(Topic ID: 155578)

Hobbit Owners Thread

By Eryeal

8 years ago

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16 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #14 First impressions by new owner. Posted by Eryeal (8 years ago)

Post #45 The source of the voice call-outs Posted by iepinball (8 years ago)

Post #71 Detailed game review Posted by Vyzer2 (8 years ago)

Post #128 Cosmetic issues from factory and customer service response. Posted by RichieWrench (8 years ago)

Post #214 review with detail and good set of pictures. Posted by Pimp77 (7 years ago)

Post #402 Backglass LED diffuser (tones cold white to a more neutral amber color) Posted by PanzerFreak (7 years ago)

Post #714 Another BackBox light filter Posted by Damonator (7 years ago)

Post #769 Rulesheet Posted by tiesmasc (7 years ago)

Post #1064 Owner fixes and tweaks after 150 games. Posted by pinballinreno (7 years ago)

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#1 8 years ago

Didn't see an owner's thread, or at least a recent one, so just starting this one. Got SE today. Only one issue out of the box, and that is a pretty bad area where the ball is getting stuck - it is happening quite frequently, and it seems to be a very bad design, unless I'm missing something or my ramp has an issue. Tried seeing if I could adjust it by removing a screw or two without much luck. It's definitely got a lot of stress on the ramp - once I remove the screw, the ramp really wants to go right, and you have to put a lot of pressure on it to go back where it's supposed to go and put the screw back in. As you can imagine, if the ball just bounces a tad and doesn't hit the hole squarely, and then gets stuck right in a divet area that is pretty low and doesn't take much at all for ball to get stuck there as it's a significant indentation in that area. All of the other ramps have protection / two rails, etc, except for this one. I'm thinking I need to replace the screw that is there with a post of some sort to block that divet area. Curious if others will experience the same issue in that area.


#2 8 years ago

A gentle tap on the cabinet and right back into play.

LTG : )

#3 8 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

A gentle tap on the cabinet and right back into play.
LTG : )

I wish it were that easy - it's not even close. I can't even shake / tap / lift / etc to get the ball unstuck, even significantly lifting the left side of the machine won't budge it - glass has to come off. It is a really is a significant divet area (sorry, best word I can think of at the moment). I'm attaching two more close-ups of the area without the ball in it to compare with other machines to see if there is a difference with my ramp. When the ball gets stuck, it sits right where the screw is, so the ball is blocked by the ramp in getting back out - it's like it's sitting in a little hole. Curious if my ramp is a bit "deformed" from what it's supposed to be.



#4 8 years ago

This looks like a bad ball trap problem as I can see the ball rolling off and getting stuck there often.

#5 8 years ago

Maybe a piece of hard black foam--like rubber pad/ramp stopper--stick a small piece there to redirect the ball. Until you get a concrete solution.

#6 8 years ago

Seems like it would be an easy fix with a post of some kind instead of just the screw.

#7 8 years ago

Would JJP send you a wire form?
I bet they would

#8 8 years ago

I got the email today from Jen that my game is ready. Mine and two others are shipping together. They should be here by early next week. I can't wait.

#9 8 years ago

I wonder if anyone else has posted or seen that ball stuck area in the 1000's of games played. I've seen some posts of other spots but I don't recall that one. Please keep us "post"ed on how you fix this. Hopefully my SE will be here late spring or early summer.

Other than that, what are your first impressions of gameplay?

#10 8 years ago
Quoted from Eryeal:

Only one issue out of the box, and that is a pretty bad area where the ball is getting stuck - it is happening quite frequently

I'm not having this issue at all, the only place the ball has gotten stuck is in one of the pop-ups.


#11 8 years ago

Would bending the ramp to the left keep the ball on the rails? It should take the stress off the ramp at the very least, but it may fix your issue. Have you taken the ramp completely off and re-installed it. I am not sure why your ball is bouncing, but it could be from where the ball is entering the ramp.

