Dialed In

Jersey Jack

Dialed In

Pinside Rating

This game received 681 approved Pinsider ratings and currently rates 8.399 /10


Top 100 ranking

This game ranks #43 in the Pinside Pinball Top 100.

Score breakdown

Score breakdown in the 4 main categories:

Game Design: 8.744

Artwork: 8.12

Sounds/Music: 8.083

Other Aspects: 8.308

Pinside staff rating

This is how we, the very knowledgeable (wink wink) Pinside.com staff & moderators rate this game. 4 of us have rated this game.


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Found 328 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 328 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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7 days ago
Very surprised I liked it.
34 days ago
Dialed In LE has stood the test of time in my collection. I purchased long ago and have yet to even think of getting rid of this game. When it first came out, I thought it was the most stupid theme ever....but then I played it. The toys and gimmicks are one of the best ever. The shots are satisfying and smooth. It is not multiball heavy like some other jersey jacks. The SD card shot is kind of weird but can still be made. Everyone that plays my collection ends up liking that game cause its easy to walk up to and just play, but rules have good depth and don't get too repetitive. This will likely stay in my collection for a long time to come. Give it a chance if you haven't yet!
52 days ago
I recently picked up a Dialed In in a trade and I am hooked! Every time I turn it on, I'm actually lose an hour. Imagine if you took a Jersey Jack sized budget and turned the entire theme budget into toys and mechs budget.

There's so much to do on this game without it feeling overcrowded or confusing. The theme is actually a tongue in cheek satire about societies dependence on technology and I've come to love it.

Every single shot in the game feels like a perfectly executed Pat Lawlor shot. Try not to listen to the internet's complaints about this game, they hate everything. Dialed In is phenomenal.
78 days ago
It's an ok game, no must have in my opinion.
3 months ago
If you can look past the goofy theme, this pin is a gem. It has tons of things to do, the shots are smooth, and it has a fun, deep ruleset. My kids really love the ramps and selfie mode, and I find myself coming back again and again to try different approaches to all that this pin has to offer.
3 months ago
I may be in the minority (at least among my friends I am) but I adore this game. Generally I feel a lot of the JJ gimmick’s are tacked on nonsense, but the camera integration, moving target, playfield holograms, etc. really add a lot of charm to the experience. The theme is about as obscure as it gets (cellphones and disasters?) but it is so off the walls that I can’t help but gravitate towards it.
3 months ago
One of the best machines ever made aside from the theme. This is a very smooth shooting table and highly recommended.
5 months ago
JJP pins just don't appeal to me that much, but I always give each one I come across an honest try. I had heard of the pin and came in knowing that the theme was strange and unappealing, but I think I massively underestimated just how off-putting it really is. I do like the buildings visuals, they give me strong simcity vibes, but everything about the look and the playfield just suck. True to Jersey Jack tradition, everything feels like it could drain at a moment's notice and when you hit the ramps there is a momentary feeling of good, but when that ball skids everywhere and ruins a good run, I can't help but feel cheated by the game. This is a super gross pin, and though I respect the hell out of the people looking past the theme, I simply cannot. I won't rush spend another quarter on this pin when I come across another one.
5 months ago
Interesting game, was mildly fun I have yet to find a JJP i really like. Had some cool little toys and mechs.
5 months ago
Beautiful game . Flow as incredible!! Rule its ok !! Very good game !!
6 months ago
It's a great original theme without missing the landing like some original themes. The flow is really cool and the board feels old-school in a very good way despite having ramps and subways. Sound was okay on location but it was loud in there, will update up or down when I play this at my friend's house.
7 months ago
Dialed In is a very nice game.

I like that JJP went with an original theme and didn't rely on a movie or something similar this time. The game feels like something Pat Lawlor would have come up with while working for Williams/Bally.

The layout is very interesting, unique and a bit more focused on flow than most of Lawlor's games. It is a lot more interesting than everything he came up with while working for Stern. All of the shots on this game have a nice feel to them.

I really enjoy playing through the different modes and that they were quite different from each other. It seems like much creativity has been invested during the making of this game.

The artwork is good and the playfield is fitting in very well with the theme.

