(Topic ID: 222797)

NEW! Williams System 3-7 In-Game Test ROMs

By pincoder

5 years ago

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  • 336 posts
  • 48 Pinsiders participating
  • Latest reply 5 months ago by DumbAss
  • Topic is favorited by 75 Pinsiders


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Topic poll

“Which test ROMs have been the most useful for you?”

  • 01a-leds 2 votes
  • 01b-bus 0 votes
  • 01c-transceivers 0 votes
  • 02-blanking 0 votes
  • 03-cmos-IC19 4 votes
  • 04-ram-IC13 3 votes
  • 04-ram-IC16 3 votes
  • 05-displays 2 votes
  • 06-switches 1 vote
  • 07-bounce 0 votes
  • 08-interrupts 1 vote
  • 09-lamps 0 votes
  • 10-solenoids 0 votes
  • 11-sounds 0 votes
  • 12-sounds2 0 votes
  • clear_cmos 0 votes
  • edit_cmos 0 votes
  • init_cmos 0 votes

(Multiple choice - 16 votes by 5 Pinsiders)

This poll has been closed.

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LTSpice sim of BLANKING keep-alive in test ROM (resized).png
02-blanking (resized).png
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There are 336 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 7.
#1 5 years ago


I've written some ROMs for Williams System 3-7 pinball machines that are very simple to use, and can be used in-game, so you don't need any test fixtures.

Install and power up each ROM in order to quickly help you identify problems with your entire machine.

System 7 games:
Black Knight
Cosmic Gunfight
Firepower II
Hyperball *
Jungle Lord
Laser Cue
Solar Fire
Time Fantasy

System 6a games:
Alien Poker

System 6 games:

Tri Zone
Time Warp
Laser Ball

System 4 games:

Stellar Wars

System 3 games:

Hot Tip
Lucky Seven
World Cup
Disco Fever

* NOTE: Hyperball is not fully supported in this version. Specifically, the displays ROM does not test the alphanumeric display in the playfield. I am still looking for a working hyperball machine and when I find one I'll make an update. If you have a lead on a working hyperball feel free to send me a message on pinside.com (@pincoder).

The Pincoder software download contains 2K and 4K ROM files that can be used in your game:

- 2K ROM images (system3-7) can be used in 2716 EPROMs and 2816 EEPROMs.
- 4K ROM images (system 7) can be used in 2532 and 2732 EPROMS.

You can get them all in a single zip file here: https://pincoder.ca

UPDATE: The immediate need for a chip programmer and obsolete chips has been removed. Simply purchase the Pincoder Adapter - it includes ALL the latest Pincoder ROM images on a single chip and is compatible with System 3 through 7 without the need for any other adapters. You can find out more about this item as well as purchase it here (click and scroll down to "HOW TO GET ONE"):


Thanks again for your support!


#2 5 years ago

Thank you for your work.

#3 5 years ago

Some of these look very handy. Great work. I am going to play with the sound test to explore the noises in each sound ROM. The CMOS clear is useful for a system 7 board running older software and NVRAM as switching between games leaves you no easy way to clear the RAM on the board.

Since there is sixteen 2716 images one could build a 27256 EPROM board with a 4 position dip and pullup resistors to bank switch between each test rom.

#4 5 years ago
Quoted from barakandl:

Some of these look very handy. Great work. I am going to play with the sound test to explore the noises in each sound ROM. The CMOS clear is useful for a system 7 board running older software and NVRAM as switching between games leaves you no easy way to clear the RAM on the board.
Since there is sixteen 2716 images one could build a 27256 EPROM board with a 4 position dip and pullup resistors to bank switch between each test rom.

That would be a handy board to have. I've thought about putting them all in one ROM and making them selectable via DIP switches, but that would require functioning RAM (as well as other resources) and would render the entire ROM useless if one of those resources were faulty.

The ideal solution (if you want to spend the $300 US) is to use the Pocket Romulator. Then you don't need to program any chips at all, and you can select the ROM image you want by uploading it via USB/serial from your laptop.

#5 5 years ago
Quoted from 2manypins:

Thank you for your work.

