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This game has received 9 approved Pinsider ratings. 41 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside Pinball Top 100 ranking.

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Found 3 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 3 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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6 years ago
I'd never heard of this rare game before, but I got a chance to play it in the tournament at the 2017 Houston Expo tournament. Supposedly the last System 7 game and with only 100 made you aren't going to come across one of these very often. It has the triangle of star rollover targets in the center of the playfield similar to Laser Ball and linked to the top rollover lanes with an extra button for the lane/rollover change. There is a two-ball multiball with double scoring and you can light the spinner (left side) for 1000 or 2000 (flashing) per spin. I felt this was a great tournament game with understandable rules, but still allowing for some different strategies. The S-T-A-R standup targets next to the upper right pop bumper is an interesting shot and I like that it's fairly tight shot to finish off the letters you need (to light lock). The 2000 per spin strategy might be decent, but with qualifying scores in the millions I don't think that alone would get you a good score. I'd like to put some more time on this, but I really like the game play, the theme, and the art. The sounds are recycled from earlier games, but I really like them as well. No speech on this game, but I don't think that's a negative and it adds to the charm.
9 years ago
I was really impressed by this game. The rules are easy to understand, and there is a nice multiball feature, along with a spinner to get back to the top. This isn't very complex, but there's something very essentially fun about this game. It's got an EM feel to the layout with a sheen of solid-state technology on top of it. It's awfully rare, but if you get a chance to play one in the wild, I would highly recommend it.
12 years ago
This is a pretty solid game for such a low production run. It seems to have all the same sounds as Firepower. The gameplay is pretty good with some multiball mixed in. Maybe a little too much to do with the large row of rollovers at the top. Racking up huge scores is always dependent on how many times you can complete that row.
There are 3 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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