#12 8 years ago

Have the same problem on my game, just a smack on the left side of the cabinet places the ball back in play. Happens occasionally, not a big deal for me. I think you would have to be careful with any fix there as it is right up against the wall. Only other trap I ran into was the ball sitting on top of the right lane guide, stuck there on the edge of the mylar. I placed another small piece of mylar to eliminate the hard edge in that spot, ball rolls right over it now.

#13 8 years ago

I never had a ball get stuck in that position but at TPF I did have a ball fly off the ramp on the way to the windlance and drain..was getting ready to start a mode and NOPE end of ball.

#14 8 years ago

My initial impressions ... Had about a full day with the game, so obviously take it with a grain of salt - I'll need a lot more plays to be able to really get a good, true impression, and of course future code updates will have a big impact. But I thought perhaps some would be interested in some initial thoughts. Also this is the first time I've ever played the game, and of course it was purchased knowing those risks (same with GB).

1. As has been said by many, this is a beautiful game. I'd agree that this is probably the best looking game I've ever seen. Everything about it is just a real testament to the folks who designed the art for the game, the playfield, the bumpers, the lighted wording in the ramp, etc. Bravo there.
2. Again, no surprise here, the display is incredible. The animations are incredible. Heck, even the adjustments menu is incredible! You can start to understand why it takes so long to code the game with everything that is tied together.
3. Sound - overall excellent. Will be further enhanced with more call-outs with newer code.
4. No issues with flipper power out of the box for me - I read from others this was a concern, and that it can be adjusted, but as of right now I find no need.
5. I do like when you are starting a mode, the ball goes to the Windlance and you have a bit of time to read what mode you've started and how to win. This is important for this game, and is executed well. Starting a mode while trying to play the ball (or trying to cradle) would have been a really bad decision here with the complexity of the game - this was a great idea, and definitely needed.
6. Ring Save - awesome.
7. Everyone likes the flipper post - it creates some really interesting and cool saves sometimes with the ball going through the flippers and back up the out-lanes from hitting off of the post at an angle.

