(Topic ID: 205698)

Your advice for new FEMALE player

By Lucysuros

6 years ago

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There are 249 posts in this topic. You are on page 5 of 5.
#201 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

And lol on the wall of pinballs. Doesn't sound so bad!

Welcome and enjoy!
What will #2 be? It's just a matter of time

#202 6 years ago

Congrats on your first machine purchase! It truly is a fun hobby. Just know that these damned things have a tendency to multiply.

The best advice I could give is get a sugar daddy or mama depending on your preference to pay for these crazy expensive light up boxes lol.

In all seriousness just play and have fun. The skills will come over time

#203 6 years ago

Here's one of my walls of pins.

IMG_0032 (resized).JPGIMG_0032 (resized).JPG

#204 6 years ago

The multiplication effect is so accurate. I started collecting less than a year ago with just one pin. Since, I've purchased a total of six! Three of them I've sold. It's such a fun hobby.

#205 6 years ago

15 year old Danielle Peck [currently ranked 269th in the world, 15th among women, by the IFPA], pictured with reigning PAPA world champion Escher Lefkoff, 14, just days before she would go on to win the womens division at INDISC 2018.

perhaps some good advice for a new female player is to ...

... play like a girl.

DAN01 (2).jpgDAN01 (2).jpg

#206 6 years ago

Run run far away before it's too late.

#207 6 years ago
Quoted from irobot:

I would suggest not responding to any of the negative posts, it's just a flat waste of your time, unless you happen to enjoy wrangling with people over nothing.
You're trying to process this negative response you received with logic, but there is no logic to it.
The point of the various negative comments is simply to be negative. Nobody actually has an legitimate complaint to make.
When people lack the ability to win respect in real life, they play the big noisemaker on the internet, it makes them happy.
To summarize, it not about you at all, it's about some sad sack with cheetos crumbs all over the front of his shirt trying to get back at the world.

I actually agree with the post you made after this. I am a guy and would be wary of posting too much on the internet.

However, your ad hominem attack that I assume is about me is entertaining. I know you were speaking metaphorically but I hate Cheetos, chips and similar junk. I have a wonderful wife, five healthy and amazing young children and a social and challenging career. I have everything emotionally, intellectually and material that a person could want. If I am a "sad sack" of humanity that is wonderful because that means that the majority of humans are living a damn good life.

#208 6 years ago
Quoted from JIM_Z:

Welcome and enjoy!
What will #2 be? It's just a matter of time

Probably Metallica. Though I hear Attack from Mars is a bunch of fun. I've gotta check it out.

#209 6 years ago

Say goodbye to your 401k. I can see it's too late to save you. Enjoy the ride.

#210 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

Probably Metallica. Though I hear Attack from Mars is a bunch of fun. I've gotta check it out.

Variety is the spice of life. Go for a machine that is different from the one you already possess, you would find Metallica is too similar.

Look for something like a Star Trek Pro to pair with your GOTG.

#211 6 years ago

Game #2 should be TWD

#212 6 years ago
Quoted from davijc02:

Game #2 should be TW

I dunno, she will only have two machines...does she (a) want two machines by the same company and same game designer, and (b) does she want to have an LCD display game next to a DMD game (some people say it is off putting to them, which of course would make my ST idea a bad one for her as well).

Depending on what her cash threshold points are, perhaps she should consider a JJP game like Dialed In or Pirates...or sit tight and see what Sterns next offering or two may be (Iron Maiden and Deadpool seem to be the most often repeated rumors)...or look into TNA.

#213 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

Probably Metallica. Though I hear Attack from Mars is a bunch of fun. I've gotta check it out.

After I started playing in a league the pool of machines I like playing expanded a lot. Use Pinball Arcade to try out games you don't own, some of the rules and tables are really interesting and fun.

#214 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

Probably Metallica. Though I hear Attack from Mars is a bunch of fun. I've gotta check it out.

Both titles were programmed by Lyman Sheats. He also coded ACDC, The Walking Dead and is currently working on Batman 66.

My top three favs of all time are Walking Dead, ACDC, and Metallica.
Not sure how far down the rabbit hole you are just yet but if you have rules figured out on your guardians pin, you should watch some tutorial videos to see some of the code genius that is in these games.


#215 6 years ago

Oh and don't forget the sun screen. That Guardians looks hell a bright.

