(Topic ID: 57695)

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By centerflank

10 years ago

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#32975 2 years ago

Tonight we discover who just how many have had a secret Tom (aka The GOAT) Brady man-crush

Must pick one: TB12 and the Bucs -OR- Bill B and the Pats

Who's it gonna be?

#33234 2 years ago
Quoted from boscokid:

Pretty sure they are undefeated wearing the neon green

In the infamous words of Inspector Clouseau "Not any more!"

1 month later
#34323 2 years ago

Looking like the Pats are starting to get this season figured out. Might even make the post season this year after a long absence from the playoffs

#34547 2 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

but I really think the success of Cyborg Brady has made people forget that most humans actually get old.

Brady would be a nice add to the multi-view alien tracking screen should there ever be another installment of the Men In Black movies


#34684 2 years ago

BB & the Pats are coming into stride right on schedule ... and it's beginning to feel like there's possibility for 2001 to be played out again

It'll be telling to see how they play in the upcoming TN and Bills games. Definitely NOT last year's Pats under the lead of CaMVP (but I do miss Cam's post game fashion shows)

#34707 2 years ago

Good Morning Football 15 Nov 2021

“I feel like the AFC had a chance to take their foot and put it on [their necks]–let’s keep them away here–and they just let them hang around,” said GMFB co-host Peter Schrager. “Now they’ve rattled off four straight. They’ve got the Atlanta on a short week on Thursday. Suddenly they’re going to be 7-4.”

And if they can take out the teams ahead of them in the standings, things could get scary, Schrager warned.

“It’s very possible the Patriots are the ‘1’ seed in the AFC, they have a bye week and the playoffs go through Foxborough,” he said. “This quarterback [Mac Jones] is getting better and better and better every single week. Yes, you should be afraid of the Patriots…and yes, you should be concerned because none of the other teams in the AFC have planted their flag and said, ‘This is our conference!'”

The fact that the Patriots are already making noise in AFC one season after missing the playoffs for the first time in 20 years, thanks in part to the accelerated development of Jones, bodes well for New England.

This is the real meat of his commentary today

“All of this stuff about the ‘1’ seed [this year], that’s small potatoes,” he said. “The fear is that you’re in for 15 years…we’re talking about the 2037 Patriots under Josh McDaniels as head coach and Mac Jones as quarterback. That’s what you should be afraid of.”


#34845 2 years ago
Quoted from Erik:

We could discuss the rent free points the NFL gave New England last week. No way they're 38 points better than Cleveland. 35 points maybe.

we’ll definitely find out in the not to distant future on Tgiving weekend eh

#34846 2 years ago
Quoted from flynnibus:

Watch the replay - the passing game was nuts.
(If you don't have NFL Game Pass.. you should!)

Baby Mac is the real deal. I’m unsure if he’d be playing at such a high level if he’d been drafted by SF or similar team. BB/JM and the Patriot Way are the perfect place for him

#34910 2 years ago

an NFL historic first: all three Atlanta QBs were intercepted in the game last night

you know that's going to be a sport's trivia question in the future

#34937 2 years ago

gotta say I'm lovin' the current early 4th quarter score in the Indy/Bills game, and hopeful that Indy can finish the Bills off today

#35006 2 years ago

I prefer to have a game winning drive in the final 15 seconds, so long as it’s my team doing the winning

#35020 2 years ago

TB12 making an opening drive look way too easy

#35044 2 years ago

Funny to think that at week six all the talk was about the impending Pats implosion

Sorry to once again let the NFL down on how long it would take for our season of rebuilding to return to status quo for AFC East

#35046 2 years ago
Quoted from Deaconblooze:


Shhhhh - don’t upset the ‘Numbers’ who think their Seahens are angels who would obtain a SB ring every season if not for the refs and other teams playing dirty

#35210 2 years ago

Seahens players and coaches take note: see how ejected players are walked to the locker room immediately upon ejection? See how those players don’t return to the sideline during the game? See how the don’t ‘accidentally’ find themselves back in the game after they’ve been ejected?

