(Topic ID: 242189)

Allentown SUCKed

By ElDorado

5 years ago

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    #1 5 years ago

    After 20 years this was my last A-town.
    Well actually last year was, cause after driving 7 hours to get there I never even went in the show.
    This show is no longer about pinball, it's about lining the promoters pockets.
    We all saw the line. The crowds. I've never experienced anything like like it. For years you could show up at 11:00 or so, even 11:30 and get right in at 12.
    This was disgusting.

    It's time for the people who work their assess off dragging machines to the show, setting them up, and keeping them running for a lousy $20 day to stop.
    You are being used.

    And yes, I used to be one of those guys.

    It used to be Friday was the pinball enthusiasts day, it was low key and you could play anything you wanted.
    Strike up a lot of nice conversations too.
    Or Friday evening for a couple of hours when people went to dinner you might have 3 really nice hours at the show with like minded people.

    NOT ANY MORE. Greedy SOB has ruined the show. Apparently he is marketing it to the locals, who find it a cheap place to bring their brats for an afternoon.

    I knew it was done when Ivan took over. Just a couple of years ago I watched someone change a baby on top of a game. That's the type of people he's attracting.

    So at 1:30 with a line still a 1000' long and and an hour wait we canceled our room and headed home, another 7 hour drive and never even got in.

    Vendors should think about who their customers are and are they reaching them with this show.
    I had $1000 play money just for parts and stuff. Didn't spend one dime.
    Do you think john q. public was in there buying LEDS and stuff? Never mind not buying any games.

    Bringing a machine for free play is a sucker bet. You work that hard to have your valuable collectibles mauled by a bunch of street people. You are working for $20 day and risking your expensive games.
    Ivan laughs all the way to the bank cause of your generosity.

    You should be getting at least $250 per day rental fee for your machine, and delivery and setup charges.

    You are being used, and if you don't think so check out the accomodations made people who bring machines to other shows.
    I don't know how he gets people to still do it.

    This chump has ruined the show for pinball people.
    First thing he did was destroy the flea market.
    Now this.

    We all saw what went on. Even the Farmers Market was slammed with the overflow, I heard a number of vendors freaking out over it. The bathrooms were jammed. And you it was almost impossible to get waited on.

    And it was mostly pinball people that got shut out of the show, I saw many that just kept trying to get in all afternoon.

    I am sure many of you will disagree and tell me it was the best ever. I am truly happy that you enjoyed it. But this is no longer A-town, it's just a money making racket at players and collectors expense.

    I am done, have seen the last of A-town.

    #3 5 years ago

    I've never been to Allentown before but I will be watching to see everyones response should it be one I want to attend next year.

    #4 5 years ago
    Quoted from ElDorado:

    After 20 years this was my last A-town.
    Well actually last year was, cause after driving 7 hours to get there I never even went in the show.
    This show is no longer about pinball, it's about lining the promoters pockets.
    We all saw the line. The crowds. I've never experienced anything like like it. For years you could show up at 11:00 or so, even 11:30 and get right in at 12.
    This was disgusting.
    It's time for the people who work their assess off dragging machines to the show, setting them up, and keeping them running for a lousy $20 day to stop.
    You are being used.
    And yes, I used to be one of those guys.
    It used to be Friday was the pinball enthusiasts day, it was low key and you could play anything you wanted.
    Strike up a lot of nice conversations too.
    Or Friday evening for a couple of hours when people went to dinner you might have 3 really nice hours at the show with like minded people.
    NOT ANY MORE. Greedy SOB has ruined the show. Apparently he is marketing it to the locals, who find it a cheap place to bring their brats for an afternoon.
    I knew it was done when Ivan took over. Just a couple of years ago I watched someone change a baby on top of a game. That's the type of people he's attracting.
    So at 1:30 with a line still a 1000' long and and an hour wait we canceled our room and headed home, another 7 hour drive and never even got in.
    Vendors should think about who their customers are and are they reaching them with this show.
    I had $1000 play money just for parts and stuff. Didn't spend one dime.
    Do you think john q. public was in there buying LEDS and stuff? Never mind not buying any games.
    Bringing a machine for free play is a sucker bet. You work that hard to have your valuable collectibles mauled by a bunch of street people. You are working for $20 day and risking your expensive games.
    Ivan laughs all the way to the bank cause of your generosity.
    You should be getting at least $250 per day rental fee for your machine, and delivery and setup charges.
    You are being used, and if you don't think so check out the accomodations made people who bring machines to other shows.
    I don't know how he gets people to still do it.
    This chump has ruined the show for pinball people.
    First thing he did was destroy the flea market.
    Now this.
    We all saw what went on. Even the Farmers Market was slammed with the overflow, I heard a number of vendors freaking out over it. The bathrooms were jammed. And you it was almost impossible to get waited on.
    And it was mostly pinball people that got shut out of the show, I saw many that just kept trying to get in all afternoon.
    I am sure many of you will disagree and tell me it was the best ever. I am truly happy that you enjoyed it. But this is no longer A-town, it's just a money making racket at players and collectors expense.
    I am done, have seen the last of A-town.