You're welcome! Let me know what you think after trying them out

#6 5 years ago
Quoted from pincoder:

but that would require functioning RAM (as well as other resources)

..why would that require ram?

#7 5 years ago
Quoted from zacaj:

..why would that require ram?

Because writing code with subroutines requires the use of the stack (to call the subroutine), which is located in RAM.

ROMs 01-LEDs through 06-ram3 are written without using any RAM or subroutines, so that they will function regardless of any working RAM installed.

This means that 03-cmos through 06-ram3 are then able to test 100% of the RAM/CMOS address space without clobbering themselves and causing the test to crash.

#8 5 years ago
Quoted from pincoder:

Because writing code with subroutines requires the use of the stack (to call the subroutine), which is located in RAM.

Yes but why does reading the dips and doing a jump require subroutines?

#9 5 years ago

Are you planning on writing anything similar for Bally/Stern MPU's?

#10 5 years ago
Quoted from eh97ac:

Are you planning on writing anything similar for Bally/Stern MPU's?

I wouldn't say it's out of the question, but I've no experience yet with those games. From what I understand, they use the same CPU and PIA chips so I'd just need to get familiar with them first..

#11 5 years ago

Nice work, I have some weird problems on a System 6 board. I'll get some more 2716 ROMS and do some testing. My board is modified to run the Firepower Combo ROM. will these tests still work?

#12 5 years ago
Quoted from SteveNZ:

Nice work, I have some weird problems on a System 6 board. I'll get some more 2716 ROMS and do some testing. My board is modified to run the Firepower Combo ROM. will these tests still work?

Yes. The Firepower Combo ROM modification only changes access to the GAMEROM (IC14) side of things, and the test ROMs run in the GREEN2 flipper (IC17) socket. They should work just fine. Please let me know how you make out with it

#13 5 years ago

Where's a good place to buy ROMs for this?

I have a new rom burner and this looks like a good project to learn more about this type of stuff.

#14 5 years ago
Quoted from jeffc:

Where's a good place to buy ROMs for this?
I have a new rom burner and this looks like a good project to learn more about this type of stuff.


#15 5 years ago

Did anyone test/try any of this yet? Curious what people are seeing as far as results go.

#16 5 years ago
Quoted from barakandl:

Since there is sixteen 2716 images one could build a 27256 EPROM board with a 4 position dip and pullup resistors to bank switch between each test rom.

I'd be interested in something like this. I want to try this out to play with it but having to locate and program 16 ROMs has kept me from doing so. I'm sure I have 16 laying around, but a lot of them have other test programs on them or are for specific games that I use to test. I really don't want to erase them for this and then later have to do it all over again to use them for the same purpose they're being used for now.

#17 5 years ago
Quoted from stangbat:

I'd be interested in something like this. I want to try this out to play with it but having to locate and program 16 ROMs has kept me from doing so. I'm sure I have 16 laying around, but a lot of them have other test programs on them or are for specific games that I uses to test. I really don't want to erase them for this and then later have to do it all over again to use them for the same purpose they're being used for now.

Seems like using a single 28c16 is the best option right now

#18 5 years ago
Quoted from stangbat:

I'd be interested in something like this. I want to try this out to play with it but having to locate and program 16 ROMs has kept me from doing so. I'm sure I have 16 laying around, but a lot of them have other test programs on them or are for specific games that I uses to test. I really don't want to erase them for this and then later have to do it all over again to use them for the same purpose they're being used for now.

The blank PCBs shouldnt be expensive to have made. Perhaps I can upload the gerber file to a site people can order from or just have some made the next time I order blank PCBs.
top (resized).pngtop (resized).pngbottom (resized).pngbottom (resized).pngtop_copper (resized).pngtop_copper (resized).pngbottom_copper (resized).pngbottom_copper (resized).png

The four upper most address bits are attached to a dip switch bank. When the dip switch bank is closed it is a zero, grounded. When dip switch bank is open it is pulled up by 10K sip resistor to make a one. That should split the 256K EPROM into sixteen 16K chunks.

