(Topic ID: 200079)

"Street Level" pins smaller... true?

By DennisK

6 years ago

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  • Latest reply 4 years ago by jchauvet
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#10 6 years ago

I like prize fight, very unique gameplay and I am a sucker for old school backglass animations. Hoops is not that bad, cannot speak for the randomness of the awards but we had fun playing it at The Sanctum last time we were there.

3 weeks later
#16 6 years ago
Quoted from DennisK:

Part of the purpose of this thread was to help me in a research project I was doing to gather "street level" information for a podcast episode I was planning. I did finally get that all done and assembled (I had to find time to listen to some past Gottlieb interviews... finally happened). This size discussion is a very minor part, but here's a direct link to that part of the show if you'd like to hear what the designers thought of the effort, why it didn't work, and some various specifics and trivia related to that time in Gottlieb's history: https://soundcloud.com/user-465086826/episode-47#t=23:17
Thanks again everyone who weighed in on this, it was very helpful in trying to gather up what I could about Gottliebs of this vintage.

Never heard of the podcast before but gave it a listen. Very impressive and a nice listen. Great talk about the Gottlieb games with some very interesting information, nice back and fourth between the hosts and none of the usually snarky “Gottlieb Sucks” talk that often comes into Pinball podcasts.

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