    The hobby is growing, get over it. "Street people"? Sounds like a lot of people got to experience pinball and you acted like a little bitch because you think it should be all for you.

    #5 5 years ago

    Well this was the first time I was able to go (I have worked the last few years), and I regret that the experience was so poor for you. I don't think it's fair to paint such a negative picture of all of the people that came out to enjoy pinball. There were not many kids in there, so I'm not sure it's worth calling them brats. The few kids I encountered were respectful and waited their turns to play. I never had to wait very long to play a single pin except for Wonka, and that was under 10 minutes both times. I met some new people who were really awesome, and I ran into my buddy Dave who owns the Morristown Game Vault, so that was great. I got there at 11:15 and waited in line, but we got in shortly after 12 and there was never a line after 1 or 1:30...you could walk in and out freely. The Allentown Farmers Market wasn't overcrowded when I headed over there around 2. I could see that being a nightmare at times, but thankfully I missed that.

    Not arguing with you about anything - I wouldn't be coming back if I had the same impression of what the event was like as you have. I had an awesome time watching my dad fall in love with Attack From Mars and I'm looking forward to going back with him today.

    #6 5 years ago

    Ouch! I was going to make a trip to the show this year but work got in the way. Sounds like I didn't miss much.

    #7 5 years ago

    It’s pinball and it’s always fun. The crowds is evidence to the growing popularity. Sorry you did not get your front row seat. To call out the promoters who likely spend countless hours organizing and event where people come for all over, enjoy new and vintage games, buy mods and congregate, is uncalled for. If you don’t like it, don’t go, plain and simple.

    #8 5 years ago

    If you're looking to have fun, you will probably have fun.

    Yeah, the line was probably the biggest downside for people, unfortunately. But that just shows how popular the show has become.

    I always enjoy going to pinfest every year.

    #9 5 years ago
    Quoted from PinDeLaPin:

    Ouch! I was going to make a trip to the show this year but work got in the way. Sounds like I didn't miss much.

    You actually missed a good time and those of us enjoying it are sorry you couldn't make it.

    #10 5 years ago

    I am very glad that everyone had fun and got to hook up with fellow pinsiders sounds like maybe the OP just had a very bad experience it happens. I enjoy immensely picking the brains of fellow pinheads and just socializing and playing games great time. I'm sorry I missed it also but unfortunately in order to buy my games I got to keep working. Damn work always gets in the way of having fun. Hope all who contributed to the show enjoy the experience and support all the hard working small businesses owners who put it all together. Hopefully nxt year my schedule will allow me to attend.

    #11 5 years ago

    PS if anyone sees Larry from Starship fantasy at the show will they please tell him to make the damn Boulder set for Whitewater so I can buy it? Sorry i digress been waiting for almost 2yrs for these now.

    #12 5 years ago

    I am not clear on what th complaint is.. long lines? "The locals" coming to
    Check out games in THEIR OWN TOWN? I don't think I've ever read a bigger "get off my Lawn" post on Pinside. Perhaps it's better you stay home next year.

    #13 5 years ago
    crowd (resized).pngcrowd (resized).png
    #14 5 years ago
    Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

    I don't think I've ever read a bigger "get off my Lawn" post on Pinside.

    Don't forget the greedy promoters! Seriously though, pinball is exploding all over. In the past advertising to locals did nothing and now it brings in hoards. Nothing to do with greed. Sounds like its time to expand the show to a bigger venue? Maybe have an after hours party just for people who bring games?

    #15 5 years ago

    And your first, one and only post ever on Pinside is to bitch about a show you never made into. That's what is truly ruining the hobby.

    I'm thankful Pinball is growing so big, keeps it going for all of us.

    #16 5 years ago

    At MGC the lines were a problem in the past, but Dan would address that issue and hop on to help get people in. Looks like Ivan needs step in and get more help or help himself.

    #17 5 years ago

    not allowed to use the term,”brats” the new politically correct term is,”kid multiball”

    #18 5 years ago
    Quoted from DeathHimself:

    And your first, one and only post ever on Pinside is to bitch about a show you never made into. That's what is truly ruining the hobby.
    I'm thankful Pinball is growing so big, keeps it going for all of us.