1. As noted in my original post, the biggest con to me is the one ball hangup that requires glass removal, that happens maybe once every 10 games or so for me. At this point I don't know if it will be specific just to me, or if others are going to have the issue on this ramp. It is rather easily fixed with an addition of a post where the screw is, or a plastic.
2. (#1 is #1 for a reason, however everything else starting with this one is in no particular order) I'm just going to call the popups Orcs for simplicity - I know they are 4 different. They are not smooth to the playfield as my MMR. The MMR trolls, at least on my machine, are perfectly smooth to the playfield and have zero effect on ball travel, even when ball speed is low. The same can't be said about the Hobbit - the Orcs are not completely smooth to the playfield (none of them), and thus they can affect ball trajectory. Now, it's not major, and generally it only happens at very slow ball speeds, but nonetheless, a very noticeable difference between Hobbit and a machine with similar mechs, MMR. Not sure if that is more of a testament to the build of an MMR, or a detriment to Hobbit. But it is noticeable to me.
3. Lack of substantial toys is noticeable. The Orcs and Smaug are the main toys in the game, and that's about it. I don't count the book as a toy because it simply acts as a Mode display, and countdown timer - I don't think I can classify that as a "toy" (yes it does look great, and the graphics are superb on the book). It's severely lacking in that department compared with WOZ, and many other newer machines. There is no "cool" toy in the game at all - Smaug looks great, but it's simply a turning head with a simple jaw movement. T-Rex is a much better "toy" in terms of what it does. There's no intuitive magnets, locks, or other interactive toys - especially when you compare it to WOZ with the upper playfield, monkey lock, spinning house with pop-out feet, etc). The Orcs are pretty much it. A clear Smaug target past the popups would have gone a long way here (ie AFM, ST, etc), and some more imagination with some magnets, or simply going with two Orcs and making the other two something "different" - ie a trap door, etc.
4. The gameplay, as it currently stands, is not meant for casual gamers, and neither is the layout. It is definitely a game that you need a rulesheet for so you can decipher what-is-what on the screen, and what you are trying to do (other than Smaug lock/multiball which is easy to figure out for all). I do think this can be fixed with code, but I'm not sure it will be to the extend of making it easy to understand.
5. Really weak kick-back / "windlance" - many times it just comes out so very slow. I'm assuming this can possibly be adjusted in the game - haven't look. But out of the box, the weakest kick-back I've seen in a game.
6. Code. Example - I get no sense during Smaug multi-ball if I'm having an effect - I seem to be hitting a ton of lighted shots and lasting forever, but there is no sense that I'm actually doing anything. I'm really thinking this is simply an early-code issue.
7. This isn't so much of a con, as a "What is happening here?" .. I'm assuming this is a mode, but when playing two games the drop targets started going up and down really fast across the playfield - it sounded like a machine gun going off. I thought there was something wrong with the game (I hope not!), but again, assuming it's just a mode or something else. But it really didn't jive with the game, especially with how loud they were when they are going crazy. We're not talking about the Skillshot type of noise with one target going up and down every second - this was about 5-10 targets going up and down every second like crazy. And it lasted seemingly forever. I thought Bilbo had retrieved his magic AK47.
8. The ramp set-up does take away from the flow of the game - in that both of the only ramps in the game feed the same flipper that you use to make the shot. In looking at all of my other games - there is no other game I have that does this. They all feed the opposite flipper to make a different ramp shot. This does take away from that "flow" feeling of hitting a ramp feeding a flipper to make a different ramp shot. There's only so many times you can change the page of that damn book!
9. I think the two drop-holes in the playfield could have been implemented better - with the amazing art and everything all around them, they are pretty bland holes that are just "there". Again, looking at other games, I think they could have built something better around them to incorporate them better (think a cave, or covering of some sort, etc).
10. The top flipper - I think ST has perhaps influenced me here with the satisfying warp shot. There's just nothing for that top flipper to go for - just really the drop targets, and that's not a great deal of fun. Would have loved some sort of shot coming off that top flipper.

OK well, that's my initial feedback. You can see of course there are a lot more cons right now, but it's not about quantity of either. At the end of the day it's going to come down to game-play, and as of right now the code is wayyyy too early to see if the code can overcome some of the cons. I think it's going to be harder to code this game than WOZ because WOZ just has a lot of toys to work with (not in terms of actual programming difficulty, but rather Hobbit is going to need to rely on code a lot more than WOZ because there's not as much to work with).

#15 8 years ago
Quoted from BrianBannon:

Have the same problem on my game, just a smack on the left side of the cabinet places the ball back in play. Happens occasionally, not a big deal for me. I think you would have to be careful with any fix there as it is right up against the wall. Only other trap I ran into was the ball sitting on top of the right lane guide, stuck there on the edge of the mylar. I placed another small piece of mylar to eliminate the hard edge in that spot, ball rolls right over it now.

Yeah someone else said the same, but for some reason mine seems a bit harder to get it out. It sits in the indenture there and no amount of smacking or tilting can get it to get back over the ramp rail. I'm definitely going to investigate further - I did take the screw out and see if there was a simply way of adjusting it better, but to no avail. If the ramp end/exit were bent to just be a little lower, than I think a nudge/smack would do it as it wouldn't have to go up and over the ramp rail. I'm sure I can resolve the issue, just need to spend some more time on it than just a few seconds.

#16 8 years ago
Quoted from Eryeal:

1. As noted in my original post, the biggest con to me is the one ball hangup that requires glass removal, that happens maybe once every 10 games or so for me. At this point I don't know if it will be specific just to me, or if others are going to have the issue on this ramp. It is rather easily fixed with an addition of a post where the screw is, or a plastic.

I have about 100 games on my machine and I've had this problem happen one time. It looked so stuck I didn't even try to bang on the cabinet to try and free the ball and went with the take the glass off technique.