Overall this is a very nice and creative machine with unique shots and a refreshing theming that reminds of Bally/Williams machines. I think this game will be best for beginners and casual players.
7 months ago
This game gets a lot of crap because of the theme. I don’t understand it. I stayed away because I listened to everyone but finally broke down and added it to the lineup. I’m having a blast! Shots are smooth and feel great when hitting them. SIM card shot is not that bad. At least on mine. Lighting is great as with all of JJP’s. I like the modes. I’m not sure if it’s a keeper but having a great time with it so far.
7 months ago
Man this is such a great game. A keeper for sure. The smooth shots and fun code make you just want to keep play again and again. Also it is perfectly balanced with the right amount of easiness and difficulty. Pat of the man when it comes to playfield layouts.
7 months ago
A+ on the theme.
9 months ago
This is a great game with some very satisfying shots. It’s built like a tank and is easily 100lbs heavier than modern sterns. The amount of mechs in this game (most of them magnets) make gameplay interesting. I love the rules that put a big emphasis on actually completing modes. Since the SIM cards are so valuable, the secondary objectives get kind of lost and aren’t really worth focusing on. Theme is ok, the characters are kind of cheesy, and don’t have the charm of 90’s pinball like I think they were going for. The lighting is incredible and animations are pretty solid as well. Perhaps the biggest knock is the SIM card shot, which can be very difficult, especially if you have a protector on it. Most shots to the SIM card happen by a random bounce.
9 months ago
Just played this recently and incredibly impressed, gotta get me one! As a Jersey Jack it is true to form, masterfully smooth and solid, great use of a theme, very well done. Game rules somewhat difficult but well worth learning. A lot of shots that disappear then reappear elsewhere. A greatly underrated game!
9 months ago
*Revised review after more time with the game. Love it, turned me around 100%.
10 months ago
If someone tells you this game isn't good because of the theme, just tell them they're a moron and pants them. The theme is exactly what pinball should be - super corny and campy. It's not the greatest idea ever, but it fits well. Although the story might be a bit muddled, the rules and your objective is very clear. I love that it makes you play and complete modes of you want to see the end, and I think each disaster mode is unique enough to make you want to play it over and over. There are two gripes I have with this game, and it's not what most people complain about. Firstly, I really wish the final wizard mode had an epic finish. When you fight the boss, it's a pretty awesome battle, but when it ends, there's literally nothing! The other thing is that the MBs don't really do anything, and there are times where I end up purposely draining balls just to get back to the main gameplay. Lastly, I wish the letters didn't disappear when you drain. I get that you can change this in settings, but on location, you can't. It's such a buzz kill to work for all these modes, and then lose everything on a drain.

But bang for buck, I don't think there's a better game out there. This thing is stacked! I've owned Twilight Zone and this game is very reminiscent of that. I might even say it's better!
11 months ago
Very unique idea and game. Shots are different and fun. Hard to understand for sure but if you spend time on it you'll get the hand of it. I never have but the little I know does help. It's a fun shooter even if it does feel a bit crowded with some tough shots.

It's a smooth game that's fun to hit shots on and feels good. But it's also just average for game play and you feel kind of lost as far as what you're actually doing.
11 months ago
I love the variety, depth of the ruleset, some good shots, theme is ok, music fits well in this theme, the whole family plays a lot on this one, keeper for the collection.
11 months ago
I have owned Dialed In for about two months, and it is still getting the most play out of my collection. It sparks that “one more game” feeling for me. Sure, it should get dinged on the confusing theme, but the awesome gameplay completely redeems/boosts it to be a desirable game in any collection. It’s the 4th JJP I’ve owned (GNR SE/LE & Wonka) and it shoots the best of all of them. Flipper feel is great, and not mushy like WOZ. I highly recommend snagging a Dialed In!
1 year ago
Super pinball machine! A masterpiece!
Almost perfect!
Can‘t understand why people don‘t like it because of the theme.
1 year ago
Owned it for 9 months by now.... never gets dull, new revelations all the time. Frustratingly difficult to score well, but rewarding when you do. Also, one of the best single hits in pinball (imho), the Big Bang! Fulfilling.
1 year ago
Fun game, it's pretty chaotic but also the theme is just a big wtf. After many plays it's still a head scratcher of what they were even going for with the theme and it also just is kind of ugly as a package. It feels like one of those weird 90s CD Rom party games exploded all over a pinball machine, maybe they were going with the wacky wild presentation of the 90s with games like Road Show and such with wild characters and situations, but it just comes off ugly here with all the CG videos, and more modern looking art. A game that seems made for locations, it's gimmicks are fun, first couple times but can't see them lasting very long in the novelty department.
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