(Topic ID: 116345)

TWD barn mod by hookedonpinball.com Now on web site


9 years ago

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  • Latest reply 7 years ago by HOOKED
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“Would you be interested in the Burning Barn Mod.”

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#251 8 years ago
Quoted from HOOKED:

The mod flicker works when the insert is lit constant on pro and will not flicker much if the insert is flashing or pulsing power ...remember the mod just mirrors the insert.

I'm guessing that my problem is that though I have a premium, I have it connected like a pro. If I recall, I just have it tied to the GI. I connected mine over a month ago, so I'm pulling from my memory. For some reason I was thinking it would just flicker all the time then, but it really just remains on with a very very slight flicker. I will have to go back and look at how I'm supposed to connect it for a premium. I was just in a hurry to start playing it at the time.

#252 8 years ago

BigDaddy07 - Yours will power up and intensify with the power going to the GI. Full GI full flicker...plusing or dimmed GI the barn will stay lit just will not flicker. If you want to leave it lit all of the time...which to me is best bang for buck ..I have power cords to the 5v tap.

Retailers have chosen power all the time form the 5v IE. Cointaker.com and Pinballdecals.com.
By far its the easiest install of them all other than the matrix version.

#253 8 years ago

I like it interactive with the mode. Once the mode is over, it turns off, which makes more sense to me. If you have very basic solder skills (which you should if you own at least 1 pin) you can easily just do a quick solder to one leg of the chip and youre in like flynn (with a prem/le of course). Mods that interact in some way with gameplay are the best!

Imo worth the little extra work.

Great mod, love it!

#254 8 years ago

So I took a good look at my Pro last night and tried a few things in order to get the barn to do its full effect when the insert light is on solid. What it seems like, is that (at least on my Pro) when the insert is lit solid after completing barn mode, the light looks to be solid but is actually flickering ever so slightly. This is why the barn will not "twinkle" as if on fire but looks to be lit fully solid, which you can see from my video on the last page. As Robert from Hooked has said, the barn will mimic the insert and this is exactly what it is doing.

Now my real question is for you Pro owners. I havent seen any videos of the barn lit when the insert is fully lit solid after completing barn mod. I am curious if all Pro's will do this flicker thing and never have the barn do its burning effect or if it is just my machine. It seems the Premium/LE models light different and when the insert is lit solid, the barn turns off all together. If anyone can check for this, I would really appreciate it becuase its driving me crazy haha. I thought it might be the bulb but its not...

Also, one other thing to mention. I recently said that I needed to add a Diode to the red wire. After some experimenting, I found that I didnt need this after all but the wiring is slightly different for my machine for some reason. All of the pictures I have seen show the clips connecting to the slot where the wires are located. Mine was slightly different where the red wire clips in the middle just like the other pictures, but the black clip connected to the right of the red wire, where there is no actual wire in the insert connection. Once connected this way, it fixed the issue of having other insert lights stay on on the playfield. Picture below where I had to connect my black wire...


#255 8 years ago

Also to note, the barn does not seem to "flicker" like it is burning when I attached to the GI socket either, it just stays lit solid.

Anyone else with a Pro having these issues? I am out of solutions to this.

#256 8 years ago

He made a good point. If the barn was clipped backwards to the gi the flicker leds may be fried. I can fix that if its the case. Noted here for others if issue is with gi type clip hook up.

1 month later
#257 8 years ago

Has anyone been able to reinstall the Stern airball plastic on the BG ramp after installing the barn? Mine doesn't fit and looks like I'll have to modify the plastic.

#258 8 years ago

Shoot a picture so we can see what your running into.
My machines was built 12-10-15.

4 months later
#259 7 years ago

Put these on sale on the site till the end of Oct for all you twd fans.

Promoted items from Pinside Marketplace and Pinside Shops!
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Playfield - Protection
Duke Pinball
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Cabinet - Armor And Blades
10,000 (Firm)
Machine - For Sale
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Lighted Pinball Mods
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$ 16.00
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Lighting - Other
Lighted Pinball Mods
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Cabinet - Other
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Cabinet - Toppers
Lighted Pinball Mods
From: $ 30.00
$ 14.95
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Machine - For Sale
Auburn, ME
$ 8.95
$ 6.95
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
$ 109.95
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Machine - For Sale
Benton, AR
From: $ 20.00
Cabinet - Other
Filament Printing
$ 49.99
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Cento Creations
$ 35.00
Cabinet - Other
Rocket City Pinball
$ 19.99
Cabinet - Other
Bent Mods
$ 12.95
Lighting - Led
Mitchell Lighting
$ 599.95
Cabinet - Toppers
Hi-Rez Pinball Mods
$ 19.95
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Hey modders!
Your shop name here
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