(Topic ID: 290795)

Elvira and the Party Monsters - Bewitched reVAMP

By alexmogil

3 years ago

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There are 132 posts in this topic. You are on page 3 of 3.
#101 3 years ago

Very nice work! Just picked up one also so following this tread.

#102 3 years ago


I have chosen to dry decal the cabinet, inspired by High_End_Pins as usual. This is basically the same post I put in Vid's cabinet restoration thread.

When I need to weigh stuff down, I pile it on books to distribute the weight to avoid having pressure indentations on the decal or cabinet.

Lay down your cabinet on one side, and roughly line up the decal for that side. Lightly weigh down one side to avoid large shifts of the decal when shifting it into position. Measure the sides (and do a little math) to make sure you have consistent edges and a good amount of border to remove.

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Then add a LOT more weight to that side in order to "lock in" that side.

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Lay the unsecured side of the decal over the weighted side, peel back half the backing and cut that half of the backing in a single stroke. TAKE YOUR TACK RAG AND CLEAN THE EXPOSED HALF OF THE CABINET THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE YOU WILL HAVE TO CLEAN ANY TRASH. Also eyeball your exposed decal for any obvious hair or dirt it may have picked up while being exposed. Then pull the sticky side of the decal *tightly* down over the exposed side and gently squeegee out the bubbles out to the sides. I got a 4 in foam covered squeegee to prevent scratches. Keep doing this until the bubbles are eliminated.

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Transfer your weighted objects to the other side and repeat the process! You won't have to cut the backing on the second pass of course, but it is worth putting the weight down to avoid pulling up the decal you laid down.

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#103 3 years ago

Lay it out, line it up:

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Peel it and stick it.

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Get them bubbles out and do it again on the other side.

#104 3 years ago

A great tip I picked up from High_End_Pins is to SAND OFF THE EDGES instead of cutting them. You'll be terrified of that but it works. It works! Take about a 220 flat sanding block and sand your decaled edges (you DO have sharp edges on your corners, right) at about a 30 degree angle. This trims and seals the decal against the cabinet and gives a clean edge that matches factory. Fill the exposed front and back edges with oil-based pen, like an OIL-BASED Sharpie. Don't use acrylic, don't use Testor's model paint, don't use a Sharpie from your junk drawer. Get an oil-based ink marker pen.

All of this is better said by Chris:

Clench your butt and sand the decals.

As an aside, the most difficult decal to do was the front of the cabinet. The rest were easy(er). Lining up the start button along with measuring eight different locations to ensure uniformity was very difficult. I found you do not have to put anything in the coin door hole if you pull your decal TIGHT. Let the decal do that work. Otherwise do the weighting on one side, peel it back, squeegee it down, shift the weight, just like the sides.

Just like Chris' video, get a thick dowel and wrap it in 220 paper to carve through some of the edges, and sand away around the start button. You don't have to be ultra super careful in any of these cutout areas except for the start button. Everything else is going to be covered by the coin door, shooter hardware, flipper buttons, or legs. Don't be sloppy and carless - DO trim it and sand it on the edges, but don't kill yourself over being perfect in these areas. That start button though - get it right.

Pre cut the bolt holes in the head and cabinet as well. Super dee duper sharp new blade in the Xacto knife.

#105 3 years ago

It ends up like this:

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#106 3 years ago

If you are putting on cabinet protectors AND YOU SHOULD loosely fit the protectors onto the leg and cut back an area a bit larger than the protector itself. This prevents the decal from bunging up, which is the whole reason we were doing this.

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#107 3 years ago

The scoreboard standoffs are impossible to find, it appears. The ones I installed were too tall and I had to revert to factory standoffs. I was not happy about that. Replaced most of the flashers since the lugs were loose.
[quoted image]

I also had issues with the standoffs and the guys at XPin helped by providing me a part # for the standoffs at digikey

Digi-Key Part Number
BHC-10-01-ND - for 5/8th
BHC-14-01-ND - for 7/8th

#108 3 years ago
Quoted from Birdnest:

The scoreboard standoffs are impossible to find, it appears. The ones I installed were too tall and I had to revert to factory standoffs. I was not happy about that. Replaced most of the flashers since the lugs were loose.
[quoted image]
I also had issues with the standoffs and the guys at XPin helped by providing me a part # for the standoffs at digikey
Digi-Key Part Number
BHC-10-01-ND - for 5/8th
BHC-14-01-ND - for 7/8th

It's funny, I have an order with Mouser that has some standoffs that would probably be perfect and it's been on backorder since January. Of course I also have some capacitors that are on the same order and I can't get any of it until those standoffs come in. Good times.

Thanks for those part numbers.

#109 3 years ago

Cabinet has come up nice mate.

#110 3 years ago

Wow, great thread. I missed it until now but have been catching up.
Nice work!

#111 3 years ago

Let's put the guts back in.

So after cleaning the boards I figured I'd start with the rebuild of the head first.

The first move is to put on the T-molding. I unfortunately do not have pictures, but this is a straightforward process - clear any trash from the existing groove carved into the head using any metal dowel. Anything in the groove can interfere with insertion of the T-molding. For the corers, cut a v-shape groove into the molding track you are inserting. This is a bit of an art. Buy extra.