I've a few other issues that I'd like to throw out there to see if others have experienced them.
1. 2 of the 4 pop-up mechanisms will, on occasion, register a hit when popping up and immediately return. I tested them all in menu and all of them register a hit when popping up which I'm thinking is normal and the game ignore hits for the first 1/4 second or so. Of the 4, only 1 of registers hits, for what I would consider, a longer time then expected. Probably just a switch adjustment?
2. 3 or 4 times when starting a mode, the windlance post either doesn't fire or doesn't stay up and the ball immediately drains. It's hard to watch for when it works 99 out of 100 times. Any one else experience this?
3. Lots of sound clipping issues with the spoken audio in the front 2 speakers only. I've checked and rechecked the cables. It always occurs in the exact same spots when phrases are being spoken (for example, when locking a second ball and smaug says "Die", the "ie" are always being cut out). Still feel like something hardware but I'm wondering if it could be something different then the audio cabling, like a bad board.

#17 8 years ago
Quoted from try2skyme:

I have about 100 games on my machine and I've had this problem happen one time. It looked so stuck I didn't even try to bang on the cabinet to try and free the ball and went with the take the glass off technique.
I've a few other issues that I'd like to throw out there to see if others have experienced them.
1. 2 of the 4 pop-up mechanisms will, on occasion, register a hit when popping up and immediately return. I tested them all in menu and all of them register a hit when popping up which I'm thinking is normal and the game ignore hits for the first 1/4 second or so. Of the 4, only 1 of registers hits, for what I would consider, a longer time then expected. Probably just a switch adjustment?
2. 3 or 4 times when starting a mode, the windlance post either doesn't fire or doesn't stay up and the ball immediately drains. It's hard to watch for when it works 99 out of 100 times. Any one else experience this?
3. Lots of sound clipping issues with the spoken audio in the front 2 speakers only. I've checked and rechecked the cables. It always occurs in the exact same spots when phrases are being spoken (for example, when locking a second ball and smaug says "Die", the "ie" are always being cut out). Still feel like something hardware but I'm wondering if it could be something different then the audio cabling, like a bad board.

Well I do have good news - after taking that screw off again and fiddling a bit, I can now do a simple smack on the side and it has no problem dislodging. So very happy about that - although twice since I've done that I've had the ball jump the ramp and drain. But that should be a simple code fix - if a ball registers going on the mode ramp and it drains without launching the kickback when there is no multiball, it should be an automatic ball save.

Since playing I've had the ball stuck twice on a pop-up that ball search wasn't able to fix - the ball was too lodged in to the pop-up for it to be able to pop back up and release the ball. I believe this mostly happens during multi-ball with the pop-ups going off a lot.

As far as your issues, I don't think I've experienced any of them. I've never noticed a pop-up immediately going down, nor have I ever had any issues with the windlance post when coming off the mode ramp. It actually sounds like that issue would be whatever switch is there letting the machine know there's a ball coming down the mode ramp needs a minor adjustment and isn't registering all the time. I also haven't noticed any sound clipping either.

From a code perspective, I noticed that sometimes when locking the 3rd ball, it says "Jackpot" immediately when you hit the ramp before going into the lock.

Feature request - not sure if this is even possible or not, or why it occurred to me, or if it has every been on a pin before. But wouldn't it be cool if you go to the match feature at the end of the game and get a match, that it actually awards an extra ball and you can go back and pick up where you left off? Obviously this is a bit complicated from a code perspective, since it is checking high scores and allowing you to enter high scores prior to the match sequence, but it's certainly possible. And it would actually make the match sequence interesting for home users where it's normally meaningless - it would be a cool surprise to have the ability to be awarded an extra ball this way.

