Rodent's ratings

Pinsider Rodent has rated 10 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms Rodent's personal top 10.

Rating comments

Rodent has written 10 rating comments:

2 years ago
I hope to add one to my collection someday when the timing is right
2 years ago
A game that's growing on me the more I can find one to play, enough so that it's now in my wish list. My SO's 2nd fav pin
2 years ago
rated with OS 1.02 + Cleland code
includes UV kit
3 years ago
My fav pin I've played to date, the RGB lighting is simply outstanding. Rules make this fun for both the casual flipper hack who visits and also for those who want to discover a further depth in scoring and objectives.

So glad to have finally found the perfect ST Prem for my home collection!
3 years ago
This is on my 'need to find one for home' list. I've played it out in the wild many, many times and am always a sucker to load in another dollar (or five) before leaving. Would love to have the Premium or even an LE, but could be more than happy with a Pro at the right price
3 years ago
Played a JM out in the wild at Nextlevel in Hillsboro, OR and was instantly hooked on finding one of these for the home collection!

Dang this can be a difficult game to play well - I've never played a game that required such quick reflexes and perfect execution. One miniscule bit of timing is the difference between another loop and disaster

If you haven't heard that the hand can be a pain to keep running well, go out and do your research if you're considering adding one to your collection. I've had to repair everything from the main cap on the 20v power supply to replacing X/Y nuts that help drive the hand back and forth. Mine is an early one (#18 made in the production run) and lacks a couple parts that came later (notably mine doesn't have the two outside keepers on the matrix, so balls can occasionally end up in strange places when connecting three in a row)

This is the game I head for when it's been a long day and I need to eliminate stress. This is the game I avoid when my brain is hazy, I'm sleepy, or am looking to relax with slower game play action)

I have a color DMD, so the display content is excellent given what was available in its day.
3 years ago
One of my top three games of the 80s, and still calls to me today even after a day out playing recent introductions with tons of new features not available back then. I've had to work a few repairs, but this had held up quite well given its age. If something ever happened to this pin, I'd definitely be looking for another Pin*bot to fills its empty place
3 years ago
Another one in my collection, and one that definitely saw a LOT of play out on the circuit in its day. Not my favorite machine, and one I lack appreciation for because I didn't grow up with EM machines.

Friends who visit get excited when they see this in the line up, and tell endless stories of their youth pumping quarters in this pin as it was something unlike anything else in their local arcade.

If I had to let a pin go to make room for another, this is the first on my list in my current collection. Not because it's a bad pin, just that there's so many others I like better
3 years ago
A true classic that is IMO one of the best of its era, and a standard by which other pins are judged against. This is one of a couple pins I can't see letting out of my collection anytime soon.
3 years ago
A game in my personal collection for several years now, and one that's worthy of swapping out it's well worn playfield with a new one from CPR. This is my favorite widebody of the era

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