Bird Man

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This game has received 3 approved Pinsider ratings. 2 more approved ratings are needed to get a rating and for it to be eligible for the Pinside EM Top 100 ranking.

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Found 3 ratings (with comment) on this game

There are 3 ratings (that include a comment) on this game.
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2 years ago
I don't know what the item is on the playfield that is circular with the two posts on it, but that is what makes this game. For an EM, this adds a lot of dynamic play. Have seen it on one other machine (Gottlieb?) from the 70's that was SS. Very cool and simple feature.
4 years ago
I've only played Bird Man a few times at Pinburgh 2019, but I had so much fun on one game that I have to love Bird Man. Scored over 440K, which is probably skewing my perception of the game. I don't care, I loved it.
11 years ago
Bird Man is a game I came across at the PAPA facility. I had never heard of it or played it before. Now it's on my "want" list.

The Pros:
A well laid out PF with long and short shots. The Risk/Reward of the layout is very well done. The big feature is the Spinner embedded in the PF. This spinner is needed to raise the value of the top saucers and collect the big points. The trick with this is that the spinner has a nasty habit of putting the balls out towards the outlanes. These outlanes are Oursler (tm) worth for their ball gobbling ability. Downright evil I say! There are drops on the upper and lower PF. DO NOT shoot for the lower drops from the flippers. The geometry of this shot leads to above mentioned outlanes in a jiffy. I can't remember the last time I said Jiffy... hmm... The A-B standups above them are necessary for bonus doubling, but still have to be shot with a wary eye. Build and collect bonus (that alternates from side to side) will keep you on your toes and eternally entertained by this game. The art package is hot and would'nt you know it... those wacky Spaniards did it again with the gameplay.

The Cons:
Will I ever see one outside of Carnegie, PA?

The Takeaway:
When you see this game, play it. Then play it again and again and again. If anyone has one for sale, let me know. I am VERY interested. This is a damn fine game.

I had to travel 2 time zones to pick the game up. It is a very hard game to play. Since I have owned it for nearly 2 years I have never rolled it. Bonus max is 200k and the game is set to 5 balls. This game is that hard to play. A true challenge and a damn fine game.

Update v2:
This game has still not rolled. Even though the typo on the bonus count starts AND ends at 100k. I have not been able to raise the bonus to 100k, hit the double bonus A-B sequence and do it 4-5 times. I'm going to go through the entire game and rebuild everything that I can. I'd love to make this game truly tourney ready. Strangely enough, other than the gold targets and rollovers, there really aren't many scoring opportunities on this game. So much to do. So little to focus on. I kind of wish the saucers would kick the balls back into the pops, but ripping the spinners from either side is good with me too as it is relatively predictable and the chaos factor on this design is high enough as it is already. The amount of stepper units in this game is nuts. I love this game too much though... gotta play it some more!
There are 3 ratings (that include a comment) on this game. Currently showing results page 1 of 1.

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