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This game has received 31 approved Pinsider ratings. 19 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside Pinball Top 100 ranking.

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Found 19 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 19 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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4 months ago
Played several times at Pincinnati '23. Overall a pretty enjoyable game, nice to be able to go head-to-head against someone at the same time. Has a couple shots to make to score big points, and they're easy enough. Not much going on with the playfield besides those though. It'd be a fun one to own, but I don't see it getting nearly as much use as other machines.
4 months ago
This is a really fun game if you have someone else who really gets into it. When it looks good it's clean and beautiful. I love to play it but outside of a head to head it's kinda a waste of space. It was a really good idea. Go play it at Galloping Ghost or your local arcade if you can find it.

It takes a lot of space and it doesn't attract attention. In working condition it's great but it seems to break a lot and be a difficult thing to repair.
1 year ago
Okay, great gimmick. I loved the Joust video game (innovative gameplay) and at least they tried something innovating with the pin. A two-player head-to-head stand-up cocktail-style game was a neat idea, but it just didn't feel like it played as well as a regular pin. But huge points for something different!

Backglass rating was mandatory, so I gave it half, even though it doesn't really have a proper backglass.
2 years ago
What a unique game. Backglass should be optional for rating as this game doesn’t have one.
2 years ago
A very fun two player game. Tried a couple of games and it seemed to be on a timer where you play for a with a couple of balls and then all of a sudden multi-ball hits. It's a lot of fun and the scores can really vary between games. I like that the spinners allow you to gain or lose points. It moves so fast that it's not always easy to build strategy. Am really glad to have been able to play this pin. It is fun to be head to head and wish more games were this way.
2 years ago
Joust is a strange game. It is fun with two players but lacks as a single player game.
3 years ago
We played this game quite a few times at Galloping Gnost. No idea what we were doing but we had a bunch of fun. Rules seemed very wonky to us. That said I would I pay to play again, all the games we played were really fun
3 years ago
Extremely rare. So much so, that I would say the value just isn't there unless you are a very serious collector. This pin is fun, but not more so than the 2 NIB pins you could have at the same cost.
4 years ago
A two play pinball machine, at the same time?!?! Yes Joust is a versus machine, and very fun! It’s crazy and quirky game play makes for fast fun head to head pinball. It’s a must play every time you can find one.
4 years ago
Wow. Few have actually played this game. I did one evening, it was a blast. Two player is incredible well designed and is the only way this game coming to its blossom.
4 years ago
Galloping Ghost has a Joust and I've played it quite a bit. I don't ever play really more than 2-3 games on it per visit. But, I do try to always play on it each time I am there, as this is a super rare and unique pinball machine.
I only ever played 1 solo game on it. Not interested in that. But, I did think it was neat that I controlled both sides with my flippers with single player game mode.

The art on this game is minimal, but actually has more than the traditional cocktail machine. I like that there is art on the fronts of each cab. A nice touch, and it perfectly captures the looks and feel of the original Joust arcade game. Which I as an aside always enjoyed playing.
For the cab itself. I rather am a fan of wood grain look. It screams atari to me, and that is a good thing. So I like how this cab looks.
The playfield art is good, and once again captures the feel of the arcade game. Nothing too amazing, but it looks good and doesn't feel too busy.
The layout of the game is unique. I mean how many other head to head games are there. Two spinners, but only one belongs to you for the points. The other its best to avoid. 2 rows of drops, a saucer, and then you have the drops that act as a bonus multiplier. I would say... If I was just shooting the game by myself and had only my half of the playfield and the other half was blocked off. This layout would only be adequate, but you throw in the element of another player and balls caroming back and forth between sides, and this layout is actually fantastic.
And that head to head play is what this machine is all about. Its super fun to play against your friend and really just a fun and unique pinball experience. I'm not very good at this game. I don't really know or understand the rules, and that is fine. I do go for my spinner once its juiced, and I know about the eggs and the bonus... Really that is most of the rules, I just don't know what makes the spinner juiced.
But, what I do know is that head to head games are frenetic and a joy to play. I normally am on the losing side of things. Which is a rarity for me for when I play my father or my friends. But, that is okay. As I always have fun on this machine.
A 2 player game doesn't take too much time to play and is a really nice change of pace from the other games that you could play.
I like the sounds in this game. They just fit pinball, and I really like the sound that starts up when its the last 30 seconds and you just get the huge rush of balls being launched constantly.
As for the theming of the machine. As I said the art matches. Does the two player head to head play denote the classic feel of Joust the Arcade game. I think in a way it is fitting.
I can understand why this machine was not a hit in the 80s. As probably the pricing for the 2 player game was way too much and too expensive for the time that you could get.
But, that is not something I have to worry about. And really this is just a fun machine.
If you can find one you should play one.
Would I ever want to own one... They're expensive. Even if they weren't. This wouldn't be a machine I'd want in my collection. Its really a bit useless as a single player machine, and even as a two player game. I would get bored of playing it over and over. It is fun, really fun in fact. But, in smaller dosages. I don't see myself playing this for more than 30 minutes in one sitting. Fun idea would be to do king of the hill type tournament. Where the winner stays and the losers cycle out. That could be fun, and then at the end of the night you count who had the most wins total.