Yep - them’s the rules

#35237 2 years ago

SNF - Such Negligible Football

#35407 2 years ago

even the refs best efforts weren't enough to gift the birds a W last night

the way this season is playing out, I won't be surprised if the Numbers start chanting "Let Russ book" (his way outta town) before the end of the season. he's definitely playing like one who is looking for a ticket elsewhere next year. rumor is that Miami is warm, has nice beaches, and is looking for a QB1 for next season

#35418 2 years ago

sounding like JimmyG is going to be on the trade rotunda this off season. I wonder who's a better fit with Carolina or the Saints - JimmyG, Wilson?

if Carolina was willing to bet $$ on CAM this season, I bet they'd be willing to take on Wilson's $ and be happy to have a once decent QB playing for them in his initial fade years. personally I'd like to see Wilson do well in Nawlin's if for no other reason than to showcase that it's Carroll and not RW who holds the blame for the current 'back to the 80s' results

#35420 2 years ago

Patriots v Buccaneers for the upcoming SuperbOwl

the Kid v the GOAT

get your tickets now - you just know this is the game destined to be

#35501 2 years ago

Aaron Rodgers -> Steelers
Russ Wilson -> Green Bay or Carolina
Big Ben -> Carolina, New Orleans, or Miami

#35618 2 years ago

Go Pats!

#35619 2 years ago

Whoever the eventual winner of tonight's MNF game, it should be some of the best football seen to date this season if both team show up prepared to give it their all and win

#35622 2 years ago

Just a bit of divisional rivalry fun

Quoted from DudeRegular:

Whats up with you dudes downvoting each other for liking the other team?

#35626 2 years ago
Quoted from DudeRegular:

Ya well... I upvoted the whole lot of ya. So there!

#35633 2 years ago
Quoted from jandrea95:

You’ve already spoken your mind on Pats fans exiting like they are in a burning building.
Sure enough one shows up soon as they start winning. Just don’t get them wet, bad things happen.
Not hating on you mr/ms Pats fan, just having a bit of fun, although my eye did twinge a bit when you downvoted our boy Go Bills.
Either way, go Bills!!

Football fan first, Pats fan second. No heartburn on my side - it’s nice to hang with a few who are devoted to their team(s) of choice

Would have posted sooner if I’d have found this thread sooner. Only been a Pats fan since the Pete Carroll days, and remember thinking ‘what the what?!!’ when BB was announced as the new head coach

Looking forward to some excellent football tonight

#35636 2 years ago
Quoted from Jaybird815:

Fine, but don’t tell your friends

Im a Pats fan who lives in SeaHens country - I have no friends to tell

#35646 2 years ago

What a nail biter tonight!

#35659 2 years ago

"Let’s not give more credit than we need to give credit to Bill Belichick in this one." - Sean McDermott

#35691 2 years ago

Wait - is somebody implying that there's football being played this coming weekend? I though the NFL had a bye week this weekend

#35694 2 years ago

I was never fond of Madden, but strangely somehow loved Howard Cosell

#35709 2 years ago

Steelers’ playing like they’re gunning for the upcoming draft pick

#35774 2 years ago

declarations of this type remind me of the SuperbOwl where Seattle was playing Pittsburg, and won the OT coin toss only to have their QB declare something to the extent of "we choose to receive because we're going to score!"

I think we all know who won that SB

#35840 2 years ago

Was bouncing between the two morning broadcast games, and finally bagged them for a more interesting, exciting, and competitive game - US Olympic team Curling trials

#35863 2 years ago
Quoted from jandrea95:

Wanted to buy, someone to catch kickoff and punts, no run back ability required, just need to catch.

I’ve lowered my expectation threshold, and am now happy to simply have someone who will stay far, far away from the kicked/punted ball

1 week later
#36027 2 years ago

had family over last night, and have the Pats/Colts game recorded for viewing this morning ... but a friend leaked the score to me, so know somewhat of what to expect.

still, watching a game I know the results of will still be better than suffering thru a SeaHens game that's irrelevant. Maybe I'll watch some curling on Tue night instead

#36072 2 years ago

This morning I found myself at in a situation I thought I’d never be: rooting for a Steelers win

I feel dirty, and yet I’m ok that I rooted as I did

Balance that with knowing that my NFL team of choix is still playing games that are of significance this season, and that dirty feeling washes away into forgotten

#36241 2 years ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

Not often you can be singled put as architect for the unanimous worst play in NFL history.

