Escape from the Lost World

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There are 28 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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2 years ago
This game is way underrated, art is beautiful and gameplay is very intriguing, the only thing that’s ok is the Sounds. Great game, deserves a chance.
3 years ago
What a fun game. It has a pretty unique layout. Its not a hard game to understand what to do, but it isn't easy accomplishing it. I'm really enjoying it, but I could see it getting old if its the only game you had. In a big collection, I could see it being nice to have just because of how different the layout and shots are. If you can find one for cheap, don't hesitate to pick it up. The only thing I'm not a big fan of is the constant poor quality animal sounds that it blasts from its speakers. I do tend to catch myself repeating "Can.. You.. Escaaaaape" around the house though each time after playing it hahaha.
3 years ago
Very unique... and hard. If you want a challenge this table is for you. Ball times are usually short and all over the place. Very hard table to control. Probably not the best for casual players or as a first pin... That being said I love this game. The shots are awesome and collecting “treasure” feels rewarding. Its also very good looking. the only really bad thing I can say about this game is the sound... as a few others have stated it’s pretty bad. Wish it played more music and less terrible (jungle sounds)
4 years ago
I had to edit my initial review. This game has been a money pit for me. Had to replace MPU and fix countless little things. It got to the point that I didnt even want to think about the game... After I finally caved and got everything working... It's actually a pretty fun game. It definitely needs to be dialed in perfect to be enjoyable. Not much depth but for its age the progress of building the treasure bonus, hitting the drops, and then popping the ball across the bridge and out the escape is actually pretty unique. These games were definitely budget builds. I feel like every time I lift the playfield up something else is broken... but the good news is that I'm running out of things to fix so not much else can break :)
4 years ago
Another favorite that I love but has issues. Crowded playfield, different but jumbled. Love the escape factor which is kind of hard to make if not experienced with the machine
4 years ago
I picked this game up because i thought it looked great. I played a couple games and thought, i hate it. Then i kept at it and to be honest i like it! Yes the ball is all over the place and im not real fond of the ball falling on the playfield everywhere but its fast and hard and very short ball times and i like that. Its game number 6 in my small collection and i keep hitting start. Feels really good when you jack up the treasure over a million and you finally make the bridge and put it the hole to collect it.
5 years ago
Fun to play, the upper playfield is a nice addition that you don't find often in many games. I really enjoy playing it and trying to cross the bridge to obtain the treasure.
5 years ago
Wacky layout, game is fun tho. Lots to shoot for and cool multi level playfield.
Good for a large collection.
6 years ago
As other raters have mentioned, this game plays you a bit. The artwork is a favorite of mine- the cab decoration especially, is beautiful. This machine belongs at the end of your row! The playfield has a unique, 3-dimensional look which is visually pleasing to stare at. The gameplay itself is not terribly deep at all, but is tricky nonetheless. Building the jackpot and then getting through the escape gate in the allotted amount of time is fairly tricky. Achieving the 2-ball multiball without going through the escape gate is very difficult. I probably would not buy this pin as my only pin, but it has staying power in my collection from the artwork alone.
6 years ago
This is the first pinball machine I've even owned, and I won't sell it. The bridge shot is unique and fun, and it is always a challenge to 'escape'. Good family theme for boy and girls (and spouses) -- exciting but not too scary.
8 years ago
Alright, I'll start with the positive: this game is a great looker. Colorful art on backglass, playfield and cabinet. The vacu-formed playfield with the bridge over it looks awesome.

...but then you push start. And what you hear is one of the worst pinball sound packages in history. The shitty sounds this game produces are just rediculous. The fact that it was produced in 1987 is no excuse. Williams, Data East and Gottlieb all made great sounding pinball machines around this time.

...and then you pull the plunger and start to play. Which is almost impossible. The ball just flies around the playfield. Ball flow on this thing is artrocious. Don't get me started on the ruleset. And, well, I already mentioned the sounds this thing makes.

Concluding: just a horrible gameplay experience. Only buy this thing if you plan on putting it in a corner to sit pretty. Just never push that start button.
8 years ago
Really fun and unique game. I was pleasantly surprised by it. Sound package is poor for the year of release, the sound quality is rough and the samples used aren't that good (screaming cat stock sample?), but the game is fun and tricky with the oddly shaped ramps. Rules are simple and straight forward for the most part. This game throws you for a loop when you are used to standard games. The machine playing you comment is spot on. I like chaotic games though, so it fits my personality. Not a good game for a small collection.
9 years ago
Picked this up for our 10 yr old because she liked the Dino theme. As others have mentioned there aren't a lot of shots on this game. The playfield is pretty cramped and the main goal of the game is centered around the upper playfield. The shot across the bridge and the corresponding shot into the escape gate are pretty difficult shots to make consistently.

To escape and collect the treasure you are looking at a three shot combo once you drop the egg drop targets to open the gate. You have to shoot the ball up the ramp or into the hole at the top of the lower PF to get the ball to the upper PF, then you must shoot a perfect shot across the bridge that doesn't have any sides on it, after the shot across the bridge you have to time the next shot to shoot it up and over into the escape hole. Like I said not an easy combo.