    #19 5 years ago

    Best show yet. It was amazing. Driving 7 hours and can't wait 15 mins to get in a show? #YeahThatHappened.

    #20 5 years ago

    I never made it to a pinball event in the US. But I have nearly the same experiences with the larger cons in Europe.
    But .. this is fine to me. I just do not visit them anymore or only if in my local area.
    It is good to bring the hobby to new people and pinball is a perfect hobby for the whole family. Even the prices are exploding and people parking there kids on such events.
    I like the atmosphere and meeting other pinheads. I do not play on pinball machines there .. why ?! Most of them are on a friends place and I can play them if I want to. Why should I stay in queues to play an rotten Sys11 ?! Why stand in queue for new machines if they will be available within the next weeks or month ?
    To play pinball I join the finals from the german pinball league. No crowds, no queues.

    So I do understand you , but that is also the sense of a pinball con to bring new people to the hobby ! Accept it and look for other events !

    #21 5 years ago

    Would have to say lermods and his wife were extremely helpful and kind one of the best sellers at pinfest

    #22 5 years ago
    Quoted from PinDeLaPin:

    PS if anyone sees Larry from Starship fantasy at the show will they please tell him to make the damn Boulder set for Whitewater so I can buy it? Sorry i digress been waiting for almost 2yrs for these now.

    Unfortunately, he was unable to attend as per a post in one of the event threads.

    #23 5 years ago

    Was Wonka set up proper,and what are your opinions after playing?

    #24 5 years ago

    Hold on, let me get my fainting couch.

    #26 5 years ago

    I disagree with everything the op said. I had a great time at Allentown this year, same as every year. Guess you can't please everyone?

    #27 5 years ago

    My goodness some people are so un appreciative. Be happy new pins are being made and great shows like this are happening bc both take a lot of people and money to happen.

    #28 5 years ago
    Quoted from romulusx:

    Was Wonka set up proper,and what are your opinions after playing?

    There are threads for this...this probably isn't the best place to discuss that, hahaha. But yes, Wonka worked fine when I played it multiple times.

    #29 5 years ago

    I understand that is nice that so many new people have entered the hobby ...a
    The problem is that when greed enters the hobby it destroy the hobby for all of us ..look at what happens to bit coin ..and the stock market when too many new people enter ...it crashes

    #30 5 years ago

    I didn't encounter any greed of any kind yesterday. A lot of the people that came can't afford to have pinball machines...it was humbling meeting many folks who fall into this category. The pinball hobby is fine and healthy though, and even if things somehow crashed in the future, we'll still have so many amazing machines by then that it hopefully won't hurt as much.

    #31 5 years ago

    Anyone know how many JJP Wonka are at the show?

    #32 5 years ago
    Quoted from frankmac:

    Anyone know how many JJP Wonka are at the show?

    One LE and one SE.

    #33 5 years ago

    sounds like the show is changing dramatically.

    Allentown was definitely a blast for the wife and I last year, but that was largely because it was still a pinhead show and not a general public expo.

    If this was marketed as an expo similar to TPF and MGC, I could see that as being a rude awakening to all the old timers that have helped build it up to what it is. It had a lot of charm last year and part of that was the ease of access and that is was just a bunch of pinheads having fun with each other.

    Each show is different and it does seem many promoters are making it all about cashing in and no doubt these things can make big bucks for those running them (granted without pins the shows wont happen at all so I can see the OPs point in needing more than $20 in perks for bringing a game that is generating hundreds in head count revenue form the general public in attendance). I think this is a tricky balance that all shows are going to need to think about.

    #34 5 years ago

    The emotions wrapped in the initial post give the feel that the OP was banned from the show.

    #35 5 years ago
    Quoted from ElDorado:

    And it was mostly pinball people that got shut out of the show, I saw many that just kept trying to get in all afternoon.
    I am done, have seen the last of A-town.

    So there were people "shut-out" yesterday?

    I didn't realize that.

    I'd be mad too if I had driven 7 hours each way like you did and then stood in line all day only to have the security guard at the main entrance tell you that you are "shut out".

    #36 5 years ago

    I didn't see anyone being shut out. It was not unreasonably crowded inside, so I doubt they met capacity and weren't allowed to allow more people in. We left for food in the afternoon and walked right back in. No lines, nobody refusing new admissions. I would disregard this post as an accurate representation of what reality was and is for Pinfest.

    #37 5 years ago

    Line has been out to the street every year. Only reason you got in early last year is because it was raining and they didn't want to make people stand out there.