#19 5 years ago
Quoted from barakandl:

The blank PCBs shouldnt be expensive to have made. Perhaps I can upload the gerber file to a site people can order from or just have some made the next time I order blank PCBs.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]
The four upper most address bits are attached to a dip switch bank. When the dip switch bank is closed it is a zero, grounded. When dip switch bank is open it is pulled up by 10K sip resistor to make a one. That should split the 256K EPROM into sixteen 16K chunks.

This is great. If you upload the gerber files I'll also post them on the main pincoder page, and I'll compile a single 27256 image to go with them, so each test would be selectable by the DIPs.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but this board will work with 2764 and 27128 (albeit with smaller chunks) correct?

EDIT: The latest version of ROMs now includes "27256.bin". This file is a concatenation of all 16 ROMs into one, so each test should be accessible by setting the DIP switches. Please try this image on your board and let me know how it goes.. http://pincoder.ca

#20 5 years ago
Quoted from zacaj:

Yes but why does reading the dips and doing a jump require subroutines?

You're not even reading the dips, you're simply using them to present a different chunk of rom to the board, which is reading it as a 2716. Same concept that the Alltek uses to select its games, and lots of old computers from the 80s did when you had different OS chips in them for various "purposes".

Now, if you mean the dips on the mpu board, yes, that would be a bit different, but you are correct in that performing the JMP doesn't require any ram.

#21 5 years ago
Quoted from slochar:

You're not even reading the dips, you're simply using them to present a different chunk of rom to the board, which is reading it as a 2716. Same concept that the Alltek uses to select its games, and lots of old computers from the 80s did when you had different OS chips in them for various "purposes".
Now, if you mean the dips on the mpu board, yes, that would be a bit different, but you are correct in that performing the JMP doesn't require any ram.

That was the original discussion, I think? Most of the roms probably don't need the full 2kb or anything even. Should be possible to read the mpu dip switches, jump to one of the tests, repeat.

#22 5 years ago
Quoted from zacaj:

That was the original discussion, I think? Most of the roms probably don't need the full 2kb or anything even. Should be possible to read the mpu dip switches, jump to one of the tests, repeat.

It is possible, absolutely (In terms of the original discussion: MPU DIPs). I hesitate though, because if that PIA is bad, then it's possible none of the other test images will be accessible, making them useless.

As for using DIPs on a board such as barakandl suggests, I think it covers all needs quite nicely. Each 2K ROM image is independent of the others and so simplifies diagnostics, and also allows for a single, newer chip to be utilized, saving time and money.

Speaking of which, @barakandl, let me know if I need to re-arrange the order of the ROMs in the 27256.bin image to agree with DIP switch settings.

While we're at it, what's the highest (and most available) chip to use? with a 27512 or higher there's room for future 2K test ROMs.

Also, what about static RAM chips? Since the board allows us the freedom of any chip's pinout, maybe static RAMs are better, even if they're much larger than we'd ever need..


1 week later
#23 5 years ago

27512 is the bggest in a dip28 package. With a five pin dip switch bank would give you 32 selectable ranges of 16K ROM.

I can create a shareable link on the place I normally order PCBs from but the minimum order is 10pcs for $40usd something shipped slow boat from China. Message me for the link. I could upload the gerber files somewhere or use another board house I can upload the files that other people can order from.

#24 5 years ago

Hey - just downloaded your images - I have a FLASH game that isn't booting I fail the first test - leds don't flash, so it's time to start removing ICs. Bummer! All the signals (looking with a scope) look good - the uP is running. Some of the databus lines look questionable so it could be the RAM or the PIA. Neither is in a socket... It would be nice if there was some alternate signal you could toggle besides the LEDs so I could isolate it between the PIA or the databus... Anyway - glad you are doing this - it's been hard to find the previous testroms (Andre/Leon) and their instructions on the web.

#25 5 years ago

looking at Mouser and Digikey - the mainstream EEPROM are now the 1Mb parts. the 28C256 parts are ~$6 while the 39SF010 (1Mb) is ~$1.37. However, the 1Mb part is a 32 pin dip. While $5 isn't much, it might be better to change the layout to support the 32pin footprint to future proof the design? The UV 27x256 parts are, however, all over ebay between $2 and $10 bucks, but since I don't have a UV eraser, I like the EE parts better... just a thought.

