.

I'm enjoying playing this game much more than I expected and I'd highly recommend you play it when given a chance or even own it.
8 years ago
This is a fun cocktail table. Theme is a little generic, but there is some decent artwork on the playfield. The game has a lot of cool shots with a spinner, kickout hole, and drop targets. While this won't beat the gameplay of most normal sized machine, it's a cool pinball to add some diversity to a collection.
9 years ago
Played this at a friends house- Super happy with this game. Love the cocktail pinball experience. Game is actually a fun game with perhaps not the deepest rule set but it kept me coming back for more. Art is great! Sounds are so retro awesome that I never got bored- TURN IT UP!

Uhh... cocktail tables have no back glass or cabinet art but you HAVE to choose a value... so I rated it 4/6... for those two
10 years ago
This machine is more of a novelty than serious pinball, however it looks/ works Provides a quick game that is pretty tough for a small table. Overall the art looks great, aside from the lame brown cabinet. I would
Have a tough time selling mine.
There are 4 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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