Lethal Weapon 3

Data East

Lethal Weapon 3

Pinside Rating

This game received 205 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 7.480 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #191 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 7.603

Artwork: 7.131

Sounds/Music: 7.202

Other Aspects: 7.584

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) Pinside.com staff & moderators rate this game. 3 of us have rated this game.


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Found 129 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 129 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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4 months ago
Such a fun Data East game. The ramp shot has a very cool wireform. Shooting the three saucers and building your 1,2,3's is very satisfying when you get to 50M. Excellent use of the gun trigger. Used in the orbits mode, during the 123 movie clips, and during the video mode. Just a really well designed game. "Grab the Gun and Fire"!
5 months ago
This is literally the same game as T2 - how people can rank T2 so highly and have this sitting so low baffles me
7 months ago
I picked this one up rather cheap and was pleasantly surprised. The theme is fun, the orbits are fast and the ramp/vuk are satisfying. It's a throwback to the 90's and is still relatively cheap for what you get. It is an underrated pinball machine (IMO) and would be a great choice for someone getting into the hobby.
1 year ago
This seems to be most people's starter machine which is very understandable (it was one of mine). Game is loaded for the price, but it gets stale very quickly. Decent theme and layout, but not a keeper.
1 year ago
Just purchased this game recently because it was a pretty good deal that I just couldn't pass up and I saw a bunch of comments saying how it wasn't too deep but it was a whole heap of fun and that it was under rated because if you just wanted to play and not care than this was just a flat out fun game. I wanted to like it. I played it a bunch and I just couldn't get into it. The music is great! Like super great! And the main ramp with the double loop is also super great! But overall it was just fine. I didn't find it super fun which is the only thing I was looking for... Then I added Chad's code and oh my gosh!!!! 180 degree turn! The game came alive! Everything felt cleaner and smoother and I swear even issues some how magically went away. The sound and music some how sounded better, everything just flowed and I kept playing and playing and just kept saying just one more game! So get this game but then you must get the Chad's code in there.
1 year ago
Very fun game. For me this one never gets boring. And its affordable.
1 year ago
Update: This Pin is a great first pin. I just don’t like Data East Flippers but The Cheesey Callouts, Sounds, Music, Jackpot Multiball, Ramp and Shooting the gun modes are what make this pinball machine shine.

The Cons: the DE Flippers are just not good, The Artwork just is Ok to Meh, Theme is Meh, the three hole shots are pretty good, it’s a fun pinball machine and decently tough. There just isn’t quite enough to do to last in my small collection. If I had a 20 pinball collection it would stay.

This game is just pure fun! I love shooting the gun while having to play, the fight pressing the flippers, shooting the guy before jumping off the bridge. It’s not a deep game and not a great theme but it’s just fun! Super underrated as well which I like! The art isn’t good on the cabinet and the music is ok and I’m not a big fan of data east flippers but even my wife likes this game and she doesnt like pinball! Lol What Leo wants, Leo gets! What a terrible cheesey line.

It’s just a fun game to shoot once in a while the biggest downside to me is I don’t like data east and the flippers.
1 year ago
The worst thing about this machine is the theme. If you can get past that, everything else is surprisingly good. The shots are enjoyable and have a good variety. The lighting is decent and the animations are good for their era. Overall, it's a machine I find myself going back to again and again.
1 year ago
This is my first machine and I've had it for about a year now and I can say Lethal Weapon 3 scratches every itch you could have with a pinball machine. It does have simple rules but how you play it is challenging, with its integrated use of the gun handle while gameplay is happening it feels like you are achieving something great when you pull it all off. It's chaotic, fast, fun and a great machine to start off with if you are new to the hobby.
1 year ago
LW plays well even if the layout was lifted from another game. Easy to learn but keeps you coming back to master all the shots and maximize the points. Only issue is with the Leo Getz,
1 year ago
UPDATE - Game didn't last long in my collection. The updated Chad code improves competition play but it took away from the enjoyment guests would get from the game. They had less chance of interacting with the video modes which are actually really good in this game... and I'd usually prefer a game with no video modes.
This game isn't very deep. There is a something about it that brings the fun factor way higher than it should be. I just picked one up to repair and sell and ended up having so much fun playing it with my non pinball playing friends that I'm going to keep it for awhile. I've never had a machine that guests have enjoyed more. I think it's the combination of the music/sounds and the interaction with the gun that bring the fun factor up.
1 year ago
Great playfield layout and I love the ramp and the return habitrail. I just wish the game was deeper, or perhaps even mode-based. This game has the single best video mode in pinball with the shooting range. The other video modes are average.
1 year ago
Lethal Weapon is certainly another under rated game from Data East.