BEST play in NFL history IMO

#36243 2 years ago

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#36286 2 years ago


#36362 2 years ago
Quoted from Blackbeard:

Pats are toast with Mac at QB unless he can somehow obtain a better arm.

HA!! HA!! HA!!

People used to vomit that same nonsense back during Brady’s first couple seasons.

#36367 2 years ago

Last season?

- when Cam was QB1 I *so* wanted him to succeed, as I took pleasure watching how he was so not talking the Pats Way in post game interviews (and h dressed so opposite of BB)

- I had split between rooting for TB12 and NE. I still root for both

- I reflected on how good we had it for so long, and wondered if BB could succeed without TB12, and if TB12 could succeed without BB

I’m a football fan first, and NE fan a very close second. I appreciate the game, and hate fans who suck (and will admit that NE has a few fans who give the other 99% a bad rep)

I appreciate Mahomes and Jackson, but am not a fan of Andy Reid or Pete Carroll. I met Andy at a sports pub in Philly years ago - he was a jerk. NE fired Carroll for good reason

Gents (and Ladies) - I’m glad I finally found this thread, and enjoy there’s some good spirited fan rivalry here

O, and GO PATS!!!

#36384 2 years ago
Quoted from Deaconblooze:

The Pats fan's mass exodus from this thread and sudden return seems pretty typical of their fanbase. Rodent gets a pass being new, of course. Please excuse all of the vitriol you're inevitably going to endure by proxy.

Thanks for the heads up

Can’t speak for the mass exodus of those who were here and left.

Work takes my focused attention at times - feel welcome to tag me if I’m absent from some good ribbing (provided the jabber can receive in like kind as they dish)

There’s still an unusually large amount of football remaining to be played this late in the year, and Detroit’s Ws and tie weren’t against NE - ha, sucks to be one of those teams! Onward to the post season!

Go Pats!!

#36505 2 years ago

Go Falcons ! !

Go Titans ! !

GO PATS ! ! ! !

#36555 2 years ago

GO PATS ! ! !

Go Falcons!

Go Raiders!

#36561 2 years ago

Is today the last home game for Wilson in a Hawks jersey?

Will Detroit secure its 3rd W of the 2021 season today in Seattle?

#36786 2 years ago

Miami is on Russ Wilson's "I'm open to trades to these teams" list, no?

#36788 2 years ago

Russ to Steelers for the ultimate win

#36804 2 years ago

#36810 2 years ago

it only happened for Brady because of how he specifically worked his final contract with NE

#36829 2 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

I'm just glad people will stop making that goddamn stupid "they should put a potato on the helmet" joke now. Seriously, that joke is the price bubble thread of NFL discourse.

I don't understand ... somebody please enlighten me!

#36904 2 years ago

I can see Ab doing that, if for no other reason than to keep his name/photo on the front page

#36906 2 years ago

Russ will choose the Steelers to spite mgmt and the numbers, and then win a SB in yellow and black to sever any remaining loyalty from the numbers and show what they no longer have potential to accomplish with their current HC Carroll

#36942 2 years ago
Quoted from chuckwurt:

Not sure what company would want their name on it. That place is worse looking than a fucking prison.

hey - that's not a nice way to talk about prisons

#36984 2 years ago

Dak out as soon as he gets his 5th TD tonight, and bests Romo's season record?

#36988 2 years ago
Quoted from Jaybird815:

Already happened

Left late in Q2 to finish painting the bedroom. Back just before the final 2:00

Hard to brag your team was awesome playing a team that’s in the gutters and/or is playing their backups against your starting line. Pretty much the case for every team laying a 50 burger the past eight days - Dallas, Seattle, and NE

#36998 2 years ago

Never thought I'd utter this, but ...

GO JETS!!! Close out your season with a last second upset victory!

#37047 2 years ago

I think I should stick to painting, and stop checking on the scores this afternoon ... ugh

#37095 2 years ago

Congrats Bills fans on doing your job today.