#26 5 years ago
Quoted from uofmer:

The UV 27x256 parts are, however, all over ebay between $2 and $10 bucks, but since I don't have a UV eraser, I like the EE parts better...

You can look for other non UV DIP28 EEPROMs on ebay. 27SF256, 27SF512, 27E512, W27C512, etc.

#27 5 years ago

Good point.- forgot to search for those.

#29 5 years ago
Quoted from uofmer:

Hey - just downloaded your images - I have a FLASH game that isn't booting I fail the first test - leds don't flash, so it's time to start removing ICs. Bummer! All the signals (looking with a scope) look good - the uP is running. Some of the databus lines look questionable so it could be the RAM or the PIA. Neither is in a socket... It would be nice if there was some alternate signal you could toggle besides the LEDs so I could isolate it between the PIA or the databus... Anyway - glad you are doing this - it's been hard to find the previous testroms (Andre/Leon) and their instructions on the web.

1) Check that CA2 on PIA1 is high while this test is running. Without it IC2 will not do anything with the LEDs. Also check that pin 15 on IC2 is low enough to be a logic 0 and that SW2 is open.

2) Are you seeing the toggles on PA4 and PA5?

3) What about VMA on IC1? You should be seeing toggles there as well as IC8 (14,13,3).

4) Have you tried 02-blanking? It just toggles the PA2 to keep the blanking circuit happy and would give you another signal to test.

You're right, it would be a bummer if the data lines are being bogged down by some other chip(s). I could write a ROM that does NOPs so that the address and data lines are not being accessed, which might allow you to look for non-floating address/data lines. I've never tried it but would imagine the CPU to behave that way when running NOPs forever. If the data lines are being bogged down, PIA1 could never be initialized properly and so PIA1 just might be okay.

#30 5 years ago
Quoted from uofmer:

looking at Mouser and Digikey - the mainstream EEPROM are now the 1Mb parts. the 28C256 parts are ~$6 while the 39SF010 (1Mb) is ~$1.37. However, the 1Mb part is a 32 pin dip. While $5 isn't much, it might be better to change the layout to support the 32pin footprint to future proof the design? The UV 27x256 parts are, however, all over ebay between $2 and $10 bucks, but since I don't have a UV eraser, I like the EE parts better... just a thought.

Thanks for your input. I agree, eliminating the UV eraser is the way to go I'll look into the 39SF010 as they are still an active product.

#31 5 years ago

uofmer Download the latest images (http://pincoder.ca). I've added a "00-bus" test that might help in showing which address/data bus lines might be bogging down the bus (by ensuring the CPU ignores interrupts and is in a WAIT state). Take a look at the notes (00-bus.txt) give it a try in your Flash, and let me know if it helps you at all.

Also, I've updated 06-ram3 to test the additional RAM space on a system 7 board (04-ram1 and 05-ram2 still need to be run to fully test RAM on system 7).

#32 5 years ago

thanks - I got the NVRAM pulled off and still not running. I'll head back to the garage (I mean my lab!) and check those other signals. I don't have a programmer here (it's at the office), so I'll try that bus test tomorrow night.

#33 5 years ago

Here's the testing...

Quoted from pincoder:

1) Check that CA2 on PIA1 is high while this test is running. Without it IC2 will not do anything with the LEDs. Also check that pin 15 on IC2 is low enough to be a logic 0 and that SW2 is open.

on PIA1, on pins 1 - 20, only 1 and 18 are low and the rest are high (steady state). on the other side of the IC, all the pins are toggling - 21-24 are fast toggles (looks correct), 25 clock is ok, 26-33 looks like the databus, 34 high (reset), 35-36 looks like the address bus and 37/38 high and 39/40 low

Quoted from pincoder:

2) Are you seeing the toggles on PA4 and PA5?

no, but.... if I press SW 1 (diag) I can get the those pins (and therefor the LED) to turn on or off. The only change when I press the button (not all the time ~20% of the time) and usually they sequence top on, both on, both off... Since that is just toggling the NMI, is there something in the code executing ???