#18 8 years ago
Quoted from Eryeal:

Feature request - not sure if this is even possible or not, or why it occurred to me, or if it has every been on a pin before. But wouldn't it be cool if you go to the match feature at the end of the game and get a match, that it actually awards an extra ball and you can go back and pick up where you left off? Obviously this is a bit complicated from a code perspective, since it is checking high scores and allowing you to enter high scores prior to the match sequence, but it's certainly possible. And it would actually make the match sequence interesting for home users where it's normally meaningless - it would be a cool surprise to have the ability to be awarded an extra ball this way.

That would be cool!

#19 8 years ago

Its so deflating to read so many negatives about this pin that many of us have been waiting years for.

#20 8 years ago

I'm sorry to hear about yalls issues. I had the same problem at TPF with the ball coming off the mode ramp and I agree it should be a ball save that should be an easy software tweak. Are yall reporting these issues to JJP? I'm sure they read the forums but it would be good to help everyone getting games further down the line, as well as helping get your issues fixed in a timely manner that these are reported to them. I know there have been a lot of test games out there and they have probably seen some of these issues and may have a fix for them.

#21 8 years ago
Quoted from cscmtp:

Its so deflating to read so many negatives about this pin that many of us have been waiting years for.

If you can't make a game fun with *15* individually controlled drop targets, 4 pop up trolls, 2 ramps and a whole lotta other stuff, then whomever the programmer is should be shot. Oh wait, I've heard about this guy - Keith Johnson - rumor is he's not too bad. Oh, but it must not have many modes, right? Hmmm, 31 modes...I'm sure most other pins have way more than 31 modes in them? Well, the dots & sound must really suck then. What? A flippin LCD with integrated movie clips and a massive soundtrack by David Thiel and Two Steps from Hell!!

Relax - it's going to be epic and only get better as the rules mature. I'm still excited about the Hobbit.

#22 8 years ago
Quoted from Damonator:

If you can't make a game fun with *15* individually controlled drop targets, 4 pop up trolls, 2 ramps and a whole lotta other stuff, then whomever the programmer is should be shot. Oh wait, I've heard about this guy - Keith Johnson - rumor is he's not too bad. Oh, but it must not have many modes, right? Hmmm, 31 modes...I'm sure most other pins have way more than 31 modes in them? Well, the dots & sound must really suck then. What? A flippin LCD with integrated movie clips and a massive soundtrack by David Thiel and Two Steps from Hell!!
Relax - it's going to be epic and only get better as the rules mature. I'm still excited about the Hobbit.

I hope so as well - if the code really does have a LOT more coming on top of what is already there, it's definitely exciting. I'm not sure I agree that having a ton of drop targets or TWO ramps really means a game has to be great. Two ramps is bordering sub-standard these days, and a lot of drop targets many people like, and dislike, so that's very subjective.

And I wouldn't say my thoughts are really a "negative" review - it's just an honest assessment after only a few hours with the game, and never having played it before. My assessment of Tron LE after a few hours was about a 2/10. The real test is after at least a month, and of course the results of any code updates. I'm playing the crap out of it right now, and I'm liking it more and more. I tend to like a lot of modes in pins - my favorite pin is IJ because of the variety of modes. A lot of the shots on this game (except the ramps) are really tough - especially the VUK's. I'm liking that as well.

#23 8 years ago

A question that may have been answered - as far as all the modes on the mode display on the LCD - is there a rhyme or reason to their order? It'd be cool to hit some sort of wizard mode for getting a line of connected modes left to right (think ST, except a bit more than "3 in a row!"). I do think that mode display can be tweaked some to better indicate completed modes, etc - maybe some more color (ie a cleared, colored outline that stands out) or a clearer indication than what is there now.

#24 8 years ago
Quoted from Eryeal:

a lot of drop targets many people like, and dislike, so that's very subjective.

True - but 99% of drop targets are clear the bank and reset. If you've ever gotten to spend time with a game like Medusa that has individually controlled targets, it's a whole different feeling. Coupled with some fun modes, it's one of the features I look forward to the most.

Quoted from Eryeal:

My assessment of Tron LE after a few hours was about a 2/10.