    Prices were insane this year, but wait to get on games was way lower than last year.

    #38 5 years ago

    Silly OP. Maybe the most silly post in Pinside history.

    No line this morning. Posting this while taking a dump on a clean toilet in a mostly empty bathroom.

    #39 5 years ago

    Lol is this Pacak

    #40 5 years ago

    The show was good, albeit a bit crowded. But shows that are empty will not last.
    The biggest yet easily correctible issue was the entrance with a single person at the window. That built up an unnecessary line. I think the organizers got caught off guard a bit as it seemed there was a heavy crowd at opening.

    Once inside it was crowded but wasn’t bad, the waiting lines for the new machines were long; especially Wonka and Octoberfest. Good thing Black Knight is so brutal it helped keep the line moving. But the less recent and older machines had minimal wait time.
    Yet at the same time for such a crowd it was a rare occasion to see anyone (all ages etc) that was rude or obnoxious. I wish all events were like this; try walking around a crowded casino and see how frustrating that can be.

    I can understand the frustration, shit happens. The organizers learn and adjust. I wouldn’t chalk it up to greed as much as demand and a growing form of entertainment.
    The folks running this show put a lot of time and effort into it and I am sure they will discuss any adjustments needed for future shows.
    As for prices; yes, in general there were a lot of machines with asking prices that were reaching new levels (some that were comical) But if there are no takers then the prices will drop (even during the show).

    #41 5 years ago

    Wow, OP... sorry that people are raining on your private hobby.

    This was my 5th time at Allentown. Yeah, the show was hopping. Yup, there was a 35 min long line. So what. If you have have to bitch about standing in a line, your priorities are seriously out of whack. It was no big deal.

    And yes, a few years ago a Friday was so empty you had free reign. But it’s great to see so many people there playing and enjoying the games. Great for the vendors too. I hope they are going to have record sales this year.

    For those of you that missed it, you missed a good one. I’m sure event organizers will revisit ticketing and help ease the inflow of bodies. I’m definitely going to go back.

    #42 5 years ago
    Quoted from spikelou2:

    Have to agree walked in and Walked out ...games where crazy high seller besides butch , cointaker and Lermod where just flat out the rude ...prices where all thousands over the pinside Range

    I had a great experience with lermods, both he and his wife were very friendly and helpful.

    #43 5 years ago

    This was my first Pinfest. Sure, it was crowded...more than I expected...but the wait times were not ridiculous. I got to play the new games, picked up some merch, met some cool people, and enjoyed the amazing variety of food at the market. Mission accomplished.

    #44 5 years ago
    Quoted from DrDQ:

    As for prices; yes, in general there were a lot of machines with asking prices that were reaching new levels (some that were comical)

    Like the High Speed with the beat playfield and no backglass for $1800?

    #45 5 years ago

    Lol. You would LOATHE Texas Pinball. That show has exponentially exploded.

    It's not all about you, dude.

    #46 5 years ago

    Oh no, a line!!! I suspect he’s never been to a movie, popular restaurant on a weekend, theme park, or sporting event. What a boring life.

    #47 5 years ago


    I envision the OP as a grumpy, joyless old coot who scowlingly peers over his half-glasses at everyone he speaks to. Proper “enthusiasts” versus unwashed “john q public”, “brats”, and “street people” with their unmitigated audicity putting their grubby hands on your pristine collectible? Really?!? If we want the hobby to remain healthy long-term it’s probably wise to embrace people who express interest (such as those who bother to attend an expo) with a welcoming attitude rather than sneer at them as objects of contempt!

    I know many of you want to circle the wagons and treat pinball like some kind of elitist secret society rather than the casual quarter-eating recreational, social pursuit it was intended to be, but that will only ensure that it returns to the state it was in during the ‘aughts.

    #48 5 years ago
    Quoted from ForceFlow:

    If you're looking to have fun, you will probably have fun.
    Yeah, the line was probably the biggest downside for people, unfortunately. But that just shows how popular the show has become.
    I always enjoy going to pinfest every year.

    This is exactly it, if you wanted to have fun you could have. I have been going for years, and each year some things go right and others go wrong. You just can’t dwell on the bad things. The line was unfortunate, in past years tickets were sold earlier and then it was just the queue to get in. The line was long, but it didn’t seem significantly more crowded to me.

    The tournament wasn’t the best, but even that has evovled over the years. Each year things go right and others go wrong. I just roll with it abnd when I tire of pinball I go across the street for a pretzel wrap.

    #50 5 years ago

    Boo hoooo

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