Quoted from pincoder:

3) What about VMA on IC1? You should be seeing toggles there as well as IC8 (14,13,3).

yes VMA looks good at the processor and the address buffers, chipselect logic etc

Quoted from pincoder:

4) Have you tried 02-blanking? It just toggles the PA2 to keep the blanking circuit happy and would give you another signal to test.

no difference, however, depressing SW1 doesn't change the LEDS (both on) - PA2 stays high

#34 5 years ago
Quoted from uofmer:

Here's the testing...

on PIA1, on pins 1 - 20, only 1 and 18 are low and the rest are high (steady state). on the other side of the IC, all the pins are toggling - 21-24 are fast toggles (looks correct), 25 clock is ok, 26-33 looks like the databus, 34 high (reset), 35-36 looks like the address bus and 37/38 high and 39/40 low

no, but.... if I press SW 1 (diag) I can get the those pins (and therefor the LED) to turn on or off. The only change when I press the button (not all the time ~20% of the time) and usually they sequence top on, both on, both off... Since that is just toggling the NMI, is there something in the code executing ???

yes VMA looks good at the processor and the address buffers, chipselect logic etc

no difference, however, depressing SW1 doesn't change the LEDS (both on) - PA2 stays high

The NMI switch and IC2 circuits will light the LEDs at the same time all by the hardware, so what you're seeing is normal, and is not a function of software.

Seems like the CPU is running but PIA1 is not responding to anything it's given. Is it in a socket? Can you swap it with a known good one?

Since PIA1 controls the LEDs, displays and switches, the only other test you could run that would show you a working CPU without using displays or switches is 12-solenoids. It requires input from switches to fire solenoids and uses displays , but it also enables the flipper relay at startup, so you only need to power it on and check that the flipper relay is energized. Of course you can also hit the flipper buttons and the flippers should move.

If you can do that then the address and data buses are fine, and the problem is quite likely PIA1

#35 5 years ago
Quoted from pincoder:

The NMI switch and IC2 circuits will light the LEDs at the same time all by the hardware, so what you're seeing is normal, and is not a function of software.......

I'll try test 12 next. The test0 looked as expected. One issue is that the system 4 board has a 6800 processor - not the 6802/6808, so your text file could be updated as the pinout of the 6800 is slightly different. (pin 3/7/34/35/36/37/38 have different functions) the 6800 doesn't have the internal RAM either - are the test roms using that RAM?

Here's a summary of the differences for anyone interested..

From a code standpoint the MC6800, MC6802 and MC6808 mpu’s are interchangeable.
MC6802 is a MC6800 with 128 bytes of RAM and an on-board oscillator.
MC6808 is a MC6800 with an on-board oscillator but no RAM.

#36 5 years ago
Quoted from uofmer:

are the test roms using that RAM?

From a code point of view, it shouldn't be any different. The internal RAM is mapped to the same address space. You can also jumper the board to use the external ram with a 6802

#37 5 years ago

fun tip about the internal ram... i have found most motorola brand 6808s found in wms sys 6-7 gear will actually function as a 6802. If you have a board on a bench you can check it by flipping the internal ram jumper/pull resistor and a test rom. Occasionally you see one with a ram error or it acts up in game play, but 90%+ a MC6808 stuffed in WMS boards of the time functions as a 6802. Same thing shows up in Bally world too specially with the moto 6808s with bally's custom part number imprinted. Save a 6810 for something else if it is in a socket. AMI 6808s don't have the ram. Haven't really checked other brands.

#38 5 years ago

Interesting. So even back then they were selling chips that didn’t make the cut as lower quality chips having limited features. Some things never change!

#39 5 years ago
Quoted from pincoder:

Interesting. So even back then they were selling chips that didn’t make the cut as lower quality chips having limited features. Some things never change!

I have even seen evidence of a previous mc6802 mark rubbed off and 6808 put down on top of it with a date code 3 weeks later.

a lot of the WMS and Bally custom part numbered chips had a similar remarked from the factory look. Obvious abrasion marks where the imprint is.

