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Found 8 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 8 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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23 days ago
Played at the Dutch Pinball Museum.

I liked the eye-catching blue cab, although - unfortunately - it didn’t seem to match the Excalibur theme (I expected something more nautical). The pin itself is a ‘knock down all the drop targets’ fest with a partitioned off upper playfield with extra flippers for the orange drops, and a central ramp.

It’s okay, but that’s all it is. It’s not the strongest Gottlieb of the era and is overshadowed by many other, better pins (especially in a museum with literally 100+ other pins).
2 years ago
Very fun Gottlieb game that has a great upper playfield. I’m always drawn to drop target banks and this pin doesn’t disappoint. I wish they made more of these. If you get an Excalibur, I suggest putting in colored LEDs to give it a splash of color.
2 years ago
This game is fantastic. It’s a very nice playing game with lots of well thought rules. The music and artwork are amazing. The light show for the super jackpot and shield jackpot are soooo cool. This game is very much deserving of leds. if you ever get a chance to buy or play this game, take that chance.
4 years ago
The artwork is a bit of a mess but this four flipper crisscrossing playfield can be surprisingly fun. One of the better Gottliebs of this era.
8 years ago
The two things that always stand out immediately when you see this game in the "real" are the blue colored cabinet and the Gottlieb Premier weird shaped backbox. Premier always seemed to want to be able to stand out in a crowd. It must have a been a marketing decision.
The playfield is almost like a linear "tunnel" with your entire focus being the center of the playfield and the ramp shot.
Variety is not really the name of the game here.
The backglass image although "unique", just does not fit the playfield artwork.
It was like it was designed for another machine.
Sounds are average, music is a little odd from what you might expect.
Fun game to play for a few runs, and reminds me of Data East's Robocop in some ways with the ramp shot but simpler in ruleset.
"Cheap quality entertainment" and fun, but nothing really remarkable.
Most likely it will still be found very reasonable in cost, even for the low production.
8 years ago
Another game where my score doesn't reflect how much I really enjoy it! I really dug this rare(ish) Gottlieb.

The playfield is quite open and there's tons to shoot for. I also really dug the theme; reminds of Wizards and Warriors for some reason. It plays well, looks great, and like all the system 80a pins, sounds like a Sega Genesis (in an awesome way). Feels a lot like an EM game with a ramp!

If you see this pin, play it! If it's for sale cheap, buy it. Fun one that rates low, but shouldn't.
8 years ago
Drop targets a go go along with a cool ramp shot that can go several ways and even has a drop down cut out if you don't quite nail it.

It's got multiball and a jackpot, nothing fancy but the whole thing plays very nice.

Machine doesn't look like much but i liked the shade of blue it has and the playfield fit the theme, so did the backglass but it was faded as can be so in all honesty i don't know how it's actually meant to look.

The star attraction of this game though, imo, aside from being instant fun is the wonderful chiptune soundtrack. Not quite up there with tx sector or robo wars but still very enjoyeable for those of us into the genre.

I missed out being able to get this one twice now, i would though if given the chance.
11 years ago
Excalibur is an interesting game to play. Different and interesting. An EM design with a ramp in the middle of the PF.

The Pros:
Drop targets that require sharp aim and a single ramp with 2 entrances and 2 exits. Simple rules make this game fun to play and easy to understand. All 4 flippers need to be used to make the targets and the red bank at the top of the PF requires shots from the upper flippers and action from the pop bumper. The locks dropping balls quickly into the inlanes makes multiball a matter of controlling your pinballs as quickly as possible your top priority. The ramp punished poor shots with immediate rebounds towards the flippers, so get your aim straight. Graphics on the PF look bright and are spot on for the theme. Trudeau and Norris did a great job on this deck. It feels more like Norris at the top of the PF and the Drops. The ramp feels like something Trudeau would conceive of.

The Cons:
Hard to find. The BG is one of the worst ever made. Constantino Mitchell... put down the airbrush before anyone else gets hurt.

The Takeaway:
I have only played this game on one occasion, but when I did, I remember playing at least a dozen games that I enjoyed before moving on (Thank you Basil). I came back later in the day for more pinball goodness with this table. This is saying a lot about this deck, because Basil has a wonderful collection. Find this table if you can and play it all day.
There are 8 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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