#216 6 years ago
Quoted from Chambahz:

Both titles were programmed by Lyman Sheats. He also coded ACDC, The Walking Dead and is currently working on Batman 66.
My top three favs of all time are Walking Dead, ACDC, and Metallica.
Not sure how far down the rabbit hole you are just yet but if you have rules figured out on your guardians pin, you should watch some tutorial videos to see some of the code genius that is in these games.

I haven't gone down the rabbit hole that far yet but certainly will. I'm looking forward to it. But have been forcing myself to work on just practicing making shots first to get some muscle memory going. Otherwise I'll be thinking of too much at once while trying to play. I'm improving! And having a load of fun doing it.

#217 6 years ago

I think the single most important thing you can do that will improve your skills is play with really good players.
Watching someone better play, you just pick up some nuances about ball control, nudging, flipper technique, just about everything. And very quickly. Videos are ok, but not nearly as good.
Once you see some things that give you ideas, practice, practice , practice.
Then go play with good players again, get more ideas.
This is where/how tournaments will improve your game.
Warning: once you start beating some better players, they get pissy! This just means you're doing it right.

#218 6 years ago
Quoted from DNO:

Warning: once you start beating some better players, they get pissy! This just means you're doing it right.

I don't often agree with DNO, but when I do, it's for the lulz. And this has always been LULZ to me. If you see me at a tournament looking like someone just murdered my dog right in front of me, it's because I'm pissed off at myself or a quirk of a specific machine. I'm not playing other people (Well, okay, I'll make a small allowance for games that have shared ball lock stealing!), but playing the machine.

I think my favorite phrase of all time in competitive pinball is either "I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FLIP IT!" or "NOT LIKE THIS!"

#219 6 years ago

Cross-posting this here: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/guardians-of-the-galaxy-owners-thread/page/24#post-4212686

I need some help deciphering GOTG rules. Appreciate any insight y'all can provide...

#220 6 years ago
Quoted from greenhornet:

15 year old Danielle Peck [currently ranked 269th in the world, 15th among women, by the IFPA], pictured with reigning PAPA world champion Escher Lefkoff, 14, just days before she would go on to win the womens division at INDISC 2018

Thanks for mentioning Danni. (I’m best known these days as “Danni’s Dad” lol) She’s actually 6th on the IFPA Woman’s main list.

I was gonna say, Danni and I were both in San Diego a few weeks back, and if I were you I would head along to the Harbortown Pub on Tuesday night. They have league every Tuesday, and there’s some good players there, including Anne Bush who is a killer player. The other guys there like Ron will help you out with the game rules. They have a GOTG there too.


NOTHING will improve your playing quicker than playing (and watching!) good players. You’ll learn more in one night at Harbortown than you will in a year of watching YouTube.

If you want to see some woman’s pinball action, here’s the final of INDISC in Banning CA a few weeks ago. Fast forward to 5:25:00 to see the 3 game Woman’s final.


#221 6 years ago
Quoted from TRAMD:

I actually agree with the post you made after this. I am a guy and would be wary of posting too much on the internet.
However, your ad hominem attack that I assume is about me is entertaining. I know you were speaking metaphorically but I hate Cheetos, chips and similar junk. I have a wonderful wife, five healthy and amazing young children and a social and challenging career. I have everything emotionally, intellectually and material that a person could want. If I am a "sad sack" of humanity that is wonderful because that means that the majority of humans are living a damn good life.

The proof of the pudding is the tasting thereof.

Pretty is as pretty does.


#222 6 years ago
Quoted from rotordave:

Thanks for mentioning Danni. (I’m best known these days as “Danni’s Dad” lol) She’s actually 6th on the IFPA Woman’s main list.
I was gonna say, Danni and I were both in San Diego a few weeks back, and if I were you I would head along to the Harbortown Pub on Tuesday night. They have league every Tuesday, and there’s some good players there, including Anne Bush who is a killer player. The other guys there like Ron will help you out with the game rules. They have a GOTG there too.
NOTHING will improve your playing quicker than playing (and watching!) good players. You’ll learn more in one night at Harbortown than you will in a year of watching YouTube.
If you want to see some woman’s pinball action, here’s the final of INDISC in Banning CA a few weeks ago. Fast forward to 5:25:00 to see the 3 game Woman’s final.
» YouTube video

Thanks! I will totally check out Harbortown Pub!