#40 5 years ago
Quoted from zacaj:

From a code point of view, it shouldn't be any different. The internal RAM is mapped to the same address space. You can also jumper the board to use the external ram with a 6802

cool... I was just concerned as the test rom goal is to isolate components. If it was using internal RAM, but actually with the 6800 it was external ram, it would be unexpectedly accessing the external RAM.

2 weeks later
#41 5 years ago

@barakandl Thanks for the board info above. I built a board based on your drawings, just on a perf board not a PCB. It all tests OK with a continuity etc. I burnt the combined image onto a 27C256 and installed the chip. I then tested the board in my Rom burner, reading every option for the 4 dips back into the Rom burner. All work exactly as expected, except for when all 4 select dips are set to ON, this should select image 0 - Bus, but it selects image 4 - RAM1. It seems like dip3 is not turning ON, but it is, otherwise I couldn't select 11 lamps, 10 timer etc. Any idea what is going wrong?

#42 5 years ago

you can check the suspect address pin at the eprom socket. When the dip is closed it should be low and when the dip switch is open the resistor pulls it up to 5v.

#43 5 years ago
Quoted from SteveNZ:

@barakandl Thanks for the board info above. I built a board based on your drawings, just on a perf board not a PCB. It all tests OK with a continuity etc. I burnt the combined image onto a 27C256 and installed the chip. I then tested the board in my Rom burner, reading every option for the 4 dips back into the Rom burner. All work exactly as expected, except for when all 4 select dips are set to ON, this should select image 0 - Bus, but it selects image 4 - RAM1. It seems like dip3 is not turning ON, but it is, otherwise I couldn't select 11 lamps, 10 timer etc. Any idea what is going wrong?

Great to hear you're trying this out. Let us know how it goes!

#44 5 years ago
Quoted from barakandl:

you can check the suspect address pin at the eprom socket. When the dip is closed it should be low and when the dip switch is open the resistor pulls it up to 5v.

I checked all 4 lines that are connected to the dips, I get 4.98v when the dip is open and 0v when the dip is closed. I also checked the image in the 27C256 and it looks to me that ROM 0 is the first one in the list. I did this in case ROM 4 was accidentally written to the 27C256.

Is there any chance that when all 4 addresses are low it does not select the first chunk, as in should it be some other combination of address pins?

#45 5 years ago
Quoted from pincoder:

Great to hear you're trying this out. Let us know how it goes!

Unfortunately I can't report back on very much yet. I have 2 System 6 boards that will not pass the LED test, so I am stuck at the BUS (ROM 0) test. given my issue above with selecting ROM 0, I burnt a 2716 with ROM 0 for testing.

While I'm here, I should check some things:
I understand that these test ROMs are designed to be used with the boards in the game. Can I use the ROMS with the boards on the test bench instead?
Do the ROMs, including the BUS ROM, only work correctly if the driver board is connected?

On 1 of my boards Pin34 on the CPU is high but J1 is installed and R4 is removed and a 6808 is installed - so I need to figure out what is going wrong there.

On both System 6 boards I have some address lines that are not as per your expected conditions. I'll look to trace those lines through the board to see where the problem lies.

#46 5 years ago
Quoted from SteveNZ:

I checked all 4 lines that are connected to the dips, I get 4.98v when the dip is open and 0v when the dip is closed. I also checked the image in the 27C256 and it looks to me that ROM 0 is the first one in the list. I did this in case ROM 4 was accidentally written to the 27C256.
Is there any chance that when all 4 addresses are low it does not select the first chunk, as in should it be some other combination of address pins?

After thinking about it, I realized that the 27256.bin file was too long. It had 17 ROM images instead of 16. Perhaps the burning software you're using got confused by the extra bytes and wrote the image wrong. So I've removed 16-edit_cmos from the 27256.bin image. You can still find the edit_cmos test in the zip file as a standalone 2K image if you want to use it.

Please download the latest version and try again.