Yes, my initial assessment of TWD was complete letdown. But after polished rules and real actor call outs, it was a completely different story.

Quoted from Eryeal:

I tend to like a lot of modes in pins

Me too - TAF/TZ/IJ were the reasons I got into the hobby (IJ was the first pin I ever purchased!).

#25 8 years ago

Anyone have any insight on when code will be released to push this bad boy past beta?

#26 8 years ago

I picked up my game today at JJP. Good times. I will say this, the factory is humming and there are a lot of pins that are boxed and ready to go. I think they are going to pump games out fast. Tons of play fields and cabinets ( both LE and SE) around. Think the early months orders will go reasonable fast.

#27 8 years ago
Quoted from Vyzer2:

I picked up my game today at JJP. Good times. I will say this, the factory is humming and there are a lot of pins that are boxed and ready to go. I think they are going to pump games out fast. Tons of play fields and cabinets ( both LE and SE) around. Think the early months orders will go reasonable fast.

Not that it really matters but how many people would you estimate are on the floor working on the line?

#28 8 years ago
Quoted from FalconPunch:

Not that it really matters but how many people would you estimate are on the floor working on the line?

I got there during lunch hour and didn't really count. But at that time there were at least as many in the teens. Lots of activity.

#29 8 years ago
Quoted from Vyzer2:

I got there during lunch hour and didn't really count. But at that time there were at least as many in the teens. Lots of activity.

Love hearing this. Fantastic news. Hope to get mine in April.

#30 8 years ago
Quoted from Damonator:

True - but 99% of drop targets are clear the bank and reset.

Jack mentioned that the drop targets are all memory drop targets as in they do not have to reset the entire bank. That actually is pretty nice for coding options in future updates. Also the troll/Orc popups are 'back stabable' when they are hit from behind. Stuff I didn't know from the current code.

#31 8 years ago
Quoted from LTG:

A gentle tap on the cabinet and right back into play.
LTG : )

Be careful!


#32 8 years ago
Quoted from cscmtp:

Its so deflating to read so many negatives about this pin that many of us have been waiting years for.

My Hobbit is out on location and given the enthusiastic response, it appears that the game is being well received.

Personally, I have played the game over 100 times and found it to be lots of fun. I have never seen so many memory drop targets on any other game. In addition, there are four different plunger skill shots, all of which put the skill back into a plunger skill shot. Also, with a bit of finesse, all of these skill shots can be soft plunged to the flippers and shot that way. No way will anyone be able to complete the "LOCK" plunger skill shot from the flippers, but it does add another way to hit some of the harder plunger shots.

Someone mentioned hitting the popup orcs from behind. Yes, that is true, and all of these pop up orcs drop with just a hint of contact. You don't have to smack them hard like on MM.

My only disappointment with the game is the current progress of the code. I just wish it was closer to completion, or at least at 1.0 level.

#33 8 years ago
Quoted from BrianBannon:

My only disappointment with the game is the current progress of the code. I just wish it was closer to completion, or at least at 1.0 level.

My understanding is that Jack is still getting final approval on the voice callouts. I'll bet it will be one hell of a patch to 1.0 when Keith gets the green light.

#34 8 years ago

One thing I noticed today going into the settings - since many people were complaining of low flipper strength at shows - is that the flipper strength is set above the default setting. This came this way out of the box, so it looks like they are adjusting the strength up from the software default.

#35 8 years ago

Anyone know if any of the modes take advantage yet of the magnet behind Smaug in the very back of the playfield? I don't think I've seen any.

#36 8 years ago

Did anyone that upgraded to the playfield protector get theirs yet?

Any pics to show?

#37 8 years ago
Quoted from TomGWI:

Be careful!


If you do that, you get a major airport named after you.......

#38 8 years ago
Quoted from Eryeal:

Anyone know if any of the modes take advantage yet of the magnet behind Smaug in the very back of the playfield? I don't think I've seen any.