And congrats Fish fans on sweeping our sorry butts this year. Always the spoilers, though not so much spoiling this year compared to a couple previous others

And congrats to the Pats, for taking only a year off from the post season with Camtastic, and finding the way to bring a rookie QB to where he did what was needed to secure a post season birth his first NFL year.

Hoping next week isn't our last this post season, but even if it is ... at least we didn't lose to (or tie with) the Jags, Lions, or Jets this year during the regular season

#37183 2 years ago
Quoted from mof:

Good point, it's as if the Chargers sealed their fate with the time out.

My thought exactly - it looked like everybody was playing for the OT tie until that TO, and LV changed things up and played to win

#37207 2 years ago

Outside of Vrable in TN, I can't think of any other coach who's left NE and been successful outside of BB's oversight.

I suspect Flores will eventually be back to NE in some capacity, as it seems the way that others have walked previously. McDaniels, Patricia immediately come to mind.

#37258 2 years ago

Bengals over Raiders
Niners over Cowboys
Pats over Bills
Bucs over Eagles
KC over Steelers
Rams over Cards

#37306 2 years ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

Will people ever tire of embarrassing themselves by hiring Patriots coaches? There's two reasons for their phenomenal success and neither of them are named anything besides Bellichek or Brady.

I was thinking last night - what if Bledsoe didn't get hurt, and Brady was never anything more than a backup who got traded to another team on his third year. Without BB and staff, I'm unsure we'd have never heard of him they way we know of him today.

And so I drifted into wondering how many other Bradys there have been, who were drafted but never had the right coaching and/or opportunity to put it all out there and become one of the great ones. I bet there's a lot who missed their place at greatness because a team who didn't know how to enable talent drafted up to score an outstanding college player, and in doing so killed the career of somebody who could have been great.

#37330 2 years ago
Quoted from DanMarino:

Yup, Ross is a bad owner.
The information coming out is that Flores was difficult to work with. He must have hurt li’l Tua’s feelings and not gotten along with Grier.

So Flores learned from BB how to coach professionals who want to achieve. Those who are around simply for the fun and good times take issue with hard work and a coach who recognizes that nobody ever will be the best they can be without discipline and tough motivation to get there.

#37354 2 years ago

Colts rode the post-season express 14 times, and only came away with a single Lombardi to show for it. Similar sad story for Seattle (14) and Green Bay (15)


#37372 2 years ago

giving himself an out ahead of the game in case it's a lopsided blowout, eh?

#37442 2 years ago
Quoted from Erik:

In the 2019 draft, the Pats selected WR N'Keal Harry with Deebo, AJ Brown, and DK Metcalf still on the board

I was crying to myself about this very "chose N'Keal with Metcalf still available" (the correct words escape me) last night. There's blowing a draft pick, and then there's "N'Keal-level" blowing it

#37501 2 years ago

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#37502 2 years ago

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#37681 2 years ago

Worked past 10:30 last night, so I’m watching the recording this morning. It’s 33-3 midway thru the 3rd quarter, so I’m pretty sure what the outcome will be … brutal loss like we used to wallop on others during the Brady era.

Congrats Bills on what’s looking to be a solid win yesterday. Go far and represent the AFC East to the fullest the remainder of this post season

#37695 2 years ago
Quoted from Jaybird815:

Does this mean we won’t see Patriots fans around here for awhile?

Still here even after the whooping. Saw the ‘game’ earlier this morning - ugh, somebody (a LOT of somebodies) forgot to show up last night.

#37797 2 years ago

Thank you Philly for making the Pats appear competent in yesterday’s loss to the Bills

#37984 2 years ago

Green Bay

#37994 2 years ago

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#38055 2 years ago

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#38063 2 years ago

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#38175 2 years ago

Much like that ‘most boring SB ever’ Pats/Rams game

#38188 2 years ago


#38196 2 years ago

Downtown AJ Brown

#38209 2 years ago

Dang - way to close a game!

#38272 2 years ago

SF in for the win!

#38296 2 years ago

I missed Arod’s expression - was it glorious to see him grimace?

#38302 2 years ago

Today could be TB12's last NFL game, should TB lose and Brady decide to retire at the end of this year. Definitely a game to watch and appreciate what could be our last time to see one of the Great Ones play

#38303 2 years ago

In a similar train of thought: did we witness Rodgers last game in green/yellow in last night's loss to a Jimmy G lead 49ers?