Quoted from SteveNZ:

Unfortunately I can't report back on very much yet. I have 2 System 6 boards that will not pass the LED test, so I am stuck at the BUS (ROM 0) test. given my issue above with selecting ROM 0, I burnt a 2716 with ROM 0 for testing.
While I'm here, I should check some things:
I understand that these test ROMs are designed to be used with the boards in the game. Can I use the ROMS with the boards on the test bench instead?
Do the ROMs, including the BUS ROM, only work correctly if the driver board is connected?
On 1 of my boards Pin34 on the CPU is high but J1 is installed and R4 is removed and a 6808 is installed - so I need to figure out what is going wrong there.
On both System 6 boards I have some address lines that are not as per your expected conditions. I'll look to trace those lines through the board to see where the problem lies.

You should be able to use the ROMS out of the game and on the bench. However, without any of the displays and switches etc you will not be able to do much with the latter tests. Since the earlier ones dont require any input from the user and results are only displayed on the LEDs they can be of use while on the bench.

00-bus does not initialize any PIAs and should run without the driver board connected. The rest of the tests each initialize all PIAs and technically should require the driver board, but I dont think the CPU will lock up trying to write to a PIA that isn't there so you should be able to get away with leaving the driver board disconnected. I will put an MPU board on the bench and verify.

For Boards with 6808 processor (J1 Installed and R4 Removed) you will require a RAM chip in IC13 for for normal game operation. Test ROMS 00-bus through 06-ram3 do not require any RAM or CMOS whatsoever (aside from the obvious RAM/CMOS they are testing). So as far as software goes, it shouldn't matter what pin 34 is doing, or what CPU chip you have, or whether you have any RAM installled at all. The test ROMs should still run.

The CPU chip itself may have something else to say about that. I'll see if I have a 6808 around and put it in a benched board without any ram and see if it can still run the tests.

#47 5 years ago

pincoder Thanks, I'll burn a new ROM in a couple of days and I'll let you know how it goes.

#48 5 years ago


I cannot find the gerber files on your site. Can you post a direct link?

#49 5 years ago
Quoted from eh97ac:

I cannot find the gerber files on your site. Can you post a direct link?

Sorry, there are no gerber files at this point though barakandl has posted PCB images in this thread.

#50 5 years ago
Quoted from pincoder:

After thinking about it, I realized that the 27256.bin file was too long. It had 17 ROM images instead of 16. Perhaps the burning software you're using got confused by the extra bytes and wrote the image wrong. So I've removed 16-edit_cmos from the 27256.bin image. You can still find the edit_cmos test in the zip file as a standalone 2K image if you want to use it.
Please download the latest version and try again.

You should be able to use the ROMS out of the game and on the bench. However, without any of the displays and switches etc you will not be able to do much with the latter tests. Since the earlier ones dont require any input from the user and results are only displayed on the LEDs they can be of use while on the bench.
00-bus does not initialize any PIAs and should run without the driver board connected. The rest of the tests each initialize all PIAs and technically should require the driver board, but I dont think the CPU will lock up trying to write to a PIA that isn't there so you should be able to get away with leaving the driver board disconnected. I will put an MPU board on the bench and verify.
For Boards with 6808 processor (J1 Installed and R4 Removed) you will require a RAM chip in IC13 for for normal game operation. Test ROMS 00-bus through 06-ram3 do not require any RAM or CMOS whatsoever (aside from the obvious RAM/CMOS they are testing). So as far as software goes, it shouldn't matter what pin 34 is doing, or what CPU chip you have, or whether you have any RAM installled at all. The test ROMs should still run.
The CPU chip itself may have something else to say about that. I'll see if I have a 6808 around and put it in a benched board without any ram and see if it can still run the tests.

Update: Just did some testing on the bench:

1) You can run the ROMs on a bench without the driver board connected. The CPU doesn't lock up when it tries to write to PIAs that aren't there.

2) You can run ROMs 00-bus through 06-ram3 without any RAM or CMOS installed (except for the obvious chips each of them test).

2) The docs for 00-bus had you looking at IC1 pin 34 as the RE line. This was incorrect. The correct RE pin is 36. Thanks to SteveNZ for pointing this out. I'll revise the doc and put out a new release.

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