For OUTSIDE curves you cut a V into the molding to avoid compression, and for INSIDE curves just cut slits into the molding.

Really best demonstrated in video:

And yes use softer mallets to install - last thing you want to have is a bunch of discoloring from hammering the plastic too hard.

#112 3 years ago

Here we are with the molding installed, and the ground braid - I'll go over that a bit in the main cabinet.

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I... forgot to clean the knocker mech. :/

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Much better!

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Cleaned and polished the lightboard brackets, rear mesh, and knocker and installed them over top of the ground braid.

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So, I took the time to put a message in the game for the next poor sucker who has to work on this thing.

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Made new decals from Inkochnito and his most excellent website. http://www.pinballrebel.com/pinball/cards/ PAY THEM MAN FOR HIS WORK.

I used inkjet decal paper and adjusted the print size to better match the original decals. The bottom is default print size, the top is at about 106%. It's worth messing with.

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After thoroughly blowing out the dust, I left two ground braids exposed to allow for grounding to the board backplate and remounted the boards *after the plate was installed.* I set what wires I could, but left most of them loose in order to leave room to cram the playfield harnesses in.

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#113 3 years ago

Reinstall the speaker panel after a light dusting. Speakers are delicate.

For the speaker grille, CAREFULLY rivet the Bally logo to the mesh and mount the mesh to the head with the security bits.

So your silver trim looks like crap on your speaker grille?

Go to O'Rielly Auto Parts!

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For real that stuff is absolutely perfect. And cheap.

Straight cut one side of the trim piece, and slowly unravel the backing as you lay it onto the grille.

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It's perfect. Absolutely perfect.

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My original translite is in wonderful shape. I cannot get over the depth of color in this thing. So gorgeous. Light cleaning on the front and back and dried it off thoroughly.

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Replaced the translite trim and absolutely scrubbed the glass to remove the aged stains from it and...

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Not bad at all.

#114 3 years ago

Rewiring the main cabinet:

We're getting close to the finish line here.

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I really like the straight clean lines of ground braid and it just looks sharp next to the black paint to the floor. Really love this look. Pull your ground braid tight and staple in your turns and transition areas. I ran ground on both sides in otder to hit the power input and have a cleaner path to the transformer and speaker.

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Installed new style leg brackets! Based on recommendations from nearly everyone in the world, I installed modern leg brackets in the corners. You can looseley install the legs into the legs backets to position them correctly and fasten a couple screws when they are nice and straight. Again these are laying on top of the ground braid to allow for good connectivity. The screws are available from Amazon of course. 3/4" wood screws, black phosphate.

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Here we are with rear and front brackets installed:

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To create new ground braid screw connectors, lay a generous amount of solder onto the connector, widen your ground braid and insert the soldered connector, and then add another generous amount of solder to the braid, basically fusing the connector to the braid. The connectors can be purchased from Pinrestore.

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I had to widen some holes in my speaker grille to square it up. This took longer than I expected.

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Speaker is placed along with a long pigtail for ground.

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#115 3 years ago

Maybe it's overkill but I put cabinet protectors on for the flippers because:

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Anyway, I just want Elvira to look good for a long time:

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#116 3 years ago

Installed the reconditioned lockbar receiver. I allowed myself a signature here.

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No, I am not Lloyd Christmas.

You can also see I cleaned and polished the transformer, as well as black BBQ painted the exterior.

#117 3 years ago

Installed receiver brackets and coin door.

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Look on the right of the door under the memory protect switch - that is clear aquarium tubing covering the ground braid which is then attached to the cabinet ground. Get rid of the old yellowed tubing!

And yeah, I got a little sloppy with the ground braid on the left side. Enh.

Also look at that gorgeous serial number sticker over there! Again, that was custom from Inkochnito .

Looks good from this angle too:

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Note that I installed new glass receivers on the cabinet. Install them just like T-molding - clear out the groove and super dee duper carefully rubber mallet them into the groove.

The volume control was scratchy when I removed it, and since I ran it through the dishwasher the chances of it working are basically nil, so:

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#118 3 years ago


Installing new side rails.

Old ones ripped off the decal and were rusty and dented from... what else... a head crash.

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After installing the glass guides, it was time to install the side rails. Unfortunately the new rails' holes were off by like 1/8 inch on mine, so I had to fill, glue, and redrill. That was really frustrating to be honest as I was expecing it to Just Work.

Pinrestore sells 3m double sided super sticky tape to secure the rails to the sides. It's mega fun to get all over areas that aren't the rails. Super hard to cut, also.

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I secured the rails to the cabinet with clamps and let it sit overnight.

look at that serial number decal look at it i command you to looooook at it

#119 3 years ago

sparkle sparkle

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#120 3 years ago

Polished and mounted the tilt bob. I started to replace the tilt bob rod but it was a yucky gray, so I cleaned the heck out of the original to allow for a nice shine.

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New decals including serial stickers again. Replaced the flipper switches since the old ones were bent badly.