#38317 2 years ago

being presumptive MVP is a lot like being presumptive about a #1 seeded team's participation in the divisional championship, no?

#38385 2 years ago

Imagine where this game would be if AB hadn’t gone postal a couple weeks back

#38408 2 years ago

What a game this has turned into!

#38418 2 years ago

TB touchdown!

#38434 2 years ago

How amazing all three games have been won by the visiting team with a FG in the closing seconds

#38741 2 years ago

maybe a closet St Louis fan still bitter about being dumped by the Cardinals for greener pastures in AZ?

#38823 2 years ago
Quoted from DudeRegular:

You mean all those "Brady" fans?? Couldn't deal with one down year.

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#38828 2 years ago


#38829 2 years ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

Blah. Brady might be old but he had some nice lipstick on this weekend at least.

might be the thing that pushes his SWMBO into forcing him to retire ... all's good until daddy puts on some lipstick and goes out to play

#38835 2 years ago

with SP stepping down, looks like we can all cross of Nawlin's as the landing place for Rodgers next season ... unless AR's 'preferred' coach starts interviewing with them

#38836 2 years ago

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#38891 2 years ago

so Rodgers could become the new Peyton in DEN, eh?

#38898 2 years ago
Quoted from tomdrum:

What team would give all that draft capital to possibly take a one year, maybe 2 year chance with his voidable year on a guy who has become a diva?

Sounds like a question where Dallas is the answer, but they already have Dak.

Second most likely location, given that Jerry Jones is ruled out due to Dak, would be a team where the owner is bent on self-exaltation and aching for the world to see his talent acquisition brilliance. After JJ, who's the biggest self-pompous jerk amongst NFL team owners? This would be the team willing to take such a cap hit

#38919 2 years ago

Rodgers seems like a good fit with the Raiders

#38921 2 years ago


I bet there’s several teams that would be excited to snag Carr

#38943 2 years ago

Chicago Bears to hire Matt Eberflus as their next HC

#38954 2 years ago

the new USFL is set to kick off with Jeff Fischer once again holding the HC rudder once the SuperbOwl's final play is a fading memory ... should USFL content be included for discussion in this thread or start a new topic?

I suspect a new topic, but curious to know what others think

#39132 2 years ago
Quoted from illudiumQ36:

I just heard the news - Greg Brady retired. Aloha, Johnny Bravo.
[quoted image]

The shirt definitely fits - the job is yours for the taking!

#39134 2 years ago

Brady retiring then not retiring is such a Belichickian mind games play - giving your team hope that you might have a chance next year, then dashing it to pieces with a "ha! ha! fooled ya, I'm not actually retiring sukkas!"

#39663 2 years ago
Quoted from jandrea95:

His Instagram post basically thanks everyone in his life, except New England, harsh! Literally not one word about Patriots, etc. Seems odd, but he doesn't owe anyone a thing.

He did a big thank you when he left NE, so maybe he didn’t feel need to repeat it. Could also be some bad blood.

A great time to retire knowing there’s so many great new QBs beginning to rise to the occasion.

#39677 2 years ago

#39678 2 years ago

Rodgers absent from the QB chart - nice!

#39754 2 years ago

given the nature of the town, and poli******s in general, I would have thought Lamprey was a more appropriate name than Commanders

#39865 2 years ago

there's a game today?

#39939 2 years ago

We interrupt your current Bengals / Rams programming for an important announcement:


We now return you to your current discussion ...

#39959 2 years ago

no major issues with Prime for NFL Th nights

what chaps my hide is there's only DirecTV Sunday Ticket for streaming non-broadcast games. I'd gladly subscribe to a NFL sponsored package I could stream like Hulu. I don't want a 2 year satellite requirement just to have NFL games for a season

#39962 2 years ago
Quoted from Erik:

DirecTV's deal expires in 2023. I assume Amazon will be in the mix

I'd subscribe directly to an NFL offering and avoid the need to subscribe to some other addednonvalueserviceprovider if the NFL ever decided to make it available directly from them. $250 yearly or $25/month (without contract) would be ideal, and easily a positive ROI with just 1 or 2 games NOT out at a pub somewhere