And if it wasn't clear my feelings on this machine. I think as a one player game it is rubbish. Two player is the only way to play this game.
5 years ago
Super fun game with what looks like a decent element of strategy in the rule set, but also seems like a great game for having people over who don't really know anything about pinball and want to have a good time.
5 years ago
Fun game for all regardless of age. Very unique and hard to find. Sound effects are 80s influenced but adds to the nostalgia.
8 years ago
Game needs to be played with two sex, it can be done solo, but is nowhere near as satisfying. I've played it both ways and it is very boring solo.

With two players you really need to know the rules which aren't that easy to pick up and understand. Would be great as a knockout tournament game.

Art is dead on and noises complement the game. Gets old quickly for me, but I enjoy the novelty.
8 years ago
After playing for the first time, this is my #1 most wanted pin. I need to spend a little time learning the rules but just the idea of two players head to head is awesome.
9 years ago
What an odd machine! What a BLAST!

So here's the thing: some shots benefit *your* score. Others benefit your *opponent's* score. Others will *subtract* from your either score. Got it? Well good luck... because it's insanity trying to line any of them up when balls come flying INCOMING when you least expect it!

A totally wacky, random, wonderful descent into controlled chaos. And that's even BEFORE the 30-second "Berserker Mode" finale! All skill levels, all ages, THIS is a party machine. We kept lining up to play this at Expo and it was endless fun even when the outcome made no sense at all.

The dated sounds work PERFECTLY and for fans of the classic video games it's based on, so much better.

As a 1-player game it's not as crazy but it's plenty challenging enough given the inverted "mirror shot" playfield you have to work against. It's not as deep and without another human working against you, the available shots and overall re-playability might get stale. Still, the 5th-drain triggering a 30-second countdown presents a cool best-score-timed-run challenge. But considering its design intent, you should not buy this as a 1-player machine.

Too bad this never caught on... I'd love to play something like it more often!

(Played at Louisville Arcade Expo 2015)
[FWIW I self-rate my skill level as medium]
11 years ago
Joust is a unique game where head to head action actually works. In fact it is the best way to play this game.

The Pros: Once you know this game, it is a blast to play. Shots are not always easy to make and hitting the wrong spinner will give your opponent points. Just hope that they don't have it lit to 5k! Hitting targets and racing your opponent on the other side of the table to collect is great fun. Learning the sound cues on this game is key.

The Cons:
The game is not obvious to the person walking up to it the first time. Even starting a 2 player game can be confusing. "What do you mean I hit the flippers to start the game?" The single player game is just not that exciting.

The Takeaway:
It may seem like a bit of a novelty, but Joust is the best head-to-head competitive table I have EVER played (Out of 10, I had to give it a 10, otherwise it's a 5 as a single player). It completely lives up to it's theme and purpose. The flippers even "flap" like the video game did. Another awesome pin-gem from Barry Oursler and his team of merry pin-men.If you can find one and have a pinball player to play with... get a game or three on this table. Your life will be better for it.
11 years ago
awesome ! very fun to play but soooo expensive to buy
12 years ago
This game is very interresting and fun. you can play two against a friend. its like a standup cocktail style machine. it has two playfields that come together with a spinner in the middle so at any time a ball from the other side may come flying into your side of the machine fast a fun very different. a must play atleast once!
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