(Topic ID: 171972)

Next JJP theme for 2017

By dzoomer

7 years ago

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    There are 220 posts in this topic. You are on page 4 of 5.
    #151 7 years ago
    Quoted from Hazoff:

    Whats going on with the man love for Harry Potter? I'm a little concerned. Toy Story as well, I mean did I miss something here with these films? I have friends of all kinds and in their 30's, 40's and 50's, no one talks about Harry potter and Toy Story? Please explain.

    It's almost like...people who grew up with it...enjoy it...

    #152 7 years ago
    Quoted from trunchbull:

    It's almost like...people who grew up with it...enjoy it...

    Even those who didn't grow up with Harry Potter but read it as an adult, like me, love it.

    #153 7 years ago
    Quoted from trunchbull:

    It's almost like...people who grew up with it...enjoy it...

    Quoted from Nokoro:

    Even those who didn't grow up with Harry Potter but read it as an adult, like me, love it.

    Ok but its still weird

    #154 7 years ago
    Quoted from Hazoff:

    Whats going on with the man love for Harry Potter? I'm a little concerned. Toy Story as well, I mean did I miss something here with these films? I have friends of all kinds and in their 30's, 40's and 50's, no one talks about Harry potter and Toy Story? Please explain.

    I don't get it either.

    But I at least like Toy Story better than WOZ or Hobbit.

    Why can't we get some more adult themes going? Deadpool pin anyone? Mad Max Fury Road? Kill Bill? James Bond? Crank? John Wick?

    #155 7 years ago
    Quoted from Sticky:

    Why can't we get some more adult themes going?

    I don't think JJP would do any adult themes.

    LTG : )

    #156 7 years ago
    Quoted from LTG:

    I don't think JJP would do any adult themes.
    LTG : )

    That's too bad.

    #157 7 years ago
    Quoted from LTG:

    I don't think JJP would do any adult themes.
    LTG : )

    With one of the largest markets being the home, this is logical. They simply cannot afford to carve out one of their markets at this point.

    #158 7 years ago
    Quoted from Hazoff:

    Whats going on with the man love for Harry Potter? I'm a little concerned. Toy Story as well, I mean did I miss something here with these films? I have friends of all kinds and in their 30's, 40's and 50's, no one talks about Harry potter and Toy Story? Please explain.


    An excerpt from the above link...

    "The popularity of the Harry Potter series has translated into substantial financial success for Rowling, her publishers, and other Harry Potter related license holders. This success has made Rowling the first and thus far only billionaire author. The books have sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and have also given rise to the popular film adaptations produced by Warner Bros., all of which have been highly successful in their own right. The films have in turn spawned eight video games and have led to the licensing of more than 400 additional Harry Potter products. The Harry Potter brand has been estimated to be worth as much as $25 billion."

    I can tell you that millions of people in their 30's, 40's, and 50's love this theme. To the point where they have seen every movie and read every book. To the best of my knowledge, it was the only series in over a decade that would have kids lining up at midnight to buy a book. Its popularity is unprecedented. Maybe Star Wars (only on the movie side) would be the only franchise that is even close.

    The numbers tell the story. I am certain that if Jack could get the license, he would do that pin in a heartbeat.

    Personally do I like Harry Potter? Yes. Not a crazy fan though. I liked the movies, read some of the books. Good stuff, but there are other things I enjoy just as much. Even so, there is no question in my mind that this theme would be good for pinball, especially if JJP got their paws on this. So much material to tap into.

    #159 7 years ago

    HP would appeal to more non pinball owners than just about any theme. It could bring more people into the hobby which is what JJP has been striving for. For us owners, it would most like be a hit. Seems to be the best theme currently, but who knows with JKR.

    #160 7 years ago

    HP would be a slam dunk theme. You've got lots of characters, separated into different dorms, it mostly takes place in a castle, lots of monsters and spells...

    But it will never happen. $500,000 in licensing to Rowling is like me not bothering to pick up a penny. It's not like she needs the money and she actively DISLIKES pinball. Sounds weird, but there's people who hate videogames, cars, gambling.

    She's also very involved with all projects, Disney didn't take Harry Potter park because of her oversight. Not saying that's bad but something else to consider.

    I've heard rumors as to next JJP and you'll all be very happy if true. But give up the ghost with Harry Potter.

    #161 7 years ago
    Quoted from Hazoff:

    Well that would be my first JJP pin for sure, although it won't happen as that film is for adults and JJP games are for little kids and families, what a shame that a company capable of building such nice pinball machines wastes their time with bad themes, Toy Story, Harry potter come on.

    I'm a grown man and love my Hobbit!

    #162 7 years ago
    Quoted from LTG:

    I don't think JJP would do any adult themes.
    LTG : )

    Why not? Is he a Quaker or something. Jersey Jeremiah Pinball

    #163 7 years ago

    A Jurassic Park pinball, with content from all the first 3 movies plus Jurassic World. I'd buy that without even thinking twice.

    #164 7 years ago
    Quoted from Kaibun:

    A Jurassic Park pinball, with content from all the first 3 movies plus Jurassic World. I'd buy that without even thinking twice.

    JJPJP, I like it

    6 months later
    #165 7 years ago

    I hear we're getting closer to the next JJP title. I still have no idea what it is. It will be interesting to compare to this thread.

    #166 7 years ago

    I vote for the guardians of the galaxie, the best theme to be half way with ST (outter space conquest, science fiction) and MM(humour)

    #167 7 years ago

    Guardians of the galaxy would be great. Awesome music as well.

    #168 7 years ago
    Quoted from dzoomer:

    I hear we're getting closer to the next JJP title. I still have no idea what it is. It will be interesting to compare to this thread.