#223 6 years ago

Play for money that always makes it a swim or sink situation and makes you better. I personally enjoy playing for the fun of discovery and not knowing the rules and best way to get big points. But that's just me and there is something for everybody in pinball. Hope you get what your looking for.

#224 6 years ago

I played in Harbor Town Pub tourney last night with 17 other people and came in 12th, which was 6 places higher than I’d expected! Was super fun and the people there were so helpful and nice. Looking forward to many more ... played lots of games I’ve never played before and did the absolute worse on GOTG which I have at home. The different set up (it was way faster) completely threw me.

Thanks to all of you here who nudged me to play in tourneys. Wouldn’t have done it without your prodding!

#225 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

I played in Harbor Town Pub tourney last night with 17 other people and came in 12th, which was 6 places higher than I’d expected! Was super fun and the people there were so helpful and nice. Looking forward to many more ... played lots of games I’ve never played before and did the absolute worse on GOTG which I have at home. The different set up (it was way faster) completely threw me.
Thanks to all of you here who nudged me to play in tourneys. Wouldn’t have done it without your prodding!

Good for you, once you put the first one behind you the rest will get better as you become more comfortable with the tournament style of play.

#226 6 years ago

Yeah they play different when you don't have socks stuffed in them. Congratulations your probably better than you think.

#227 6 years ago
Quoted from Buzz:

Yeah they play different when you don't have socks stuffed in them. Congratulations your probably better than you think.


1 week later
#228 6 years ago
Quoted from Buzz:

Yeah they play different when you don't have socks stuffed in them.

1 month later
#229 6 years ago

It's been a while since you posted @lucysuros. Are you still as enthusiastic about pinball?

#230 6 years ago
Quoted from getadam:

It's been a while since you posted lucysuros. Are you still as enthusiastic about pinball?

Yes, I sure am! I went to Texas Pinball Festival and got to play lots of games. LOVED Total Nuclear Annihilation and Attack from Mars Remake, which is now sitting next to my GOTG. I play weekly in tournaments in SD. My goal is to not come in last. I am ranked like 39,999 in the world last I checked, lol.

I'm getting better slowly and having tons of fun. I LOVE PINBALL!

#231 6 years ago

Out of curiosity, did any hat eating ever occur?

#232 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

Yes, I sure am! I went to Texas Pinball Festival and got to play lots of games. LOVED Total Nuclear Annihilation and Attack from Mars Remake, which is now sitting next to my GOTG. I play weekly in tournaments in SD. My goal is to not come in last. I am ranked like 39,999 in the world last I checked, lol.
I'm getting better slowly and having tons of fun. I LOVE PINBALL!

The addiction continues. Now there are two pinball machines so great!

#233 6 years ago
Quoted from egyptrus:

Out of curiosity, did any hat eating ever occur?

I've witnessed no hat eating.

#234 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

Yes, I sure am! I went to Texas Pinball Festival and got to play lots of games. LOVED Total Nuclear Annihilation and Attack from Mars Remake, which is now sitting next to my GOTG. I play weekly in tournaments in SD. My goal is to not come in last. I am ranked like 39,999 in the world last I checked, lol.
I'm getting better slowly and having tons of fun. I LOVE PINBALL!

AFMr is an awesome choice, I cant get enough of my LE, I play it every day. It will force you to become a better player.
I generally play a 2 player game to keep the rhythm up as the games can be short and brutal.
Pinballgoddess loves her WOZ but also enjoys the MM.
GOTG is on our list down the road but after TPF2018 we decided on Houdini, it was a close call though.
I love the theme and soundtrack of GOTG !

#235 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

Yes, I sure am! I went to Texas Pinball Festival and got to play lots of games. LOVED Total Nuclear Annihilation and Attack from Mars Remake, which is now sitting next to my GOTG. I play weekly in tournaments in SD. My goal is to not come in last. I am ranked like 39,999 in the world last I checked, lol.
I'm getting better slowly and having tons of fun. I LOVE PINBALL!

So glad you're loving Pinball! You now have 2 games, up from 1 just months ago. Will be interesting to see how many you have in the coming years.

#236 6 years ago
Quoted from egyptrus:

Out of curiosity, did any hat eating ever occur?

The specific terms of eating a hat were never met so no eating of a hat occurred.

Regardless, I admit that it is likely that Lucy Suros is actually a beautiful and successful person who loves pinball. I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again.

