(Topic ID: 259386)

RIP Rush’s Neil Peart

By shovelhed

4 years ago

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    There are 208 posts in this topic. You are on page 5 of 5.
    #201 4 years ago

    They played the Wonka album once through all songs. Including the bells.

    They played a normal set with all thier hits like here come the bastards. After a short break and then played the full wonka album start to finish and the show ended.

    The second time I saw it was the final time they said they would perform it.
    “The Wonka set”

    #202 4 years ago
    Quoted from Azmodeus:

    They played the Wonka album once through all songs. Including the bells.
    They played a normal set with all thier hits like here come the bastards. After a short break and then played the full wonka album start to finish and the show ended.
    The second time I saw it was the final time they said they would perform it.
    “The Wonka set”

    What. The. Hell! Lol. I need to look this up...

    3 months later
    #204 3 years ago

    Ironically I just listened to the whole Farewell to Kings album while working out in the garage yesterday.

    I knew his day would come, as it does for all of us. Especially with his history of cancer. But damn…what a loss to music as a whole.

    At least he left a huge footprint, and we were able to enjoy his talents for as long as we did.

    #205 3 years ago

    I still listen to all of there music regularly. Great loss for sure!

    #206 3 years ago

    Inspirational short just released, co-written and narrated by Neil Peart

    Growth Rings

    #207 3 years ago
    Quoted from DanQverymuch:

    Inspirational short just released, co-written and narrated by Neil Peart
    Growth Rings

    Not sure I can handle that one yet. RIP Neil.

    #208 3 years ago
    Quoted from DanQverymuch:

    Inspirational short just released, co-written and narrated by Neil Peart
    Growth Rings

    Nice video! Thanks for sharing it.

    There are 208 posts in this topic. You are on page 5 of 5.


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