    Closer? I doubt we hear any announcement until Chicago Pinball Expo in October. Dialed in just barely took over the main production line.

    #169 7 years ago

    Guardians of the Galaxy would be like printing money, whoever is smart enough to get the license. I'd be in for a Groot LE.

    #170 7 years ago

    I'd like to see a rock band themed pin! I mean how cool would that be to actually see *another* pinball based on a rock band??!


    #171 7 years ago

    Speculation from "people who know people" is a new POTC.

    #172 7 years ago
    Quoted from PinballManiac40:

    Closer? I doubt we hear any announcement until Chicago Pinball Expo in October. Dialed in just barely took over the main production line.

    Could be. One rumour was an announcement before long now.

    Quoted from KingBW:

    Speculation from "people who know people" is a new POTC.

    Interesting. The new movie will be out soon, which does align with rumour of the announcement.

    #173 7 years ago

    I am groot.

    #174 7 years ago

    Groot for you!

    #175 7 years ago

    Snatch the movie. Or body part. I'm good with either.

    #176 7 years ago

    Stern has Guardians.

    JJP has Pirates and Toy Story.

    #177 7 years ago

    Who has Harry Potter?
    Nothing else can compare.

    #178 7 years ago
    Quoted from Ericpinballfan:

    Who has Harry Potter?
    Nothing else can compare.

    I've seen random anecdotes that JK Rowling hates pinball and won't ever let one use her IP.

    There are Potter video games so I don't see why there couldn't be a pinball. Would be a hit for sure.

    2 weeks later
    #179 7 years ago

    It also occurs to me that JJP, being a "family-friendly theme" pinball manufacturer, could conceivably change JK Rowling's mind.

    #180 7 years ago
    Quoted from pinlawyer:

    It also occurs to me that JJP, being a "family-friendly theme" pinball manufacturer, could conceivably change JK Rowling's mind.

    Hoping THIS happened already. The theme with JJP would make an epic pin.

    2 months later
    #181 6 years ago

    I actually built a Harry Potter pinball machine and showed it to Gary Stern in October 2002. Read all about it, and see photos, in the attached article that I wrote for the PinGame Journal in 2012, but it was never published.

    Harry Potter Pinball.pdfHarry Potter Pinball.pdf

    #182 6 years ago

    "He then said they have considered using Harry Potter as a theme but
    felt it was too juvenile"

    Lol. When this crew is begging for Toy Story and Muppets. And Ghostbusters and Star Wars are big hits. Again, lol.

    #183 6 years ago
    Quoted from jmurphy7:

    I actually built a Harry Potter pinball machine and showed it to Gary Stern in October 2002. Read all about it, and see photos, in the attached article that I wrote for the PinGame Journal in 2012, but it was never published.

    Where did the pdf link to the rest of the story go? That was good reading.

    #184 6 years ago
    Quoted from LTG:

    I don't think JJP would do any adult themes.
    LTG : )

    So Zombie Stripper Bowling isn't gonna happen?

    #185 6 years ago
    Quoted from jmurphy7:

    I actually built a Harry Potter pinball machine and showed it to Gary Stern in October 2002. Read all about it, and see photos, in the attached article that I wrote for the PinGame Journal in 2012, but it was never published.

    Nice story. I'm surprised Jim did not publish it. Did he get back to you and give a reason?

    #186 6 years ago

    Not sure if it's been said, but Nightmare Before Christmas would have great potential for visuals, sounds, and toys.

    #187 6 years ago
    Quoted from dnapac:

    Not sure if it's been said, but Nightmare Before Christmas would have great potential for visuals, sounds, and toys.

    The one that's being made is turning out really great.

    #188 6 years ago
    Quoted from PinMonk:

    The one that's being made is turning out really great.

    There's one being made? By who? Sorry for being a little slow.

    #189 6 years ago

    Nevermind. Just found it. Wow! Looks awesome so far. I may be in trouble...the wife wants this theme, and it looks good. Too many pins, not enough money...anyone need a kidney!

    #190 6 years ago

    Link for the lazy please

    1 month later
    #192 6 years ago

    This is by far the oldest thread on JJP game #4. Interesting to see the oldest posts on this topic. I've heard a recent rumour that POTC is coming from JJP next, to be shown at expo.

    #194 6 years ago

    Most of us said the same about DI. But I want that now too. I'll definitely give a JJP POTC the benefit of the doubt and I am guessing it will be great too. We'll see how the game play is.

    #195 6 years ago

    Despite the retread recent movie(s), I still love the POTC theme overall. However, since I have Stern POTC and it is a pretty good game, the JJP one would have to knock my socks off to spend an extra $4K or so to swap it out vs. something that was an entirely new theme. Now, I have considered spending the extra $2K just to get the SW Premium vs. Pro, so in the land of pinball logic it would not be crazy to spend $4K to "upgrade" to a JJP POTC as long as it delivers the goods.

    #196 6 years ago

    Bring on JJP #5

    #197 6 years ago

    I think there are alot of titles we wish JJP would have redone with the LCD screen and a large production budget to put tons of interactive toys. And let's not forget about their great quality of manufacturing.

    POTC would be great
    Toy Story would be kidish but so much fun. I would buy either of those 2 titles.

    #198 6 years ago

    So the official word is POTC, then toy Story, then Golden Girls?

    Sorry I couldn't resist - from the jjp4 thread!

    #199 6 years ago

    Blanch permiscuis multiball.

    Who does not love Betty White?

    #200 6 years ago

    POTC is agreat them for JJP #4, its has a bit of a dark side and done right would be a big seller, I wish they would do something Sci Fi or a little darker, I appreciate how they want to stay family friendly but how about one adult pin every 5 games? I'm thing JJP#5 Predator or Robocop.

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