Ball times are pretty short for me on this game and sometimes I feel like the game is playing me instead of the other way around. All in all it isn't a horrible game and I do enjoy playing it but "the" main shot of the game is difficult to string together.
9 years ago
Looks like this game would be a blast, so least for me that uniqueness wore off quickly.
10 years ago
The multi-layer, 3d molding style of the pin is pretty neat. And this is one of the only games that I can think of that have a cat-walk over the main pf. The game has a neat mechanic where you must knock down a row of drops on the lower pf, which then activates a gate on the upper pf to a hole where you "collect treasure." The gate only stays open for a set amount of time, so you must make the ball back to the upper pf, flip it across the catwalk, and then knock it into the gate from the upper right flipper. It's actually a really fun shot pattern. So basically, the entire game you are building up a jackpot from other shots, which then gives a massive pay-off if you successfully make the treasure shot. There are a few other neat designs like the ball save on the left side that you can nudge into a kick-out and the plastic moldings actually having paths for the ball to travel.

This game is definitely not deep by any means, but if you're looking for a game that's very affordable and will provide a bit of skillful fun for you and your family, this is a good one to take home.
10 years ago
another dg fave
11 years ago
Game is good but the most amazing features is the treasor door taking. It 2 stage of playfield and the challenge it's to shhot 3 drops target at the first floor and go up, pass the bridge and shoot de door open for take the tresor. It's very a good challenge! Good old game!
11 years ago
I owned this game for a while and it just never clicked with me. It's a nice game to look at, but the gameplay is very random and somewhat cheap and clunky feeling.
If I remember correctly, it had an odd body shape that made it sit higher or lower than my other games. I believe it also had two different leg lengths, but that may have just been on mine.
11 years ago
Escape From the Lost World is a game that I have only had the opportunity to play recently. This game is a demanding table that requires you to make your shots or pay the price.

The Pros:
Shots are precise and once you get up over the main PF, you had better make your shots. Falling balls can come back from the upper PF and drain easily from their heights. So don't take any ball anywhere on the table for granted. Molded plastics look great when lit from below. Collecting your treasure always makes you feel like you earned that shot.

The Cons:
This is pretty much a 1-2 shot game. Fortunately, those shots are tough ones that you really have to earn. The lower PF feels cramped and seems to resist any shot that you try to make. This game is not easy to enjoy... it's stressful to play this deck.

The Takeaway:
Practice on this table is key to get the feel of shooting the ball to build and collect treasure. This deck is extremely unforgiving, so you'd better be on point. Why did they put a window in the PF of this game but no mini-pf? I had to ask...
11 years ago
A strange bird. Interesting to look at, but the game play is so random it's hard to actually feel as if you are playing the machine. It's more as if the machine is playing you. Balls falling off elevated ramps, upper playfield, etc. etc. Maybe I just stink, but it's not a game that I think you could ever really get good at, due to the random nature of the play.

It's a decent art package, and the theme could appeal to a certain segment, but probably the best place for this machine is in the basement of somebody who just wants to have a pinball machine for the occasional party. Wouldn't recommend to anybody who considers themselves a "player". Good thing is, as of this writing (10/2012) you can get them for less than $750, which does make it semi-attractive as a starter machine. However, remember, there is a reason it is so cheap.....
11 years ago
Unique game - I live for the collect treasure shot! A bit on the cheezy side but I like that.
11 years ago
I love this game, and if mine would have been in nicer shape, it would have been a definite keeper. It's built around one major shot, but it's not an easy shot to make. The game has several other features, but overall is very basic, but fun for what it is. I recommend giving it a shot.
11 years ago
Very good machine. I didn't know about that machine at all. Gameplay is good and well balanced. Hard enough to keep playing it again and again. Playfield is very customised and themed. It is one of the machines strenght. Only con is that the ball can bounce around or on the top glass when trying to pass the gold bridge. Solid machine overrall and a bang for the bucks.
11 years ago
Escape from the lost world has a nice theme, it's eye catching. The playfield is great and feels unique. I love the multiball that launch from the left outlane when you drain. The Treasure is a nice feature, you got to hit all the drop target then go up, cross the bridge of gold and shoot the treasure door. It is really challenging to try to get the treasure, sometimes maybe too much. Overall I love the machine but the rules are not that deep, basicly everything you do is raising the treasure value, try to earn multiball, hold bonus and extra ball. I guess I am more of a 90's pin fan, but this is definitly a great 80's pin.
11 years ago
I've only played a few games on this as I just got this to add to my collection. My first impression is.....What the hell is going on. There are many odd things about this game like the weird shaped cabinet and the Light bulb behind the backglass, The low playfield, the custom apron that is part of the game, the bridge, and a free fall upper playfield. What were they thinking? Very unique.

The game play is simple not to deep but it plays pretty good, I'll update this when I play it more but first It's going to be cleaned up.
Not many of these left out there as there are no parts for the ramps. luckily I don't need any.

Update: After owning and shopping this game I put it into my collection and it lasted about 1 week. I sold it. Everything I mentioned before about the uniqueness of this game is the reason I sold it. It plays awful. The ball falls all over the playfield from the upper level and the game is designed to smash itself to peices. It really plays like a hunk of junk. The flippers are so loud you have to turn the volume way up and that's a mistake too. I really wanted to like this game and I put a lot of work into it but boy does this game play like crap. No flow at all. And if that isn't bad enough the odd shaped cab makes it difficult to move around. The main voice call " Can You Escape" is still ringing in my ears....I escaped....I sold it.
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