#237 6 years ago
Quoted from TRAMD:

The specific terms of eating a hat were never met so no eating of a hat occurred.

While that may be technically true, the spirit of your comment was that this person didn't exist or look like her picture and I think it's been proven that she's real and she owns the pinball machine she was asking about.

You really should have eaten some form of a hat (pastry or otherwise) just to show you're a good sport when proven wrong. So while she didn't technically meet your conditions, you didn't technically eat a hat. I think that would be fair.

1 month later
#238 6 years ago

How goes your enjoyment of the hobby after six months Lucy? Which advice did you take in the end on practicing?

#239 6 years ago

Next time you have the glass off one of your pins play it and catch the ball before drains and place it back on the flipper to see what it takes to make that shot that seems impossible. For instance it is easier for me to hold the ball on the inside of the right flipper on Dialed In and then slowly release the ball but almost instantly gently flip it into the cell phone. Practice these over and over again till you can achieve that shot almost every time and by doing it with the glass off you don't have to wait till the ball reloads every time and by doing that and also like finding a better way to obtain sim cards and I bet the that nobody could beat you on your own machines. Ball control to me is what makes an average player a top playing and try to keep the ball speed down and 2nd to that would be nudging the keep the ball from draining either in the middle or on side exits.

#240 6 years ago
Quoted from PavBall:

How goes your enjoyment of the hobby after six months Lucy? Which advice did you take in the end on practicing?

Well, I'm a huge addict! That's the short of it. I'm playing in tournaments almost weekly, which is the best practice ever. I get great advice from folks and think adjusting to different machines all the time is helpful. I've gotten a lot better just by playing. My goal each tournament is to not come in dead last and surprisingly I do pretty ok! Best of all, I have a blast!

#241 6 years ago
Quoted from tdunbar:

Next time you have the glass off one of your pins play it and catch the ball before drains and place it back on the flipper to see what it takes to make that shot that seems impossible. For instance it is easier for me to hold the ball on the inside of the right flipper on Dialed In and then slowly release the ball but almost instantly gently flip it into the cell phone. Practice these over and over again till you can achieve that shot almost every time and by doing it with the glass off you don't have to wait till the ball reloads every time and by doing that and also like finding a better way to obtain sim cards and I bet the that nobody could beat you on your own machines. Ball control to me is what makes an average player a top playing and try to keep the ball speed down and 2nd to that would be nudging the keep the ball from draining either in the middle or on side exits.

I have yet to try taking off the glass to practice shots over and over. I really should...

#242 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

I have yet to try taking off the glass to practice shots over and over. I really should...

There are Pros and cons to that method, but with the glass off you never learn important recovery skills that you would need to do well in tournaments.

#243 6 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

There are Pros and cons to that method, but with the glass off you never learn important recovery skills that you would need to do well in tournaments.

She can do the recovery skills after putting the glass back on but just practice difficult shots when she takes the glass off for something else like when doing maintenance like waxing etc. Not asking her to always play with the glass off. Point is to speed up practicing.

#244 6 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

Probably Metallica. Though I hear Attack from Mars is a bunch of fun. I've gotta check it out.

I have had both and both are great choices. If I had to pick one I would choose the AFMRLE....its pretty amazing

#245 5 years ago
Quoted from PtownPin:

I have had both and both are great choices. If I had to pick one I would choose the AFMRLE....its pretty amazing

I actually got AFM remake. And got Iron Maiden and sold Guardians. Loving IM and AFM.

#246 5 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

I actually got AFM remake. And got Iron Maiden and sold Guardians. Loving IM and AFM.

Those are 2 great choices.
AFMr is a classic. Mine's not going anywhere soon.
Can't wait for my houdini to get here!

#247 5 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

Those are 2 great choices.
AFMr is a classic. Mine's not going anywhere soon.
Can't wait for my houdini to get here!

AFM is very fun and my girls love it. I'm really obsessed with IM and play it 80% of the time right now with AFM breaks.

#248 5 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

AFM is very fun and my girls love it. I'm really obsessed with IM and play it 80% of the time right now with AFM breaks.

That's great to hear.
IMDN and AFMr make a great line-up!

You learn a lot from AFMR. It's brutal but rewarding, but it makes you a better player.

#249 5 years ago
Quoted from Lucysuros:

And got Iron Maiden and sold Guardians.

Good choice!!

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