Watching footage via twitch I saw that magnet catch at least once, but darned if I have any idea when.

#39 8 years ago
Quoted from Goronic:

My understanding is that Jack is still getting final approval on the voice callouts. I'll bet it will be one hell of a patch to 1.0 when Keith gets the green light.

I thought he had this in his pocket a couple months ago. I wonder what happened?

#40 8 years ago

According to Jack the call out voices were too close and that he had to change them. Then the licensor said the were too different so jack had to move it closer to the voice of the actor. So they are working on it. I think Gandalf is ok , I think the main issue is Smaug Bilbo and gollum

#41 8 years ago
Quoted from Goronic:

According to Jack the call out voices were too close and that he had to change them. Then the licensor said the were too different so jack had to move it closer to the voice of the actor. So they are working on it. I think Gandalf is ok , I think the main issue is Smaug Bilbo and gollum

I had thought that only Gandalf was being used for the voiceover. Wow! I hope this works out well.

I don't want a clear difference between the pin and the movie actors. That would be really disappointing.

#42 8 years ago
Quoted from Goronic:

According to Jack the call out voices were too close and that he had to change them. Then the licensor said the were too different so jack had to move it closer to the voice of the actor. So they are working on it. I think Gandalf is ok , I think the main issue is Smaug Bilbo and gollum

Wait, are you saying the hold up on code right now is voice over approval? If so, that is not good, not good at all!

#43 8 years ago

I have no idea if the voice is the hold up

#44 8 years ago

so is it the cast or some "sound alikes"?

#45 8 years ago
Quoted from Wickerman2:

so is it the cast or some "sound alikes"?

One guy, Quinton Kappel

#46 8 years ago

I don't understand licenses, but why wouldn't they want gandolf to sound exactly like gandolf?

#47 8 years ago
Quoted from FalconPunch:

I don't understand licenses, but why wouldn't they want gandolf to sound exactly like gandolf?

That may infringe on the actor's rights and they may not have those rights if they were not paid.

#48 8 years ago

Does that mean impersonators can be sued?

What are the voices in LOTR? Original or voice over? It's hard to tell because of the quality

#49 8 years ago

Lets go back to original themes and these big shots can suck it, give the designer the full reign to make the pin he wants, at least like a little of both, I mean we do have AMH and FThrottle, I want more, If JJP had made a generic fantasy based game the limitations on what they can add and all that jazz pretty much dissapear, I think.

#50 8 years ago

I only hit the post button once and it showed another blank post?

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From: $ 12.99
Machine - For Sale
Queen Creek, AZ
Machine - For Sale
Pipe Creek, TX
$ 95.00
Cabinet - Sound/Speakers
Pinball Mod Co.
$ 18.00
Playfield - Protection
Volcano Pinball
From: $ 12.00
Flipper Parts
Precision Pinball prod.
$ 90.00
Playfield - Other
From: $ 64.00
$ 130.00
Gameroom - Decorations
From: $ 33.00
Gameroom - Decorations
Rocket City Pinball
$ 50.00
Playfield - Protection
Duke Pinball
$ 25.50
9,000 (OBO)
Machine - For Sale
Indianapolis, IN
From: $ 54.00
$ 39.00
Playfield - Other
Travahontas Mods
Machine - For Sale
Castro Valley, CA
$ 79.99
Cabinet - Armor And Blades
PinGraffix Pinside Shop
$ 125.00
Gameroom - Decorations
$ 29.00
Gameroom - Decorations
Pinball Photos LLC
From: $ 1.25
Pinball Haven
$ 64.00
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Pixels Arcade Games
From: $ 39.00
$ 259.99
Cabinet - Toppers
Lighted Pinball Mods
$ 29.95
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Pinball Life
$ 30.00
Cabinet - Other
Rocket City Pinball
From: $ 70.00
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
$ 79.00
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
Pixels Arcade Games
Hey modders!
Your shop name here
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