Solid layout that has a lot of flow for a Data East!

Cabinet and Backglass is pretty good IMO.

Sound track is fairly solid.

Rules seem to be pretty balanced as far as I can tell (the model I was playing was running Chad’s code).

Any game with a flood light gets an extra point from me.

Animations are pretty good.

Gun Modes are fun, and the secrets in the movie sequences are an inspired choice as well.


Playfield art is a cluttered mess: also poorly drawn in my opinion.

Rules are basic and get boring and tedious after a while/lack of wizard mode or overarching goal is unfortunate.

Skill shot is pretty inconsistent on all the models I’ve played, which leads me to think it’s a poor design decision.

Layout takes heavy inspiration from T2 (VUK is identical to T2’s VUK minus the drop target, left kick out identical, center targets identical, etc) which does imply some lack of effort.

While the animations are good, the movie sequences are kind of stupid in my opinion (other then the hidden points).

Overall, a solid game, but not without its flaws. I do enjoy it overall though.
2 years ago
I've owned and restored 2 LW3's. I like this game. It is fun. In both games I added Chad's code. It plays well. Choose your path, 1,2,3 holes or multiball. I like that there are multiple ways to play this game. I think this games lends itself well to competitions. Its not a fun game to shop out, but is doable. I needed more depth in my collection but for a beginner or on a budget, this is a solid first or second game.
2 years ago
Machine was rated with 3.02 code; never played with original code. Apparently this code update made a huge difference on gameplay with this machine. It's an enjoyable and underrated pin with the code update.
2 years ago
Just bought one for home and forgotten how good it was in the old days
2 years ago
The playfield layout seems to be copied from the T2
I own both games-both have their cons-I don´t see LW3 behind the higher rated T2
LW3 is just a fun action shooter-clear recommendation
-great stereo sound
-can chose between 3 theme songs
-beacon on top
-interaction with the shooter handle during gameplay is fun and challenging
-nice video modes

updated to Chads code-but being a casual player changed the setting to have the 1,2,3 scoops in random order as with the original code
2 years ago
2 years ago
LW3 is a product of its era. Mid 90s action movie and pinball at its best and sometimes worst. I enjoy the fairly open playfield but always feels just short of feeling like a clean flow. The use of the gun launcher is a pretty unique interactive element. Has drop targets, nice little spinners and a big looping ramp, so you get a bit of everything on this pin. Art is a bit "cartoon" like but overall is pretty well done and works for the theming.

Things I Enjoy:
- The big looping ramp is the center piece which I enjoy each time I hit it.
- The music selection, you can to choose between three different songs to start. Nothing special now but here in it's mid 90s midi type sound it has a certain nostalgia to it.
- Gun mini games, the use of the gun shooter is integrated into several elements during the game, making decent use of it.
- The movie clips inserted to each progression of the main objective are well done. Getting to the final one is a thrill.
- I'll admit, I actually like the "okay okay okay" Joe Pesci call out.

Things I don't Like:
- The punching mini game is NOT fun.
- Back glass is a whole lot of Mel Gibson
- The general progression is almost too straight forward. Once you've one through it a few times you start to see a lack of depth in the rules and play field.

A fun game that is really underrated, one of the better Data East pins. Has some fun and unique elements mixed into its gameplay that makes it worth a few plays. Approachable for new players thanks to it's open layout and fairly straightforward rule set.
2 years ago
Lethal weapon 3 is a pretty simple game, with a fast layout. It's fun to go through the stunt scenes and go for multiball, and the twirling ramp habitrail is cool. The rules and art leave things to be desired, but the shots are satisfying enough to have a good time.
2 years ago
A really fun game. Call outs, theme, music and action all classic late 80s - early 90s. Really like the mini DMD games. As far as cost, it's pretty reasonable vs. Many early 90s DMD tables. Will definitely keep this one for a while.
2 years ago
As much as I love the cheesy 90's action movies, this one just falls short for me like the movie itself.
2 years ago
most underated game to me ..ok cabinet and backglass are ugly but the game is rely good
2 years ago
Why is this machine so low ??? Put this next to a Addams family in the later 90's an this took my money ??? In Australia anyways only machine my father said was better but anyways not for an operators view

I loved it tasteful LEDs an blades an man she's a keeper we had to move ours on due to no room at the time an dam I wish we kept it fun fast action game the gun u must shoot it a mode but I honestly carnt get my head around the low score reviews of this game it's really fun an a new buyer 1at machine would pick one up fairly cheap awesome 90's game one-day I might get one again if it's a reasonable price
3 years ago
A frenetic table where you can feel the action specially during video modes that take place during the normal gameplay
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