30 day activity pulse

pbpinball2020's Pinside pulse

What has pbpinball2020 been up to lately?

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Pinside pulse


04:50:55 Started a forum topic iScored Graphics Resolution


15:31:31 Made post #15 in topic JJP iScored User Created QR Codes and Custom Images For HighScores

15:21:45 Unlocked Pinside achievement Old Timer 1 (Be active on Pinside for over 3 years)


20:00:14 Edited a collection item Palace Guard

12:24:41 Edited a collection item Space Mission

12:25:04 Edited a collection item Magnotron

15:45:13 Edited a collection item Triple Strike

15:58:19 Edited a collection item Travel Time

12:14:33 Edited a collection item Freedom EM 2nd Version

12:09:35 Edited a collection item Solar City

11:07:48 Edited a collection item Fun Park

01:36:28 Started a forum topic Wanted: Faces


00:26:49 Edited a collection item Palace Guard

00:26:24 Added a game to the collection Palace Guard


07:22:14 Edited a collection item Triple Strike

07:22:06 Edited a collection item Magnotron

07:21:50 Edited a collection item Fun Park

07:21:39 Edited a collection item Solar City

07:21:25 Edited a collection item Travel Time

07:21:13 Edited a collection item Super Straight

07:21:00 Edited a collection item Gold Rush

07:20:45 Edited a collection item Freedom EM 2nd Version


16:38:58 Unlocked Pinside achievement Biz Member (Be a member of a business)


19:15:10 Unlocked Pinside achievement Ordered (Place an order at a Pinside shop)


15:15:23 Edited a collection item Jive Time

15:16:22 Edited a collection item Space Mission

15:15:46 Edited a collection item Prospector

14:36:44 Unlocked Pinside achievement They Keep Popping Up (Own 10+ games at a time)

14:36:44 Unlocked Pinside achievement Proud EM Owner (Own 10 EM games)

14:36:44 Added a game to the collection Space Mission


15:11:07 Unlocked Pinside achievement Good Pinsider 1 (Don't get moderated for 1 month while being active)


21:20:12 Unlocked Pinside achievement Respectable Lineup (Own 5+ games at a time)

21:20:12 Unlocked Pinside achievement First Topic (Create your first forum topic)

21:20:12 Unlocked Pinside achievement First Post (Create your first forum post)

21:20:12 Unlocked Pinside achievement Pinside Birthday (Be active on Pinside for 1 year)


12:19:29 Added a game to the collection Freedom EM 2nd Version


07:24:01 ~Edited user pbpinball2020


19:31:28 Added a game to the wishlist Monaco

19:25:34 Now following Pinsider mjhale

19:02:42 Added a game to the wishlist Star-Flite

19:02:21 Added a game to the wishlist Space Queen

19:01:43 Added a game to the wishlist Joker's Wild

19:01:26 Added a game to the wishlist Jai Alai

19:00:53 Added a game to the wishlist Faces

19:00:31 Added a game to the wishlist Cherry Bell

19:00:12 Added a game to the wishlist Butterfly

18:59:55 Added a game to the wishlist Bird Man

18:58:21 Added a game to the collection Triple Strike

18:57:40 Added a game to the collection Magnotron

18:57:19 Added a game to the collection Fun Park


11:37:57 Started a forum topic Wanted: Rock 'N Roll


14:25:18 Added a game to the collection Solar City

14:24:53 Edited a collection item Travel Time


00:02:43 Added a game to the wishlist Mars Trek

00:00:41 Added a game to the collection Travel Time

00:00:06 Added a game to the wishlist Melody


23:58:47 Added a game to the collection Prospector

23:55:58 Added a game to the wishlist Joker Poker EM

23:55:35 Added a game to the wishlist Gold Strike

23:36:53 Edited a collection item Super Straight

23:35:30 Unlocked Pinside achievement Getting Somewhere (Own 3+ games at a time)

23:35:30 Added a game to the collection Super Straight

23:37:56 Edited a collection item Jive Time

23:38:45 Edited a collection item Gold Rush

23:18:48 Added a game to the collection Gold Rush


01:41:31 Unlocked Pinside achievement On the Leaderboard (Add a high score)

01:41:31 Added a high score of 70,290 for Jive Time


22:18:31 Unlocked Pinside achievement Approved Rater (Become an approved rater)


13:24:18 Became an approved rater pbpinball2020


23:35:41 Rated game RockMakers with a 8.31

23:31:46 Rated game Abra Ca Dabra with a 8.45

23:29:15 Rated game Hang Glider with a 8.39

23:25:37 Rated game Wizard! with a 8.60

23:23:09 Rated game Moulin Rouge with a 7.85

23:20:06 Unlocked Pinside achievement Avatar uploaded (Uploaded a user avatar image)

23:15:05 Rated game Jive Time with a 7.53

23:07:26 Unlocked Pinside achievement Verified (Become a verified user)

23:07:26 Unlocked Pinside achievement Pinside Plus (Become a Pinside Plus member)

23:07:26 Unlocked Pinside achievement Pinside Supporter (Obtain a Pinside Heart)

22:27:37 Unlocked Pinside achievement Located on Map (Set your home location)

22:27:31 Unlocked Pinside achievement Initials set (Set your high score initials)

22:24:11 Edited a collection item Jive Time

22:21:05 Unlocked Pinside achievement Going Old-skool (Own an EM game)

22:21:05 Unlocked Pinside achievement Starting a Collection (Own a pinball machine)

22:21:05 Added a game to the collection Jive Time

22:20:45 Unlocked Pinside achievement Pinside Member (Sign up for a Pinside account)

Found 89 activities.

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