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This game has received 12 approved Pinsider ratings. 38 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside Pinball Top 100 ranking.

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Found 7 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 7 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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11 months ago
This is a fun game!!! Yes it was a soccer game redo into a football game. It's a blast!. The update to LED's really makes it new style.
1 year ago
All my reviews are going to follow a simple formula for those reading.
Number of shots to make - Pro's - Con's - Must Have Mods - What To Look For When Buying

Number of shots - 7 - above average

* Choosing your team is a great option for guests and being able to have a default team great for the home
* Nice physical ball lock in the stadium
* Halftime and first down modes are lots of fun
* Love the idea of drop targets before having to shoot past the linebacker to score a TD

* Not a lot of depth, Multiball being the main objective apart from beating teams
* No orbit shots, both outside shots feed the bumpers
* Artwork a bit bland as a whole

Must Have Mods: (Note I will not include things like LED's, Color DMD, Invisiglass or Speaker Upgrades unless it's really badly needed)
* if your team isn’t represented with OG translites there is a great alternate one available
* NFL pocket helmet of your team
* colordmd would really add to this title if made available

What To Look For When Buying
* Worn out artwork near first down scoop
* Make sure linebacker motor works
* Genuine lack of parts overall due to rarity
* Cabinet wear as no decals available
6 years ago
I picked up a Broncos themed NFL for my parents since they are die hard fans and I've played it on and off again for the past year.

First off the game looks pretty generic. Even for the theme, it's just the NFL team logos repeated all over the pin except for the Broncos helmet on the backglass. It's not ugly but it's not beautiful by any means.

The game shoots decents. The shots are fairly nice except for the ramp that comes right up front. You have to hit perfect everytime to get the ball up where it needs to be. Stadium multiball is decent. You can increase jackpot by shooting all shots before the end zone shot. Then jackpot multiplies. Other than stadium multiball there is a celebration multiball which is like a poorly done wizard mode. Other than that there is a couple of modes but the game focuses mainly on multiball.

Sound is just alright. Nothing too fantastic. Not too much to the animations.

Over all it's just an alright machine. I wouldn't nessicarly recommend it to anyone for their collection unless you have a decent size collection AND your a die hard fan of (insert your NFL team here). For the price tag, there are definitely better games to own.
9 years ago
They could have done more with a football concept, like making you have to hit a ball onto a receiver instead of trying to get around a defender to score points. Overall, it's not an awful machine and deserving of a play here and there.
10 years ago
Truly a terrible pinball machine. I don't think that they could have cared less when putting this one together. This is easily Stern's worst effort.
12 years ago
Played one last night. I thought it was going to be lame given the football theme but it turned out to be really fun! Everyone in my party agreed too. It definitely caught me off guard how much fun it turned out to be. If you see one you have to play it! Don't write it off as a stupid NFL themed product.
12 years ago
The one I played was a Dallas Cowboys theme and it was poorly done. There just isn't that much going on in this machine - nothing to make you want to play again. I think it might prove to be a novelty to have a game themed after the home town team, but if you're looking for a well executed pin - keep looking. 15 yard penalty for lack of imagination!
There are 7 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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