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Found 1 rating (with comment) on this game

There are 1 rating (that include a comment) on this game.
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12 years ago
I found a Fiesta table in a collector's attic, in a "mostly restored" state. They were generous enough to let me play it, because it really is one of a kind. Sadly, I only got to play it twice, because then one of the bumpers began to dislodge, and I had to turn off the machine, but I will always be grateful for my chance to try out such an obscure pin.

I haven't played many of the pre solid-state machines, but what stands out to me about them is how experimental they could be with their playfield layout. As a flow fanatic, I'm fascinated by stuff like you find on this table: The left quarter of the playfield is a separate lane that you can shoot the ball into, and it falls down back to the flippers. The scoring was not too clear to me (I didn't get to play long enough), but I think that the higher up you're able to get the ball into that lane the more points you get. The art design of the machine is so dated and over the top. I love the spanish dancers on the back glass. The most joyous moment for me was when I started the game, and the machine clacked out a spanish dance rhythm ("CLACK-CLACLACLACLACLACK-CLACLACLACLACLACK!"). It had me at hello. This table is super wonky, but it's got loads of charm.
There are 1 rating (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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