(Topic ID: 284156)

What's your 2020 collection stats?

By marioparty34

3 years ago

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    There are 142 posts in this topic. You are on page 3 of 3.
    #101 3 years ago

    Bought 2, sold none in 2020! Thinking of selling 1 and hoping to add 2 in 2021!

    #102 3 years ago
    Quoted from Pinbub:

    Bought one, sold none but I only have 2 right now.

    In before the lock. Bought another. Still only up to three....

    #103 3 years ago

    Took delivery of R&M, but I ordered that in 2019, does that count?

    Other than that, zero change....but I moved, so that was ALL OUT & ALL IN. That was months ago & I’m still in pain. Never want to do that again.

    Fun story - I got 15 of them in a PODS moving container, but I didn’t strap them well enough & forgot the truck would be going up hill. 6 or 7 games tipped slightly, and pinned the door completely shut. I had no idea what to do, but noticed the roof of the pod was attached with giant screws. I removed them & slid the roof partially aside. I jumped in & somehow adrenaline strengthed each tipped game up one by one in 100+ heat. Eventually I got them all up & was able to open the door from the inside & get out.

    Never again. If I ever move again, I’m selling it all lol

    #104 3 years ago

    Bought 9, sold 0 (assuming nothing comes up this week).

    #105 3 years ago

    Iron Mainden Premium
    Medieval Madness Royal
    Stranger Things Premium
    Jurassic Park Premium
    Deadpool Premium

    Tron LE
    Jurassic Park Premium
    X-Men LE

    #106 3 years ago
    Quoted from ToucanF16:

    Any pics or stories of your Fathom restoration on Pinside?

    Nothing yet. It will be at least a couple of months until I decide if it's going.

    #107 3 years ago

    In: GNR LE, Robotron cocktail (NIB - grail vid wl bonus of unboxing AND bringing back to life because the AA’s installed at the factory in 1984 didn’t exactly age well). Also: upgraded my homemade Virtual Pin to 4K 120 Hz screen and Nvidia 3080.

    Out: TNA, R&M pre-order spot, Big Lebowski pre-order. (Sold TNA to make room for R&M; then GNR swooped in and stole its spot. Was planning to sell WOZ to make room for TBL, but the kids asked me to keep it).

    #108 3 years ago

    16in. 17 out. Almost a push.

    #109 3 years ago

    Got a free Sure Shot, fixed it and gave it to my Aunt and Uncle. Sold my BK2k to raise some money for a Scared Stiff (My wife’s grail game). Got a free Slugfest and traded that along with my Star Trek Pro for TNA(my grail game). Picking up a Bobby Orr and a Frontier next week. Pinball wise, 2020 has been pretty good.

    #110 3 years ago

    Bought: 6
    Sold: 1
    Traded: 1

    #111 3 years ago

    Sold World Cup Soccer 94, no adds. Slowest year in more than a decade.

    #112 3 years ago

    In: hobbit
    Attack from mars se
    Jp premium
    Star wars premium

    Guardians of galaxy

    #113 3 years ago

    In 11

    out 11

    No wonder my back always hurts

    #114 3 years ago

    Waiting for Colson's year end tally.

    #115 3 years ago

    13 in, 14 out

    #116 3 years ago
    Quoted from Methos:

    Waiting for Colson's year end tally.

    Who's Colson?

    #117 3 years ago

    Nice man making the Jungle Lord into a Halloween pin.

    LTG : )

    #118 3 years ago
    Quoted from ToucanF16:

    This thread is a killer. I just figured out what I bought this year and it's WAY too much... These were all paid for, still waiting to get some delivered.
    Purchased - 16
    Strikes 'N Spares, POTCLE, SThLE, TNA, ACNC, SWE1, BK2K, BBB, TBL, Evel Knievel, Tommy, Hurricane, R&M, DW, Lost in Space, EBD
    Sold - 0
    I also bought four jukeboxes; AMi G-200, AMi J-200, Wurlitzer 1800 and a Wurlitzer 2304

    One more in under the wire, a BSD. My new tally is:

    Bought - 17
    Sold - 0

    #119 3 years ago

    Started October with zero pins, finished year with: Jurassic Park Prem, Addams Family, and rental Deadpool Prem, also added multicade... fortunately, my space is limited so do not expect much to change....

    #120 3 years ago
    Quoted from WarriorPin:

    fortunately, my space is limited so do not expect much to change....

    @warriorpin, you should print this post out, put it in an envelope and mark do not open until Jan 1, 2022. Trust me, you will get a good laugh out of it

    #121 3 years ago

    Bought 4
    Sold 0

    #122 3 years ago

    223 in.