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#121 3 years ago

Mounting the head by yourself

Install the head brackets:


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Then place the head onto the cabinet with a LOT of padding to avoid redenting the speaker grille or trim. I placed a long 2x2 with generous padding onto the cabinet rails and rested the head on that - resting the T-molding on the padding. Secure the head onto the cabinet by placing the bolts into the hinges and drawing it up using the nuts.

It's easier than it sounds:

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#122 3 years ago

This is such a great thread! Thanks for bravely sharing your experience with us!

#123 3 years ago

The excitement starts!

Actually this is not that exciting.

Ran the power cables into the cabinet to the head, and ran new scoreboard and audio ribbon cables, prayed, turned it on and...

Huh. It worked.

#124 3 years ago
Quoted from cosmokramer:

Wow, great thread. I missed it until now but have been catching up.
Nice work!

Man your threads are an inspiration. Thank YOU for posting them.

#125 3 years ago

Awesome progress. You’re a machine!

Did you check the shooter lane wireform with a ball yet?

#126 3 years ago
Quoted from dmacy:

Awesome progress. You’re a machine!
Did you check the shooter lane wireform with a ball yet?

I did, actually - followed your thread and used washers to raise it in both the bottom and the top locations. That worked out very well since the shooter lane mount is cut WAY too deep on the CPR playfield. My shooter has the same clearance as yours now.

I found that using a ball with one of those wand-extendable magnets is a great tool to look for clearance on rails and switch actuation.

I won't go through this much but I also had a problem where the metal shooter lane plate was making the ball rattle all the way up the shooter rail. The problem was the wooden rail was too far in to the left which was causing the ball to bounce off the plate, so I had to pull on the wooden rail and redrill to force the rail to be out just a *bit* more. I figured that out by using slow motion on my cell.

Let me also say your thread was absolutely inspiring and I cannot thank you enough for your documenting of the process.

And finally, I am not a machine like you are hah. The game's already done, I am just posting my experience and documenting it.

#127 3 years ago

Installing the playfield:

It just worked with no major issues. I was stunned. I was expecting sparks and flames and clowns, but it just worked. I did it myself by putting some felt on the rear 1/4 of the playfield sides to ensure there weren't going to be any scratches on the cabinet. Like a glove.

A few minor issues:

The right ramp was using 1/4" screws to hold the bottom of the ramp into the playfield, and because of the thickness of the ramp plastic these were barely gripping into the wood, they needed to be replaced with #4 5/8" screws.

A diode needed replaced on my 2X skull - very surprising! The light was just dim.

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Here is where I replaced the coil sleeve on the VUK - it needs to be short enough for the VUK cup to lower and hit the switch:

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The rightmost Deadhead light needed adjusted because the bulb socket wasn't getting good leverage on the LED bulb.

Oh - after clamping the flippers I didn't adjust the End of Stroke switch well enough so I smoked a fuse. D'oh.

Top pop bumper was SLIGHTLY too sensitive, just opened the gap a little. Now it's a party.

Oh - and one more thing and an easy fix. The wonderful skull lock launch ramp wasn't getting good clearance over the blob plastic and into the pops, so placing a washer on the TOP SIDE of the placefield under the ramp helped greatly with that. Now it launches like mad into the center of the pops. Really great.

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#128 3 years ago

Walking tour of the finished product!

I can't tell you how happy I am with this thing, and it's all because I took my time.

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I really like the Inkochnito replacement decals. Really dresses up the machine.

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The translite looks like it is a little yellow, but that's LED's on a phone cam for you. The translite is so beautiful in person.

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Couple playfeld shots:

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I kept the original Boogie Men! These guys are great.

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Again, the replacement decals are just the best.

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I am very glad I decided to paint down to the floor. It looks so, so sharp.

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I have the original flyer and a signed plastic from Elvira herself. I'd love to get the translite signed someday.

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I allowed myself a couple signatures of my own - there's the aforementioned one behind the boards in the head, and then I added some of these under the playfield as wel as L. Christmas.

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And added this as my right instruction card:

Free Play Card with Border (resized).pngFree Play Card with Border (resized).png

I like to add trivia and history on my games. I'm still working on the text because it's a little disjointed.

#129 3 years ago

For LED lighting and coloring, I like to color match inserts except orange and yellow. Orange gets pink (yes, pink, it makes the orange show up very bright!) and yellow gets cool white. On this game, white inserts get cool white.

GI gets warm white. I do not and will not ever put color under plastics. Plastics have color already; you want to highlight *that* color.

Translite gets warm white with bendies behind Elvira and other areas to dissipate the light better and avoid having little dots behind the translite. I do not color translites.

I use Comet 2 SMD LEDs.

#130 3 years ago

I hate this thread, I hate what you've done, and I hate you for posting all of it!

How am I supposed to go home and look at my "aged" EATPM and still think she is beautiful after this?

<sigh>... time to get a loan and free up three years of my life...

Seriously AMAZING transformation. Congrats on getting her done!

#131 3 years ago

Fantastic thread. Loved all the little twists and turns along the way. All the extra bits of info. Great restoration mate.
And now you finally get to play with her for free.

#132 3 years ago

Very nice work - congratulations on this beautiful example of EatPM!

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