#39967 2 years ago

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#39981 2 years ago

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#40107 2 years ago
agreed - it's the perfect revenge swap for Russ, but it'll never happen due to it being cold in the winter and also that it's in the general Pittsburg area (not a place his $$$$$ wife has stated is an acceptable relocation landing)

#40461 2 years ago

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#40480 2 years ago

(typed in my best Matrix Oracle accent) what's really going to twist your noodle is if she has the same no-wash sanitary protocol for leaving the loo after pinching off a loaf, and you now remember that she hit a pin immediately following a visit to the loo

#40526 2 years ago

NBA - Never Been Attentive

I'd rather watch tackle 'combat' bocce or extreme miniature golf than a basketball game. no reason other than I just never found BB interesting

#40528 2 years ago

Monobob - my initial thought when it was announced as coming up next was significantly different than what actually took place

#40586 2 years ago

I was thinking it might be Brian Hoyer as the current QB SB ring holder lead

#40671 2 years ago

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#40686 2 years ago

It would be a brilliantly daring move for the Pats to bring Flores on to replace the recently departed McDaniels, and maybe even set him a course to take the HC role to aid (and possibly extend the career of) an aging BB

#40716 2 years ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

More importantly, they learned how to lose them....#wheresmixon

Bengals forgot SB history, and opted for a pass play when they should have run the ball. At least they won't be eternally watching that final play as a goal line interception shown on unending repeat each year on SB weekend

2 weeks later
#40846 2 years ago
Quoted from DudeRegular:

And the only thing ESPN wants to talk about is how bad the lakers are....

What is a Lakers?

#40945 2 years ago

well Seattle missed the opportunity to choose the better option, and instead chose to keep their coach and trade Russ. makes as much sense as choosing to not run Beastmode on that last SB play

so much for Russ rage quitting his revenge tour with a trade to the Steelers

#41035 2 years ago
Quoted from wolverinetuner:

Has there ever been a more volatile QB offseason than this? It even seems strange that Aaron Rodgers isn’t part of the QB shuffle.

Brady retires and the league falls apart

#41168 2 years ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

When you run out of record you gotta dig deep. This is the ol "Tom Brady, first QB to win a SB after retirement!"

once again TB12 is taking the lead and setting the bar for another non-achievement by Aaron Rodgers and others to come

#41217 2 years ago

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#41296 2 years ago

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#41376 2 years ago

Baker to Seattle?

Lots of pretty places to shoot commercials here in the PacNW

#41657 2 years ago
Quoted from Jaybird815:

Carroll just said yesterday that their main priority is to lock up Metcalf, I think Lockett could be had

not too long ago Carroll had also said that Wilson was not leaving Seattle, before fessing up to his untruths as mere PR strategy to keep other teams off the scent of what was really going on.

if Carroll is talking about somebody as a keeper, there's a pretty solid chance he's dealing that player behind the scenes

#41701 2 years ago

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1 week later
#41793 2 years ago

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#41828 2 years ago
Quoted from romulusx:

Has anyone here been able to change team fandom?
I think I’ve finally shed the Cowboys and fully on board with the Colts!It wasn’t easy but after another season and this off season I’m ready to love on my home team.I go back to Staubach era.

I grew up in the PacNW and was a Seahawks fan from when the team was first announced it would be a reality in the 70s. While living in New England I had an epiphany, saw the light, and made the choice to become a Pats fan the final season of the Pete Carrol era. Been an unwavering Pats fan ever since, even after returning back to the PacNW many years ago

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Pinball Haus
750 (Firm)
Machine - For Sale
Toledo, OH
3,000 (OBO)
Machine - For Sale
Winter Haven, FL
$ 36.95
$ 76.00
Lighting - Backbox
Arcade Upkeep
$ 15.00
Cabinet - Sound/Speakers
Gweem's Mods
$ 54.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
Lighted Pinball Mods
$ 18.95
$ 27.95
$ 45.00
Flipper Parts
Tom's Pinball
$ 18.95
4,900 (OBO)
Machine - For Sale
Eureka, CA
From: $ 19.99
1,100 (OBO)
Machine - For Sale
Knoxville, TN

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