    216 out.

    I'll never do that again.

    #123 3 years ago

    Bought 4 sold one. I don’t like selling machines only gathering more!

    #124 3 years ago

    Brought in two: White Water and Fish Tales. Sold nothing. I also Bought a Gold Mine with a building for the two Pins (and more later)

    #125 3 years ago
    Quoted from the96stang:

    223 in.
    216 out.
    I'll never do that again.


    #126 3 years ago

    Bought 1 sold 1

    #127 3 years ago

    Sold 10, bought 4. 3 of which were my first NIB purchases. Next year looks like I can have another NIB purchase.

    #128 3 years ago

    bought 5 and sold 4 .... haven't decided which 5th to sell yet (one in one out policy)

    In: TMNT (Stern), LZ (ordered), EHoH (paid last July, backordered), WWFRR and Robocop
    Out: TMNT (Data East), Wonka LE, Fire! and TWD

    #129 3 years ago
    Quoted from the96stang:

    223 in.
    216 out.
    I'll never do that again.

    Wow, what's the story with that? Big hauls or steady flow in/out?

    #130 3 years ago
    Quoted from LesManley:

    Hmm, good question. It was a slow year since I really like where my collection's at. Let's see...
    Torpedo Alley
    Jurassic Park Pro
    Star Trek Pro
    Gone But Not Forgotten...
    Ghostbusters Pro
    Torpedo Alley
    I had no intentions of selling Ghostbusters but I was made an offer that I couldn't refuse. getting that much for Ghostbusters allowed me to get Star Trek and Jurassic Park so it was a win-win.

    I may have spoken too soon. I'm already one game over max but I've been offered to get a WrestleMania back for a fantastic price so I couldn't resist. It won't make it for 2020 but it will start off 2021 on the right foot.

    #131 3 years ago
    Quoted from the96stang:

    223 in.
    216 out.
    I'll never do that again.

    That's 1.2 games per day. Crazy!!!

    #132 3 years ago

    Added 17 new games to the collection sold 21 games this year.

    #133 3 years ago

    Sold: Dr Who, Devil Riders, Shaq, Heavy Metal Meltdown, Nugent, and a virtual pin.

    Bought: Transformers Pro, Vegas/Hoops.

    Traded: BOP for Nine Ball

    I also got a Fathom playfield swap done, thanks to working from home nearly every day this year. Only took me 5 years to finish that one. LOL.

    This year I swear I will finish my last game in the restore que, High Speed. I started it 7 years ago!

    Added over 3 years ago:

    Forgot that I also bought a Firepower II.

    #134 3 years ago
    Quoted from LesManley:

    I may have spoken too soon. I'm already one game over max but I've been offered to get a WrestleMania back for a fantastic price so I couldn't resist. It won't make it for 2020 but it will start off 2021 on the right foot.

    I did.

    PXL_20210103_223550526 (resized).jpgPXL_20210103_223550526 (resized).jpg

    #135 3 years ago

    TWD Premium


    #136 3 years ago
    Quoted from LesManley:

    I did.
    [quoted image]

    First pin of 2021?

    #137 3 years ago
    Quoted from ToucanF16:

    First pin of 2021?

    For me, I'm sure someone else has already worked a deal or two in the first couple days of the new year though. I really didn't expect anything only 3 days and already over capacity, but I figured what the hell.

    #138 3 years ago

    Several in and several out, but...

    I bought GNR but don’t have it yet. So that one won’t count in my book.
    Sold one today, that’s for 2021 also.

    #139 3 years ago
    Quoted from Nevus:

    Several in and several out, but...
    I bought GNR but don’t have it yet. So that one won’t count in my book.
    Sold one today, that’s for 2021 also.

    Out of boredom and curiosity I’ve worked up a spreadsheet with everyone’s numbers. Exactly how many in and out is “several”?
    I’ll share my results in a couple days.

    #140 3 years ago

    I bought my first pin in May 2020. Ended the year with 4 pins and bought my 5th on New Years Day.

    DE Simpsons
    DE JP
    Stern TMNT

    1 week later
    #141 3 years ago

    8 out
    3 in. 2 of the 3 are in transit as we speak.

    2 weeks later
    #142 3 years ago
    Quoted from Llabnip1972:

    Black hole, wonka standard, bsd, and sttng. Out
    Deadpool pro, Ghostbusters prem, tz and Alien. In
    Even Steven

    Just got rid of my California Speed machines! Thank God. Those things have been albatrosses around my neck for years! Now I can squeeze in at least two more pins

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